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registering to vote!Aug. 9th, 2004 @ 11:03 am
while i still have the right to vote.

and i think i'll begin looking for a cello.

Aug. 9th, 2004 @ 03:24 am
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
this is a useful link.

cannon tramAug. 8th, 2004 @ 07:11 pm
mom picked out the music, we listened to my "somethin' jumpin' mix":
Paul van Dyk - A Magical Moment
The Crystal Method - High Roller
Rob d - Clubbed to Death
Orbital - Much Ado About Nothing Left
Garbage - Special
The Crystal Method - Busy Child
Juno Reactor - Control
? - bloodbath dance
Prodigy - Climbatize

go mom!

and now it's time for corn on the cob! rock!

[edit, back from corn and viewing of pictures]

i have increased the image quality on my camera from "basic" to "fine", and should have done so sooner. oh well, you live you learn.

so instead of biking cannon, i drove mom and i up to the tram. mom wasn't really interested in going up north, and i really had to pull. eventually we decided "hey, let's just drive around. it's a nice day" and then when i was getting into the shower mom yelled "let's do the tram! i've never done it!" so the deal was made. i didn't want to do anything but go north, and finally, we were going north.

the weather obliged.

driving up was easy, but the top of cannon was covered in rain when we approached. just as we drove in, though, the rain stopped up there, and it was all clear.
we took many photos, and generally enjoyed ourselves. we even ran into a couple of guys traveling around the world. they took our picture. it came out well, too!

we were pretty much done, and the rain was making it's way south (toward us) so we decided to go home.
the tram ride down was fine, and it was raining (not heavy) but it was about to, so we hustled.
not long after getting on the highway it was pouring. i wasn't having any problems driving in it. i drove the whole way, go me =)

day of awsome: mission accomplished.
feeling: =)
listening to: The Crystal Method - Bad Stone

independenceAug. 8th, 2004 @ 02:14 am
today was wonderful.

i should have eaten more before i left.

riding was good, independence was even better.

my knees are very tired.

it's so cool it was that close!! woo!!

cannon tomorrow.

i'm going to try sleeping again.
feeling: insomniatic
listening to: clickity klackity type type type

white mountainsAug. 7th, 2004 @ 12:36 pm
anyone want to come mountain biking with me in the white mountains?
i'm going tomorrow, and i haven't got a particular ride planned yet. i want to go uphill, alot. and then come back down. maybe cannon mountain? they should have a bike trail. something like that. =)
but i'd _love_ company.

in other news. HEY! i'm going biking in the white mountains tomorrow! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
feeling: awsome
listening to: Intermix - the process

fahrenheit 9/11Aug. 6th, 2004 @ 09:31 pm
i won't lie, i want you all to vote for kerry. not because he's the best candidate, but simply because he's not bush.

it was even worse than i thought. bush doesn't just deserve to be impeached, he belongs behind bars.

i was almost in tears out of pure shame. did you know that bush was on vacation for the month of august, and did not read the "vague" report that said "osama wants to hijack plains and attack america" as it's title? oops wow that's vague. so he played more golf.

and don't forget to support our troups.
because bush doesn't. he's cutting their salary and benefits. and a bunch of other things that i can't remember, but alot of 'in-half's and 'double's where they shouldn't be. veterans, etc.

i saw a marine, who is still a marine, who would prefer to go to jail than go back to iraq.

the bin-laden family safely flies back home after sept 11, without interrogation. when ALL AMERICAN AIRPORTS WERE CLOSED $i$don't$understand$why$that$happened$

vote against bush. please.

do i have a sign on my back?Aug. 6th, 2004 @ 02:37 pm
read me )
listening to: Orbital - Meltdown

Aug. 6th, 2004 @ 02:42 am
today was a good day,
but now i can't sleep.
i think everyone on my friends list knows what happens when i can't sleep.
i think about my ex.

it's like a built in torture device. i don't get to sleep and i get to brood over shit i have no control over.

so i realize it's a total distraction. i can think about my ex instead of thinking about jobs i'll never get, cars i'll never have, appartments i can't afford, living at home, having little to no social freedom (or social life, really), and financing my dreams. or maybe it's something else. that's just a guess.

john (pepere) has been immensly helpful. he worked as a recruiter, so he's been giving me all kinds of useful information. i'm hopeful.
but i can't sleep.
feeling: prone to insomnia

Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 07:58 pm
"As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."

