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Below is user information for Oliver Twisted. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:freehand (5007) Paid User freehand
Name:Oliver Twisted
Location:Connecticut, United States
AOL IM:AIM status sex (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:Pictures Painted with Words

Understand that these stories are composed in a sexual heat that lasts for hours. They leave me spent and wanting like a night with a lover, exhausted. I like to take my time with them, explore them thoroughly, turn the words this way and that on my tongue, polish them until they ache. As a writer I vacillate between eminent languorous stroking, and cocked-up aggressive keyboard pounding.

If you find these ideas intriguing and you are a mature ADULT (18 or over) I hope that you enjoy the writing in my journal. If not, please spend your time and energy elsewhere.
Interests:149: adultery, anal sex, anonymous sex, arousal, art, ass, baudelaire, bdsm, beauty, billie holiday, biting, bondage, books, brassai, breasts, breughel, brilliance, bunuel, buster keaton, butts, cheating, clits, cock, coffee, connecticut, crime, cumming, cunnilingus, cunt, darkness, de sade, debauchery, decadence, depravity, desire, diana krall, diane arbus, discipline, domination, drawing, drugs, durer, edward weston, erotica, evil, exotica, experimentation, eyeglasses, fantasies, feet, fellatio, fetishes, finger fucking, fisting, fitness, flesh, flowers, food-porn, french kissing, fucking, girls, god, goya, grunt fucking, hades, hair, hasselblad, hedonism, henry miller, infidelity, intelligence, intensity, jazz, jesus and mary chain, john zorn, kink, kinky, kissing, language, laphroig, latex, laughter, legs, literature, lou reed, love, lust, magic, man ray, marathons, masturbation, money, music, mystery, nudity, oral sex, orgasm, painting, pale girls, passion, people, perfection, perversion, perversity, photography, physics, picasso, piercings, pills, piss, pissing, pleasure, poetry, porn, printing, rain, reading, rembrandt, rimbaud, rimming, romance, running, sadness, science, scotch, seduction, semen, sensation, sensuality, sex, sexuality, sin, spanking, spartans, submission, sunshine, tatoos, the gates of fire, tits, toe sucking, travel, velvet underground, vice, whiskey, william carlos williams, women, working out, writhing, writing. [Modify yours]
People24:auralchick, blacklightdist, bottomsexxx, brunette_neko, carpathianwhore, cypressbound, examinemyheart, fuckme, humandefault, hypnoticmouth, jenspussi, lil_tnt, littleonejenna, mistresssophia, redhotlips, ripesuddenly, risquewritings, rosesandirises, scarlettdreams, shavedpussy, silencngsociety, smutprincess, straysbitch, xcess
Communities2:erotica, esoterotica
Mutual Friends:17: auralchick, blacklightdist, bottomsexxx, carpathianwhore, cypressbound, examinemyheart, humandefault, hypnoticmouth, lil_tnt, redhotlips, ripesuddenly, risquewritings, rosesandirises, scarlettdreams, silencngsociety, smutprincess, straysbitch
Also Friend of:36: 666queen, ___genuine, also_me, ancillary, bittersw33thalo, catstraylookers, ces1um, charlottedah, chrysocolla, cordelia_clare, corridor7f, dungeonofjag, eroticia, femalesexscene, grid419, hornylover, i_defy_you, jennanaked, michika, papakadotorg, paranoiddd, princessofhell, queen_o_hearts, rhdwp, salmonsushi, searchmyheart, sexismorbid, sincityvixen, susieswitch, thadd, toolaree, virtualex01, vitaminjunkie, whorylori, xxhottiexx, youdontgetworse
Member of:4: erotica, eroticfantasies, paidmembers, sexstories
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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