ikyoto-chan's LiveJournal

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in ikyoto-chan's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
    12:22 pm
    97.3 KBSG
    The oldies station in my parents' area usually plays about the same 50 tunes over and over again in endless monotony. Surprisingly they seemed to have broken the cycle as we were driving home from the airport at 1am. They played 3 Monkees songs in an hour that were not Daydream Believer. They didn't play one of my favorites though, which I only just discovered is titled "Randy Scouse Git." It was released in the U.K. under the alternate title, "Alternate Title."
    Thursday, December 11th, 2003
    10:11 pm
    Better late than never?
    I am officially alive!
    I will have internet in January!
    I have an awesome job where I am working lots of overtime!
    So I'm really tired a lot, and can't blog.
    Call me if you want to know what's going on until then...and email if you don't know the number.
    Thursday, October 16th, 2003
    3:02 pm
    Sorry for the lack of posts
    Since I am still job hunting, and won't commit to an internet bill until I find something, it may be a very long while until I am posting regularly again. Please imagaine all the exciting things I might be doing until I am available again.
    Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
    10:51 am
    Dalai Lama
    I saw the Dalai Lama speak in Central Park on Sunday. It was an amazing experience, but this is just a place holder to make me post about it soon...
    Friday, September 19th, 2003
    8:33 pm
    Anxiety Dreams
    I've been having a lot of stress related dreams lately, but last night was a pretty weird one. T. and I were trying to get onto a subway train, but all of the doors had been replaced by opening windows instead. Also, the trains only slowed down at the stations, and would not make a complete stop. T. managed to squeeze through one window, but I couldn't get on too, and then T.'s head became caught on a railing that was on the platform. For a brief moment I thought his head was going to get cut off, but it became unstuck, and the train just left the station. I stood on the platform feeling concerned.

    I think the weirdest part of the dream was how little the dream me was upset.
    7:51 pm
    The Sphincter Law
    There is an incredibly long list why I could say that watching a home birth was an incredibly rewarding experience, but perhaps the most directly applicable thing I learned was to respect The Sphincter Law.

    Not for the squeamish... )
    Thursday, September 18th, 2003
    2:14 pm
    Welcoming baby Kai to the world!
    I've been in DC since Saturday morning, since I came down so T. could meet my sister, and so that I could wait until her first child was born. T. went back to the city on Monday night, but I wasn't sure how long we would all be waiting for the birth. It turned out not to be long at all.

    My sister started having contractions 3am Wednesday, and Kai was born at 3:44pm the same day. It was a home birth, and an incredible experience to be a part of. Everyone was so estactic the last stage of the birthing. He has a full head of hair, and is actually really cute (rare for a newborn since they usually look kind of weird).

    I am staying here and helping out the new parents at least until Hurricane Isabel blows past.
    Monday, August 25th, 2003
    9:29 pm
    "Instant Karma" seems to have gotten me...
    ...but in a good way. Today I wandered into a Salvation Army on a whim and bought a couch sofa bed that looks brand new for peanuts and already had it delivered. This is in addition to a perfect stranger from online lending me a queen sized bed and air conditioner. The apartment will definitely be livable by the 3rd, when T. arrives.

    Here are photos of the apartment in it's pre-furniture state:

    White and bare )

    I'm not used to being this lucky, so it is kind of making me nervous.
    Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
    12:59 am
    My Pub Quiz answer
    I only answered one question correctly (and only after catching myself in a wrong answer first), and here it is:

    What is the item of clothing that Albert Einstein never wore?
    12:27 am
    The Busy Bee and Sloth
    The past week has been a whirlwind of activity followed by a corresponding period of Sloth.

    After seeing a horrible apartment 40 minutes from the city and a nice, but small apartment 20 minutes away, I found a great place in T. and my price range only 10-15 minutes from Manhattan, that is huge, brand new, and has a yard. Figuring I couldn't hope for much else, I signed the lease the very same day. It's in Williamsburg, and I could go on for paragraphs about how excited I am. My predictions of looking for weeks have been disproved.

    An embarrassing cross-cultural moment was that my real estate broker and landlord are both Hasidic Jewish men, and I thoughtlessly tried to shake their hands. The extent of my brain atrophy from living in Japan is becoming apparent, in various other situations as well. I sucked horribly at a very fun Pub Quiz night Thursday, and feel drifting in most conversations.

    I woke up at 6am Tuesday to a panic attack regarding my unemployed state. You know, the general long list of paranoia that starts with "I'm not qualified." "I'll never work in costuming." "I've been kidding myself." and then seems to spiral down into the irrational realms of things like "I'm gong to make the earth crash into the sun!" I fell back asleep around 9am, and woke up at 10 just in time to catch a phone call from my first choice for employment. The shop manager let me know that they are interested in hiring me, and there may be a contract as early as next week or the week after. He also enthusiastically volunteered to be my reference for other positions. With that huge weight off of my shoulders, I've decided just to relax and take care of moving and visiting until next week to see if that pans out before applying elsewhere. Maybe I am being over-confident, but it's a better alternative than having heart palpitations if I drink a cup of coffee.

