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manda lee's LiveJournal
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in manda lee's LiveJournal:

    Saturday, March 3rd, 2001
    3:20 pm
    tuuli rocks!!!
    ok so last night me and amanda went to the tuuli/bratmobile/donnas concert it. was awesome! i had only heard like a part of a song by tuuli and i thought they were ok, but last night i really saw what they were about THEY'RE FUCKING GREAT!! i even got to meet them and take a picture with them wooohooo! manda got their autographs. they also gave us a sticker. bratmobile had really awesome music but really nasty people in their band. the donnas of course rocked. oh and we got to hang out with joss wich was cool beans b/c she is so awesome. so overall it was an awesome ass kicking night. wooohoooo TUULI ROCKS!!! oh and i have to thank amanda for introducing me to her lil world of kick ass inde bands and shit. thanks manda hehe

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: the sound of the rain outside
    Thursday, March 1st, 2001
    5:06 pm
    men confuse me!
    ok so one minute they want to be with you and the next minute they don't.... i just don't get it! then they always like you and when you don't like them they wig out and go psycho! what the fuck?! any suggestions anyone? i mean please help me try and understand why they're so stupid. no offense to anyone who might be reading this i'm just kind of aggrevated and really sick of being single. single being the key word here. anyone out there????

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: blink 182
    Saturday, February 24th, 2001
    10:39 am
    all for tickets to the donnas
    last night was funny! me and manda went to get tickets for the donnas show at the shim sham. well first we went the wrong way due to my backwards brain yesterday. then we realized we were going the wrong way and turned around. then we almost got in 3 accidents hehe. so finally we get goin in the right direction and get the tickets. well we're driving back and we see this car on side of us and it had 4 lil tv's in it. so we look to see what the people are watching and it turns out to be porn. HA! it was so funny. then we drove our happy asses home and crashed.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: the sound of bfe
    Sunday, February 18th, 2001
    11:12 am
    i love my friends!
    i had a great weekend. on friday me, amanda, and ashley all went to the parade in metairie. we met up with my friends john and matt and their girlfriends. well i thought amy was going to be a bitch and matt was going to act weird around me, but she wasn't and he didn't. hehehe. the only thing that amy didn't like i think was when matt called me his baby and when matt was paying a lot of attention to me. jenn, johns girlfriend, was really cool too. amy and jenn both thought that i was really cool. then we brought ashley home drunk hehehe. she couldn't stop laughin and she was fallin hehe. me and manda went back to chill with matt and them afterwards at this girl tiffanys house. well me, matt, amy, and manda had a big convo, mostly about me and matts good old days hehe. well i got pretty drunk but i did tell matt and amy that i'm really glad that they're happy and i told amy that if she treats him bad or hurts him i'm gonna have to kick her ass but i don't think she'll do that. then jenn and john show back up. well jenn was pretty pissed and then we were sitting there talking. poor thing john dumped her. but she gave me her number and we'll probably start chillin more often. it was really good to see my old friends especially my matthew. i love him to death and i hope he's happy but you know if he is ever single again HE'S MINE. hehehe oh yeah me and manda and jenn all went back to her house for a lil while god she's just like me! she likes blink 182 and richard humpty vission, has my favorite pic of a fairy on her wall, and has my first two rave flyers on her cieling. shes awesome! then we went and woke my brother and his friends up hehe. then we went to her ex's house where we all got a lil more fucked up. then we brought jenn home and me and manda got home at 6:15. woke up at 10:30 and went to another parade. then we went to ceasar last night and the fireman helped us catch a bunch of beads, one of them was a major hottie hehe. well i got home about 12:45 and crashed. then kirby had to call me at 10:30 and now i'm awake b/c i couldn't fall back asleep. but thats about it for now.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: blink 182- adams song
    Sunday, February 11th, 2001
    8:16 pm
    um i don't know
    well i had a fun little weekend. friday i stayed by ashleys and we just chilled. saturday me, manda and ashley went and looked at prom dresses. then saturday night me and manda went to this little get together our friends were having. then me amanda danny lil chris ashley l. and jason went to wal mart at like 1:30 in the morning. after that we went to the quarter for a while and then we all went home. it was crazy b/c we saw a really bad wreck on canal or poydras or something, then we saw a fight between a male stripper and a big fat woman, then we saw a drug bust so it was pretty fun. and while driving this whole time i was sitting on danny's lap in the front seat of a 2000 ford escort zx2 and if you have ever seen one of these you can tell there's not a whole lot of room in there hehe. somehow me and danny fell asleep on each other though. oh well the point is i had fun and i haven't been doing a lot of that lately so it was cool.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: the murmurs
    Friday, February 2nd, 2001
    8:18 pm
    I WANT A MAN!!!!
    i know everyone says that being single is so much better than being in a relationship,but damn i'm tired of being single! i've never really had a chance to have a real relationship b/c guys are only interested in my looks they never see my great personality. no i'm not being concieted its just true. ask anyone! i'm funny, sweet, cool, interesting, just like one of the guys, smart, worldly, and plenty more not to mention my good looks. so why don't guys want a relationship with me. maybe they're just stupid. maybe they're whores. but i am very picky. maybe its my fault. i do tend to get stalkers though. but thats not exactly a good thing now is it. somebody give me some advice on this! why are guys not attracted to me? well at least not in the right ways.

