Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "thoughts".
460 matches:
- 001wordoftheday - Your Word of the Day or Words of the Day
- 0nelove - Words of Desire
- 0penwide - Journal Writing For The Soul
- 60wordfiction - ...
- __tornletters - __tornletters
- __worthwriting - __worthwriting
- _attain_goals - Creative Mutual Brainstorming
- _bookish - bookish - a book critique community
- _broken_ -
- _cash_ - The Man In Black
- _discourse - Discourse
- _dreamcatcher_ - dream catcher
- _everything_ - The World
- _fearandthought - _fearandthought
- _flop_ - Fuck Liking Other People
- _from_within_ - It's What's Inside that Counts
- _i_remember - I Remember...
- _i_wish - I Wish
- _knowyoulive - Self Injury Community
- _lostsouls - Lost Souls
- _misunderstood_ - i'm just me
- _phaeton_ - Witty Banter
- _pip_ - Prose in Progress
- _ponderlife - ponder life
- _recommend_it - recommendations
- _thepinkladys_ - _thepinkladys_
- _valhalla_ - _valhalla_
- _what_if - what If?
- _what_if_ - What If The World Was Flat?
- a_dream_forgotn - Dreams and Thoughts
- a_girls_freedom - We like those drugs, Girls, & Boys
- acrostic_poems - acrostic_poems
- add_ny_ljers - Find Fellow New Yorkers on LJ
- addmenowdamnit - Add Me Now, Damnit!
- advocatesuicide - advocatesuicide
- alexander_story - Menina
- allthingsrandom - All Things Random (and Baseball)
- alonendepressed - I feel so alone
- alt_expressions - Alternative Expressions
- alternativeways - alternativeways
- angeltv - Touched By An Angel
- anonymous_deed - anonymous deed sharing
- anothertried - One More Chance to Bitch
- answers - The Questions/Answers
- anti_cut - we hate the lj-cut tag
- anti_lj_drama - anti_lj_drama
- apocalypseprose - Apocalyptic Prose
- aprayer4me - aprayer4me
- are_icons - Are_Icons
- ariablaire - Autumn -:- Sparkles
- art_is_vision - art_is_vision
- artofvanity - anon
- aryan_race - aryan_race
- ask_abigail - Abigail Cares
- ask_amber - Ask Amber!
- ask_lady_meymey - Ask Lady Mey Mey
- asphyxiaoflife - asphyxiaoflife
- associations - words, thoughts and images
- atw - .::All Things Written::.
- audgepaudge - AudgePaudge
- awardshowjunkie - Award Show Discussion Community
- baby_blau - Let's travel
- bad_thoughts_ - Bad?
- bagism - Bagists
- bananafishes - see more glass
- banned_bylj - banned_byLJ
- baranochou - Butterfly of the Rose/Bara no Chou
- bathroom_poetry - bathroom_poetry
- beautes_vraies - true beauties
- becauseisaidso - Because I Said So
- beeing - indescribable being
- before_i_die - Things to do before I die
- best_deception - Anti Valentine Girl
- bibliophilic - we'll live forever in books, darling.
- bigayfreed - amazing andrew freedman quotes
- bleed_me_dry - These numb the pain
- bloodandtears - drowning in sorrow
- bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
- bloodylies - bloodylies
- blurps - Deep Thoughts That Are Not By Jack Handey
- book_reviews - Book_Reviews
- book_worm - Book Worm
- bookbound - BookBound
- books - Readers
- boredom_strikes - Insanely Bored?
- bprs4e - ♥; Rate That Book
- brackets - Group
- brainburp - Brain Burp
- brainsoap - Brain Soap
- bruadairsaoghal - Bruadair_Saoghal
- build_a_story - build_a_story
- butadream - Life is but a dream...