-President Abraham Lincoln, November 21, 1864

just another workoutAug. 4th, 2004 @ 07:55 pm
made it to 50 )

yay i made it to 50!
feeling: accomplished
listening to: Massive Attack - Angel

silk thong undiesAug. 3rd, 2004 @ 09:59 pm
this is behind a cut because it... belongs there.
undies! )
feeling: bouncy
listening to: Chemical Brothers - Buzz Tracks (yay my own music again!!)

mostly trueAug. 3rd, 2004 @ 03:45 pm
geektype )
i'd say it's true except for gamer geek and alchohol. but then, i never drink! hmmmm.... kryptonite?
feeling: warm
listening to: somafm.com >> groovesalad

funAug. 1st, 2004 @ 02:00 pm
oh stacy, i'm sorry i left early. =(

had to catch my bus. the last bus home.
but let's start at the beginning

the bus to boston arrived in manchester 45 minutes late. what a way to start. __maybe__ i'll get there on time...

once we arrived in boston the traffic was at a standstill.
i knew i was taking the orange line, and we started passing a T-stop and stopped. not just any T-stop, an orange line!

from south station i would have had to take the red line to the orange line to stonybrook stop.

instead i jumped on at haymarket. i was 15 minutes late, but they were still seating.

angel was working frantically, and i grabbed a place to sit.

sat around for a while, more chairs arrived, always before more people.

the show was wonderful. i enjoyed it immensely, and then the power went out.

it was dark. poor stacy. (for those of you who don't know, stacy was doing the show)

we were advised to slowly go down the stairs and go outside, but not to stray far.

more darkness.

so the show was setup downstairs, and eventually the lights came back on.
and it was time to leave. the show was not over.

i stayed as long as i could. then ran to the T-stop, and waited for a train. one came soon after i sat down to put in a new cd (headphones)

on the subway my phone rang.

<garbled voice>
"i'm on the subway"
<garbled voice>
"i can't hear anything"
"bernadette! i'll call you back at this number when i get off the subway"

i smiled. i can always see bernadette scowling at me with love in her eyes. it always makes me smile.

when i arrived at south station, i bounded up the stairs, exited the building, and promptly called bernadette back.
as i was trying to talk to her, a man decided to point out every woman we walked by. now, i knew this whole time that it was going to be close getting to my bus. he had been running, so i tried walking more slowly. he walked slowly. so i said "see ya!" and stopped. he ran.
i continued on chatting with bernadette, and found him telling a woman how much he loved her. she'd never met him before.
*rolls eyes*
then i was asked for money for a bus ticket. sorry, been conned before.
still chatting with bernadette. i do miss her, and i'd really like to drive down to visit; alas, i am carless.
my bus was boarding. yay i'm not late! aww i have to hang up on bernadette =(

the bus ride was very quiet. most people were sleeping. i tried to work on chess puzzles, but i didn't really care that much. (i had partially solved one on the way down, fully solved another) so i turned off my light and just sat around.

mom was there to pick me up. 11:10pm. thanks mom =)

it was upsetting i didn't get to hang out with angel. i should have taken the opportunity to help with moving chairs downstairs but i was talking to someone i found interesting (said person did not find me interesting. paint me surprised). paint me stupid, hitting on a lesbian.

all in all it was a good night.
feeling: blue
listening to: somafm.com >> groovesalad

to bostonJul. 31st, 2004 @ 03:52 pm
well this should be fun =)

i've picked out music, planned the bus/subways, have phone, will travel!
feeling: hot
listening to: groovesalad

Jul. 29th, 2004 @ 07:12 pm
2 hours on the bike.
only about half an hour of trail riding, though.
maybe i can convince mom she wants to go north and find some mountain bike trails on sunday.

the beachJul. 29th, 2004 @ 12:54 am
was nice. i drove (i do not feel i drove well, but everyone is good)
the water felt warm, after a minute.
there were fireworks. i was told they have fireworks every wednesday. they were nice.

all things considdered, if i wasn't hanging out with my good (and married) friend amber, i would have called this a really excellent first date.

i'm tired. i feel like a lazy jerk.
on the other hand, my cell phone came in today. that's nice

i'm going to bed.
feeling: depressed

Jul. 28th, 2004 @ 03:03 am

my doll. found here. cute eh? =)
[edit] thought i'd add the other dolls... muahaha
listening to: groovesalad from somafm.com

Jul. 27th, 2004 @ 12:56 am
well i have to admit i just drove about on my own.
it was refreshing, even though i only got to do it for an hour.
feeling: bored

Jul. 26th, 2004 @ 02:40 pm
well, my computer's running badblocks on my home partition right now (30 gig), then i'm going to set it on the root, swap, and boot partitions. (though, as it booted, i'm _nearly_ certain the boot partition is ok. taking no chances)

then i'm going to copy some data:
phonebook directory
the root partition
to the new drive, formatted to ext3.

then i'll filter through the music/movies i want on my spare 20gig drive,
backup stuff i want

and then restructure my whole system.
the plan )
or maybe i'll just bring it back the way it was.
feeling: bitter

Jul. 25th, 2004 @ 09:05 pm

well my computer just started spitting out I/O errors,
things like:
bash: cannot execute /usr/bin/shutdown: I/O error.

needless to say i can't verify the exact lines, as my machine is now inert.

i recall hearing a clunk from the hard drive, so i'm fairly certain it's a bad drive.

i'll salvage what i can, and of course lose data, but i'm not _too_ worried. worst case is i've lost all my music, pictures, addresses, homeworks (code), old email (that i didn't care about), and my whole debian setup.
and i *just* burned slackware 10 =)
what an opportunity to look at it.

mom's got an extra drive i can use, and that's really nice.

i'm going to try to rent a car to drive to CT for my interview, avoiding all of boston. that will be a new experience. i'll start fixing my computer tomorrow or something.

oh, and all my poetry, too.
feeling: bored
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