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Demanding POWER with an Intense
Skinny women are EVIL...
I just bought this book.. Funny as hell and hit those skinny women right in the fuckin gut. .

Now I dont hate the skinny women.. just read the articles...

Skinny Women Are Evil
Rated BG14+ (BIG Girls over size 14): Some material may be inappropriate for women under dress size 14. If you're easily offended, stop reading here
"read more"

Does.. this picture rawk of ME.

Ms Hlu you need to email me back....

Yo... Yo..
I AM BACK.....

Let me give a shout out to MY girl Mrs. Hlu. * big smile* Did you get my email Mrs.Hlu? Wink... to everybody else on My friends area..

Write More later..
Diary of an Insomniac
Think: If I fall asleep by 10 o'clock, I will get exactly 7.5 hours of sleep.

Think: Man, am I tired! I worked all day and I barely slept last night! I'm exhausted! I should fall right to sleep!

Lay down in bed. Kiss significant other good night. Close eyes tightly. When significant other is snoring gently, realize that you're wide-awake.

Think: That's OK. I'll just count sheep. Begin counting sheep. Get to almost 102 before you realize that you are not even somewhat drowsy. Picture all 102 sheep mangled by a rabid coyote.

Get up and go to the bathroom. Pour yourself three little cups of Nyquil. Down them like shots of tequila. Go back to bed feeling smug.

Think: Those should kick in in about 15 minutes.

Think: Holy shit! I'm still awake!

Roll over and glare at significant other. Think: He has no trouble falling asleep. He doesn't care that I can't sleep and I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning. He is a SELFISH BASTARD. Stare at significant other and seethe.

Realize that seething at significant other will not make him wake up and talk to you. Yank the pillow out from under his head instead. Glare when he just rolls over and smacks his lips peacefully. Mumble: Selfish bastard doesn't deserve a pillow.

Wonder if you should wake him up pretending to hear a prowler. Nix that idea when you realize that he'll just wake up long enough to look for the prowler, then go right back to sleep.

Realize that the solution to all your problems is located in the orgasm of technology dubbed 'your computer.' Go downstairs and surf a little. Bring up google and type in: Cures for Insomnia. Come up with such ideas as: 'warm milk and soft music.'

Warm up a glass of milk and listen to soft music. Drink the entire glass of milk and practice deep breathing techniques. Quickly realize that it isn't working. In a fit of fury, stand up and scream: WHY GOD, WHY? WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN MEEEEEE?? In your fit of rage, throw the empty glass of milk at the ceiling.

Think: If I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes, I can still get 5 hours of sleep. All is not lost. Go back to bed.

Think: You are getting sleeeeeppppy. You are getting sleeeeeppppy. You are asleep! Open your eyes. You are awake.

Close your eyes tightly and breathe deeply. Smack your lips peacefully. Avoid panic by thinking: See? I'm sleeping now! I really am sleeping now! I'm in a deeeeeeeppp sleep.

Decide to quit living a lie. You were NOT asleep. God hates you, remember?

Think: If I fall asleep in by 2am, I can get 3.5 hours of sleep.

Lay in bed dejected.

In a fit of desperation, wake up your significant other by screaming: OH MY GOD, I HEAR A PROWLER!

Significant other gets up to go look for imagined prowler. Finds no one. Reassures you that all the doors are locked. Lays down and falls immediately back to sleep. Selfish Bastard.

Think: If I fall asleep by 3, I can get 2.5 hours of sleep.

Decide you need to clip your toenails. Get up and go clip them over the toilet unlike gross, selfish, sleeping-like-a-baby significant other who piles them up on the nightstand. Clip quickly and viciously. When you're done, break down in tears. You can never get them even.

Think: Maybe I can call of work? Nix that idea when you remember that you're broke.

Start feeling very drowsy. Almost doze off completely before you realize you have to pee. Try to ignore it. Then remember the old childhood fear of wetting your bed. Get up and go to the bathroom. Lie back down in bed and realize that once again, you're wide-awake. Damn google and that milk to everlasting Hell.

Get inane pop song stuck in your head. Think: Someone has to pay.

Consider getting up and reeking havoc on a couple of fan sites. Realize that you're much, much too lazy. Instead, lie in bed and continue to seethe.

Think: If I fall asleep in 10 minutes, I can still get 1.5 hours of sleep.

Stare and clock and drool. Feel hopeless and dejected.

Doze of into the most blissful sleep you've ever had.

Piercing alarm goes off waking you from the heavenly state of sleep. Rip it out of the wall and throw it across the room. Significant other wakes up to ask you what is wrong. Say: What do you care, you selfish bastard? Ignore his confused, fully rested stare as you grudgingly get ready for work. Wonder briefly if you can sue Nyquil for this. Vow to never drink warm milk again.
I bought 30.00 worth of candy.. and all that candi will be gone on Hallow Eves.. Or.. I seriously lose it with my weight...
Help... my pass is hitting me..
I refuse to show anybody pictures of me between the age of 12-15 \ The phase of Michael Jackson.. I have pictures of me with my first jerry curl and with my beat it shirt & my red vinyle zipper jacket ( which I have still to this day)...

Why, did I say this..Im thumbing over thousand's and thousand's of pictures of me and my family in 20 big square 1980's tupperware bowls..

Holy fuck! What crawled up VISA's ass and died?
Political Bullshit... - I will not pay visa..
I'm a webmistress and I refuse to pay Visa $750 for being a webmaster + 375.00 a year.. READ VISA BULLSHIT
1. Visa all by themselves make about 700million dollar yearly off of credit card charges | they have small percentage of charge back.
2. The only reason they are doing this is because of Sept 11- hitting visa in the pockets because a lot people are not using there visa cards a much.
3. Visa's just being like everyone else... paranoid and greedy.

VISA CAN KISS MY ROYAL BLACK ASS... I will have to figure out something different..
I am now wireless... Yay!! My laptop loves ME...

Modern Technically is the best..

Muhahaha.. I can hold all my slaves by the balls even more...

Eeeevil Mistress...
Santa UPS man..
Santa UPS man drop off alot of boxes today... I am jumping around like a happy sick domme.. Laptop will be wireless in about 20mins. I can do some website work in the bed..Like I really want too..
It's never rain in Las Vegas.... Yea Right...
I finished four loads of laundry that I had piled up in my closet. It's good that I have a big ass laundry room, or else I probably wouldn't have been able to swim in dirty laundry. I'm not sure how I ever let it get this way.. In an effort to forbid my laziness from taking over (for the time being only), I cleaned the rest of my offic. I'll be content enough with this for the remaining minutes of my evening. My evening... Euhff.. my day... Normal. To my surprise, I did not encounter any extremely ignorant people today. I sigh with relief. O0o. This will not last long at all. I will buy be having human furnature boy to do some major houshold cleaning.

All the bitches love me because they know that I can fuck up weak human mind..

I MISS ALL YOU LJers.. I hope some you dont delete me.. I just been under the attack of making websites, buying stuff for my house,training new slaves and getting sick off and on from my son and the little gnomes in his Kinder class.. I havent forgot any of my lovly LJer (Bajema, Odissa,hlu,serialkiller - my kickass girls on LJ) and everybody else that is on my friends list.

Oh.. no bad guilt if some you did delete me.. Its all cool..
User: [info]jdeunique
Name: Demanding POWER with an Intense
Back September 2003