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Rallying For Change
March 19, 2004 11:30am – 12:45pm

Rally to stop Forest Minister Mike de Jong from selling Spotted Owls:

March 20, 2004

Rally and March on the one-year anniversary of the war on Iraq

Featuring talk by Noam Chomsky

Saturday March 20 11 am

Gather at 11 am at Peace Flame Park (south end of Burrard Bridge)

Rally at 1 pm at Sunset Beach (off Beach Ave at Bute)

Join this international day of action to say no to war and occupation, and yes to peace and justice. Last year, record numbers marched against the illegal and unjust war on Iraq. On March 20th, be part of demonstrating that the world still says no to perpetual war and yes to global disarmament and everyone living together in peace, love and harmony.

Organized by the Coalition.


We have yet to heed the warnings of climate change. The arctic iceshelf has now broken apart. There are natural disasters, directly occuring as a result of climate change, all over the world at alarming rates. This has become the norm. The price of convenience.

We were warned in the 80's but oil industry economists plowed ahead and bankrolled us all into oblivion. What we are looking at now, for the next few centuries, is a world of turmoil, chaos, and anarchy. So says the Pentagon, in a not-so-round-about way.

"Secret" Pentagon report warns of the impact of climate change, and foretells of disasters for the coming decades. If you have been paying attention, it is already obvious to you. But for some, ignorance really is bliss. After reading this report, from "The Observer", it is easy to understand why.

News we want to ignore, but can't. | key findings of Pentagon | Climate Change


On February 24, many people will find themselves in a state of disarray, not knowing where to turn to for help after they are issued their last social assitance cheque. Those with children will not be immediately cut off, but will see a reduction in the small amount they do receive.

With recent changes to Residential Tenancy Act, and cuts to most social programs in the advent of the BC Liberal government a disaster looms. But as knowdedge increases, may we become more empowered to work towards a compassionate society. So to increase your awareness on the most critical social issue in British Columbia right now, read this informative and timely article written for ELP by Joey Only.

Joey's Report | BCTF Opposes 2 Year Limits. (take action here) | PovNet


Kettle Creek and Cascade Canyon at risk of being dammed.

Since the mid 1990's an environmental assessment of a proposed dam on the Kettle River, near Christina Lake, BC has been underway. The assessment is now in the final stages and the public has until February 16th, 2004 to submit comments on the project. Please take a few minutes to learn about the project and take action to help save the canyon and the Kettle River.

Learn More | Take Action | US Citizens Oppose (1999)


The NDP are working hard to make it loud and clear to Paul Martin that Canadians say NO to the Missile Defense Shield. Paul Martin has entered talks with the US on the issue, despite the fact that there is no benefit to Canadians in this "program". If Canada supported this Bush regime venture we would be increasing the risk of threat to our personal safety exponentially. We would also be expected to contribute financially, through our hard earned tax dollars, towards the 1 Trillion dollars it would cost for the weaponization of space.

Lets try to grasp the concept of a portion of a trillion and how many people could benefit from that much money. There is no money left over from our hard earned tax dollars to pay for weapons of mass destruction. We are facing health care cuts, public transportation cuts, education cuts, welfare cuts, social housing cuts. One portion of a trillion could give free education, health care, job training and housing to the entire planet. One trillion is equivalent to one thousand thousand million or one thousand billion.

Here at Vancouver Indymedia, we are not politically affiliated, but we say NO to the weaponization of space, and join with all other groups, organizations and unions across the country, who are doing the same.

Make your voice heard, call Paul Martin and tell him how you feel about this. 1.613.992.4284

Contact Paul Martin | NDP Star Wars Ad of Opposition | Online Petition | On Missile Defense (an imc posting)

Media, Myth, and Crisis in Canadian Democracy

How Has He Already Wrecked Our Country?

Who is This Man and Why Should He Be Our Next Prime Minister?

Is Paul Martin a member of the shadowy, secret cabal known as the Bilderberg Group - leading moguls of government, media, banking, multinational corporations, the World Bank, Federal Reserve, WTO, Monsanto, etc.? Underworld schemers behind a pretense of fake democracy? Secret orchestrators of wars, poverty, disease, injustice, economic inequality, environmental and social decay? Dismantlers of our social infrastructure like publicly funded education and health care? Frustrators of technological, political and social progress? Traitors to Canada?

What is the exact process by which Paul Martin is being annointed by the global corporate elite in conjunction with Canada’s monopoly owned mass media as our next Prime Minister? Under Paul Martins watch as Finance Minister, Canada saw the highest rates of foreign takeovers in Canadian history. Our quality of living has plummeted from the highest in the world to eighth position, and still falling. Canada is now the most foreign owned industrialized nation on earth!

Stephen Harper, the former leader of the Liberal’s so-called "Opposition", is also a Bilderberger, as was Israel Asper, owner of Canwest Global, which owns more than 60 per cent of Canada's mass media , including 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across the country, including the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, the Calgary Herald, and the Montreal Gazette. CanWest also owns the National Post, which is distributed throughout Canada.

What will be the future of Canada if Paul Martin is annointed Prime Minister?

  1. The Making of the Paul Martin Myth
  2. Bilderberg, Martin and the UN
  3. Canadian Politics: Where is the democracy?
  4. Paul Martin: Bilderberg
  5. Paul Martin to Complete Corporate Global Takeover of Canada
  6. Sheila Copps Challenges Paul Martin to Clarify His Policies
  7. Is it too late to save Canada? by Mel Hurtig

Wednesday January 14 at 7PM on CBC-TV

Alternative Agriculture: Food For Life, looks at alternatives to factory farming and the growing demand for nature-based or organic foods. Animals, grains, fruits and vegetables are raised to thrive in a natural environment – the antithesis of factory farming. Increasingly, consumers are looking for food produced without the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Even though organic food is more expensive to produce, shoppers are willing to pay the added cost. They believe that by buying factory food, they are supporting a socially and environmentally destructive form of agriculture.

Details |
Demonstration at Vancouver Supreme Court to Free Organic Egg Farmers from Marketing Boards – Wednesday at 9 am

Last updated: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 01:38:36 -0800 van-imc (top)
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