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Thursday, August 29th, 2002
7:41 pm
Hurrah, I finally finished that awful temping job today. After 5 months of various temping jobs I can now kiss the Agency goodbye and I have signed off with them. I start my career as a Financial Adviser now on Monday, am so excited and nervous. I meet with my Boss tomorrow to go over the Business Plan again and get ready for Monday.It should be fine.

I get paid tomorrow for last weeks work, not a lot, but will give me some cash to do all my messages.

I have no idea when I will be back online. We do have access at my new place of work but I can't be seen using LJ, not very professional. I can check email because we are expected to use email for contacting some clients so I can probably catch comments sometimes. Anyhows all being well Andrew will have bought a PC by the end of next month and I can be online each evening from the comfort of home...It has been such a dream I hardly dare even think about it too much until it becomes a reality!

Ok its nearly 8pm and I still have a 20 minute walk home so I'm off, may pop in briefly tomorrow, if not you all have a fabulous weekend.


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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
6:17 pm - And just one more wee thing
I quit smoking!!!!
3 weeks ago and I feel fabby, but darn it I do miss

Now i just need to work on everything else in my list of things to quit, improve or change. Its long and I'll share more on Thursday night when I'm online.

Hope to be here for a couple of hours after 5pm

I am definately going now

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6:12 pm - And before i go
I just wanted to say I've not been posting much in anyone's journal because I can't do it at work. I can look at LJ but as soon as I post a comment it freezes me out and I get a big serious warning about breach of company Internet use..oops. It only happened once last Friday and I just about had a heartattack and sat waiting for someone to pounce on me about accessing lj..rofl. Noone has.

So I am reading lj each day but not getting to post so just to say:
Blue - the festival sounded like fun and I'm loving all the musical entries and looking forward to my pressie :)

Deb - crossing my fingers for Dan and the job prospect, it may be temp but as you say its a foot in the door

Topaz - if you pierce the nipples do we get to see??? lol. Hope you manage ok with Don going *hug*

Laura - Hope the vacation is going well and looking forward to having you back

Maura - love you heaps even though you're not on much, keep an eye out on snail mail *hug*

And huge hugs to everyone else on my list
love you all heaps


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5:30 pm - wee update
Wow! what a fantastic day, bright scorching sun all day, its been like this on and off now for a couple of weeks. Of course it would be like this in the 2 weeks out of 6 i'm stuck in a stuffy poky room temping! But i am catching as many rays as poss at every opportunity and i'm working uP quite a fabby tan just now *grin*

I totally hate this new job, so much that i'm not going in on Friday and have told them so. So only 2 more days of processing central heating claim forms and sitting with 5 morons in a tiny room which is 36 degress hot and noone even talks. How anyone does this for a living i will never know!!!!!

So i'm hoping the good weather will hold up for Friday so i can sunbathe lots cos once i start the new job those days will be gone.

However it is shaping up to be quite a busy day! I have to pick up photos, dry cleaning, trousers i was having shortened,and i'm also meeting Tracey, one of my soon to be new work mates for lunch. Just as well i have the day off.

Tonight i'm off to see my bessy mate Rachel in her new flat and Thursday i'm catching up with Lindsay. Friday night hopefully cinema and Sat I'm getting my eyebrows shaped and then off to a new opticians for new glasses...hurrah! I've also spotted the perfect material for my Bridesmaids dresses so Rachel and I are going to look at that on Saturday as well


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Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
1:45 pm
Hey I'm checking lj at work!
I hate this new temping job, its dull and the 6 of us who started are stuck in a tiny over hot room processing central heating claims!

Of course now i'm back in work for the first time in 4 weeks the sun has decided to come out and it has been scorching hot! That sucks big time!!!!

So i'm pissed off but have to keep thinking of the bit of money i'm earning *sigh* Only 6 more working days and then i'm finished with temping! Hurrah. Am getting nervous now about the new financial job though..eep.

Andrew is away on his work day out tomorrow day and evening so I can veg out friday night on my own. Hope the good weather stays over the weekend.

Sunday we're at a wedding where I'll be meeting up with a heap of people I haven't seen since Graduation in 1997. Am a bit nervous about it, wonder how they all look and what they're doing now?

Might come online on Sat if the weather is sucky, if not it will be next week.

Smooches to you all

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Monday, August 19th, 2002
12:21 pm
After living here in our new flat for 5 months I have finally ventured into the Internet Cafe which is a couple of minutes from the flat. I never came here before because it looked totally dodgy from the outside and its not so bad once you're in, basic, but dirty and slow connections but hey beggars can't be choosers. And its £1.50 an hour as opposed to £3 which it is in other places. Best value is the place I used to work £3 for the day but its too far today to walk in the sun and I feel lousy already.

Didn't sleep well last night and have the period to end all periods today I am in so much pain and as I've had a few good months its been quite a shock to the system to have such lousy cramps. I might have known the severity of my mood swings last week were unbearable for me and anyone who came close to me. Andrew got the worst of it and he did say it was becoming intolerable *sigh* i hate hormones and not being able to control them, me thinks a visit to the Doc may be in order.

Of course the icing on the cake is I haven't time to feel lousy as we have 2 friends Neil and Natasha staying tonight and them tomorrow about 8am Andrew's brother arrives for a day or so, last weekend we had Colin staying, so I'm feeing a bit worn out on the hostess front I can tell you and none to gracious about having to be a good host tonight whilst I want to die with cramps and sweats! I also start a new temping job tomorrow so I'll probably be exhausted.

Finally the agency pulled their finger out and got me something for 2 weeks (which is all i need really). I shall be processing applications for a Central Heating Claims Company, whoppeee! Shitty money about £5.50 an hour but it will pay a few bills and ease the pressure a bit, it could be some weeks before Andrew can free up the ISA, Proceedures and all! So this will be my last stint online during a week day for a long long time, unless its weekends as I go straight from the temping to my new job on 2nd Sept and there is no way I'll be online during the day then. Ah well.

