A Little Raccoon's ManicDepressant Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Nikon Raccoon" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
07:45 pm
[Link] | Well, it looks like i won't be doing any job hunting the next two days. Seems there's an ice storm comeing in. It will be too dangerous to get anywhere. This is a setback.
Current Mood: tired Current Music: Discovery Science
01:02 pm
[Link] |
I fall over now blah. I've been up for almost 24 hours now. I couldn't fall asleep last night, so I used it to my advantage and went up to Springdale to put in Applications at Fred's and Big Lots. I went and check back on some applications I put in. Lowes said they were still reviewing them and would call me. Office Max said she hadn't reviewed them yet, but she remembered me, so that's a good sign. And the EZ Mart down the street hasn't looked at them yet either, but is going to this week. So, I just need to see if anything opens up. Home Depot and a couple other places I put in at told me that they would be hireing in two to three weeks. I'm not sure if I can wait. Also, while at the Post office I saw an opening for a Rural Route Carrier. I think I'm going to apply for it, it's worth a shot. Tomorrow I'm going to temp agencies. I went looking for one that was listed, but I couldn't find it. I'll try again tomorrow. Although that is if I can get gas in my car... it's getting low.
Current Mood: exhausted
05:46 pm
[Link] | My dog it is cold out there. All the rain from last night has frozen to all the cars, so I not only had to inflate my tire, I had to scrape all the ice off my car. Not that I mind that, it was just f--ing cold. I should have put on my thermal socks, cause my toes are still cold. I went and dropped off an application at Dollar General, then went to Shakes to get and fill out an application. I then worked my way over to a store called Fred's in Farmington. They were not hireing, but gave me an application and told me the one up in Springdale is hireing. So I'll head up there tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to do some more web searching. Seeing if any of the cities around here are hireing. I'm also going to try the Post Office's web site again. Maybe it will work tonight.
Current Mood: cold Current Music: Stargate SG-1
04:55 am
[Link] |
Question for all the girls who watch this journal I've got an oddball question. I've got two pair of jeans, both the same size, but one is loose, and one is tight. My blue jeans is loose enough to just about need a belt, an says 24W 29L And my black jeans are almost too tight, and say just 24WA. What is the difference? Also, since I am 5'10", should I be shopping in the Tall section, or since I am in the plus sizes, it it all going to be hit or miss?
Current Mood: confused Current Music: Discovery Science
03:07 am
[Link] | I have felt a little better tonight. I have been able to hang out with good friends online, and do some window shopping at Roaman's with starlights. I really want some more female clothes. If so maybe the folks around here won't keep calling me he. It's rather dangerous in this part of the country. And it makes me feel like I'm not succeding. I am a woman, that is how I feel, but every time I get called him, or he. I feel like I've been kicked in the head.
Current Mood: weird Current Music: MSNBC
02:49 am
[Link] | Ok. It's a bit of rant time. I'm going to talk, and you all listen. In fact I've turned off comments on this post. ( Cut for those of you not interested )
Current Mood: frustrated Current Music: Discovery Times Channel
01:53 am
[Link] | ( IT'S MOVIE SIGN!!!!! )
Current Mood: hungry Current Music: History Channel
12:26 am
[Link] | I can feel the ground shake from dog knows what is going on in the next room. They are also so loud, I can hear them though my headphone. When I went to the bathroom an hour ago, one fur got undressed, and tried to press his nakked body against me. I'm starting to very much hate drunks...
Current Mood: annoyed Current Music: Discovery Health
09:42 pm
[Link] | Well, just great. I was going to head out and have some fun with the furs in from out of town tonight, but I can't cause an asshole fur, one whom I've told is not welcome in my precence is out there. So I'm stuck in my room. Anyone want to have some fun online?
Current Mood: pissed off Current Music: Science Channel
07:05 pm
[Link] | Well, it's Saturday. And I've got a headache. But nothing a 1000mg of Motrin won't fix
Still no job, but I have a few leads I'll follow up on Monday. There's a Frozen Custard place in town hireing, but he won't have any applications till Monday, so I'll head back there Monday Afternoon. It's only 10-15 hours a week, But it's better then nothing. Plus there's another discount store in town I have never heard of, Fred's. Plus I need to see if the Post Office's website is working again. Their employment website keeps timeing out.
Not a whole lot else going on. I did game again with Ryngs last night. He has us in an interesting world. And his world actually has a bit of depth to it. So I'd like to see where it goes.
I've got to clean up my room now. There are furs from out of town that will be here tonight.
Current Mood: groggy Current Music: SEGA - SOUNDTRACKS - SONIC ANIME THEME
02:17 pm
[Link] | Wow, I got my first email virus ever today. And it just bounced right off the virus scanner.
( Message behind Cut )
So, it looks like someone on RoadRunner in New York City has me on thier address book (which is surpriseing in of itself) and got infected.
Current Mood: amused Current Music: SeaQuest - seaquest 2032 theme
05:30 pm
[Link] | Yay, it's snowing! We're expecting up to 3 inches tonight. Now I know this is nothing to you northern furs. But to this Calicoon, any snow is alot. Which made for a nice slow drive home from job hunting. It started comeing down as I was heading from Wal-Mart to the post office, and by the time I got home, everything was white. I did see the car in front of me start to fishtail, but luckily everyone was going about 10mph, and he got it quickly under control, but it told me to be extra careful for that patch.