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: eminem
    Monday, January 29th, 2001
    10:24 am
    dammit i smoke too much! i smoked a whole carton of cancer sticks in like 8 days! i think i have a problem hehe.. well i'm really bored as usual and don't have anything to do so i figured i'd write in my wonderful oh so exciting journal. manda tocky and bethy came to visit me this morning little school skipping assholes. watch out u might end up like me hehe.. i want alcohol! anyway i got a call from this cute little boy who is like 15 and wants to holla at me hehe.. so cute. i can't wait till the weekend hopefully i'll be getting fucked up. oh i talked to an enemy of mine yesterday i think she wants to be my friend or something. scary. and i have realized i have 3 personalities. amanda-cool, chillin, alcoholic, hazel- old black woman, crazy, conceited, in love with amanda l., and the italian man- mean to amanda l. and snobby. the things u find when you're bored. anywho enough of boring people to death i'm goin smoke a cancer stick. bye

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: shaggy -it wasn't me
    Sunday, January 28th, 2001
    8:08 pm
    my pic
    just wanted to write so i could show my pic

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: the murmurs
    10:10 am
    my weekend
    well me manda and ashley l. got drunk friday. i drove mandas car. we went to the mall saturday along with ashley v. went and visited beth ann watched movies and crashed. wow how exciting right. anywho. i need a cancer stick. bye

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: none
    Saturday, January 20th, 2001
    5:04 am
    who knew the word fun could ever be so fun. its not funny anymore. make it funny6. dammit now that i have suscefully spelled dammit. life can now go on uh ok. yeah. (hysterically laughing). i think i've been here before yeah i have. so neway robbie licks chicken nipples. nipples. nipples. hehehe oops um this sucks. nip nippy nipple. skip. run. go. hop. dance. sing. pretty colors. hands weird. wall move. heads shoulders knees and toes. blah. my name is blah. room. pretty room. but if there was a fire we couldn't jump out of the window you wanna know y BECAUSE THERE ARE NO WINDOWS. aunt jamima. lick it. stick it. whatever. we go now. ffffffffffuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: trip like i do - crystal method
    Saturday, January 13th, 2001
    5:07 pm
    today i am very bored. wow isnt that amazing. i need alcohol. or something. la la la. yeah neway guess i'll write later.

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: hangin by a moment, lifehouse
    Friday, January 12th, 2001
    8:58 pm
    my first journal.... strung out.. hehe
    well i'm a little strung out from last night but i'm going to try and write a normal journal. oh wait its me this could never be normal. anyway last night was fun i met lots of cool people and got really really really fucked up. the shim sham is great. i saw this nasty guy named damon thats like homeless or something and he likes my eyes among other things. eeeeeeeewwwwwwww! anyway i'm not being very funny so i think i'll just go for now. i need to go get really fucked up again. hehe. ok i love u bye bye.

    Current Mood: high
    Current Music: robbie bitching