no time for time no time beat two days to go before we meet done it's done oh down on me you didn't come so don't be guilty all this charm is wearing thin the maniac's loose and she's wearing my skin here's to another crap weekend you lie to yourself and you shit on all your friends with no surprise.

[Thursday, March 25th, 2004
@ 2:11pm]
I havent had time to be on here in forever, so forgive the lack of commenting or reading of friends pages...but I just wanted to say to The APC I miss you guys. <3
8 | squeeeee

[Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
@ 9:05pm]
If I were a month I would be: September
If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday
If I were a time of day I would be: midnight
If I were a planet I would be: saturn
If I were a sea animal I would be: sea horse or mermaid!
If I were a direction I would be: south
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: a monster size comfortable bed
If I were a liquid I would be: water
If I were a stone, I would be: opal
If I were a tree, I would be: weeping willow
If I were a bird, I would be: hummingbird
If I were a tool, I would be: hammer
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: spider lily or forsythia
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: overcast but not raining
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: fairy
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: drums
If I were an animal, I would be: cat
If I were a color, I would be: hot pink
If I were an emotion, I would be: true love
If I were a vegetable, I would be: potato
If I were an element, I would be: fire
If I were a car, I would be: really fast! *lol* I dont know.
If I were a book, I would be written by: umm...Edgar Allen Poe.
If I were a food, I would be: something sweet...
If I were a place, I would be: the top of a mountain overlooking a beautiful landscape or a huge waterfall surrounded by rainbows
If I were a material, I would be: black silk or crushed velvet
If I were a taste, I would be: sweet
If I were a scent, I would be: clean
If I were a word, I would be: fuck
If I were a subject in school I would be: lunch
If I were a shape I would be: star or circle
If I were a number I would be: 2
If I were a movie I would be: something scary or unhappy.
If I were a song I would be: awesome...I dont know...something amazingly good, like the decline by NOFX or something...
6 | squeeeee

one more failure to add to the list. [Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
@ 6:29pm]
will someone please tell me what this means. please now...tell me.

I am so tired of having the finger pointed at me. I swear Im never gonna be able to make anyone happy. Im getting the third degree from every fuckin angle and I am tired of it. Im sorry if I dont have time for anyone, but you guys need to realize that I dont even have time for myself. If I cant make myself happy, how am I gonna make anyone else happy? huh? I CANT! Ive been puttin up with nonstop bitching from everyone and I cant deal with it. and only one person knows the whole story cause I dont let on. cause I would rather not dwell on it. ya know, you guys can go ahead and talk shit, you can do whatever you want, Im not even gonna try stop you cause I know I cant. you guys dont even know whats going must think that letting my friends down gets me off. yea, well it dont.

I said it then and Im still saying it now.
10 | squeeeee

[Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
@ 3:50pm]
Pathetic Random Poetry Generator by PurpleAnkh
TitleDoes Anyone Understand Me?
Line 1Don't even think about it,
Line 2Life is so unfair,
Line 3Let me drown in my tears,
Big FinishBollucks.
Your Name Here
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Pathetic Random Poetry Generator by PurpleAnkh
TitleInterpretive Dance
Line 1Life is full of disappointment
Line 2You don't love me
Line 3Please me, I am yours,
Big FinishRip my heart apart.
Your Name Here
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

[Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
@ 3:26pm]
and I just wanna get your fucking voice out of my head...


[Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
@ 12:24am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | breathe telepop musik ] someone just called me and Im not gonna say any names so Ill just call this person Bob...anyways, Bob just called me and was all freaking out cause I had plans with him, but I had to close tonight...before I get too far into that story, lemmie tell you the Outback story. so Im schedualed to close tuesday ALL BY MYSELF and Ive never closed before, well I still had one day of training left so me and Megan went and told Frank about it and hes like "OK, well then youre closing tonight!" wasnt that so considerate of him?!? yea, NO. so anyways, I already had plans with this person, Bob, and he didnt even think I was gonna call him back today, but I did, cause we were pretty good friends at one we made plans to hang out tonight since I had nothing else going on *and since I was supposed to get off between 8-9. THAT BASTARD!* well I walk in the door, put all my stuff down and start eating my food and the phone rings. well its Bob and hes like why didnt you call me? I knew you were gonna stand me up blah blah blah...trying to pull the guilt trip I suppose...but hes all going on about me having a new life with Brett and with my job...and Im just like dumbass, I had to train to close tonight so I can close Tuesday. I am not dating Brett, nor am I married to my job. and hes all wanting to get with me now when we were "together" over the summer before I moved, and he fucked it up...but he admits to that so I dont rub that in...but hes wiggin out for no reason and all wanting to get back with me...and it was totally random. and I know none of that made since, but I was typing exactly what I was thinking and I guess thats what it sounds like to be in my head...kinda crazy. but yea, I dont know about that whole me and Bob deal again. it was cool until I offered to buy him chick-fil-a, went and got it, came back and he already had some....oh God I was so pissed off. then he became this huge asshole and the rest is history.

