The Wayback Machine -
 Contest Entries 
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your choices if you wish.

Submissions accepted for entry into the contest (met all contest guidelines). Submissions in this gallery are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER. Please vote as you feel necessary. :-)

Viewed: 7026 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 8529 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 5400 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 5572 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 5810 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 3950 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 10740 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 4904 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 3338 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 4722 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 5520 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 4687 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 4466 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 4608 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 5041 times.
Make a Difference

Viewed: 3792 times.
Make a Difference

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