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Sunday, July 15th, 2001
4:10 am - Are they really???
Why do so may people who say they are your friend only tend to be that friend when they are wanting something from you? Yet when they get what they want from you they ignore you, run off like you don't exsist, and barely even talk to you. Yet you try to do anything you can to please them, to be nice to them, only for them to do the same thing again. It's even hard to take words for face value these days. A simple word like "thanks" has no meaning besides for a way for them them to throw you off track so they may get another thing from you later when they need it. Things like this have happened to me throughout my life and I have watched people do it to others it kinda makes me sick. I have and have had friends that would do anything for me and I would do anything for them (tho distance and other things can make it hard to keep in touch). Friends like those are very hard to come by these days. Tho for some people friends of any kind are hard to come by, and when they find someone they really like and want to get close to etc.. it's rarely mutual. But they keep them as friends anyways cuz there's nobody else so they keep getting used. I know I'm not perfect and have done things like this myself, tho actually I don't call them friends, and never told them they were mine unless thats what I wanted from them, tho yes, I ask things of my friends and try my best to show them I apreciate it, maybe not by doing what they tell me to do but in other ways, but well, everyone always seems to want and expect something in return, and not trust that they will get favors back just out of kindness, I don't like doing things for people when they tell me shit like "Well I did this for you so you'd better do this for me" most people don't even ask nicely either, they just expect you to do it so why should they bother asking nicely... I tend to sacrafice alot for some of my so called "friends" cuz I'm too nice, and it's hard for me to say no, so they tend to take that to thier advantage. Oh well I'm just bitching to myself mostly here and well, I should go to sleep, I've been wanting/needing to call some of my old friends that I know would actually like hearing from me and chillin with me, maybe make some plans real soon to go visit with them.

current mood: confused

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Thursday, July 12th, 2001
5:29 pm
Went with teknoerotoskizm earlier to get a piercing (Labret), it was fun watching her worry about it hurting; then seeing her get a new hole put in her, she was a very brave girl, she didnt even flinch, I'm so proud of her. The only thing is I can't give her my lollipop for a whole month (pout).. We then went over to i_feel_sick's place and I finally got her modem and sound card working fine. Now she can be happy for now she can get online from home once again (I'm sorry it took so long to get the damned drivers) and well, once she connects speakers or whatever to it she can listen to MP3's again.

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12:38 am - Microsoft can suck my dirty sock.. (my cock is to good for em)
Well tried installing a bunch of shit on a computer that had Windows ME (Winblows ME) and it crashed hardcore, wouldnt do anything. So I spent most of the night trying to fix it then decided to install Win98 (still lame) on it. After much difficulties due to microsoft being lame I got it back up and running. I really hate it when shit like that happens. I kicked Microsoft's lame ass and I Won!!. And I didnt lose anything important either, and I still got on the shit I installed..

current mood: accomplished
current music: Argyle Park - Violent

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12:07 am - Ahhh, we matched..
We went out the other day and we matched, we thought it was cute. Later that night chiron33 was in a mood to take pics so here's one of us from the shoot that shows how we matched..

current mood: nostalgic
current music: Evils Toy - Lucifers Garden

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
3:52 pm - Finally..
Well Yesterday I made a call and got myself an interview for Time Life on Friday the 13th, I'm pretty confident that I'll get the job since I got myself the interview (I've yet to be turned down after actually getting an interview) so yeah I hope all turns out well, so hopefully soon I won't be a poor ass mofo anymore, then I just need to find myself a place to stay, then things will be SOOOOO much better, but I guess I shouldn't get too excited till I actually do get all this.

current mood: anxious

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Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
3:37 pm - Bad Girls...
This is what I do to girls who have nasty dreams about me...

