Below is user information for See Me Rage. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | kobold (65721) |
![kobold]( |
| All Fled, All Done carpe machinam ne te machina carpet |
Name: | See Me Rage |
Website: | Something Positive |
Location: | Somerville, Massachusetts, United States |
Birthdate: | 1975-11-25 |
Bio: |
"All fled--all done, so lift me on the pyre;
The feast is over, and the lamps expire."
- Robert E. Howard |
Memories: | 1 entry |
Interests: | 43: apocrypha, choo-choo bear, comics, cooking, cyberpunk, d20, degrassi, degrassi high, degrassi junior high, deism, drawing, elastica, fantasy, forbidden zone, freezepop, garbage, ghosts, grues, halloween, hardcore merkat pr0n xxx, infocom, jack-off jill, jane jensen, john gardner, kids in the hall, making fat kids cry, making money, meg lee chin, mst3k, ogl, oingo boingo, painting, regurgitator, robert mitchum, rpgs, s*p, shock treatment, something positive, watercolor, webcomics, writing, your girlfriend, zork. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | ![People People]( | 118: | 808, absolut_ven, aeire, aethan, airsick_moth, alex_royce, allthingsaaron, ariose, artoo, arya, autodidacticphd, bazil_greyson, bigbigtruck, bobbydrake007, bruceman, caligoarye, captainapathy, cavalorn, chaobell, chef_troy, chelkitty, chibi_tenshi24, chriscrosby, cochrane, conner24, copaceticgirl, coyotegoth, cygnia, czarina69, darkravenette, deadlysin, demiurgent, desiringmachine, diego001, disgruntledgrrl, djeternaldarkne, dollyknuckles, drderanged, dreadpiratesiri, dulcimeoww, dvandom, electricsoup, endlessadiction, exmachinery, fionn_mac_lir, flemco, flynngrrl, footyfoot, foxglove, fraterrisus, freakquency, furtim, gnagn, goffchick, goldrose, greyhame, hjj, ian_j, icicole, invader_haywire, jendai, jenni_the_odd, jhim, jinwicked, jmspencer, juldea, junya, kadath, kaetepixie, kalliope, karlean7, kawaiikiwi, koed, ladygenevieve, lamoon, lipstick_senshi, llargh, lotusbutterfly, lucasarcher, lucasthegray, lys1123, malakym, mercyspeaks, mimiakemi, mishamish, morrigangrrl, mropus, mutt12, nikapo, norda, padraiceen, peacemouseword, piecemeal_angel, plexiglas_eyes, pmbq, polarbee, raginglemming, ranchonmars, randomactsofkat, rnoble001, s0ur_times, scifigal, sclerotic_rings, seawee, shrokk, sisterwheels, special_j, spiderourhero, superhappy, takhisis, that_xmas, thenadreck, thesslea, thunder_cunt, tragicstory, vaz, yukimi, zsyed | ![Communities Communities]( | 1: | devils_panties | ![Feeds Feeds]( | 1: | officialgaiman |
Friend of: | 947: 12sideddice, 808, _mitsukai, _waterlilies, absolut_ven, actionfaust, adderyn, additive, adialosdia, aeire, aelana, aethan, aethereal_girl, aformist, airsick_moth, akoalaatemylion, alchemist, alex_manion, alex_royce, all_ephemera, alleykitten, allthingsaaron, allwein, almus, alteridem, alucardo, alumiere, alura05, amasne, amberwind, amejisuto, aminamithri, anathemad, andustar5, angelbob, angelo13, animebabec, animegothgrrl, annanda, annetten, another_ache, anthion, anthrprettyface, antigoneschase, arashikage, arethiel, arielchan, ariose, arkady, arkhamrefugee, artoo, arwenoid, arya, asasha, ash42, ashbet, ashleyisachild, ashyukun, asmonet, atlasimpure, aulayan, aunticrist, aurachad, aurora77, auryn29a, autodidacticphd, autographedcat, avi_dragon, axyn, ayemaksicur, aylinn, ayradyss, azrael207, babydinosaur, backfromspace, baconforme, badseedshalo, balthial, bambamkam, bananaf1sh3, barberio, bardfionn, baronbrian, bat_cheva, bazil_greyson, beanrua, bearoderse, beeblebabe, beguine, belila, bellaanne, bellebet, bergiegirl, bigbigtruck, bigdumbjock, biomekanic, bitpig, bitterfun, blackavar, blackbyrd2, blackeagle2138, bladeknight817, bludfeast, blue_haired_one, blueline52, blueyesopn, bobbydrake007, bonefish21, boo_kat, bookgirl83, bookwyrm_eds, bottleofred, brassangel, brat_t, bratflesh, brawnfire, breathofrain, breklor, brigidsblest, bruceman, bubblesbrnaid, buenabuena, build_me_a_star, burninglilac, bynkii, bynofdoom, byrdie, bywayoftheroad, bzarcher, c4bl3fl4m3, calamarimonster, caligoarye, calvin_ball, capnstinkypants, captainapathy, cardigangirl, caropal, carygrantlover, catcom, cattibrie, catvsvolt, cavalorn, cavorite, cdybedahl, cebjyre, centricity, chadu, chaggalagirl, chaiya, chaobell, ... |
Member of: | 13: bostongamers, devils_panties, flemcomics, infocom, insoc, lovethatkate, megleechin, olv, onlinecomic, paidmembers, peejeednd, rocksfall, webcomics |
Account type: | Paid Account |