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Below is information about the "Bleed away your problems" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:anyotherworld (590276) anyotherworld
any other world
inside the mind
Name:Bleed away your problems
About:This Community is for anyone who is depressed, thinks about suicide, or wants to release anger, sadness, emotions or thoughts, or just vent and talk about your problems, absolutely anything that you find is troubling you or a problem in your life. [inc. drugs, drinking, eating disorders, antidepressants, issues, abuse, illness etc.]
walking on the can be hard doing it alone

if there is one place you should feel 100% free and relaxed to express or talk about things, this is one of those places. don't hesitate to comment on posts, im sure a lot of advice/comments are wanted and helpful.

this is a small survey, if you want to fill it in and post it in the community. don't feel you have to do it, only if your comfortable, just to get to know new members a lil better.

favourite song:
favourite colour:
lyrics from a song that describe how you feel atm:
most important thing to you:

just a note; in order to post in this community you must be listed a member/friend. due to type of community this is, we try to discourage judging, anonymous abuse and those sorts of things, thanks

- dedicated to those who were lost to suicide. -

community owner/maintainer : [info]djgeko
community maintainer/moderator : [info]firemagick
community runned by my friend [info]firemagick, [info]darkpoets, support grately appreciated

if any problems arise, feel free to contact me via my livejournal.
Interests:32: abuse, antidepressants, arts, clinics, crying, cutting, dds, depression, drinking, drugs, eating disorders, emotional problems, family issues, help, illness, isolation, loneliness, lyrics, ocd, pain, poetry, problems, psychology, self infliction, self mutilation, skitz, social phobia, social problems, society, sociology, suicide, talking. [Modify yours]
Members:322: 0dying_inside0, 0xbroken_soulx0, __artemis__, __bruised, _bluestar, _bunni, _hurtmeagain, _pressure_, _smile_blue_, _suicidal_love_, _tragic_star, _wish_me_away, abledemotion, acceia, alannaghsaibv, alk3girl89, allcutupx, alovelesswrist, amenhotepiii, anarchyvictims, anat, androgynae, andshecries, angel_fairie, angelcrying, angst_elmo, anguishedmoans, antisociallemon, anxious_arms, applebuddy, applesmirk, artistic_agony, attitudegal, beautifulsmooth, bigmackers, blackboxshrill, bladesnneedles, blank_girl_66, blaze212, bloodaspersions, bloodlineenvy, bloody_gashes16, bloody_hell146, bloody_kisses56, bloody_rain, blueamaranth, bluevelv, botchedwomb, br0kenxsmile, brians_whore, brighteyes_dcfc, brokenlovely, brokenspirt, brokenxdolly, burntsauce, butterflyfx, caligrrlnotes, cdamen, cheerycoke, chicken_vomit, cis4cookie, claireybeary, colourmediscord, cookie_cutter, cottonears, cravingmygod, crazypinkpunk, cryingangel501, cut77, cynndell, dantherm, darkportal, decrepitsanity, depiness, didi83, distrbdthoughts, djgeko, dorky_lover, dr_lillith, dreamdsys, dying_painfully, eck, emmichan, esilvermoon, euphoria_grace, evalux, extasyniki, fadedkissesxx, fakefrench_, fightdepression, firemagick, fireyblackrose, fondl, forgottenmemoir, freakshow69, frost19, frozengen, fuscia, g1owstick, gasplater, gbsparklez, gekoism, glitter_fairie, godihatemyself, gothicbabydoll, gothvampgoddess, hannamolko, herdelicatekiss, hereticme, homicidalsusie, i_want_money, ibleedsometimes, iced_over, ichormoon, idril_telemnar, ilikepopsicles, indie_go, indiedreamergrl, intoxicatedbybc, isfinekind, joe_500, joeiachetta, joenanna, jynx_me__crazy, kalma, katiesbaby, katters279, kebels88, kill_tomorrow, kingcrunk369, kinkeh, kissmewithtears, kookiemaster, kostantine, laflava, lamb21, lamoureaux, last_broadcast, last_eyes_seen, le_comprime, lemonbox, letdownbylove24, lilmisschubbz, lindz0604, lipglossandblck, livnmynightmare, lonerpack, loseingmymind, lossofall, lost_sum1, lostcause20, loverulesall, luciferslackey, maggotgirl, magickgurl19, magicmeagan, magneticcries, mandapanda642, manson_skank, marsobig, meemolovesme, meggdogg, melodyriddle, mistaya_c, mistress_weaver, morbid_darkone, mrsbulatnikova, mustangholly, myinsanities, mymagicwardrobe, mz_vein, naked_brain, nallan_mi_huine, nanu_2_u, necrotic_rose, nefarius, nessiemarie, neworld, nice_is_neat, night_darkness, nightclub, nightdrift, nootherchoice, notashardasyou, notus, o0_koneko_0o, officercarebear, ohsweetnothin, ojitos_cafes, onlyforbre, onlyscarsremain, opheliascry, ozzygurly, painfulsuicide, papercups, partsandlabor, pergz, pertubare, pessimisticdrip, pioneermello, piouspleasure, poke_the_corpse, pookie808, poopyshoelaces, prima_luce83, prittylittlelie, puffygerbil, putoutthestars, pvrvevz, qnzwhitegirl, queenskylar, quint_essential, raevynfaerie, ragdoll83, raventwist, raver_4_lyfe, razor_sharp, rebelgirljd, rex_bunny, ronday, rucab16, sabreslt21, sadisticfaerie, sadnessisme, sakkuth, sammbo, sarrah16, sasyladee, satanhatesme, savannasbeauty, savannasinlove, scarred_by_love, seatopian, see_me_bleed, semicar, sexfreak, shadow_edge, shadow_sprite, shizuka_kyoshi, siddelicious, silver_lily, sirauron, skinnedcartree, smilesmucho82, so__impossible, so_emo_15, solitaires_mind, somethingcorp, spam_with_wings, specialchicken, speechspazz, spoonmunky, squishybananas, starbritepixie, stormofpain, strangelings, strokeatageof24, suicidallullaby, sultryserenity, supreme_deathx, syk, sykotic123, t0rturedtapita, taintedwords, tamponwrapper, tearsof_caprice, tezteztez, the_last_high, thefallenangel1, thewhitefaery, tjousk, tleilaxu, toungepluspop, tragiclilgrl83, twistedparadise, uknowuwuvmewots, unfelt_pain, untamedlullaby, unwanted_soul, urmanicqueen, vampirevixen87, vampyragothica, virtues_victim, wandlessfairy, wastedxxheart, wat_do_i_do, wavehands2laugh, weedsmokenninja, whisperelmwood, whoevencares, whycanticry, wickedism, wilted_rose_, wontonn, x0blo0diiraz0rz, x_brain_dead_x, xaeon, xcriesxofxpainx, xdeadxpoetx, xdiexxforxxyoux, xdreamingshadow, xeidok, xevilkittiekatx, xhtebazilex, xhystericalx, xkittiekatx, xonelastghaspx, xotrue_graceox, xoxofriend, xoxovictorxoxo, xriddlemethisx, xsolitaryxechox, xstar_no_starx, xxabusedangelxx, xxfadedxx, xxflick_chickxx, xxrazorbeautyxx, xxxobliviscixxx, youmakemebleed, youngnhopless, zeppelin35, zoedabitch
Watched by:190: 0xbroken_soulx0, __bruised, _bluestar, _hurtmeagain, _pressure_, _smile_blue_, _suicidal_love_, alk3girl89, allcutupx, androgynae, andshecries, angel_fairie, anguishedmoans, antisociallemon, applebuddy, applesmirk, attitudegal, bigmackers, blackboxshrill, blasphemous_7, blaze212, bloodaspersions, bloodlineenvy, bloody_gashes16, bloody_hell146, bloody_kisses56, brians_whore, brokenspirt, buckeyealum, burntsauce, butterflyfx, caligrrlnotes, claireybeary, cookie_cutter, copy_kat, cottonears, cravingmygod, crazypinkpunk, cross_cut, cryingangel501, cutting_monkey, cynndell, dead_to_fall, deeplyxscarred, depiness, distrbdthoughts, djgeko, dreamdsys, emmichan, end_of_tomorrow, esilvermoon, evalux, fadedkissesxx, fakefrench_, firemagick, fireyblackrose, fondl, forgottenmemoir, forgottenspirit, freakshow69, fuscia, g1owstick, gasplater, god_is_crying, godihatemyself, gothicbabydoll, gothvampgoddess, happyasshole, i_want_money, ibleedsometimes, iced_over, ilikepopsicles, intoxicatedbybc, joe_500, joenanna, jynx_me__crazy, kalma, kandydevil, katiesbaby, katters279, kebels88, kill_tomorrow, kits_dark_side, lamoureaux, last_eyes_seen, le_comprime, letdownbylove24, lipglossandblck, livnmynightmare, lonerpack, loseingmymind, lost_sum1, lostcause20, luciferslackey, maggotgirl, magneticcries, manson_skank, meggdogg, mistaya_c, morbid_darkone, mustangholly, myinsanities, mymagicwardrobe, nallan_mi_huine, nanu_2_u, necrotic_rose, nootherchoice, officercarebear, onlyforbre, opheliascry, papercups, partsandlabor, peelmyskin, pertubare, pessimisticdrip, pookie808, poopyshoelaces, prima_luce83, prittylittlelie, puffygerbil, qnzwhitegirl, quint_essential, raevynfaerie, raver_4_lyfe, rex_bunny, ronday, sabreslt21, sadnessisme, sammbo, sarrah16, sasyladee, savannasinlove, seatopian, sexfreak, shadow_edge, silentangel666, skinnedcartree, so__impossible, solitaires_mind, somethingcorp, speechspazz, spoonmunky, squishybananas, starbritepixie, stormofpain, strokeatageof24, suicidallullaby, sultryserenity, taintedwords, tamponwrapper, ...
Account type:Free Account

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