can i get a what what?
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jessica's LiveJournal:
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Saturday, June 5th, 2004 | 1:33 pm |
theres a party at my house (sunflower house, 1406 tennessee) tonight. come and drink beer. | 12:02 am |
Big YARD SALE! My house (Sunflower House, 1406 Tennessee) is having a big ol' Yard Sale tomorrow to get rid of extraneous stuff. If you like getting rad stuff for cheap, come on over! We'll be out there from 8am until late afternoon/early evening. | Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 | 12:21 pm |
would you people PLEASE update more between the hours of 8 and 5? i've got lots of time to kill here, folks. thanks. | 12:10 pm |
general updates last week i mostly just worked and drank, drank and worked. that was okay. i was out of town all memorial weekend (boo) doing family stuff (boo) including taking my Crazy Grandma to a family reunion, BY MYSELF, in Alma, Kansas. this sucked especially hard due to three things. 1. my grandma is crazy. 2. she is crazier when you are alone with her. 3. i had to DRIVE TO AND SPEND TIME IN ALMA KANSAS (including going to the cemetery)
okay. so, then we came back to Topeka in time for my Mom's 50th birthday party. it was pretty fun, though a bit awkward at times, due to all the phallus-themed gag gifts she recieved and wore.
sunday morning my dad and brother and i went to go visit my other Nice Grandma. that was pretty boring mostly, with a hint of family drama thrown in. yum. then we came back Monday night. i drove something like 400 miles over the weekend.
other interesting tidbits: i got a B+ average for the semeseter (pats self on back), my car tags are expired so i can't drive it for a while, i fixed my computer (thanks to the wonderful, beautiful, intelligent help from myself).
yeah, i guess that's about it. | 12:00 pm |
it pays to deviate from your daily routine when i take my breaks from work, i always go outside and smoke in this one particular place. today i decided to go sit on the other side of the building, for a little change of pace. boy howdy, was that a good idea! i saw two things that were really cool/ interesting over there. the first thing i noticed was that someone had written completed algebra problems in colored chalk all over the side of the building. strange, eh? so i thought about why the heck someone would do that. were they practicing? were they leaving the answers for someone else? has campus been tagged by a Math Gang? then i noticed some movement on the sidewalk. it was a CRAZZZY butterfly type thing. i'd never seen anything like it. i went over to investigate it- the body looked like a bumble bee, all furry and stuff and the same size, except it was bright orange and black, and then it had the biggest butterfly wings i've ever seen that were brown and blue and orange in color? wtf? anyone know what that is? anyway, it was actually barely alive, and ants were getting on it, so i gingerly picked it up and put it on top of a bush. it will probably be dead by the time i get off work, and i intend to go find it and take it home with me to prove i didn't imagine it. so there. Current Mood: bouncy | Tuesday, May 25th, 2004 | 1:10 pm |
today's wonderful duties at the library include:
-taping labels onto hundreds of metal film reel cases in a tiny room that only has a stepstool to sit on.
-scouring the entire library looking for "extra shelving parts" (i'm pretty sure they don't exist, and/or i dont know what they are).
and so, to counteract such duties i have done such acts of workplace terrorism:
-taken an extra-long break
-READ A BOOK (gasp!)
so, yeah. i'm killing time on the 'net while my boss isn't around for the next 45 minutes. any suggestions of fun things i should look at?? | Monday, May 24th, 2004 | 12:15 pm |
blah blah blah. i'm at work right now. i'm back on the 5 day a week grind. at least its only for 5 hours instead of 8 hours a day. its pretty cool, coming in two hours after everyone else, and leaving two hours before everyone else. man. speaking of which, its bouts time for my break. mmmm. cigarette..... ::drool:: i was running late this morning and only got about 3 drags, which is clearly not enough to sate my addiction.
