tuesday, january 27th, 2004
12h49 - w00t
from an email received this morning:
"I have much pleasure in advising you that the Directors of the IStructE Educational Trust have decided to award one of the essay prizes to you for your submission. Could you please let me have your contact address so I can send you a cheque for £100.00.
The Educational Trust would like to publish your essay in both the IStructE Journal and on our website. We feel the essay would make excellent reading and if possible could you please supply me with a photograph of yourself so we can print it alongside the essay.
Please accept our congratulations and best wishes for the future."
well, that's good news.
current mood: chipper
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| thursday, december 18th, 2003
14h57 - character flaws
well, it'll be the new year soon, so i've been pondering about resolutions, which has required me to dwell upon my flaws.
but maybe what i see as my flaws aren't what others see. anonymous comments enabled, ip address logging off. please tell me, in the comments, what you think my worst character flaw is.
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| wednesday, august 6th, 2003
15h58 - eighth report of the board of scrutiny
"78. When the Council put its governance proposals before the University it did so in the expressed hope that this would produce clarity of decision on the various aspects of the proposals. Events demonstrated that even after a ballot, clarity of decision had not resulted. Part of the problem appears to have been that the conflation of several different issues within a single Grace made it impossible for the Regent House to express its views separately on separate issues. The intention to introduce external members to the Council was combined with a proposal to reduce the proportion of the Council's membership elected by the Regent House and a proposal to introduce members elected by the University's Assistant Staff. Each issue was of sufficient consequence to merit a separate Grace.
79. The Board is pleased to note that the Council is already reviewing these matters. However, it suggests that the Council should at the same time reconsider the voting system currently used by the University for ballots on Graces of the Regent House. Although Single Transferable Voting (STV) has long been used for elections to the Council, the Board is not aware that there has been any review of the STV Regulations after the Wass Report and the consequent introduction of provisions for the amendment of Graces of the Regent House. At the Discussion on 11 March, a speaker argued in detail that the single-winner version of STV may, in certain circumstances, lead to anomalies where a voter ranking an option higher (whilst keeping the order of the other options unchanged) can cause that option to lose. If correct this is a disturbing possibility, particularly given that the Single Transferable Vote Regulations (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 121) currently state that a later preference cannot count against an earlier one."
i think one could describe that as a result :-)))
current mood: accomplished
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| friday, june 27th, 2003
because i'm bored and feeling all stressed and want to know what people will say. they're all options i'm genuinely considering, but some of them are more likely than others :-) ( a poll ) -m-
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| wednesday, january 8th, 2003
11h18 - lyrics meme
seeing as how i've had absolutely zero luck with anyone else's lyrics quizzes, i thought i'd do one of my own. usual rules apply.
1) "encumbered forever by desire and ambition / there's a hunger still unsatisfied" 2) "do you remember ? when we used to have so much fun ? i used to cry sometimes." 3) "it's marching through my door now the stony cold of lonesome / a bell tolls for my heart and then my lonesome song begins." 4) "you're so consumed with how much you get / you waste your time with hate and regret." 5) "she's the one in fifty million / who can help us to be free / because she died on tv". 6) "i confess / i burned a hole in the mattress / yes, yes, it was me / i plead guilty" 7) "in the instant that you love someone / in the second that the hammer hits / reality runs up your spine / and the pieces finally fit." 8) "he's refined, he's sublime, he makes you feel fine / though very much maligned and misunderstood." 9) "so many words are left unspoken / the silent voices are driving me crazy" 10) "well i guess it's human nature / how people out-talk each other / but then we face the danger / of only listening to ourselves."
have at it !
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| wednesday, december 11th, 2002
if you know kay and jus, you might want to consider donating some money to them, as their lives are in a bit of a bad way right now. adjectivemarcus is collecting money for them via paypal. if you don't know them, but have some money to spare, they are Good Peoples ...
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| wednesday, may 22nd, 2002
09h34 - tired. so, so tired.
"darling, when, when did you cry? i didn't hear you, i suppose it is the price of falling in love, i suppose it is the price of falling in love.
darling, when did we fall, when was it over ? darling, when, when did we fall, when was it over ? i suppose it is the price of falling in love, i fear that is the price of falling in love, i fear that is the price of falling in love, i fear that is the price of falling in love, i fear that is the price of falling in love ..."
-- delerium, "innocente"
current mood: exanimate current music: guess ....
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| thursday, november 22nd, 2001
17h34 - hmmm
i wonder how many people are reading this journal ? particularly people without lj accounts. i'd be interested to know if any of the people i've bothered making entries private to stop them reading them are still reading. i also should learn to write less convoluted and more comprehensible sentences.
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