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Success and celebrations. [Jun. 2nd, 2004|06:07 pm]
This isn't me returning - I'm getting John to post this, but I've got a couple of things to announce.

Firstly, I had that interview today, and about 3 hours later got a job offer; it's still conditional on references and medical, so I haven't got a start date yet, but it should be fairly soon. I'm very pleased - it's still not exactly a high-flying role, but it should be more interesting than my current job, as well as having better prospects if all goes to plan.

Secondly, I will shortly be turning 21 for the third time. To celebrate this, there will be a party, from 7.00pm on the 24th of July, to which you, and indeed all your friends, are invited. In a variation from the usual venue, I shall be holding it at The London Stone, an Eerie pub in Cannon Street, so I expect to see all of you Londoners who never come up to my house parties*. There may well be a trip to Slimelight afterwards, if there's sufficient interest. So come, don your fineries, raise a glass or seven, and help me to mark the passing of another year.

*allowances may be made for people attending committment ceremonies, but only if you ask nicely.
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Break/Broken [May. 31st, 2004|10:47 pm]
The last few days have, well, let's just say that it hasn't been the best weekend of my life, and leave it at that. Largely my own fault, but this is hardly going to surprise anyone.

My priorities have been somewhat out of whack, and I think that livejournal isn't entirely helping with this. Unfortunately, as I discovered last time I tried to have a break, I entirely lack the willpower to avoid it, so I'm going to ask John to change my password so that I can't log in.

I'll probably be back sometime. Hopefully by then things will be more fixed. My email, as ever, is elise at chocolate dot cauldron dot org, and the rest of my contact details are linked in my userinfo if you're on my gibbons list.

mutter mutter [May. 28th, 2004|03:32 pm]
Typical, isn't it. I've finally made enough of those damn phone calls I was talking about here that I'm not nervous about them any more, and now no bugger is answering their phones.

*mutter mutter*
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Woot! [May. 26th, 2004|07:07 pm]
That job I applied for... I have an interview next Wednesday :) Go me!
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This wagon travels faster than my crawling. [May. 23rd, 2004|04:43 pm]
[I'm feeling |cheerful]

Well, I've been sober for about a week now, and as predicted I'm feeling much happier already. It's also been less difficult than it was at the beginning of Lent, despite the end point being about 4 times as far away. I feel a lot more aware of what's going on around me, of myself and my potential to grow.

Noodling about the knock on effects of sobriety. )

And since it's doing the rounds I'll finish with a meme, and see how your impressions of me match my own swiftly improving one.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?

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Jobs and stuff. [May. 20th, 2004|10:27 pm]
[I'm feeling |perky but tired]

I was going to go to film club tonight, but I got home from work at 7.15 with quite a lot of stuff that I needed to do before the weekend, and since I'm off to Milton Keynes tomorrow evening I thought I'd be responsible and stay in.

One of the things I did was fill in an application form for another job at the Council. After discovering that I'd missed out on the Graduate Trainee Scheme I had a look at the internal vacancies page, and there's a six month contract going in one of the departments related to mine, and whilst it won't have the push towards development that I'd really like it will be a chance to learn more about a new project and give me a chance to impress more people, so hopefully I can get on the scheme next year. The person spec was all things that are within my capabilities, but hopefully it should stretch them a little more than my current role. Wish me luck :)

In other news, the slipping mood seems to have lifted again. I really should try to remember that this doesn't mean I can start staying up till three in the morning all week with impunity, but I suspect that a certain someone who's been keeping me up chatting for hours bears quite a lot of the responsibility for my perkiness :)

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Eeeep. [May. 20th, 2004|12:06 am]
That was a bit nerve-wracking. I was walking home after a pleasent evening playing computer games with [info]simont, when I realised that I was on my own, in the dark, on the street where a girl got stabbed a couple of weeks ago. Whoops.

I think it may have been the first time in my life that I felt less nervous on spotting a police van driving around the area!
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Arse [May. 19th, 2004|02:39 pm]
So although I spoke to my boss about applying for the Graduate Trainee Scheme at the Council and he was very supportive, it turns out that the deadline for this year was at the end of March. Bother. Perhaps it was foolish of me to wait until I was confident of having made a good impression before pushing my own agenda...