and there were these really drunk guys at work tonight and one tried to dance with me and almost dropped me on the floor. Im like I just wanna get to the kitchen where I can do my job! then he was hangning on Shannon and I walked past and said Shannon I need you in the kitchen, there was something wrong with an order you took. I saved her. and this other guy goes so do you guys need any help tonight? and Im like no sir, but thank you for offering. Frank almost kicked em all out, but finally they left and we got to close...

Brett and I got into a really deep conversation last night and I told him a lot about felt so good to get some of that stuff off my chest cause I just felt the need to tell him. and I never feel the need to open up. I guess Im just so afraid of being hurt that I dont tell anyone anything and it builds up and I just have to explode sometimes. and it always feels so good.

*stuff from work*

Greg calls me Cruella. Matthew was my fruit fly, but Daniel tried to steal him. I finally met Amber, who I love to death. tomorrow is Davids birthday, but we sang and did all that jazz tonight. tomorrow is my day off FINALLY, and I will be sleeping. ummm...that sounds about it.

now Im off to finish eating and probably read or watch tv...but most probably eat a bowl of chocolate ice cream then sleep.

oh, and MIDGET CAME HOME TODAY!!! she was just laying on the porch and I wigged out and ran outside and picked her up and loved her for like 20 minutes...but when mom came home from taking me to work she was gone. shell be back. they always come back. bwahahaha.

nighty night.

*EDIT* so I forgot to add that Tony and Brenda came into work today and I waited on them...Tony was like umm. so when did you start workin here...I was gonna call ya. *insert eye roll HERE*

and Jack wants me to go with her and her friends to a strip club Friday. *we had the whole strip club convo sitting in Huddle House on 441 Saturday night* and I wanna go so bad, seeing as how Dav!d didnt take me like he promised...but Ill have to see what happens. I might end up going, I might not.

HA! Damien was like so what are you doing Friday night? Im like I dont know, might be going to this party at a friends house...and hes all inviting me to a party that I might already be going to. hes like, I heard they were killer! *lol* now that is funny!

9 | squeeeee

[Sunday, March 14th, 2004
@ 11:28pm]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | all you have Mockorange ]

I swear no one ever reads my journal, whether they have me on their friends list or not, until I say something about ANAL SEX! LOOK, IT SAYS ANAL SEX!


*lol* that was for you [info]sneakiexpanda!

anyways, I just saw these pictures that my sister emailed my mom...and yeah...shes dating a 41 year old. with a son my age. keep in mind shes only 5 1/2 years older than I am. and hes only 17 years older than her. so yea, I talked to her on the phone too, ONLY to tell her Laney said hey and asked about her, but she made me talk to him *refered to as "this person"* to prove how much we really do sound alike...I do still find it amusing how weve had the same stupid laugh for the past like 5 years though. I dont know, maybe Im over reacting about this whole age thing cause she says he treats her good and whatever, but his wife has only been dead, like not even a year. it just doesnt seem right to me. HA! but me and mom were talking about it *civilly, can you imagine?* and I made the remark, "mom, I know youre not gonna wanna hear this, but when Im 24 Im still gonna wanna have sex. GOOD SEX!" and she goes "well Bobbie, Im almost 48 and I still like having sex. GOOD SEX." no. that was very uncool. but for some reason I thought of [info]sneakiexpandas mom. *hahaha* dont ask me why I just thought it sounded like something she would say. now I feel awkward. AWKWARD...TO THE MAX! are you happy [info]rockof80s1?

and have you ever noticed sometimes I spell the word "yeah" yea, but other times I spell it yeah?

anyways, Im going to get in the tub, cause Im DIRTY, and Ive been working all day, and I worked all day yesterday. and I havent had a shower, or washed my hair. AND IM DIRTY. oh you love it. HA! I know you do.

Im eating melted chocolate ice cream again. cause its the best. FO SHO.

oh yea...Jeff is ditching me to go see Thursday. Jeff, you are LAME buddy. and I cant believe how much you suck.

