Angrimus Maximus' LiveJournal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in
Angrimus Maximus' LiveJournal:
Thursday, January 17th, 2002 | 1:49 pm |
FUCK THA POLICE !!!!!! I have 10 hrs to find $287 to pay a bondsman to keep me out of jail til my court date....... I just got done payin all my bills and ejoying my free time....... Then the MAN has go and fuck it up....... FUCK THA POLICE!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. anyone got any money I can borrow....(sigh).....I tried. Current Mood: angry | Friday, December 28th, 2001 | 2:19 pm |
Its on..... Well everything is coming together. AA9 is about to begin. All the work has paid off. Its gonna be the SHIZZNIGGEDYBOMBDIGGEDY! Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: "Its On" ..... Korn | Thursday, December 27th, 2001 | 3:32 am |
Oh yeah, its 3 in tha mornin', I'm bout to get busy.... Finally, I'm gonna get this damn cover art done tonight. First to KINKOS then back here to color. It's on, finally! Current Mood: ecstaticCurrent Music: "SANDSTORM" ...Darude | Wednesday, December 26th, 2001 | 1:36 pm |
Merry Fuckin X-mas.... This year is turning into a steaming pile of poo faster than L.A. car jacker. It started out pretty good with AA8. Then comes the horrid family vacation, my girlfriend dumps without reason, lost my job, lost my apartment, moved to murfreesboro (lets not go there!), moved back, settled for a lackluster job, lived with a bunch of losers. I got sick of it, so I decided to change the tide of this year by getting a job that I love, a new apartment that I love, friends that aren't losers, my shit in order, my life in gear, then the aformentioned ex and a good friend die in a car wreck, I stopped clubbing, get two final warning write up at work (don't ask me how you can get two "final, your life hangs in the balance, so don't fuck up" write ups), get suspended for three days from work, my hours get cut, find out one of my roomates is a whiny mommas boy, money is getting tight again, thanksgiving turn to shit, tennessee's weather can't make up its damn mind, my sex life is non-existent (its been over a year since dec. 23, 00' til now), this booklet for AA9 is becoming a pain in the ass, didn't get a damn thing for Christmas (and for Christ sake why doesn't Jesus get me a birthday present sometime) cept' some boobies to look at (they weren't bad) and stuffy sinuses, and now our fearless leader is saying that AA9 is going to be a bust or its outlived its self or something. Well, I got news for you guys. AA is not dying, the AA9 booklet will get done, New Years is not going to suck, this resolution from last New Years will finally end, I'm not taking anymore shit from anyone, and I will get laid (hopfully), even if I have to go to Hawaii to do it.
The way I see it, I fixed it before and I'll fix it again. This is getting old.
For those haters, two words..........YO MAMA!
For those who feel the same, two more words.........FUCKIN' A!!! | 3:59 am |
This is getting old... I've been trying for three days now to get these pics done. But, no one will get off of there ass to help. I guess its up to me and Swick again. I will succeed, I didn't do this for nothing. | Saturday, December 22nd, 2001 | 6:57 am |
Hi..... No, really. Just wanted to say Hi! | Wednesday, November 21st, 2001 | 9:50 am |
Long time no see..... Damn, its been over a year since my last entry, and I must say its been a shitty year. I met a wonderful girl, had a great time during the holidays, New Years was the shiz-nit (Anime Alpha 8). Then there was that family trip to Florida, got into a fight with dad, he screws me over. Then, worked at sears as an asset protection officer, that sucked. Moved to Murfreesboro, worked at the Tenn. auto auction, got laid off, found out the girl that I was living with and talking to had a boyfriend in Atlanta, after living with her for two months, so I left. Then, I moved in with patrick and muffin, big mistake, huge mistake. Went jobless for two months, then when I get a job oppertunity we loose the house. I return to Columbia, work at waffle house, it sucked. Quit, after I got a job at Applebee's. God, their quesadillas rock. Got a new Apt. 3bdrm, 2bath, and it awesome, compared to the shitty house that I shared with 4 no life, no job losers that will get whats comin, (lets not go there). and finally today. Today I feel pretty good. Oh shit, I'm gonna be late. Later. be continued...... | Thursday, February 1st, 2001 | 7:41 am |
SIGH..... read reply to kisama's last entry......dont drink and think!!!!!
ANGRY OUT | Monday, January 15th, 2001 | 12:26 pm |
Oh my sweet 'Cigaretta' You know what, I think of all relationships that I've had, Cigaretta has been the most meaningful. I mean shit, we've been together for about 6 years now and I think we are still going strong. Because, despite the problems we've had (Burning carpets, smokey rooms, lack of time together due to 'No Smoking' laws...), we still find time to spend together, and what a great time it is. She is always there when I need her, even though sometimes it takes some effort to see her, but the effort is worth it. However, its not always peaches and cream, sometimes she can be a bitch. Every so often she bugs my friends, gets in my face, or flirts too much with some of my friends, (the girls I don't mind that much....). And I swear, she stresses me out with all that, I'll give you cancer and I contain carbon monoxide. Lots of people tell me she's no good for me and that she's going to be the death of me, but I play it off as jealousy. I mean, how could a relationship that lasted through all this for so long, be wrong. We never fight about anything, she doesn't abuse me, (cept' for a burn or two...), she doesn't judge me, and she completely acepts me for who I am. Then again, maybe I'm naive, maybe she just using me to get what she wants, like popularity. I don't think I've ever had a relationship this meaningful, however, and I really don't know if I could live without her. I wish there was a way to mend the bad things between us, but how? I'm confused. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, dream or nightmare, what have we become......I guess only time will tell.