(photo by chiron33)

current mood: excited

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Monday, July 9th, 2001
10:17 pm - Muhahaha... GOTCHA!! Now Your MINE!!!!

current mood: devious

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Sunday, July 8th, 2001
2:48 pm - They always did say I was insane..
Here's a pic from a fun shoot I did a while back with chiron33, turned out pretty good me thinks..

current mood: crazy

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Sunday, July 1st, 2001
9:34 pm - hmmmm
Well I havnt been able to get online at all besides now, alot has been going on, not all good, not all bad, but I'm still alive at least.:) trying to findd myself a job cuz I'm sick and tired of being poor and homeless, going to see about a job tomorrow and hopefully it'll turn out good, The unix thing wasnt really what I had hoped it would be and the situation sucked. I'll get on and say hiya to whoever I can whenever possible. hope to talk to you all soon, and if anyone wants to hang out lemme know, friends to chill with is always a good thing...

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
1:01 am - Lameness
ok well mine and Jaynes relationship is over, ended badly.. shit happens, so now I'm free I guess, and for all you dudes, yes she's free. My life will probably suck for a while, won't be able to hang out with anyone or do anything cuz well... Jayne was my life and now my life is gone. sucks to be me.. but I guess I'm free to move on, no use on waiting around for something that'll never happen (getting her back) so most of you that I hung out with I prob wont see anymore so I'm just basically saying bye.. have fun... I outtie.. was fun hangin with ya all. Lates


current mood: depressed

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Sunday, June 17th, 2001
1:23 pm - eh bleh eh bleh....
Raves suck.. instead went to a gothic type party, lotsa alcahol, lotsa black, lotsa music etc.. was fun, kinda cold but still fun.. got kinda buzzed from some yummy punch stuff. blew lotsa bubbles, lotsa women playin with my hair. Then I got invited to do a fashion show for Fantasty Ltd. We then all went to the cane and had some coffee, Bree almost passed out..she was tired n "stuff" we left real soon after then we all went home.. fun night, better than sitting in front of a fucking unix box being a computer nerd..

current mood: amused

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Thursday, June 14th, 2001
2:42 pm - blah...brainshit...
ok well I guess I'll be gone for the next month or so, gonna go hibernate and rack my brains out with a friend learning everything about Unix we possibly can in order to get ourselves a job that makes at least $60,000 a year or so (I hope) so ummmm...bye, dunno when/if I'll be back..hehe I outtie..

current mood: determined

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
12:31 pm - 4:20!
ok well here a funky little piece I did from a drawing I made one day while fucked up on some drug (I cant remember what I was on exactly) so I took a pic of it and fucked with it, I thought it turned out kinda kool...

current mood: tired

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Sunday, May 20th, 2001
5:58 am - finished it..
ok well I finally finished my comps desktop shell, I'm pretty happy with it, it has about everything I need... took me forever...:) fun fun
more info on it and the program "Litestep" I used to create it at;=1629

current mood: accomplished

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Friday, May 18th, 2001
1:17 am - not...
I'm not here, you cant see me..

current mood: naughty

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Thursday, May 17th, 2001
12:09 pm - spiffy
Well I'm waking up still, having my mornin bowl(s). Last night was pretty cool, snuggled with Jayne on the couch and watched "Legend of the drunken master" was a funny movie. tho I don't think he's any match for me, cuz I'm "Legend of the mellow stoner" umm yeah. Well I have no idea what I'm doing today but maybe it'll be fun, maybe not... I hope it will be..... I outtie..

current mood: thirsty

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Tuesday, May 15th, 2001
3:57 am - neat
Well have around 20 till 4:20, gotta make sure to smoke a bowl..:) been working on my desktop some more, should have it done pretty soon. I'll prob work on it some more till I get tired, dunno, I outtie for now..

current mood: mellow

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Sunday, May 13th, 2001
9:32 pm - wow, groovy, neato, spiffy.....blah
I was proud of myself, my first real pieces from photoshop...

current mood: amused

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4:27 pm - gRoOvY
Well I woke up just in time for 4:20, Jayne mentioned the time so I had to quickly load the bowl, helped me wake up. Jayne has bright pink hair, dunno what to think about it yet, it's still not done, but right now she looks funky. :) is all good, I'm sure it'll look good on her. Sundays suck, nothing on TV, nothing is open. I need to smoke more and play a bit more Nox. I outtie..

current mood: high

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Monday, May 7th, 2001
12:31 pm - bright evil round thing.
Well it's bright outside, I don't wanna go outside, I hate the sun, blah but I have to go out... wish it had a damn off switch.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Moonspell - opium

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