    I have already forgotten Japanese in massive chunks. I was speaking to T. on the phone yesterday and probably spend 3 minutes trying to form the sentence "The cat was smelling the phone." Obviously it wasn't an important thing to communicate, and I was only hung up on the verb for "smell" but I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. T. moves to NYC on September 3rd, and I've been using all of my eyelash and dandelion fluff wishes on hoping it goes smoothly and was a good idea in the first place. I have confidence though that it will be interesting at the very least.

    Tim-bo and L. are taking me to Ikea tomorrow. Yay!
    Sunday, August 17th, 2003
    12:42 pm
    In NYC
    I am in NYC now, having just missed the tail end of the blackout. My flight was delayed 3 hours, and had the wacky experience of the luggage being distributed for all flights by the method of every single piece of baggage being dragged into the the middle of a crowd, and then the owner's name being called. Needless to say it was a slow and grueling process for the workers, and any of the passengers without a decent amount of patience.

    I will be at Sam and thecomicman's place until the 25th, and then on to Erin and N.'s for another week. Hopefully by then I will have found an apartment for T. and me.

    I got a pre-paid cell phone yesterday, so just email me if you want the number.
    Tuesday, August 12th, 2003
    8:31 am
    My livejournal posts generated this haiku
    LiveJournal Haiku!
    Your name:ikyoto
    Your haiku:existence for guests
    some of the reconnaissance
    she did largely
    Created by Grahame
    Monday, August 11th, 2003
    12:46 am
    Happy News
    I finished my portfolio today, and feel very hopeful about my upcoming move. Lots of people have been helping me out with stuff, family and friends alike, so I am a very lucky peppercino (small, yet deliciously spicy!).
    Monday, August 4th, 2003
    9:41 am
    I was plagued by nightmares all night of missing my flight from Japan to Seattle. How can I be having anxiety dreams about something that is already finished?
    Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
    11:04 pm
    Distractions: Fotolog and Camping
    I haven't been posting much because I've been happily distracted. I recently followed Maggie's lead and got a fotolog. I can upload one photo a day there, and some stuff and other stuff too.

    Ikyoto's Fotolog

    The other thing that has been occupying my time is that I went camping with my parents and my 5 year old nephew. I have way too many annoying and/or cute kids stories, since he alternated between being really cool and really aggravating all weekend. The place we went camping was called Dosewallips. I love the names of campgrounds in Washington state. Let's have a list of a few!


    Sadly, geoduck (a superior bivalve!) were out of season, so we shucked oysters instead.
    Thursday, July 31st, 2003
    11:05 am
    Flashback to July 25th
    My friend Jun stopped by my house at 11:30pm to drop off a letter that she and Tsu had written for me. We played hanabi kokai (the opposite of hanabi taikai) with Tera-chan by using senko hanabi over a plate of water in my house. When I opened the letter it was great. Tsu had spent a long time working on her English message, and Jun was as silly as ever. She learned to say "See you later, alligator" maybe a year ago, and often used it. When I got to the end of the message it was signed, "See you later, escalator!" I started giggling immediately, and complimented her on her comedic genius. She smiled and told me that the only reason she had wrote that was she didn't know how to spell alligator. That made the joke even better!
    Tuesday, July 29th, 2003
    10:44 am
    Things that are different
    Most people in the U.S. are bigger than me! I am no longer a huge person who everyone always comments about my gargantuan size.

    The library nearly brought tears to my eyes.

    Rhubarb pie and Mexican food are awesome.

    Strangely enough, most people can't understand me when I accidentally start speaking Japanese.

    Jet lag is horrible.
    Monday, July 28th, 2003
    4:52 am
    I flew from Osaka to San Francisco and from there to Seattle, and all I got was a raging headache and jet lag for my trouble (hence the 5am post). Okay, so that was a lie since I've also gotten countless hugs from my parents and a freshly baked rhubarb pie. Regardless, jet lag is a horrible, horrible thing.
    Thursday, July 17th, 2003
    2:33 pm
    Here is a photo we took during the last class of 3nensei at Higashichu. Got to love these kids ).
    11:48 am
    Last day of class
    I have apparently become deeply enough entrenched in Japanese culture that I cried when a group of 60 students sang "Bridge Over Troubled Water" to me as a goodbye gift. No value judgement has yet been made whether or not this newfound sentimental side is good or bad.
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