sophie's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in
sophie's LiveJournal:
Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 | 10:32 pm |
*Da basics*
Name: Sophie Age: 18 Birthday: November 1st 1983 Where were u born?: Kent, UK Where do u live?: Kent, UK Siblings?: No Nickname: Soph Hair color: Blonde Eye color: Blue Weight: 107 Height: 5ft8 Pets?: 2 cats
*Luv Life*
Do U have a bf/gf?: Yes Do u have a Crush: Yes What is ur Crushes or bf/gf's name?: Crush � Chrissy, bf - Mark Have u Ever kissed some 1?: Yes Have u ever gone allthe way?: Yes How many b/f's / g/f's did u ever have?: 8 Who is your favorite?: Mark
*Favorites* Animal: Cats color: Purple, silver Pet: Cats Boy Name? Mark, Robert, Alex, River Gurl name? Kelly, Christina, Katie, Caroline, Chelsea Holiday: Christmas Drink: Baileys Food: Chinese Song: Currently Rattlesnakes, Tori Amos Actress: Neve Campbell Actor: Leonardo diCaprio SingeR: Tori Amos Band: Radiohead Movie: Romeo + Juliet T.v Show: Friends Season: Winter Book: Prozac Nation � Elizabeth Wurtzel Sport: Rugby Subject: Art Number: 3
Name all your friends: Charlotte, Rebecca, Lucy, Janie, Hayley, Alice, Marie, Danielle, Julia Who is your bestfrined?: Charlotte Who is the nicest: Charlotte Who do u know the most?: Charlotte WHo do u laugh with?: Charlotte, Lucy Who is the dullest: None Who is the craziest?: Alice Who is the funniest?: Lucy Current Mood: bored | 10:32 pm |
*Da basics*
Name: Sophie Age: 18 Birthday: November 1st 1983 Where were u born?: Kent, UK Where do u live?: Kent, UK Siblings?: No Nickname: Soph Hair color: Blonde Eye color: Blue Weight: 107 Height: 5ft8 Pets?: 2 cats
*Luv Life*
Do U have a bf/gf?: Yes Do u have a Crush: Yes What is ur Crushes or bf/gf's name?: Crush � Chrissy, bf - Mark Have u Ever kissed some 1?: Yes Have u ever gone allthe way?: Yes How many b/f's / g/f's did u ever have?: 8 Who is your favorite?: Mark
*Favorites* Animal: Cats color: Purple, silver Pet: Cats Boy Name? Mark, Robert, Alex, River Gurl name? Kelly, Christina, Katie, Caroline, Chelsea Holiday: Christmas Drink: Baileys Food: Chinese Song: Currently Rattlesnakes, Tori Amos Actress: Neve Campbell Actor: Leonardo diCaprio SingeR: Tori Amos Band: Radiohead Movie: Romeo + Juliet T.v Show: Friends Season: Winter Book: Prozac Nation � Elizabeth Wurtzel Sport: Rugby Subject: Art Number: 3
Name all your friends: Charlotte, Rebecca, Lucy, Janie, Hayley, Alice, Marie, Danielle, Julia Who is your bestfrined?: Charlotte Who is the nicest: Charlotte Who do u know the most?: Charlotte WHo do u laugh with?: Charlotte, Lucy Who is the dullest: None Who is the craziest?: Alice Who is the funniest?: Lucy Current Mood: bored | Monday, December 3rd, 2001 | 8:50 pm |
I really need to start updating this!! I really feel lately that I need a journal, somewhere to vent. A lot has been going on lately and I really need to write about it.
Things are going well with Mark, in most ways, but i keep thinking about Chrissy and I know I shouldn't be. :~( I've never had this kind of relationship before - Mark really loves me and I've never had that before, a lot of people think we have the perfect kind of relationship but it doesn't feel right when I can't stop thinking about HER. I don't even know why, I just can't get her out of my head, it's awful! I went to the artroom with Rebecca yesterday to see her and Rebecca kept asking why I spend so much time with her and everything and I just said she was helping me get direction with my work and it was very strange talking to her with Rebecca there, the atmosphere was distinctly uncomfortable and I couldn't really say the sort of things I usually say. So IS this wrong? Why am I thinking about her so much/? I feel guilty all the time about it, not just because of Mark but because itss wrong. She's always so nice to me and i wonder if that's why I like her, whether it's a selfish thing and I just like her cos she makes me feel good and stuff. I don't know, but I'm so confused. I walked past her house on the way home this evening, I didnt knock or anything but it made me feel closer to her just being there. I know how silly I sound but this is something I think about 100% of the time lately and i hope that writing in this will help me make some sense of this and what i feel about her.
Me, Charlotte, Mark and Craig went clubbing at the weekend so i'm still recovering really. Too much drink and not enough sleep and i should probably go to bed in a minute.
Bye Soph -xx- Current Mood: tired |