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The Official Nick Valensi Fan Club

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tickets [19 Jun 2004|11:18am]

me and my friend cant go to the dysfunctional family picnic today starting at two. if anyone in the bergen county northern new jersey area would want to buy them, we're selling them. theyre REALLY good seats -orchestra D which is on the right- and even tho it starts at two, it probably goes until ten or eleven. and im sure the strokes isnt playing until later. if youre interested email me at
i <3 nick

Hey [17 Jun 2004|03:35pm]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | the strokes - the end has no end ]

Hi, im new

i love nick valensi

he is sexy

7~ i <3 nick

[08 Jun 2004|11:34pm]

hi, can someone please post the photo of nick with the bingo letters thanks
5~ i <3 nick

yo [04 Jun 2004|04:37pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | the strokes- alone, together ]

nick looks thirsty:

title or description

4~ i <3 nick

[02 Jun 2004|06:20pm]

a good community to check out
i <3 nick

[02 Jun 2004|10:06am]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Muse--Our Time Is Running Out ]

'ello luvs. I bringest thou all a photograph and an inquiry. First, ze photo:

Ze inquiry: Nick Valensi autobio to be released 2007...? Is this meant in all seriousness? Or is it too early in the morning for me to fully comprehend this is in jest? I know he is in talks of releasing a Valensi model Epiphone guitar, so I suppose this book idea isn't too far-fetched.

9~ i <3 nick

[26 May 2004|09:24pm]


Hey, everyone should check out this community <lj comm "beautifuly_you">

Also I am glad to see Valensi has done in the mullet.

2~ i <3 nick

check this out [23 May 2004|04:18pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | the killers :: a friend of mine ]

clicky for nicky

4~ i <3 nick

a tad late, but finally here they are. [23 May 2004|02:34pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | rilo kiley :: august ]

Click the icon for pics of the strokes at the san diego soma show : 03/30/04

i <3 nick

[16 May 2004|08:40pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | new york city cops ]

please join my community jcisahottie please!

1~ i <3 nick

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