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March 05, 2004

Bad Day for BushCheney

It looks like the BushCheney campaign is going to have to pull their advertisements, but not because of the flap over their use of images of the World Trade Center. News reports today make it look like the ads claims about the economy and success in Iraq are just plain inaccurate.

1) Job Growth Stalls in February, Surprising Forecasters (NYT) (Wash. Post) (WSJ)

2) Bush's Economic Indicator: 2 New Jobs - (Wash. Post) More on this later!

3) Experts Date It to Bush; Bush Says It Was Clinton's (Wash. Post)

4) Nation's Debt Grew at Rapid Pace in 2003 (NYT)

5) Signing of Iraqi Charter Is Delayed by Shiite Objections (NYT) (Wash. Post)

And there there is other news:

6) GOP stole peek at Dems' papers (SF Chronicle) (Wash. Post) (WSJ) - See Calpundit for surround on this one

7) Report: Bin Laden escaped dragnet (Washington Times)

Posted by poppy at March 5, 2004 12:27 PM | TrackBack
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