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[02 Sep 2002|12:40am]
[ mood | happy ]

call it fate, destiny, luck, providence, whatever, but here I was complaining about how long it'll be until I could see the movie of Jane Eyre, and so I sit back and turn on my tv and flip through the channels and I haphazardly stop on one channel because I see period costumes and stark faces...I hear "fetch me the wretched girl" and on the closed captions see the name "Mrs. Reed"

Holy geebus, I'm watching Jane Eyre!!

tap me on the shoulder

random mumblings [02 Sep 2002|12:26am]
[ mood | sore ]

I really regret not going to the Oasis concert on the 17th. I heard it was so amazing...*sniff*
One of these days I'll find someone who shares my passion for Oasis, and when I do we will be unstoppable. yes.

Lately I've been reading the "classics" again: Jane Eyre, The Catcher in the Rye, Persuasion, Heart of Darkness, The Sun Also Rises and I read Pride and Prejudice for the fifth time. (ok so I read the first Harry Potter book again as well, but there's no need to include that in this list...) This is what working a 7 hour shift at work will make me do. Curse them for furthering my literary repertoire. It's just so boring I got about a phone call an hour. That was fun. I managed to read 3/4 of Jane Eyre all today; and I got so engrossed in the book I would actually get pissed when someone phoned because they would break my concentration. So it goes.

My anthro professor emailed me again about the field course in India, she's still discussing with her Chair to see if we can get the go-ahead; I would really love to go, the only problem is if India and Pakistan can't learn to get along, I don't think I'll be going anywhere. She did tell me if we do get to go, "the special thing is" there's two kinds of monkeys within walking distance of where we would be staying. :) So hopefully all goes well, and soon in November I may be spending two weeks in Shimla. We shall soon see...and I hope it gets finalized soon, because I'm already enrolled in 7 classes, 3 of which are full year courses. I'll have to drop at least one class because I wont have time to do all this...and I'm already ahead half a credit, which means I can afford to drop.

Blast the stresses of school, heartburn and unopenable pickle jars.

tap me on the shoulder

i'm cursed [19 Aug 2002|03:04pm]
[ mood | stupid ]

ay my stomach hurts and my hair is way too curly to be seen in public...i took a shower last night and passed out in bed and i woke up looking worse than i did before i took the shower. meh cleanliness isn't all its cracked up to be.
maybe i'll shave my head and give away the rest of my hair...

whaa its 3pm...!!?!?!??? i need to get my ass in gear and start geting ready for work.

INOTHERNEWS: im moving to australia.

6 taps|tap me on the shoulder

[15 Aug 2002|03:10pm]
Ok. Its time to buy a digital camera. There is too much beauty going on around me and I have no way of capturing it right now...the 35mm is with dear old dad across the ocean. Today was enjoyable, albeit superhot and sticky. It rained last night (read: morning) at 2am, I was still awake watching Gladiator; but not the Russel Crowe movie, the 1992 Gladiator with Cuba Gooding Jr. in it. I liked it, only problem is I kept falling asleep so I missed parts of it - crucial parts. Well there's always Blockbuster.

My ears are bleeding; curse Rosie O'Donnell's makeover Mondays! She screams too much. But Natalie Imbruglia is just adoreable. I love Australian accents.
Time to get ready to go to work. It's not right that I should have to work two days in a row, right before I'm to go camping.

I guess I'll go shave my legs.
tap me on the shoulder

so... [06 Aug 2002|11:42pm]
[ mood | meh ]

My dad is currently somewhere over the Atlantic ocean getting close to the English coast (my brother tells me it's Wales; I wouldn't know, my geography skills are next to nonexistant) and he should be arriving in Milan at about 6:51am Italy time, which would be about 12:51am Toronto time. (gotta love
*sigh* I really wish I could have gone with him this summer. Curses to my busy schedule....ah well there's always next year I guess.
Anyhoo my dad was so cute at the airport he's asking me "so what kind of perfume should I bring back for you? I know you'll want some fancy Italian stuff right?" and I had to tell him that I didn't want anything but for him to have a safe trip, to have a good time, and to come home safe (I'm a wuss, I know). Then when we were saying our goodbyes, of course Moms has to start with the tears, which made me tear up, which made my dad tear up, which made my brother uncomfortable so he went to go play some Virtua Fighter.
Then we saw his plane take off, looking like a bunch of shmoes waving from the fourth floor of the parking garage to the pilot of my dad's plane (we got an awesome parking space, right in front of the plane). [edited to say: hehe my dad actually saw us waving! baha] Heh then we kept waving as it was getting in queue to take off (shmoes I tell you, shmoes); and then we stuck around to watch it take off (even though I had to pee like a racehorse). I had my little nostalgia moment where I was lamenting that I wasnt going with him and I was going to miss so much going on this summer; then I got over it, went and peed and then came home.
Now I'm just tracking my dad's flight, courtesy of
ok everyone who's a loser, raise their hand.


*raises hand*

4 taps|tap me on the shoulder

WYD 2002 [29 Jul 2002|11:03am]
[ mood | happy ]

wah my neck is all sunburnt :( sat in the sun all day yesterday (well, the bits of sun there was after that downpour that was practically a hurricane)

Read more... )

All in all, I had the time of my life. Meeting new people from all over the world was so wonderful, and I've never seen so many good and nice people congregated in one area. We're already starting to plan who is going to go to Germany in 3 years.
Ahh time to go put some more aloe cream on my neck now.........

tap me on the shoulder

hmm [17 Jul 2002|06:16pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | This Guy's In Love With You (Live) - Oasis ]

Thought it was about time for an update, or something.
It is hot as hell right now, which is why, although I would love to be sitting outside reading my book, I'm seeking the comfort of my air-conditioned room. It still smells of wood in here, thanks to my new bedroom suite. It's got mirrors behind the bed! So when I wake up and turn around to put on my glasses, I can freak myself out. It's great that the first face you encounter after you wake up is your own. :/

I've discovered a newfound obsession for Oasis, especially for Noel Gallagher. His writing is so wonderful. There's a concert coming up but I don't have anybody to go with!! :( Meh, eventually I'll find someone who shares my passion for Oasis and then we'll go to all their concerts. Ha.

