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suicidegirl photoset of the day..... corinne. [Jun. 13th, 2004|10:48 am]

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[Jun. 12th, 2004|08:52 pm]
the new season of six feet under starts tomorrow night at 8pm. dont miss it.

any fans in austin? god i have been waiting for this season torever.
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[Jun. 12th, 2004|05:26 pm]
[Current Mood |its a new dawn, its a new day]
[Current Music |its a new life for me, and im feeling good...]

the song from the adverts for the new season of six feet under:

Nina Simone - Feeling Good

this song puts me in a good mood.

lyrics )

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[Jun. 12th, 2004|03:25 pm]
see those entries your friends have made that say "this is very interesting" with the word "this" as a clickable link?

dont click it. its some sort of weird backdoor thing.

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yay new userpics [Jun. 12th, 2004|01:42 am]
i actually made new userpics. wow, we get fifty pics... i remember when we only had 15.

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[Jun. 11th, 2004|11:49 pm]
oh well.

Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility:teeth
best personality trait:people person
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?yes!
when will you get married?January 17, 2018
your kiss is:polite
People date you because:you're kind
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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[Jun. 11th, 2004|01:21 pm]
kim collins, toy, tommy, kelley: you guys. tuesday night was a blast! i dont get to come out often because school keeps me so busy, but this past tuesday was just what i needed. it was muy excellente seeing you all. tommy, i am not 100% certain about the 29th yet. i might have to be in houston that week, but we shall see. if need be, ill raise a glass to your triumphant return to the decks from wherever i may be in houston.

shara: hey, you know what, i never got that postcard. where did you send it? what address? did i give you my austin address or my houston/sugar land one?

midge: we're so on for plush tuesday night. who else is coming?

cj: if you need a ride tuesday, lemme know.

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part deux [Jun. 11th, 2004|01:03 pm]
buffy: oh stop being such a drama queen. :)

david: you too.

just kidding... i love you guys. david, we're still slacking on nasty's. not this monday, though. next monday maybe... though i might be kinda broke. buffy, nasty's really isn't as bad as you had said previously. you should come out there on a monday sometime.

michella, i sooooooo want to go to skinny puppy. really. you and your boy should try not to miss it if at all possible.
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shot-outs [Jun. 11th, 2004|10:11 am]
yes i know it's not "shot-out"... if you didn't get it then it wasn't intended for you.

jason: welcome home, homie. hope the squirrelmaster kept you safe from nasty nate. naughty jungle of love!

angela: ill be home in a few weeks. i will come to see you when im there.

katy: your new car is fuuucking sick. just goes to show that good things do happen to good people, if you wait long enough.

bonnie: get on this livejournal thing, already.

sally: oh wait, you probably won't read this for another few weeks... :)

kelly: get back to work, slacker!

dawn: hope your kitty is ok.

kail: i lasted a whole week!!!

jamie and colleen: when's the barbecue?

cecelia: i miss you, and i am happy to see you're doing well.

corinne: thanks man.

i am in a pretty good mood today. if i missed you, it's not because i hate your guts or anything... leave a message and ill include you in round number two.

uhm... skinny puppy tickets. thanks. :)
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[Jun. 11th, 2004|08:03 am]
my summer break starts at 5:00pm, friday, june 25th. i have off two weeks for summer, and i have to be back by 12:00 noon, monday, july 12th.

so.. who's buying me a ticket to see skinny puppy in houston on the 26th?

i love you guys.
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god rest ye merry gentlement [Jun. 10th, 2004|08:01 pm]


sad. these things always happen in threes, though.

Read more... )
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[Jun. 9th, 2004|09:12 pm]
recipe for something i made up tonight )
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[Jun. 8th, 2004|06:35 pm]
laziness is not wanting to have to scroll all the way to the top of my lj friends' list page just so i can click my userinfo link.

we got good grades on our canape mirror in school today. martin even took pictures of our display, and hopefully he will have them processed and emailed to me by tonight, so i will update with images of my work. ooooh.

just made some tea... im gonna smoke a bowl and watch tv for a while, then i gotta get ready for being social tonight.
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[Jun. 7th, 2004|07:18 pm]
if i scrounge up seven dollars, i have enough for 3 beers and a buck left over for a jacked up tip at plush tomorrow night. anyone else wanna go?
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[Jun. 6th, 2004|01:09 pm]
i think we're gonna barbecue at my apartment today. people are coming over in the next hour or two. do you want to come too?
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[Jun. 6th, 2004|01:02 pm]
click here to find out what song was #1 on the day you were born.

the U.S. No.1 on the 19th October 1977 was... You Light Up My Life by
Debby Boone.
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[Jun. 5th, 2004|10:40 pm]
i miss being REALLY smart.

in other news:

cdlrosa's LJ stalker is cdlrosa!
cdlrosa is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also slowly poisoning you!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

that bastard.
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[May. 31st, 2004|04:15 pm]
the weekend was spent attempting to flush out some complications i had with my reinstall... after i got fed up with it, i just kicked it with the homies for a little while. i thought i was gonna get away from any kind of tech support issues after i left my house, but i ended up having to repair someone else's OS... oh well at least i got some practice in first.

ah man. im more than a little worn out, i suppose. im kind of down about not being able to go to see a perfect circle tonight, being the broke ass joke that i am, but i suppose there are worse things that could happen. its not the end of the world or anything.

i think ill finish off this entry by posting up a thought that i know everybody has thought at least one point in their lives: i sure wish people could see things my way. it would make everyone's life so much easier.

love you guys.
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[May. 30th, 2004|05:02 pm]
[Current Mood | content]
[Current Music |that was the new shit.]

corinne told me not to stare at her nose because it was red.

so i stopped staring at her nose.

then i sent her this picture.

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[May. 29th, 2004|10:05 pm]
if you are running WinXP, AIM 5.5, and a webcam, install this:


and you can enable live video feed between users.

i have yet to see if it works... we're working on it.

edit: it works!!
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