15 | squeeeee

[Saturday, March 13th, 2004
@ 12:11am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Home Improvement on TV ]

Directions: Bold any statement that is true

I have never been drunk
I have never smoked pot
I have never kissed a member of the opposite sex
I have never kissed a member of the same sex
I have never crashed a friend's car
I have never been to Japan
I have never ridden in a taxi

I have never had anal sex
I have never been in love
I have never had sex
I have never had sex in public
I have never been dumped
I have never shoplifted
I have never been fired
I have never been in a fist fight *not with a girl, but with a guy*
I have never had a threesome
I have never snuck out of my parent's house
I have never been tied up (sexually)
I have never been caught masturbating
I have never pissed on myself *hey I was a kid once!*
I have never had sex with a member of the same sex
I have never had sex with a member of the opposite sex
I have never been arrested
I have never made out with a stranger
I have never stolen something from my job
I have never celebrated New Year's in Times Square
I have never gone on a blind date

I have never lied to a friend
I have never had a crush on a teacher
I have never celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
I have never been to Europe

I have never skipped school *oh God...freshman and senior year. I was never in school...ha.*
I have never slept with a co-worker
I have never been fisted and/or have never fisted anyone
I have never thrown up in a bar

I have never visited a site held holy by a major religion
I have never cheated on a final exam
I have never had a relationship with someone of the same-sex
I have never been/gotten someone pregnant

I miss you stupid. <3

4 | squeeeee

[Friday, March 12th, 2004
@ 11:27pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | none ]

I DONT HAVE A RIDE TO WORK TOMORROW!!! Im gonna get fired. *sigh*

edit~ $4 gas money to who ever can help me....I know it isnt a lot, but someone please help me...

edit~ one! I am loving Trevor right now. <3

3 | squeeeee

here fishy fishy fishy...... [Friday, March 12th, 2004
@ 1:48pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | not a damn thing. ]



Battle Rating

happynoodlebabe was born to human parents

Can your fishy beat happynoodlebabe ?

HAHAHA! Im a freakin GUPPY! that was born to human parents...WATCH OUT! that is freakin awesome.

my fish can beat up your fish.... )

now I suppose I should go get ready for work...though I dont have to be there until 5. Ill get there early so I can smoke and be slack for a while. <3

4 | squeeeee

[Friday, March 12th, 2004
@ 12:31am]
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
14 | squeeeee

taken from [info]chokeddaisies [Thursday, March 11th, 2004
@ 11:17pm]
Anything less than mad passionate extraordanary love is a waist of your time.

and I totally agree.

swallow. choke. die. [Thursday, March 11th, 2004
@ 10:25pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | round Sunny Day Real Estate ]

why do things always have to be so complicated? always. thats what makes me sad. thats what makes me sick. thats what pisses me off. cause I care so fuckin much...and I know its not in vain...but sometimes I have my moments and as we all know, I am the one who thinks too much.

I get pretty.
and I sit.
and I wait.
for a resolution
that it seems,
will never come.
Im here.
and Im cold.
and Im sad.
but you keep me
inside with my anger,
though my hatred burns.
Im alone.
and Im lost.
and Im scared.
but breathing you in
always makes me forget,
I know you see right through me.

can you tell me why Im like this?
cause I think youve had enough.

there are somethings you cant help but want. and somethings you cant help but need...and it all pisses me off. cause I feel so needy and wanty. like a freakin little kid. *blah* I wish it wasnt so cold outside. I know it could be colder, but c'mon...

anyways, Happy Early Birthday to Sergio!
and Congratulations to Rachel on getting preggo *and actually being happy about it* I LOVE YOU CUNT FACE! <3

I guess I should go find something to do now...that something would be watching The Simpsons.


[Monday, March 8th, 2004
@ 10:43pm]
so I just made this really long post, but this PIECE OF SHIT WEBSITE DELETED IT! so fuck livejournal. YEA I SAID IT!


anyways, all it said was ~> I open tomorrow at 4. thanks Brett for having faith in me. moms an analCUNTbitch and Im gonna get kicked out for breathing. there IS a difference between a colored jell pen and a highlighter. the air conditioner just cut on. I talked to Kenn today and I miss her and Jenn. something something something...blah blah get the point.

Im gonna put all the members of Def Leppard on an island and blow it up. ha.

Im drunk off nyquil...someone put me to bed.

~*(X_x)*~ o0O(Zzzzzzz)
10 | squeeeee

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