- cakeurinal - Urinal cake lover
- candkfanclub - Claire and Kelly
- cellardoor_ - excerpts of life
- cerebralmusings - CerebralMusings
- chatter_box707 - Chatter_Box707
- coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
- commentexperts - commentexperts
- complaintsrus - You're never wrong for what you feel
- constantstate - deep and hilarious ponderings
- crappy_stuff - Just a collection of crappy stuff
- creativerity - and we watched you like a slide show
- creativityunite - Uniting Creativity
- cryptic_remarks - Cryptic Remarks
- cultofcorgan - Cult of Corgan
- cutandburn - cut and burn
- cuts_of_pain - Cut
- cuts_of_pain810 - bloody wrists
- daily_gems - **Daily Inspirations and Motivational Quotes**
- dailypondering - Daily Ponderings
- darkmusiclyrics - im swallowed by my own void
- davidblaine - David Blaine Fan Club LJ
- dawn2dawn - The Trappings of Life
- deeplybeautiful - Beautiful People
- depression - Livejournal Depression
- deviant_minds - Dark Musings
- dhark - Couples that Play together, Stay together!
- discussbooks - The Flying Solo Book Club
- dispelledbeauty -
- dream_escape - Dream Escape
- dream_stories - Fictional Stories Inspired By Dreams
- dream_waves - The Dream Journal
- dreamcaptures - Dream Captures
- dreamers_unite - Dreamers Unite
- dreamiotto - dreamiotto
- drownthesun - runway four
- dudemonkeys - dudemonkeys!
- eccentricbeauty - ||e c c e n t r i c b e a u t y||
- eccentricreason - eccentricreason
- ed_and_cecil - The minds behind the LJ's
- electric_chair - The Holy Church of the Electric Chair
- element_musings - An Elemental Haven
- emotive_health - Emonction
- endless_endings - The Great Endless Ending
- enneagram - The Enneagram
- enneatype5 - enneatype5
- escribir - Expression
- eso_percept - Esoteric Percepts
- eternalgems - ~ Gems for an Eternity ~
- euphoric_dreamz - transcendental bliss
- eutopia_ - eutopia_
- excessjunk - Everything Else
- expressyourself - express*yourself
- extended - Extended Writings
- fae_hearts - * __tulle&teacups !
- feddyliau - feddyliau afon
- figments_ - just a simple figment
- figmentvoices - Figments and Typists
- free_minds - Free Minds
- freewriters - freewrites, dreams, memories...
- fridayfiver - Friday Fiver
- get_friends - Get Friends!
- glassvanity - ev er yt hi ng
- glassworld - Ears with Feet
- godly_thoughts - Book of Thoughts
- goth_thought - Goth Thought
- gothichippie - Peace and Darkness on Earth
- grahamgreene - Graham Greene's Works
- help_n_support - Support Me
- hopexneverxdies - Hope . NEVER . Dies.
- humaraaks - Humara Aks
- hummm - Writer
- i__wonder - Curiosity's Road Kill
- i_am_thankful - [thankful]
- i_hope - Hoping...
- i_remember_when - I Remember When...
- i_think - Synapse
- i_think_that - I'm thinking that...
- iconversations - Imaginary Conversations
- idea_garden - Writey McAuthorton
- ididnthateguys - I didn't hate guys when...
- iidb - iidb
- imgonnabehappy - imgonnabehappy
- in_myeyes - In my eyes
- incoherent_thot - Incoherent Thoughts
- indiepoetry - here is my heart
- infernallybound - Mikaiten
- inspired_by - "This makes me..."
- intellectuals - Intellectual Discussions and Debates
- interrogatory - Interrogatory
- ioncewasarobot - in a former life
- isoktopost - Is ok to post
- itislikethat - itislikethat
- jack_handey - Jack Handey
- jadedly - bitches [crystal & tso]
- jmbt_intp - INTP
- joshuaproject - The Joshua Project
- journalistic - Random Journalistic Thoughts
- journalwhores - Journal Whores
- kurdtcobane - a trend, as a friend, as a known memoria ..