I'm not entirely sure what to do now. I mean, I like working here. The people are lovely, and the extra time in the day I get from working so close to the house does wonders for my happiness levels, and I'm learning quite a lot, even if it's not an area which I'm particularly desperate to go into. But I've been doing admin for nearly a year now, and I'm starting to stultify with the lack of challenge. I don't really want to wait another year before I can start doing something new and exciting.
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Ow, ow, ow :/ [May. 18th, 2004|12:49 pm]
[I'm feeling |sore, but cheerful.]

So much for getting lots of sleep last night. I got kept up on the phone until three in the morning by a certain someone, but as I keep getting a silly grin on my face every time I think about said someone, I can't complain too much.

I got my coil replaced this morning. Cut for girly medical whinging )

I'm going to hang around the house and relax for an hour or so, and hopefully then the pain will have subsided enough for me to go back into work without having to curl up under my desk every now and then.

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Eeep. [May. 18th, 2004|01:22 am]
[I'm feeling |amused]

Well that was nerve-wracking. [info]deliberateblank just managed to leave the kitchen door open whilst cooking something smokey.

For some reason I'm a little bit twitchy when it comes to smoke alarms going off right now...

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Personal demons. [May. 17th, 2004|11:01 pm]
[I'm feeling |determined]

This bit is vaugely important.

Two things to mention. Firstly, I seem to have slipped into a mild depression again. It is only mild, and I'm fairly certain it's entirely caused by over-doing it, and I'm confident that I can kick it in a couple of weeks. However, I may be feeling a little fragile over this time, so a) whilst I shall do my best not to, if I'm snappy at people, it's just my mood, nothing personal. b) I may not be at my most sparkling and sociable. If I'm sitting in a corner looking mopey, then feel free to check that I'm okay, but please don't try and get me into conversation or drag me back into the throng.

Secondly, I've decided to give up drinking until the end of the year, possibly longer. This is going to be extremely difficult for me. I've just about got the knack of not drinking in the Kambar, but apart from gigs and the rocksoc meetings I shall be avoiding pubs for the time being. But on these occasions, or in other situations when the drink is flowing please do not offer me alcohol. I realise that my inability to say no is very weak and somewhat pathetic, but I am an addict, and although I'm trying to fix this, it will take some time.

This bit is noodling about my attitudes and reasons, and as such less important. )

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Preferential treatment [May. 14th, 2004|01:02 am]
I seem to be playing with quite a few new people at the moment, and it's made me realise that whilst I'm extremely good at making clear what my limits are, things I don't want to do or have done to me, I find it a lot more difficult to talk about my preferences, the things I do enjoy. I'm not sure exactly why this is, but I think it has elements of wanting to avoid topping from the bottom, and elements of being better at considering things than coming up with them on the spur of the moment, and probably other things as well.

So what I shall do is write about it, and suggest that people may want to read this post if they're going to play with me. This is all going to be from a submissive perspective, although I may write a sequel from the dominant side at a later date.

How to play elise, a musicians guide... )
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"they dress you up, then drag you down" [May. 11th, 2004|12:06 am]
[I did have a filter for these sort of posts, but now that Catt isn't reading my lj any more, I shall make them all public. This one is rather more explicitly sexual than most, so if the idea of me in that context squicks you, probably best not to click on the link]

For the most part it seems, when I share these delightful little scenes with you, that the clothes are nothing but a minor irritation, to be discarded casually with a phrase. There's a pretense that they fall away, as though it were a film, carefully choreographed to avoid the buttons that catch, or the boots that take five minutes to unlace.

Sometimes though, it's all about the clothes.

Read more... )
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Dynamics. [May. 6th, 2004|03:01 pm]
Ow. And indeed ugh. My neck hurts from too much headbanging on Tuesday, and going to the Kambar two nights in a row has left me rather short of sleep. Still feeling rather perky though. I have, well, it’s a bit too soon to call it NRE, but perhaps something along the lines of Potential Relationship Energy, firing off in two directions at once.

So I’m definitely going through a phase of "Wow, I’m meeting lots of interesting and exciting people right now" and "Coo. They think I’m quite interesting and exciting as well. Gosh!", and this has got me thinking about some of the patterns in the ways I deal with people.

