Absinthe Angel's journal

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Thursday, January 2nd, 2003
9:02 pm
Well Merry Xmas and a happy new year 2 every1!!!!
Lets see what has I been up 2??? I got yet another peircing (my labret) 4 christmas from my sisters, and I'm saving up 2 get two in my neck, the another in my clit then my other nipple... I want more tattoos as per usual and thats about it, i think. i didnt get much 4 christmas except stuff 4 the house, but hey... any way luv you all... mel xoxox

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Friday, November 15th, 2002
8:13 pm
I got bored and decided 2 add stuffs... lets see, on 25/11/02 me and boy will celebrate 1 year together :) umm... I'm getting 2 new tattoos 4 christmas, a faerie on my leg and faerie wings on my back!!!!! *drools* what else.... ummm, i'm really boring :) I got my tongue pierced 4 mah b-day, (boring, every1 has that) and am now in the process of finding more piercings. I got the new Tori Amos album Scarlets Walk, and have a new Tori DVD on order! :) well au revoir my friends

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
10:09 am
Well It's been a while.. but I finally have got around to writing something in here... Ummm... lets see.. in the past 12 months I've got a boyfriend, cheated on him, we broke, and I've been dating the guy I cheated on him with since 25th of november... I've started studying Community Services at TAFE in hope of getting into Criminal Psychology, and heaps more...
I got a tattoo of a spider on my right breast, I also got my right nipple pierced and my clit...

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Tuesday, May 8th, 2001
12:59 am
I think I'm dying I have no idea what im 'living' for anymore, or even if i am still .l.i.v.i.n.g. Perhaps the whole Ikey relationship thing is the worlds way of getting back at me... I'm spending a hell of a lot of time wasted or at least with my mind altered in some way... I can't sleep, I can't eat, all I can do is think about how much this is cutting me up inside...

And a dream that I had last night is making me question the level on which I love another of my friends... I dreamed about an incredibly good friend of mine, of whom I will admit is quite sexy, but I have never thought about having sex with, or doing anything with, him. I have how ever slept with his older brother, which disturbes me... In the dream we were out at a bar, when all of a sudden this friend of mine is getting with me and we end up having sex. It was rather strange, because his girlfriend was sitting next to us at the bar... Oh well, 'tis probably nothing...

However I am extremely cut up about the whole situation from my last entry, I don't know how to cope with this last .B|L|O|W. to my self esteem... I love him so much...


current mood: awake
current music: placebo- special k

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12:58 am
Well it's been a while since I've written a proper entry in here so I decided that now would be a good time... (well as good a time as any) ...

So I guess I'll start with how I'm feeling at the moment... Pretty shit... The guy that I really, really, really like has decided after telling everyone how much he likes me, and stuff to go out with someone else... Normally that wouldn't bother me, because I'm not a relationship person, but the thing is, when I do find someone that I'm willing to have a relationship with, I





pretty hard when things go wrong... Just as I did this time... And I know that the odds were stacked against us... what with a pretty big age difference and all...

So I guess I'll just be content to sit here listening to the Cure, and going out and drinking to the point of oblivion and having meaningless sex... At least I'm not trying to kill myself now...

Or am I already dead?

current mood: indescribable
current music: the cure- end

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Monday, April 9th, 2001
4:10 pm
Have you ever...
1. Smoked? yes
2. Been Drunk as hell? yeah
3. Had sex with someone of the opposite sex? yes
4. Had sex with someone of the same sex? on numerous occasions
5. Shoplifted? yes
6. Lied? yes
7. Betrayed a friend? yes
8. Been to jail? no
9. Smoked weed? yes
10. Done LSD? yes
11. Done any other illegal drug? yes
12. Given oral sex? yes
13. Received oral sex? hell yeah
14. Had sex with something not of the human race? how about.. no
15. Had sex with something not alive? ewwww
17. Cheated on someone? yeah
18. Used someone? no
19. Paid someone for sex? no
20. Been paid for sex? no
21. Played strip poker? yep
22. Skipped school? yes
23. Skipped school to get high/drunk? no
24. Danced naked? yep
25. Danced naked in public? no
26. Flashed someone? yeah
27. Mooned someone? nope
28. Kissed someone? numerous ppl
29. Kissed someone of the same sex? yes
30. Held hands? yes
31. Hugged someone? yeah!!
32. French kissed? yeah
33. Had sexual fantasies? hrmmmm
34. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? hrmmmmm
35. Stolen money? yeah
36. Stolen money from family? when i was little
37. Stolen drugs from family? nope
38. Been convicted of a crime? yeah
39. Dated someone because you heard they were easy? no
40. Had someone date you because they thought you were 'easy'? nope
41. Been called a whore? does skanky count?
42. Been called a bitch? yes
43. Watched porn? maybe
44. Taped porn? nope
45. Watched porn you taped? nah
46. Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? yeah
47. Had sex with someone in a moving vehicle? no
48. Used sex 'toys'? NO!
49. Tried to kill yourself? yes....
50. Tried to kill someone else? yeah
51. Told someone you hated them? yes...
52.Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nope