- l_wonder_why - There are no stupid questions-- so don't ask them
- l_word_fanfic - l_word_fanfic
- land_of_free - anarchia
- letsmake_love - lets make love
- lingerlyrics - Lynger....Lyrics
- listendonthear - Listen - Don't Listen
- living_canvas - living_canvas
- lucid_remnants - Lucid Remnants
- lyrics_quotes - Lyrics `n` Quotes
- lyssapics - lyssapics
- madhatters - The Mad Hatter
- master_race - master_race
- mediahysteria - MassMediaHysteria EZINE AND PRINTED!!!
- messagetomyself - Note to Self
- methodinmadness - Method in the madness
- mind_expression - mind_expression
- mindandthought - mindandthought
- mindpeople - The Others in the Mindshadows
- misc_questions - pondering people
- mixedtype - ...when complexity is a good thing...
- mockfest - Fight Me
- mod_squad - The Mod Squad
- modernday_poets - Modern Day Poets
- momlessdaughter - Motherless Daughters
- morethanlooks - More Than Looks
- my_expression - my_expression
- mylivingsoul - A Past Life Memory
- nakedemilyd - Naked Emily Dickinson
- nanoremo - National Novel Revision Month
- needhelpask - Need Help Ask
- never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
- nirvanalive - nirvanalive
- no_use_4_tears - Dark & Edgy Writers Wanted
- nomore_lies - Honesty Reigns
- northcarolina - NorthCarolina
- not_like_them - Where do you belong?
- not_plagiarism - inspired by you
- nyhtus - Nyhtus = Random
- obsessiveminds - For thoughts, emotions... peoples... obsession
- oddfiction - Odd Fiction for an Odd World
- oh_fuckin_well - oh_fuckin_well
- onehundredwords - 100 words
- openingeyes - The Questioners
- ophelia_murmurs - ophelia_murmurs
- orangetinted - Everything looks better under orange tinted lights
- original_inc - florishing the muse one step at a time
- our_voices - our_voices
- ovr21depression - People over 21 that suffer from depression
- paganthought - paganthought
- parent_loss - Parent Loss
- party_city - Party City
- pierthrumyeyes - pierthrumyeyes
- poetic_rains - Poetry
- poeticillusions - Poetry Forum
- poetrynotebook - The Poetry Notebook
- pure_femininity - Everything feminine
- queries - Who?
- question - question everything
- quote_o_the_day - ~*~*~Quote of the Day!!!~*~*~
- quotes_galore - quotes_galore
- radical_thought - radical_thought
- rainystarmoon - Rain Lovers
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- random_posts - r a n d o m posts
- random_q - random_q
- random_roses - Random Roses
- random_thought - Random Thoughts
- randomaholic - Selective Randomness
- randomlyrandom - If you're random and you know it, prod a llama!
- randomrandomnes - Randomness
- randomthought - Random Thoughts
- randomthoughts_ - No name
- rated_within - Automatic Acceptence for next 10 members
- recursion - recursion
- retardville - what
- review_my_lj - review_my_lj
- road_of_life - road_of_life
- rosewiththorns - Rose with Thorns
- rq_anarchy - RQ Anarchy
- rq_spinoff - Random Question Spinoff
- rq_version2 - RQ
- rustewood - rustewood
- rwt - Random Weird Thoughts
- saganliveson - The Carl Sagan Community
- same_oh - same-oh!
- sanspenandpaper - Sans Pen and Paper
- scientificwhims - Random Scientific Whims
- secluded_dreams - secluded_dreams
- seeing_through - seeing_through
- self_help - The Self Help Community
- severed_stars - Blame the Stars
- sex_fiends - sexfiends
- sexy_magpo - The sexy side of magnetic poetry
- sfl_art - South Florida Art
- shobudo - shobudo
- show_your_art - The Artisans
- showmehowufeel - Won't you hurt me today?
- silent_lovers - The place to rant about the one you love
- silent_poems - The darkish, quiet, never told poetic words
- silentshadows - Within*the*Shadows*of*Silence
- simplistically - The Chat Room
- size100 - size100, we're rad cool kids
- smartchildren - Smart Children
- snailmailpals - snailmailpals
- so_asinine - Tizzy and P-Dawg's Sanctum of Doom
- societysucks - society sucks
- solitarybliss - Always the observer...Finally the observed.