Noodlings about the dynamics of need... )
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Where does all the time go anyway? [May. 5th, 2004|06:51 pm]
[I'm feeling |tired, busy, stressed, happy]

(Aside - I have a chocolate fairy that leaves Caramel Dairy Milks on my bed. I love my chocolate fairy. *bounce* *kiss*)

You know how a lot of people automatically answer the question "How are you?" with "fine", "can't complain", or something of that ilk? I suspect it's starting to look as though my response to that is similarly automatic, as "I'm good. Tired, stressed, busy. But life is good."

There's certainly no doubt that for the most part, I've been much happier over the last two or three months than I have been for a long time. I'm starting to get a little worried about the busy side of things though. It's all well and good, having an active social life, but I think it's starting to take over. After a rather ridiculous three week period, in which I never had more than an hour to myself between work and whatever I was doing that evening, I decided to try and cut back on socialising. So far I have completely and utterly failed.

Listen to Elise complaining about how unfair it is that she's having so much fun... )

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Are phone calls scary? [May. 5th, 2004|10:55 am]
One of the things I’m doing at work at the moment (well, okay, partly putting off doing by writing lj entries like this) involves calling lots of people and asking them for information. Most of the reason I’m putting it off somewhat is because I find making unsolicited phone calls really quite terrifying. I’m not as bad as I used to be – these days it’s only if I’m feeling especially fragile that I prefer not to be the one who calls the take-away, or puts off making doctors appointments because I’m scared of the phone call. But those are slightly different. They’re people who are expecting your call and know what it’s about, and I’m not calling in a professional capacity, so I won’t lose my job if I say something stupid.*

I was mentioning this to [info]dennyd last night, and he was completely baffled. He couldn’t understand why I found it scary, and seemed to think that it was particularly odd to find it difficult in a professional capacity. I was quite surprised by this, as I’m sure I know a lot of people who find phones difficult in one way or another.

So, a poll on the subject )

And in the course of writing this entry I've managed another 3 calls - only 25 or so to go...

*Yes, I know that logically this isn’t going to happen, but as though the simple fear of making a fool out of myself wasn’t enough, my sub-conscious likes to add a little irrational frisson.
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Home again. [Apr. 29th, 2004|09:32 pm]
[I'm feeling |safe again]

The house is now useable again. The bathroom, whilst still having no power, does have running water, and the rest of the house has electricity. I'm back on my very own computer :) Rah.

The party will still be next-door, because whilst things are okay for us, I wouldn't quite feel comfortable inviting everyone round.

Everything is still a bit tense. Having missed an extra day and a half of work just after Whitby I still have a fairly mountainous in-tray. But on the other hand, I'm sat in my own bedroom, with cheesy goth music playing in the background, and a bottle of chocolate beer beside me. Can't complain too much.

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Party back on again! [Apr. 27th, 2004|07:58 pm]
Yeah, I know, make up my mind...

It looks as though the house is probably going to be habitable again within a couple of days, so hoorah for that. And if it isn't, then the party will simply move to next door, because, and I cannot say this enough times, our neighbours are fab.

Thanks for all the supportive comments and offers of space - I'll reply individually either in person at the Calling, or when I have my own computer working again.

Hopefully see many of you tonight, and do expect John's set to have a certain incendiary theme ;>
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Party cancelled, and a request for some help. [Apr. 27th, 2004|03:38 pm]
[I'm feeling |slightly shaken]

I'm afraid that the party on Saturday is going to have to be cancelled - apologies to anyone who was looking forward to it, hopefully it can be rescheduled for a later date.

I'd also like to ask if someone who's going to the Calling tonight, and ideally lives reasonably close to Castle Hill could offer crash-space for John and me afterwards. We're actually likely to need somewhere to stay for another few days, but until the emergency plumbers and electricians and such have had a poke around, we don't really know what sort of timescale that'll be on.

So what the hell happened this morning? )

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Party reminder [Apr. 26th, 2004|11:19 pm]
There was a Whitby. It was very good, and possibly the most relaxed Whitby I've ever had. I may post more about it later when sleep has happened.

This is just to remind people that I'm throwing a party this Saturday. Usual place, from 8ish. Everyone welcome, bring booze, interesting people, the usual.
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