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Friday, March 16th, 2001
5:52 pm
If anyone has seen or spoken to Mel in the last week could they please ask her to give her Mum a call as I'm really worried about her. sorry Mel for going into your journal but I am desperate it is really hard not knowing if you are ok if you don't have any money ring me reverse charges. Mel I love you heaps and I just want you to be safe. So please if anyone knows where she is could they please!!!!!!! ask her to ring me.

Thanks Mel's mum Lee

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Monday, February 12th, 2001
4:38 pm
Hmmmm.... Well I'm just having on of those days... y'know the ones that you can't describe anything... how you feel, what you want, etc, etc.. this morning i had a meeting at my school to see about changing schools, and my principal put on this full act to my mother, about not wanting me to leave and shite like that, but fuck her, she has no say in my life :) and now i'll be going to school with Jessie, so that's heaps kool! Friday I went into town at 8:30am, instead of going to school, and met Angel, Jess and Becky, and we went op shopping.. and Angel bought me a kick ass cigarette holder!
Then we went and hung out at the mall and then the charles sturt tavern, with everyone else :)!
at about 8pm we left for Stix.

Saturday night me and Jess went to the charles sturt and met everyone there leaving at 10 pm to go to Proscenium, although I went for a couple of walks with Tim and Jeremy, and Jess nothing happened :)

we managed to scrounge up $10 to get some magic mushrooms so most of the night i was tripping!!!! then I went back to Edwins...
well ciao...

current mood: melancholy
current music: The Cure- Desperate Journalist

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Wednesday, January 31st, 2001
9:38 pm
Well today was my first day back at school and it sucked, BIG TIME! The first blow came when I realised that my two mortal enemies were in -all- my classes, and one of them is in my homegroup. First lesson Double PE, with my darling teacher, Mr. David Price. Sure I was happy about having him, but I dunno, it was so hard, actually getting in there and participating (even tho i hate all sport) and to just put up with all the shit that they give me. I mean sure I should be used to being condemned by the general public, for who I am, and what I believe and what I look like, but still each insult hurts me... alot! I mean being shunned by a couple of people is fine, but being shunned by most people is just so hard. I just don't know anymore.

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Wednesday, January 3rd, 2001
8:56 pm
well well well... how was everyones nye? i had fun... my first ever fun nye... i went to Lyndall and Gabe's party, and got drunk... sound fun :o) Then i decided that it was hot, so i changed out of my pants into Lyndall's skirt, which btw is -so- fucken kool, and yeah... then i had on my singlet top, with Lyndall's skirt and no shoes... shoes are evil, kill them all, they're after us.... hehe anyway... yeah so we decided to go for a walk to the park, after Jess stopped saying "Its the guy from stix" about Lyndalls cousin... we stayed there for a while, then left Jess and Ryan on one side of the park while me and Lyndall went to the other side of the park thingy and sat on these tunnels talkin and stuff... then we went back to the party, and watched neon genesis for a while. then i decided i wanted sum guys tie, so i fought (tickled) him for it.. this went on at regular intervals throughout the night, til i just ended up using my powers of persuasion to get the tie... then yeah we watched more neon genesis, then talked til liek 9:30 am when me and Lyndall went to the shops to get milk... and yeah thats about it...