"Ohhhh, Chris.."
"Coming, Cigaretta!"
"If only I could find a someone or something to save me from the prison I have sentenced myself to."
Late, ANGRY | 12:26 pm |
Oh my sweet 'Cigaretta' You know what, I think of all relationships that I've had, Cigaretta has been the most meaningful. I mean shit, we've been together for about 6 years now and I think we are still going strong. Because, despite the problems we've had (Burning carpets, smokey rooms, lack of time together due to 'No Smoking' laws...), we still find time to spend together, and what a great time it is. She is always there when I need her, even though sometimes it takes some effort to see her, but the effort is worth it. However, its not always peaches and cream, sometimes she can be a bitch. Every so often she bugs my friends, gets in my face, or flirts too much with some of my friends, (the girls I don't mind that much....). And I swear, she stresses me out with all that, I'll give you cancer and I contain carbon monoxide. Lots of people tell me she's no good for me and that she's going to be the death of me, but I play it off as jealousy. I mean, how could a relationship that lasted through all this for so long, be wrong. We never fight about anything, she doesn't abuse me, (cept' for a burn or two...), she doesn't judge me, and she completely acepts me for who I am. Then again, maybe I'm naive, maybe she just using me to get what she wants, like popularity. I don't think I've ever had a relationship this meaningful, however, and I really don't know if I could live without her. I wish there was a way to mend the bad things between us, but how? I'm confused. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, dream or nightmare, what have we become......I guess only time will tell.
"Ohhhh, Chris.."
"Coming, Cigaretta!"
"If only I could find a someone or something to save me from the prison I have sentenced myself to."
Late, ANGRY | Sunday, January 14th, 2001 | 2:04 pm |
I gots some shit to get off my chest.... Hey you guys, no offense, but you guys sound really depressing right now, is there anyone out there who actually is having a good year. I have 2 weeks to find a new home, no job, no car, and I'm doomed to always be pissed. But, it seems that I'm the only person who actually finds this year to actually be a revelation. Everyone seems to be dwelling on their past problems and what-not. Its a new year. Despite all the predicted tragedies that were supposed to happen come the turn of the century, (Y2K, the second coming of Christ, Revelations, and all that shit...), none of it has happened. Everyone is still here, no one's dead, (well almost Millage...), and I guess we are all still friends. So as friend, I'm going to give this one nugget of creative criticism to all of my friends.....
"I've come closer to dying than probably any of you, probably more times as well. Hell, there's been times when people actually thought I was. I've been homeless, unemployed, rejected by my family, mocked, and humiliated. Shit, I don't think that there's been a hardship in life that I haven't had to deal with, (well, I haven't been butt-raped by prison inmates yet.....knock on wood......), yet I haven't gotten myself in a super depressive state of mind. Its just not worth it! Maybe I'm overreacting, or just crazy. But, everyone seems to be in this constant state of depression, and it seems to be something that has been drawn from everyone's pasts mistakes, personal flaws, and/or just not having a good day, for a year straight. My advice, (and yes, I consider it to be professional...I've been giving it for about 20 years.....), get over it, move on, get a life, cheer up, and all that happy shit. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, its just people think about the shit that is bothering them, too much more than they think about the good things. My life probably sucks just as much as some of yours, but I'm thinking of how to get out of a shitty situation, instead of dwelling on how I got in the shitty situation to begin with! You have friends, don't you. Go to a movie, play some games, get drunk, have sex (even if its with just yourself...), talk to your friends about whats bothering you, just do something fun and stop dwelling on the past and getting all worked up about the shit that's going wrong."
I hope that my rant in some way can enlighten some of you. I would like to think that it might. But, if it doesn't now it may some day. If I am just overeacting, then pardon me. If I'm not then, my rant was worth the time, and I've done some good for once. Well, I'll see you peeps later.
You want some cheese with that whine....
Late, ANGRY | Tuesday, January 9th, 2001 | 1:03 pm |
Return to Angryville........ Damn, its been a while! What's up bitch....oops.. I mean Kisama. Hope you had fun at AA8/2001. I finally got the chance to edit and update my live journal. Gave my self a new face.(oh, thats right I didnt have one before....) AA2001 was the shit, New Years kicked ass, especially because for the first time in four years I didn't get a hole in my head, got a new female intrest, and then after New Years kicked ass, all hell breaks loose and I'm PISSED again. Is there no rest for the angry? Let go of my ears I know what I'm doing....
Late, ANGRY | Monday, October 16th, 2000 | 11:53 pm |
...a day in Angryville.... Today, I played Juan in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (on dreamcast)....he sucks at the game in general, but he just so happened to find and exploit the best character in the game........that made me angry, I quit playing..... |