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queer activism

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rinse and repeat [03 Mar 2004|09:56pm]

[ mood | determined ]

i finally did it. i wrote a letter to the editor.

here's the best way to get the most bang for your buck. go here: and enter your zip code. this will allow you to email your letter to up to 5 local newspaper/television/radio stations in one easy clicking motion.

after you are done with that, why not pass that letter on to you elected officials here: again, just enter your zip code and cut and paste your letter. off it goes.

and don't forget, everyone's favorite at

one letter to 5 media outlets, my congress people, and the "president".

woo wee!

(x-posted in [info]queeractivism, [info]gay_marriage, & [info]queer_marriage. pass it on...)

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Give 'em a call! [03 Mar 2004|09:23pm]

[ mood | determined ]

(i stole this from a post by [info]rawdolphin in [info]queer_marriage )

With hearings now scheduled, the center of this battle is in Congress - here is what we are asking you to do:

* Call judiciary committee members. The most important thing you can do right now is make phone calls to members of the Senate and House Judiciary committees. The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution is meeting March 3rd to talk about marriage and the anti-marriage amendment, so make your first calls today.

Click here or on the link below to get started:

If you don't already know what you want to say, go to the [info]queeractivism info page to the links to marriage equality sites that are full of great talking points.

Make sure committee members know you are calling because they are on the committee (this will encourage them not to ignore your call if you do not live in their district or state).

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=) [03 Mar 2004|11:56am]

Oregon county issues same-sex marriage licenses
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Gay marriage?? Gay Icons??? wha??? [03 Mar 2004|01:09am]

Please feel free to use the following icon. Show your support for gay marriage... or don't ... whatever.

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Daily Outrage [03 Mar 2004|11:32am]

[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | radio ]

Sure y'all have seen this already...

Small-town mayor charged for marrying gay couples

*shakes head*

I know quite a few people have written to Mayor Newsom... Anyone written to this guy to say thanks?

Are there any donation pages to donate towards his fine/whatever?

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For those of you who havent seen this.. [02 Mar 2004|04:04pm]

Please watch it (sign it if you havent already)...and pass it along..thank you all for supporting our human rights:
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"super" tuesday [01 Mar 2004|08:14pm]


How many of you are voting in the primaries tomorrow? Thoughts, strategies, opinions? Here's one that is going around regarding California (as described on

Activists want to send a message to Barbara Boxer

California voters, who have an election tomorrow, are being asked to send a message to Senator Barbara Boxer. The liberal Senator has taken a public stance against San Francisco's attempt to bring fairness to state sanctioned marriages and deemed the state law "appropriate because it gives equal rights and responsibilities to all citizens." Boxer also "agrees with the law's definition that marriage is between a man and a woman." With Boxer running unopposed in the Democratic primary, activists are pushing a write-in campaign for San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. We've received numerous emails on the subject and we're passing along the information. 

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upcoming rallies and demonstrations [01 Mar 2004|03:10pm]


(stolen from Margaret Cho's

DETROIT: Rally to Denounce Bush's support of FMA on Tuesday, March 2nd
WASHINGTON DC: Rally Against Discrimination to Oppose the FMA on Wednesday, March 3rd
CHICAGO: Equal Marriage Now Rally on Thursday, March 4th
NEW YORK: NY Marriage Now Massive Demonstration on Thursday, March 4th

Did any of you make it to the ones held in Seattle and San Francisco?

Did I miss any other upcoming events?

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civil unions vs. marriage [01 Mar 2004|08:23am]

[ mood | pleased ]

I am pretty sick and tired of hearing the news misrepresent civil unions byimplying that they are the same thing as marriage, but just by another name. I was happily surprised to read this report by CNN:

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AIDS activist gets canned [01 Mar 2004|08:11am]


New York Times cans freelancer over AIDS advocacy past

Gay City News reports that The New York Times recently dismissed one of their freelance writers, Jay Blotcher, who has been writing for the times since 2001, upon learning that he used to be involved in ACT-UP, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power. For most of his employment his stories never had a byline, but in late 2003, thanks to a new policy, two articles had his byline on them. One was about the trial of a woman accused of killing her three children. The other about vandalism on a college campus. Someone noted Blotcher’s name and remembered his ACT UP involvement. "There was no complaint," wrote Susan Edgerley, the Times metropolitan editor. "We recognized the name from his work with ACT UP.” That was it for Blotcher. The Times told him they would no longer using him in any section.



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something weird happened, sorry if this posts twice [29 Feb 2004|05:58pm]

Marriage is Love?

How about:

Gay rights, equality.
Everyone should be the same.

The HRC.

And no, I did not copy this from someone else and this is floating around LJ. I'm doing this myself, but still.. go ahead and float this around LJ.

<*font color=cornflowerblue>
Marriage is Love?

How about:
<*CENTER><*img src=>
Gay rights, equality.
Everyone should be the same.<*/font>
<*a href="">The HRC.<*/a>
<*a href="">Get the code here.<*/a><*/CENTER>

Take out the *'s

p.s. )
6 comments|post comment

[29 Feb 2004|05:55pm]

Marriage is Love?