eep, pagin time. | Friday, May 21st, 2004 | 3:30 pm |
| Thursday, May 20th, 2004 | 2:58 pm |
brass monkey... that funky monkey... well, i randomly have the Beastie Boys' "Brass Monkey" in my head, but that's okay. i'm at work, for the first time this week. i missed two times i was scheduled. monday i was "sick", and yesterday i had a final i'd forgotten to tell my boss about when she did the schedule. yesterday and tuesday were pretty horrible, stressful days, but i'm feeling much better now. but really, who invented finals? who's fuckin genius idea was that? who was like, okay, i'll make a whole bunch of college students and their instructors have the worst week imaginable, at the end of every semester! dude. i bet it was The Man. i hate The Man. he's such a jerk. i have to work until five, which is awesome, 'cause i sure thought i had to work until 6:30. after i get off, i will head directly to the art and design building to hand in my photo portfolio, and be DONE with finals. it will be sweet. i will DOHHHHH! i just remembered i forgot one of my rolls of slides at home that i need to put in my portfolio. damnit. i suck at this game. ack. anyway. soon's as i'm done, i'm gonna cut loose! and also install my window AC so its not 100 degrees in my room. i can't wait! Current Mood: chipper | 2:55 pm |
| Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 | 5:22 pm |
oh yeah! also, my computer is currently fucked up. i got 12 viruses, which i got rid if but it damaged some programs, so i gots to reformat. i have't had time to do it, but i will soon. also today is my moms fiftieth birthday. aaaaand... yeah. | 5:17 pm |
So, Jessica, what have you been up to? Well, Jessica, I sure have been busy! Things I've been up to include: -busting my ass to finish the semester with mediocre colors. -spending too much time/money/brain cells at bars. -spending too much time/money at the coffeeshop. Soon, say the end of the week, I hope to cross the first one off the list, continue with the second and third, and add some things like "doing fun things that don't involve alcohol or coffee" and "cleaning the pit that my room has become". Current Mood: amused | Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 | 11:45 am |
::insert upbeat jazz:: This morning, I went to work. My boss wanted to talk to me, so I sat down. She says something like, "Blah blah budget cuts blah blah, you can't work here this summer, blah blah, nothing personal, blah blah." Then I say something like, "Oh." Drat. At first I was pretty pissed that she told me today that my job would be over in 3 weeks. That's not much time to find other summer work. However, I do pretty much hate that job. So. I can start again there when school begins in August, I'll just have to do something for the summer. I was really dreading working there this summer, and also she's actually being really nice about it and talking to all the other campus libraries trying to find me a summer job. I might not even have to do any job-searching at all. That would be cool. In conclusion, I'm mad/glad about it, and it was mostly just surprising. I only have one more class left for the semester, tomorrow. I'm not going to be quite as swamped as I thought for finals stuff, so thats cool and stuff. Today: Eat lunch, go buy: film, beads, '80s prom dress, doctor's appt at 4, dinner at 6, out to the bar with Katy and Burton and Nick after 8. Tomorrow: Class, work in the photo studio, get dress if I don't get one today, do housework, then '80s Prom at Neon. Friday: Stop day! Sleep in, work 1-5, hang out with Tommy/ get ready for yard sale. Saturday: Yard sale 8- afternoon, UKSHA picnic at 4. Study/ work on projects. Sunday: Work on school stuff. Study for Monday's art history final. Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: Rufus Wainwright - Oh What A World | Saturday, May 8th, 2004 | 1:39 pm |
It's just that one drink always turns into two drinks, and two drinks always turns into ten. Yowza.
I've got to stop drinking so much. I've been drunk/tipsy more nights than sober the last few weeks. It's just that one drink always turns into two drinks, and two drinks always turns into ten. For instance, last night. Got a 12 pack of PBR bottles, for to drink beer on my front porch with my visiting pal Tommy and my housemates. I was thinking I'd have two or three beers, you know, just have a nice time, enjoy the weather. Well, here I am now at work, with a wicked hangover, and all 12 of my beers are gone. I know I gave away 2, maybe 3. But, man. Last thing I remember it was dusk and I was drinking my second beer, then the night goes by in a flash and the table on the porch is COVERED with empty beer bottles. Like 20 or something, between Tommy and I. Eeep. Anyway, I'm pretty certain that was the most beers I've drank in one sitting, ever.
Also, I'm pretty sure I was kind of an ass last night.
Unfortunately, tonight is a friend's birthday celebration at a bar downtown, AS WELL AS my housemate Chad's going away party at our place. There's no way I'm not going to get drunk tonight. Damnit. Ah, well, what else are my college years for?
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. My little bro and I are going to cook dinner for our mama. That's a nice gift, right? | Wednesday, May 5th, 2004 | 5:13 pm |
today was a good day. i went to work for the first time in a while. i called in "sick" several days. but anyway, i had my performance review thingy, and i got good or very good on all of them except my attendance which was satisfactory, which is a total joke. so that means i'm getting a RAISE even though i'm the worst employee ever. sweet. then i went to class, which was fine. and THEN i made the first sunflower house t-shirt with tiffany, and it is AWESOME. i'm so proud of myself. hmm, weird. my mom just called to check on me. she said she got a really bad feeling like someone she knew got hurt. it wasnt me, but i hope it wasnt my little brother or something. a lot of times my moms feelings are pretty right on. lets hope nothing bad happened.... Current Mood: accomplished | 1:10 pm |
ugh. i've had indigestion for like 2 weeks now. wtf? and also, why don't men call me when i think they should? | Monday, May 3rd, 2004 | 2:58 pm |
i have to get blood taken at the drs office today. send me good vibes that they won't have to poke me 10 times and take 45 minutes and make me pass out. thanks. | Saturday, May 1st, 2004 | 10:19 pm |
two 40s + me + dancing + katy's birthday = the spins | Friday, April 30th, 2004 | 4:38 pm |
OH MY GOD. MY NEW STEREO KICKS ASS. | Thursday, April 29th, 2004 | 3:07 pm |
i got my new stereo today. i am SO psyched. |
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