Now on the job front. I did some follow ups today. Ran by Office Max to check on the application I left last week. They didn't have it in their stack, and the store manager said I should fill out another application, which I grabbed, and took with me, to return tomorrow. I then headed up to Lowes to check on the one I put into their computer, and to find out when the store on 6th St was going to open. Well, she is hireing and will be calling out for interviews soon, but it seems their hireing computers aren’t connected. I'm going to have to head to 6th St tomorrow to apply there. From there it was to Home Depot, but the HR manager had left for the day, he had been there at 5am this morning. Home Depot here is hireing cashiers, I was told, so I'll be back down there tomorrow to talk to the HR manager. I have previous experience with the company, and have returns training, so I have a leg up against the competition. Finally I went by Wal-Mart and put in an application with them now that my 30 day wait was done. It was then the post office, and that fun drive home.
So, plans for tomorrow.
1. Lowes at 6th St 2. Office Max to turn in application 3. Home Depot to talk to HR 4. ?
Current Mood: giddy Current Music: Devo - Pioneers Who Got Scalped - 02 - Jocko Homo (Booji Boy Version)
03:56 am
[Link] | From On the FastTrack
Now where can I find this group? I want to join up.
Current Mood: silly Current Music: Brooks & Dunn - Country - Rock My World
01:47 am
[Link] | Tonight I had Silver get delphinios and his digital camera, and we had a nice 20 minute long photo shoot. First Silver shot some of me, then I did him in his new fursuit. Since most of you have never seen me RL, here's some photos of myself
( Cut to save your Friend's List )
And here's one I took of Silver
( Cut again )
It was rather nice, and one of the rare times I let myself be photographed. But I've talked to Silver and we're going to do it again tomorrow evening durring 'Magic Light'
Current Mood: happy Current Music: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven's last night - 10 - The Dreams Of Candlelight
01:23 am
[Link] | Someone went and made a graphical version of the States Quiz.
create your own visited states map or check out these Google Hacks.
Tomorrow I'm going to borrow delphinios' digital camera and take a few photos of my room, including my road trip map. What's really interesting is, since 99 I've only added three states to that list, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois.
Current Mood: good Current Music: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven's last night - 02 - Midnight
02:48 am
[Link] | Wow. I just had a nice wonderful evening. stickypawz just ran a quick game he came up with on the fly. And it was just awesome. It was just stickypawz, jakebe and myself in the game, but it was the best four hours I've experienced in a while. He wove a wonderful story, and actually made me think. I was wonderful. There was no combat but alot of conflict. I can't really say much about the game as it effects a much larger storyline, and I don't want folks finding out. I think I'm actually on a bit of a natural high right now. He's talking about next Friday having us roll up characters and get a weekly game going. I really hope it happens. I was on such a roll tonight. I RPed wonderfully, even if the dice didn't like me. stickypawz takes a shot every time a player rolls a one, and by the end of the game, he had taken a good 8-9 shots. Most from my rolls. But then for all the 1s I rolled, I got an equal number of 20s. My dice are very karmic. I also thing tonight put my social standing with both stickypawz and jakebe a bit higher. They expected me to be a bit of a whiner in game, much like I am RL. I played with Logic, Reason, and just plain had fun. I had a smile on my face all though the game, even when I was getting hurt. I really do hope to get a job so I can continue this. This has been the brightest point of the last month.
Current Mood: happy Current Music: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven's last night - 13 - The Dark
04:33 pm
[Link] | Oh, a few more things from my very scatterbrained mind. Had two scary moments today. First something happed to my car where I can't downshift from 3rd to 2nd. I've had to either pull with all my might to get the shifter to move down there, or while the clutch is in, shift to 1st then down to 2nd. Strangely I can up shift just fine. The stick moves fine while not moving, and I can go from 1st, 2nd, 3rd just fine, but when I'm slowing down I have to go to 2nd, it just doesn't want to go. I hope this isn't a sign that the transmission is starting to go. I need to get this car fixed or replaced, but I need alot, and I mean alot of money to do it.
Also, after applying at one of the local banks that's hireing. I got in my car, and the whole world tilted to one side and started to spin. I'm glad I was sitting down, or I wouldn't fallen like I've done in the past. I think it happens when I have a sugar crash. I usually feel ok after a few minutes, and when I get some sugar, or food in general in me. I'm not sure if I'm Hyperglycemic or this is the beginning stages of Diabetes. Either way it's not good at all.
Current Mood: worried Current Music: Dixie Chicks - Country - Long Time Gone
03:52 pm
[Link] | So, it's been a fun week. I am feeling better. Much less depressed. Still lonely as heck though. No one to snuggle. But I'll live.
I've been out looking for work the last four days. Monday I just overslept, but I've gone out all there other days looking. No bites as of yet, but I am looking. I'll be running some follow ups on Monday. Also, I'll be able to reapply to Wal-Mart on Monday, and hopefully Arvest will have it's website working by then too. I've put in at the local convenience stores, the local Walgreen’s, and the Office Max. I guess I'll need to move my search up to Springdale next week. But as for this weekend, I'm going to relax, and not think about anything
Current Mood: okay Current Music: Wagner - Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
01:19 am
[Link] | I do think i made a mistake in moveing. My fears have become founded. I just don't mesh with this group. So I've made a desision. If I don't find a job by the end of the month, I'm going to head back up to KC. I'm sorry Ryngs. but I haven't been this depressed in a long, long time. I want this to work, but I guess i'm jsut not NARFA material. It seems all I've done since come down here is be annoying, cause a flame war, and cause several members of the group to outright hate me. I've had to hid myself in my room for the last four hours because one of them came over. I don't need this stress, I don't need this depression. I'm going to give it one more try, but I'm not sure if I'll survive.
Current Mood: crying
07:30 pm
[Link] | Note, I've updated the 50 States Quiz, and added all the states I've actually lived in. Also, where actually did the term 'Meme' come from? And what does it mean?
Current Mood: confused Current Music: Big Trouble on Encore
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