Ugh well I'm off to the library, must return my book about primate evolution which is now overdue about a month, I'd say. And at 50 cents a day, I don't feel like dishing out my entire life's savings for an overdue book!

tap me on the shoulder

[04 Jul 2002|11:45pm]
[ mood | okay ]

i am now officially 21.

6 taps|tap me on the shoulder

i'm a yankee doodle dandy [04 Jul 2002|03:14pm]
Happy 4th of July
to all of my american friends. :)

AHHH! I forgot to wish all my canadian peeps (baha peeps) a happy canada
2 taps|tap me on the shoulder

[04 Jul 2002|12:06am]
well, its here.
joy is me.
tap me on the shoulder

aww [03 Jul 2002|09:29pm]
[ mood | happy ]

my buddies in italy sent me a birthday message...

"Buon Compleanno, Angy!

Auguri per i tuoi anni!

Ti vogliamo tanto, tanto bene, e ci vediamo al piu' presto!

:D that makes me smile

7 taps|tap me on the shoulder

[03 Jul 2002|09:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]

she says:
you know what I heard that at York where one of my friends go they already get to stab people with needles-no fare Ryerson is so slow I mean we did not get to do anything this year. We only had 5days in the clinical setting and it was with grumpy old people at an old age home

angie says:
oh ya? haha how did that go

angie says:
grumpy old people haha

she says:
yeah basically there so old and boring and wear pampers and are so wrinkle that you don't know where one body part starts and the other stops

angie says:

am i evil for laughing at that? or is she evil for saying it....either way it was damn funny at the time
2 taps|tap me on the shoulder

to you (yes you) [03 Jul 2002|09:05pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

if there's one thing you should never, ever do
its question my faith
my science and my faith are two separate things
don't tell me i'll be "brainwashed"
you know me better than that

Well, tomorrow's the big day. Feel the excitement. [03 Jul 2002|01:42pm]
I never thought it would come to this; I check my email today and I see this in my inbox: "Enlarge Your Penis Heinously_angelic, Safely and Naturally!" sigh.

My parents took me to go see Mamma Mia last night. I'm surprised my Dad enjoyed it, he's not a musical type of guy; but ABBA was/is his favourite band.
Flashes of diamond shaped belt buckles, silver platforms, and orange leopard print sarongs. Fun night. :)
2 taps|tap me on the shoulder

thought i would give it a shot [03 Jul 2002|02:03am]
Angelica is One Tough Cookie
Angelica is the queen of the plus-size herbs
Angelica is a small town with a population of 1000 friendly folks
Angelica is not an indoor plant
Angelica is an excellent Christian Latin reading and translation course
Angelica is a traditional Hotel on the island of Hydra
Angelica is also a respected new age writer and lecturer

a real update is coming soon, just not now. im just too tired of life.
tap me on the shoulder

[26 Jun 2002|09:27pm]
[ mood | complacent ]

Finally i'm in a somewhat better mood...although not by much. It's just nice to have genuine people around me who actually do seem to care about me, not just about what stares back at them in the mirror.
We just had a huge thunderstorm; it was beautiful. One bolt of lightening hit so close it illuminated my entire room, and then the thunder that followed rattled my windows. Nature is awesome I tell you.

4 taps|tap me on the shoulder

[25 Jun 2002|12:37am]
[ mood | crushed ]

if ever i was in need of a hug and a cigarette, this is the time.

its already monday and already my week is shit. i get to find out who my true friends are. and i got to find out where i fit in this social sphere we always seem to adhere to.

well, i just want to say thank you to the select few that have made me feel lower than a pile of shit. if this was your mission, you have succeeded.


[23 Jun 2002|09:57pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

...headaches that derive from tears are the worst kind of pain...

2 taps|tap me on the shoulder

i like bavenging! [20 Jun 2002|01:11pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

ok the subject doesn't have anything to do with this post, but its a line that amuses me.

bleh! I can't get to sleep and I'm hungry but there's no food. Perhaps I shall suck on my fist for the time being.
My hair smells like candy. It's making me sick (*noting I have already vomited twice today*). I'm not feeling well at all, my brain is all hurty. I keep wanting to say I've got a headache, but it doesn't feel like a normal headache, it feels as if my brain is hurting. I think I've been trying to do way too much this week; what with trying to write my primatology paper, spending 20 hours of observation time at the zoo, looking up references for a possible undergrad thesis I may be writing (I'm still discussing with my prof and Justin)....crud! I don't even get the day off tomorrow or saturday because i'm working.
ima go nuts! (my tummy's all gurgly; its angry at me :-/ )

tap me on the shoulder

[20 Jun 2002|12:21pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]

i was going to post an entry this morning at 5.45 stating that i had just finished my primatology paper, but livejournal wouldn't let me, something about database maintenance on the server where the journal is located so the journal was in read-only mode. well, neither here nor there. it's finished. i have gotten 1 and a half hours sleep.

bah. im grumpy now.

tap me on the shoulder

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