- someonehelpme - Writers Block
- soundtrack4art - Art's Mixtape
- spiffians - The Spiffee Group
- stainedcovers - stained
- starglass - Starglass
- statements - statements
- stealthisbook - read me
- stoned_epiphany - best ideas come when your stoned
- streamconscious - Stream of Consciousness
- stupidsurveys - Junk pile!
- submerged_mind - Train of Thought
- sugarkiss - Sugar Kiss
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- sweet_moments - sweet *anyone* moments
- sweetestcharade - aNgSt, LoVe & LiFe
- sylphidsaerie - sweet air
- t_h_i_n_k - The Writer
- talkingtaboo - Discussion of issues, sharing of knowledge
- taped_minds - music is our radar.
- tea_time - tea time
- tears_to_words - Turning tears into words...
- teenagedepressi - teen depression
- tellme835563 - TellMe835563
- the_booth - The Confessional Booth
- the_burnpile - _
- the_council - The Council
- the_drowners - ~*Manics slash*~
- the_lj_bookclub - the_lj_bookclub
- the_other_box - You know you have too much time on your hands...
- theblackspy - theblackspy
- thefittest - A Rating Community
- thekanakabunyip - vilano quansa
- thelandofwonder - Have you ever wondered why....
- thequestionclub - The Question Club
- there_isno_if - There Is No If
- thewritestuff - The Write Stuff
- thinkaholics - Asleep in never ending thought
- thinktank - The Think Tank
- thoughtsrandom - Random Thoughts of the not so critically acclaimed
- tj_monkeys - tj monkeys
- top_debater - Debate
- tragedia_divina - Tragedia Divina
- tvilleljlosers - t'villeljloser
- twenty_nine - twenty_nine
- type3s - type3s
- typefours - The Individualist
- u_justgot_kliqd - u_justgot_kliqd
- ucdthinktank - UC Davis Argumentation Database
- underthewords - A Bucket of Words
- unhealthy_love - Unhealthy Love = Nothing but PAIN!
- unique_dreamers - *Wish Upon A Star*
- unperfect_dolls - unperfect_dolls
- unvoicedthought - Unvoiced Thoughts
- used_books - used_books
- useless_facts - Community For You To Share Some Useless Knowledge
- utterly_random - ☆Utterly Random☆
- vama_marg - vama_marg
- velvetmemoirs - The Velvet Memoirs
- vintageblossom - Muse
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- wax_eloquent - Penny Thoughts.
- waxlitbathtub - Welcome to the Bathtub
- wayyouwhisper - way you whisper
- we_are_muses - we_are_muses
- we_r_simply_us - We are who we are, isn't that enough?
- welove - <3
- whackedpilgrims - whackedpilgrims
- what_i_ - what_i_
- whisperedwords - Sentiments of Poetic Justice
- whisperingquiet - whisperingquiet
- whquestion - WHquestion @ LiveJournal
- wierdmindz - wierdmindz
- wishyouwerehere - Big Ideas [don't get any]
- with0ut_mywings - We are the dying day.
- withclarity - ( Inspire With... Clarity ) Consider the Lily
- womyns_health - Women's Health and Issues
- wonderfulthings - Absolutely_Wonderful_Things
- words_unsaid - ~+ things we've held inside +~
- wordsofsolitude - ..Are The Best I've Ever Had...
- wordsoncamera - Words on Camera
- wordsonpaper - Words On Paper
- world_litterae - World Literature
- wormers_xchange - Book Wormers Exchange
- worries - So Many Worries
- worrywarts - Worriers Anonymous
- writers_r_us - Writers_R_Us
- writing_whores - writing_whores
- writingjournals - Writing Journals Community and Directory
- x_s_and_o_s - x's and o's
- xfounded_faultx - x-Your Written Poetry-x
- xim_poetry - Digital thoughs spoken in audio static
- xthe_revolution - the revolution begins now.
- you_so_want_me - You Want Me. Admit It.
- yourmemories - Back In The Day
Interested users
The following users are interested in thoughts. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: