Category: From Tom
Richard Allen fooled? See the comments section. We'll have to wait for the motion....
Category: From Tom
Tricky and delicate one this. Bev Hughes has resigned. I'd be interested to know your views. Has she done the right thing? I'd be grateful if you could keep your comments to the issue not the personality though.
Category: From Tom
The backlash against the campaign to enfranchise 16 year olds continues. See the Votes for Adults website.
Category: From Tom
I just want the world to know that I have a beautiful new niece. More later.
Category: From Tom
So the smoking ban in Ireland has come into force. We've had this debate a number of times on this site. The general position seemed to be that most non-smokers wanted a ban, most smokers didn't. Given that non-smokers are now the majority in the UK (according to Anthony Sampson 56.5% of people smoked in the 1960's, now its down to 27%) should we be having the debate again?
Category: From Tom
The nation will miss him. Here's more on his mischievous geniality.
Category: From Tom
Category: From Tom
John Major is 61 today. He left office in 1997. This weekend, veteran Conservative Ted Heath, 87, accused Michael Howard,62, of being too old to lead the country. Hmmm. Obviously he shouldn't be running the country for lots of reasons, but being 62 is not one of them. What do you think? I wonder if he uses his concessionary bus pass.