How about:

Gay rights, equality.
Everyone should be the same.

The HRC.

And no, I did not copy this from someone else and this is floating around LJ. I'm doing this myself, but still.. go ahead and float this around LJ.

<*font color=cornflowerblue>
Marriage is Love?

How about:
<*CENTER><*img src=>
Gay rights, equality.
Everyone should be the same.<*/font>
<*a href="">The HRC.<*/a>
<*a href="">Get the code here.<*/a><*/CENTER>

Take out the *'s

p.s. )
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Queer activism is also in the little things. [28 Feb 2004|10:39pm]

I have a question. How do you people respond when someone uses the word "gay" in a disparaging manner?

A few days ago, I was talking with a girl in my lab, and she said her boyfriend didn't want to see a particular movie because it was "gay". I looked at her surprised, because she's really cool and she's actually the only person I'm out to in the lab. She said, "Oh, Bob didn't mean gay as in 'gay'.. he meant 'gay' as in 'lame'."

(note: The girl is French-Canadian, so the word has less meaning to her.)

I didn't say anything, though I was a little upset and I feel I should have told her so. What would you have said in this situation, or in something similar?
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Contact companies that say write as might [28 Feb 2004|07:57am]

go to home page too. from there you can contact your representatives.  its a conservative site.
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Anthropoligical study on the history of gay and lesbian marriage [27 Feb 2004|09:22pm]

This is a great artical in the San Francisco Gate about scientists countering Bush's views and proving that gay marriages are NOT the downfall of society, and that in many historical cultures, it was normal and accepted.
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Action list to modify and share...New Paltz info [27 Feb 2004|03:28pm]

Thanks for the info [info]littlemsviolent, [info]foolsmarchin & [info]angryasiangrrl

Welcome to the official Village of New Paltz Website
they request that you e-mail them to set up a wedding.'t

Human Rights Campaign/ MillionForMarriage site- 2 places to send fax from--use-friendly - send letter in a click;=101 contact details for elected represenitives/ write and read letters,

Send letters to all your local papers in one click. yes it's president's web site, just ignore the pictures

Sign Margaret Cho's Petition & look at her 10 easy to-do's -ACLU is on ther

People for the American Way interactive, sign

I haven't yet compiled a list of companies that could use a good boycott, but I like the idea, but at this moment I leave that to you or someone who gets paid for this
However, this seems a good idea

> contact companies that support Santorum.  Coke, Sprint, Gateway.  tell them their products will not be purchased by your family and why (then don't buy the product <:)
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Bush and the real issues [27 Feb 2004|10:27am]

[ mood | aggravated ]

This is a wonderful editorial in the Denver Post today about how President Bush is trying to use the gay marriage issue for his own personal gain. It's stuff that's already been said 1000 times, but I like how this woman put it, so I wanted to share.,1413,36~29805~1982543,00.html

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[26 Feb 2004|11:28pm]

More points for team queer.

Georgia House of Reps rejects gay marriage ban amendment

Idaho marriage ban amendment stalled in Senate )

While neither of these is a definte step forward, and may change at any time, it's still a small ray of hope. If it stalls in enough states the politicians might find that pushing a constitutional amendment to ban queer marriage is not a very smart political choice. In a perfect world they'd see that it just plain not a very just choice but hey I'll take what I can get right now.
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Queer Consumer Strike, March 13th through March 27th [26 Feb 2004|08:17pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Please pass this on to as many people as you can. We can make an impact!!!
Information about an interactive Web site will soon follow

I am merely a messenger. Please post any comments at the original post. Respond at original post Website info will be posted there and I'll post it in your community as well.

I ([info]epilady's co-worker) propose that we all go on a consumer strike for 2 weeks. From March 13th through March 27th, don't buy anything you don't need--no luxury or leisure items (which are often taxed at higher rates).

A friend/coworker of [info]epilady wrote this letter. Look for a website with more details soon, but for now, pass this on
Hello all,

During this human rights crisis, all of us - whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered-and our supporters need to take action if we want the same rights as other Americans.

It goes against everything America claims to stand for to manipulate the
constitution with discriminatory amendments. Protecting the civil rights of every American-not just the majority of Americans-is a part of the Constitution's original design.

President Bush and all of his supporters now trying to ban gay marriage need to feel the direct impact of our community. Remember that our nation is strongly capitalist based and it's all about money at the end of the day.

I propose that we all go on a consumer strike for 2 weeks. From March 13th through March 27th, don't buy anything you don't need--no luxury or leisure items (which are often taxed at higher rates).

If we aren't good enough to get married, then the states don't need our money, either. Let them feel it where it hurts. This is something that we all can do.

Please distribute this message widely!

I also suggest that we pledge to donate the $$ we would have spent that week to an org like MoveOn, HRC, or Millionformarriage and pass the list of pledge names on to major papers so they get the point that our money, our votes, and our lives are not to be trifled with.


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[26 Feb 2004|02:09pm]

Score one for team queer!

The bill in Kentucky that would have amended the state constitution to ban gay marriage has been withdrawn.

see the article
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