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8:46 pm
I have a DAAS obsession, and I'm not afraid to admit it... The minute I bought BOOK I sat down and read it from cover to cover, in one sitting... I suppose the reason I love DAAS so much is because they combine some of my favourite things ie: Comedy, Music, Sexy Guys, Satire, Politics and Sex... My DAAS obsession has moved into nearly every facet of my life, so much so that I waited until the night before my English Assignment was due to do it, just so I could use the prose "Dead Bolsheviks" for my Interpretive Study!
My fave DAAS things are... "Throw Your Arms Around Me" (thats such a beautiful song, and they sing it better than the original); "Mummy Dearest" (LMAO @ this one, its just a kewl song); "Passive Necrophilia" (Because I'm a necro *giggles*); "Funk You" (A wikid song, that sums up my thoughts on life); The "Kiss" on Big Gig (Paul, Tim- Need I say more?); "Dead & Alive" video (there are some classic moments on that vid!); and last, but not least... "I Fuck Dogs" (Need I say more???)

Paulie was know as the Nasty one, Timmy was the gorgeous one, and Richie was the nice one...

So on that note I say: "Anxiety, Boredom, Nausea, Fatal Car Crashes"

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Sunday, December 3rd, 2000
8:48 pm
survey fun for everyone...

1.Name: Melissa Kate Bennett

2.Age: 15

3.D.O.B: thats private

4.Star-sign: virgo

5.Eye color: green

6.Hair color: naturally- brownish red; dyed- black


Other stuff-

7.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: crush

8.If so, what is their name: secret

9.Best online friends: Sara, Elizabeth, Beck, Ryan, sum uffa pplz if i forgot ya tell me

10.Best offline friends: Emma, Tatum, Tim, Kalari, Jess, all my other Pot friends

11.Favourite type of music: all alternative Aussie rock, Glam Rock, Goth Rock, Punk

12.Favourite band: ummm daggy 80's shit, Paul McDermott, The Cure, DAAS, The Beatles, Marilyn Manson, The Smiths, The Damned, Tripod, Sex Pistols, The Whitlams, The Wiggles, Suede, My Friend The Chocolate Cake, NIN, Placebo, Dave Bowie

13.Favourite food: IceCream, Bananas lmao, stuff

14.Favourite drink: Blood, Vodka, Coke, Jacks, all alcohol

15.If i were to committ suicide tonight, would you care, or carry on as if nothing ever happened: well c'mon ppl, what would ya's do??

16.Any siblings: unfortunately yes... 2 sisters

17.Parents names: Lee and Fuckhead

18.any pets: 2 dogs, 2 fishes, 2 birds


19.is this survey pissing you off yet: yeah... course it is, but i love it

20.if so, why are you still doing it? coz they rawk

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Friday, December 1st, 2000
5:12 pm
Last night we had Jason's party and I got -SO- smashed that Jay's mummy made me go home... but shes so sweet that she made up a story about the guys giving me a drink of straight vodka, instead of lemonade... so that softened the blow a little... but now im grounded, im not allowed 2 see anyone who was at the party...
It was pretty sucky... but i made new friends, ie Thomas who stayed wif me all night, even when I was laying down...

And I wanna thank Ryan for "looking after" me last night aswell... I'm really grateful, even though I must have looked liek a total dick...

And Emz I'm sorry bout saying all that shit about Jay, I guess I was in an antagonistic mood...

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Wednesday, November 29th, 2000
8:42 pm
*bOiNg* Well all you little DAAS fans out there, will know what "BOOK" is... and how much you'd be paying, at most places for a copy... Well I was in a second hand bookstores the other day, and I came across a copy for $9.90!!! and i now officially own "BOOK" yayskis...
Anyway, besides that I aint been doin much, pretty much just hanging out... :)

At skewl we did a Secret Santa/Kris Kringle type thingy and mah friend Alison had me and she gave me these really pritty bangles... and a lipsmacker lipgloss (Peach Pearidot) which is Peach and Pear flavoured (duh)

and yeah so I'm really happy now!!!!

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Monday, September 11th, 2000
8:28 pm
have you ever felt liek your losing all your friends??? Coz liek i think thats happening to me... they all seem to be deserting me.. sometimes i think about ending it all, and i dont really think anyone would notice, coz no-one pays that much attention to me anyway... i'm just liek someone who's there, no-one inportant... and judging by the way my "friends" seem to treat me, i can see they agree... i tried to tell myself that i wouldnt get depressed that much after my birthday... well that sure worked out well, didnt it... i seem to love making things difficult for myself, and i seem to have a lot of regrets from the past coupla months, i dont seem to have any "true" friends anymore... the person who was supposedly my best friend, quite obviously doesnt feel the same...
and all the people who seem to be my friends, desert me when i really need them and then people wonder why i'm so fuckt up...

maybe i deserve it, maybe i dont... who cares

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