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[11 Nov 2001|02:52pm]
I'm so busy lately. I have a major test in Philosophy of Religion on Monday, as well as a paper due in Epistemology. I'm starting my BIG report on the politics of the People's Republic of China. I'm waiting to get a ton of info from Midwife schools. I've decided that I've hemmed and hawed about it enough. I know I want to be a midwife, and it's time to take the first steps to do so. I'm still gonna go to college, just part time though, it's all I can handle and still hold a ounce of sanity. So right now I have a childbirth education class coming up next weekend, as well as information about becoming a Childbirth Educator, and a Doula training.

Things between me and spikey are strange lately. Spikey and I are both into BDSM, and we had talked about a scene and deicded that we wanted it to happen. However Spikey hates the idea of saying. ..ok..ready..set..go. And Something happened that I didn't want to happen. ..So it's been weird. I think it's returning to normal though.

I've been thinking about Pot lately. I usually just smoke and enjoy it, but I'm torn. I've been doing reading from both the pro-pot and the anti-pot and I'm confused. EIther it's harmless, or it will make you shoot heroin, It's just a plant, or it's a plant as deadly as tabacoo. It's a spritual experience, or it's an excuse to get fucked up. It's not addicting or it is. These are all hard questions. I hate being addicted to things, when I was younger I was addicted to Melatonin because I coudln't sleep. But I don't think that I'm addicted to pot. I enjoy it..and when it's gone..it's gone. I don't sell blood to buy it, I don't beg, borrow or steal money to get it. I think it's just a hobby or recreation. I'm going to have to keep studying up on it.

I've also been thinking about my personal politics a lot lately. I'm torn between a democratic socialist, and a anarchist. Obviously these two ideologies are radically different from each other, and to say that I'm torn between the two makes it sound like I don't understand the core beliefs of either camps. Well I do, and I still think that the chance to have universal healthcare, and free education is a phenomenal idea. But then on the same hand, I belief strongly in self-education. Grace Lewellyn's Teenage Liberation Handbook changed my life. I honestly would much rather be able to self- educate and have that recongnized.

My mother is becoming a work-a-holic. Everyday I stumble down the steps and she's gone, down to the shop (her business) and doesn't come up until around 6 or 7 pm. I've mentioned this to her, but she says that it's a very hetic time and she's just trying to stay on top of things. I've made the comment that if she stresses herself out too much she'll get sick and then will be extremely behind in everything. But was still gone this morning. so I don't think she listened to me.

I think spikey thinks that because he's transgender I am either embarassed to be with a guy, or that I don't like havingt him as a boyfriend. Niether are true. I'm extremely honored to be in a relationship with spikey. I've never met someone so intuned with their own gender and sexuality. I adore having him as a boyfriend. The only thing that trips me up is if I say to everyone that I am dating a boy that I have betrayed my lesbian side. I think it's important to be open about my sexuality, and to be strong about it. I also think that it is important that spikey knowns how much I love being in a relationship with him and how much I respect him. So to everyone who reads this. I am a strong dyke who is dating a transgeneder man, and I'm happy about it!
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[22 Oct 2001|12:55am]
I got a C on my philosophy of religion class I know that I can do much better. I didn't study for it which is my fault, and next exam I will simply have to spend quite bit of time studying. My attempts to do well in school this semester, my attempts every semester seem to die quickly and quietly. It bothers me, I feel like a lazy idiot. But it's hard, I just don't know why its hard.
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[16 Oct 2001|08:00pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | dead can dance ]

I slept through class..so much for going to every class this week. On the other hand I did laundry, and now have clean clothes, sadly that has been a foreign concept around here lately.

Living in this house is Mom, Me, Izzy, Spikey, Paul, Nicky, That is in a 3 bedroom one bathroom house I must also state. It gets crazy. However Nicky, who is pregnant with Paul's identical twin brother Mark's baby, will be moving out before Christmas I'm sure. Spikey just moved in August. Izzy is at the Arts High School, mom sleeps in the living room, and sometimes Paul sleeps at his dorm on campus. So really when Paul is gone and Izzy is at school during the week, it's mostly just Spikey, Mom and I. However mom is moving her business here so most of the time my older sister Seal is here too. Oi.

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To begin anew [16 Oct 2001|02:32am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Recovering the Satelites- Counting Crows ]

Wow, been a long time since I even gave thought to this journal. Life is good right now I feel very much at ease.

My lover is living with me, and while at times I want to scream in frustration the times when everything is mellow, it's wonderful

It was my hope that from this fall I would graduate in two years from college, but it's starting to look like that was a lovely pipe dream that is not over. I love learning but sometimes the atmosphere of school just makes it so horrible. I'm thinking to myself that I can learn just as much from a library card, and free time. I think that I want to be a midwife, so why am I going to school for philosophy and international relations.

I stopped by my friend jed's place today. He likes it when I crack his back, and I was in between classes so I stopped by and woke him up (It was 1pm), we talked for a good long time, and then he sent me off to epistemology, which I am proud to say that I did attend. I'm gonna attempt to go to all classes this week, something which I haven't done for a while. Jed is the guy that I think will be the sperm-donor for when I have kids. He's extremely smart and good hearted.

This weekend Spikey (my lover) and I are going camping up on my uncles land. Which will mean freezing our asses off but getting good pot.

I really should get some sleep. I have to get up before class and do laundry, I'm down to one skirt, and me and Spikey are vying for who gets to wear the last clean shirt.

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Fixing School [25 Apr 2001|12:16pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Good Charlotte ]

The semester is winding down, so I have to do all the work I didn't do, which means I have to fake a semester's work of journal entries, and finish my research paper on China and the WTO.

Life is really mellow right now, I'm dating a new woman named Diane, and I think it will be a healthy relationship.

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