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
2:04 pm
As were low on money this will be my last time online for a bit as its too expensive to be surfing at these cafes. But all being well in a few weeks I shall finally have my own pc at home..hurrah!!!!!!

I am praying the agency find me something for tomorrow, you get paid a week in lue which means anything i do this week i get paid for next friday. If they don't find me anything this week it shall be 2 weeks before I have any more money which sucks big time!

Nothing much else to report, am trying to use this time i have free wisely by going to the gym and swimming and doing stuff about the flat that i shall have no time to do after Sept 2nd when I start my training as a financial adviser...eeeep! Nerves are taking over the excitement now! But i can't wait.

Ok times up for me here, will try and get back as soon as possible


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1:46 pm
Just online for a few mins to catch up.
Agency have still found me no work and I am seriously panicking now, we're down to our last £10. However after much discussion last night Andrew and I have decided he's going to cash in his ISA as its loosing a fortune, buy a pc (wooohooo does Snoopy Dance) put the deposit down for our wedding and then reinvest what is left after buying a few bits and pieces.

Andrew has agreed to be my first client when I start the new job so Rob should be able to advise him on this. Its scary but exciting. Quite frankly there is no point leaving the money where it is if its depleting every day. We were keeping it for a rainy day and quite frankly at the moment its pissing down!!!!

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
4:37 pm
Just quickly caught up with recent entries since the weekend.
We had a great time down in Manchester at my cousins wedding but boy were we tired when we got back.

I really do not want to go to this job chat thing at 5.30 but I guess its better to get it over with. Maybe it will cheer me up!

Might be starting a new temping job tomorrow so won't be online until the weekend at the earliest.

Smooches to all

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4:17 pm - Grrr
Have had a pissy day and am only online here for a half hour as I have to meet with my Boss to be at 5.30pm

Hope you are all having a better day than I am...won't even bore you with all that has been annoying me but lets just say its the usual, no pc and money *sigh*

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Friday, August 9th, 2002
6:24 pm - OK
I am now frozen and hungry so its time to move on.
I shall be back on Monday to finish catching up!

Love you all and huge smooches

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5:28 pm - Lordy
I've been online for over 3 hours and I am still not up to date with all LJ posts over the last month *sigh* Its great catching up with you all but still so many to go through. Will stay on a little longer tho and may be able to come back Monday. I finished my last temping post through the agency before I went home for the two weeks and now as I don't start the new job until 2nd September I need to agency to find me something for the rest of this month, can't live off thin air! The agency are however crap so I'm not holding my breath.While I like the idea of having time to chill out for the rest of this month before I start a financial career we need money so we can buy food etc...All Andrews money is going on our rent and council tax and bills!

Just emailed Andrew to see when he thinks he'll be heading home from work, he did mention he might work late so I could stay on here a bit longer. However, I am getting a little cold and tired and need the loo not to mention some food. Yummy Black Bean stir fry for dinner, if the chicken has defrosted!!!!

We're off tomorrow to Manchester for my cousin Luke's wedding. I haven't seen Luke in years!!!! A lot of the family should be there so I'm looking forward to it and they are all looking forward to seeing Andrew, he hasn't met everyone and those he has met haven't seen him in years!

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3:26 pm - OMG!!!
Making public apology here as I've just reaslised I forgot Forestwalker's birthday...what an ass, 10/10 on the D'oh scale for me...Am removing head from ass and apologising and sending belated birtday vibes to you my man *hugs*

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2:26 pm - I'm back!
For the whole afternoon...ahhhh bliss
Just chatting with lovely :)

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Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
12:13 pm - Gotta run again
But i am getting through all the last months posts!
Hope to be back again on Thursday or Friday to complete the mammouth catch up and fill you in on my last month

Love you all

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11:36 am - Hmmmm
not having much luck with the photos :(
No matter how much i down size them hotmail keeps saying each image is too large. I think I'll wait until Blue or Forest is online later in the week and get some advice. I do hope to be back online either Thursday or Friday.

Just finished doing all my email stuff so thats all cleared and have written a couple of letters. Gonna check some lj now.

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9:57 am - Ahhhhhh
Tis bliss to be onlilne with a fast connection :)
I did try and get online at home but it was taking over 10 mins to refresh or move between pages so I lost the will to live with it. Sorry Blue and Forest as I had hoped to chat much with you. Must thank you both for the engagement card which arrived today :)

We've been amazed at all the cards and pressies. I didn't think people bothered much for engagements but waited for the wedding, but so far we've had almost 40 cards, tons of vouchers for leading homestores and money from family...truly spoilt. I've scanned pics of Graduation and my ring today and if i can't get them up on lj myself perhaps Blue and Forest may be able to do so for me if i email them.

Man I've missed you guys online, hope you haven't given up on me ;)

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9:37 am - I'm back!!!
For one day only!!! well a couple of hours at least! So much to do so many friends to catch up on, so much to tell you all!


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Thursday, July 11th, 2002
5:30 pm - Thank you so much...
to everyone who has wished me well I feel all loved up and congratulated
*smooches* to all.
Only bought 20 minutes online time and have about 5 left so I'm here and away again. I cannot wait to get home next weekend and just sit for hours and catch up with you all, it'll take

Once again thanks for all the lovely messages you guys are great and nice to know you haven't given up on me for being so quiet for so long


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Wednesday, July 10th, 2002
5:45 pm - By the way...
The ring is a 0.4 carat white Diamond, "brilliant" cut, I think is the term for it and its a plain Platinum is amazing...I keep staring at it! Promise piccies as soon as I get some developed :)

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