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Brink LindseyOutsourcing Myths, Debunked
In a new Trade Briefing Paper, Cato's Brink Lindsey looks at the current flap over outsourcing jobs overseas, and finds the scare arguments to be similar to those dusted off each time the economy takes a downturn. Lindsey finds that job losses are normal, productivity is up, the U.S. runs a net surplus in IT, and the drop in manufacturing jobs is unrelated to U.S. imports. Further, Lindsey writes, offshoring increases growth by making computers and technology more affordable, thereby boosting productivity in technology and information-based jobs.

Policy AnalysisSyria Accountability Act Unnecessarily Antagonistic
In a new Cato Policy Analysis, author and UPI political analyst Claude Salhani says the law President Bush signed in December 2003 aimed at pressuring Syria into better cooperating with U.S. anti-terror efforts is too heavy on penalties, and offers little incentive for Syria to cooperate. Salhani says the bill risks escalating U.S. relations with another Middle Eastern country, further harming efforts to facilitate anti-terror cooperation in the region.

Cato's Headlines
We've introduced a new feature to our website. Each morning, Cato's media staff will highlight one of the day's most important stories for libertarians, and offer a relevant piece of Cato scholarship that addresses the issues related to the news story. The day's latest headline can be found on the upper right hand side of Cato's homepage. We'll also keep an archive page of past headline features.

HeadlinesCato in the News
(Please note: some links require a free registration.)

Christopher Preble on pulling U.S. troops from Iraq for USA Today.
Doug Bandow on the Spanish elections for Reason.
Veronique de Rugy on federal spending for NRO.
Alan Reynolds on outsourcing for the Washington Times.
Doug Bandow on China-Hong Kong relations for the American Spectator.

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March 23, 2004
Nurturing Minds or Fostering Hatred? U.S. Involvement in Education in Muslim Countries
12:00 pm
Cato Policy Forum

Featuring Andrew Coulson, Mackinac Center; Omer Taspinar, Brookings Institution; Amb. Husain Haqqani, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and Bill Evers, Hoover Institution.

March 24, 2004
Autocratic, Democratic, and Optimal Government: Fiscal Choices and Economic Outcomes
3:30 pm
Cato Book Forum

George Mason University
Featuring the author, William Niskanen, Chairman, Cato Institute; with comments by Richard Wagner, Professor of Economics, George Mason University.


Restoring the Lost Constitution
Randy Barnett makes the case for establishing the original meaning the Constitution's lost clauses, and offers a practical way to restore them to their central role in constraining government

Just Get Out of the WayJust Get Out of the Way
Robert E. Anderson, a development consultant and former World Bank economist, recommends simple, market-oriented policies to foster economic growth in the developing world.

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March 20, 2004

One Year Later, Weighing the Costs of "Victory" in Iraq

Daily Commentary

We Can't Ignore Social Security Reform Any Longer

by Michael Tanner

Daily Dispatch

Taiwan's President Wounded in Assassination Attempt

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More Bad News about Medicare, Social Security

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North Carolina Wants EPA Crackdown on Other States' Pollution

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Cato in the Media

Book TV (C-SPAN II) will air Cato's book forum "The Ideas and Impact of F. A. Hayek" on Sunday at 7:30am ET.