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Below is information about the "non-believer" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:atheists (462501) atheists
Location:Massachusetts, United States
About:[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<font [...] .>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

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This community is for anyone who has anything to say about religion. I don't exactly prefer atheists but seeing as how I've taken that as my preference, it couldn't hurt. ;)

My journal is <lj user=substances>.

My old journal was douches, if you see past entries from that user. Email me with any questions, or just AIM me...<b>high tuition</b>.

Interests:113: 666, alcohol, antisocial, anything dark, anything sharp, asthma, atheists, avoiding cameras, bands, bean bag chairs, being dangerous, being hated, being morbid, being pale, being ugly, bipolar, black nailpolish, blackness, blood, bondage, boots, boredness, burning, candles, caskets, cemetaries, chains, confusion, corners, corpses, corruption, craziness, crying, dead can dance, depression, digging graves, dog collars, domination, drama, drugs, eyeliner, fishnets, fucking, funerals, goth guys, greed, handcuffs, hating, hating people, horror movies, hurt, ice cream, ignorance, incense, insanity, instability, institutions, kinkyness, knives, leashes, lies, lighters, living in my dystopia, london after midnight, loneliness, loud music, manic depressive, matches, mocking christians, my bed, narcotics, never getting, nine inch nails, no friends, open-minded, padded walls, pain, piercings, pink, poetry, poetry corners, porn, prozac, psychotic, pyros, raves, razor blades, rejects, ropes, safety pins, sarcasm, satanics, scissors, screaming, self-mutilation, selfishness, sex, shadows, shrinks, spells, stephen king, suffering, suicide, tears, the crow, valuum, wanting, weakness, whips, witches, wumpscut, yelling, zoloft. [Modify yours]
Members:156: _80945, __newradio, _crackrock, _interstatelove, _sheskiller, _undercover, a_bad_star, a_theist, abbazaba141, agent242, agentsponge, alter_ego_0, amberraven, amisomething2u, anarchistla1, andyxcore, angelhead, arsenicxlace, australiancandy, binarypunisher, bitchkari, black_skittles, blackbeyond, blankgirl66, blankpage_xxxx, bleed_me_away, bonnie_marie, boxbox, briablo, britt_the_mack, cacahuate, candylullabies, castratesatan, checkerdstripes, chestersmom, clintzombie, crimsonxrage, crossing_guard, cyiton, darkmaps, deadskinkate, demonsvice, dff, diavoline, douches, dreamcastersys, dreamingofsleep, drolma_x, drunk_befo_noon, dying_painfully, ellectra, erimon, esile123, f0rked, fake_tongue, fatalloveaddict, firthy, fuckd_paperdoll, gloriously, gokawa, gothic_jezebel, hax, herfragility, hervividdreams, i_am_wog, iii_pajamapants, im_haunted, insane_faith, jekyllxhyde, jslashley, kali68, kalo_khei, kionethan, kristine93, ktethepikashoe, lakehmm, lildevilgurl172, loneliestangel, longlivethecow, loremipsom, loveplasticlove, luzobscuridad, madame_hamlet, mantras, matt_rah, matthewstevons, mazarin, misteratheister, mistressmercury, morte_o_merce, mudgurl647, mysataru, newfoundnoise82, niki_chickee, ninja_setsuna, notcobain, oldwillystyle, p0ison_ivy, paradisedweller, peach4nc, phen0menlw0man, postingwhore, powrfulmuzician, prismscythe, punk_guitar12, purplepenis, quondamoblivion, rainbow_dyke, sabrinahatesyou, sacredmongoose, saturns_shadow, scorpiho, scythe_of_mana, sea_sensu_si, shimmerskates, silver_bliss, singinswimr007, sixetysixsix, smile_no_more, sn0ggerr, soul_of_bruises, ssmoonshadowss, stabslashsplice, startica, stinkymunkees, substances, swaysaint, synthetic_decay, take_a_pose, techsmurf, testforeric, theglamscam, thenightraven, thimk, thisisnotmylj, thrink, times_r_shitty, tommorris, tragedygrrl, untamedlullaby, vaguenewconcept, vigilantebitch, volcanoboy, walkingoxymoron, wanteddead13, wapato_willie, wretcheddork, x___l0vee, x_linkingurl_x, xfadedmemoryx, xhystericalx, xposuerx, xsuicidalxgothx, xxhitmeharderxx, yourpassenger, zyerne
Watched by:88: __newradio, _crackrock, _interstatelove, _sheskiller, a_bad_star, a_theist, agent242, agentsponge, alter_ego_0, amberraven, amisomething2u, andyxcore, antonijan, australiancandy, binarypunisher, blankpage_xxxx, bonnie_marie, cacahuate, candylullabies, castratesatan, checkerdstripes, chestersmom, clintzombie, cyiton, cynicallynaive, darkmaps, deadskinkate, demonsvice, dff, dreamcastersys, dreamingofsleep, drunk_befo_noon, ellectra, esile123, f0rked, fake_tongue, firthy, fuckd_paperdoll, gokawa, herfragility, i_am_wog, im_haunted, insane_faith, kalo_khei, kionethan, ktethepikashoe, loneliestangel, longlivethecow, loremipsom, luzobscuridad, madame_hamlet, mantras, newfoundnoise82, niki_chickee, ninja_setsuna, notcobain, peach4nc, powrfulmuzician, punk_guitar12, risenape, roguepixie420, sabrinahatesyou, sacredmongoose, saturns_shadow, scorpiho, shadowdisease, sixetysixsix, stabslashsplice, startica, swaysaint, synthetic_decay, techsmurf, testforeric, thenightraven, thisisnotmylj, tommorris, twincast, untamedlullaby, vaguenewconcept, vigilantebitch, walkingoxymoron, wanteddead13, wapato_willie, x___l0vee, xhystericalx, xxhitmeharderxx, yourpassenger, zyerne
Account type:Free Account

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