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User:khayman (18643) Paid User khayman
I, for one, welcome our new overlords...
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:United States
Bio:It's a sick, sick world... and I'm pleased as punch to play my part.

I took out everything in my mini-biography, largely because it told you next to nothing about me.
Memories:9 entries
Interests:144: aldous huxley, alice in wonderland, alternate ideas, ambient, anne rice, anti-establishment, aphex twin, art, bars, bauhaus, beer, bill hicks, bob marley, body alteration, breaks, candles, cars, cats, cities, clothes, clubs, coffee, computer games, computers, cooking, creativity, crystal method, cthulhu, culture, cure, current 93, dan millman, dance, david bowie, debate, destroying others, dirty house, discordia, doug, dreams, driving, drugs, dvds, ecstasy, education, electronic music, electronica, electronics, eroticism, flying decadence posse, food, funk, gir, god, goths, hating southern rock, hidden beauty, hookahs, illuminati, internet, invader zim, iron chef, jazz, jinx malone, john digweed, jthm, left-wing, legendary pink dots, liberalism, literature, little gamers, long nails, love, mage, meditation, moby, morality, ms access, munchkin, mysticism, nail polish, neon genesis eveangelion, nerds, nick cave, nin, nudity, old books, old letters, pain, paul van dyk, photographs, piercing, pj harvey, plur, poetry, politics, power puff girls, programming, psychadelics, rain, raves, reading, religion, roleplaying, sandra collins, secret societies, secrets, sex, shocking art, silk, simply jeff, sinfest, sisters of mercy, sleep, smoke rings, smoking, social commentary, social criticism, spiritualism, spirituality, sql, steak and knobber day, surrealism, taucher, techno, technology, the cult, the cure, the occult, the unexplained, third eye, tiesto, trance, traveling, underworld, vampires, vba, vegetarianism, video games, visual basic, wax, wine, writing, xbox. [Modify yours]
People82:_staryeyedloser, ancient_dream, arathen, aziraphale, bedlammessiah, beokitty, blustocking, chaosstream, chester85, christiann, citizenc, cleodhna, cloud929, crash666, crazykaz, cured, cyg, cygnus, davecorun, davenet, destrukto, dizfactor, dsgnrdrg, dupin, exirabit, fellowtraveler, foxtrotxray, gaslamptramp, glazedlife, jinni93, jinxmalone, jinxvamp, kaptainmidnite, katyakoshka, khayman, kim_jong_il__, kreie, l00p, larrondo, laruu, lastoracle, laxskillz00, leeshers, lilith23, loeilinvisible, lrn2wlk4life, microchaotic, mmaestro, mtheu2nut, nade, nbw, neobitch, noddinggod, nox_pacific, orcpimp, petrovnik, photicdriver, pimpachu, pixiecrack, realityknight, revolutionnare, rhuarc, rurouni7, simplysara, someone_else, sqlnerd, staryeyedloser, status, stereolabrat, stone_cold, taer_silveroak, teapotica, telltalesign, theogferret, threeedgedsword, tinkerbell_mk, tirant, wafflelips, watrfae, wonkyear, yojimbo7, zebrablue
Communities11:4ravers_trash, angryamericans, databases, lj_maintenance, m15m, microsoft_xbox, nickcavesseeds, outcastotherkin, ravers, sadorangelights, tripreport
Feeds12:calnhobbes, comic_getfuzzy, dilbert_feed, foxtrot_feed, generallyspeak, imgsrcpix, kalidotcom, megatokyocomic, pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed, theonionfeed, thinkgeek
Friend of:78: _staryeyedloser, ancient_dream, arathen, aziraphale, bedlammessiah, beokitty, blindsheeple, blustocking, celestial_fluke, christiann, cleodhna, cloud929, crash666, cured, cyg, cygnus, davecorun, davenet, destrukto, dsgnrdrg, dupin, exirabit, fellowtraveler, forunlawfulck, foxtrotxray, galahad, gaslamptramp, glazedlife, jinni93, jinxmalone, jinxvamp, kaptainmidnite, katyakoshka, khayman, l00p, laruu, lastoracle, laxskillz00, leeshers, libertybell, littlelegs, loeilinvisible, lrn2wlk4life, microchaotic, mmaestro, mtheu2nut, nade, nbw, neobitch, nox_pacific, orcpimp, petrovnik, photicdriver, pimpachu, politi_pet, poppycat, realityknight, revolutionnare, rhuarc, rurouni7, simplysara, someone_else, sqlnerd, stone_cold, taer_silveroak, teapotica, telltalesign, theogferret, threeedgedsword, tinkerbell_mk, tirant, tirwen, unknown_subject, wafflelips, watrfae, wonkyear, yojimbo7, zebrablue
Member of:10: 4ravers_trash, angryamericans, databases, microsoft_xbox, nickcavesseeds, outcastotherkin, paidmembers, ravers, sadorangelights, tripreport
Account type:Paid Account

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