Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "activism".
500 matches:
- 30by90 - wild sex in the working class
- 34thstreetwall - 34thStreetWall
- _______ - ________
- _dare - DARE... to think for yourself
- _the_body_shop_ - Know your mind. Love your Body.
- a_real_riot - Intelligent Riot Grrls
- abortiondebate - The abortion debate
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- act_of_peace - Act of Peace
- active_progress - Active Progress
- activeyouth - ACTIVEYOUTH
- afterschool - |||*afterschool special*|||
- akashichildren - Pro-life Pagans
- aliensusa - Strangers In a Strange Land
- alt_cincy - the other side of cincy
- alt_montco - Montgomery Co PA Subculture
- alternatives_av - peace-international
- an_albatross - An Albatross
- anarchists - Anarchism Community
- anarkistboy - kaneda shotaro
- and_a_twist - ...and so it didn't go quite as planned
- angryblackchick - The Angry Black Chicks
- animal_rights - Animal Rights
- animal_write - Speak Out! Demand Justice! Animal Rights!
- animalrescue - Animal Rescue
- anorexic_might - ASP
- anti_ed - Stop The Body Hate
- anti_manifesto - I can't believe it's not sXe Christian hardcore
- anti_nader - anti_nader
- anti_porn - Against Pornography
- anti_racism - anti-racism
- anti_righty - Anti Righty
- anti_war - anti war.
- archdrudechat - Everything Playing At Once
- art4activists - If I can't dance...
- artificialcell - anarcha feminist community
- atlantalesbians - atlanta lesbians
- australian_ftm - Australian FTM LJ Community
- autism - Autism Awareness Community
- autoresponse - anarchy
- balkans - Balkan Interests
- beautifulcurves - ♥Beautiful Curves♥
- beaux_arbres - Le Principalité Beaux-Arbres
- becauseiam - Individuality
- being_friendly - Being "Friendly"
- beniceorshutup - the impolite aren't worth my time
- beyondsimple - an experiment in awareness
- bham_anti_war - Bellingham Anti-war Community
- bi_pride - Bi Pride
- bicon_special - BiCon Special Needs Discussion
- bigthinking - Big Thinking Group
- bisexuallesteen - Bisexual and Lesbian Teens
- bitchpantsusa - know you know me
- bitteryoungpunk - rant
- blindpeople - community for the blind:-)
- blowjobs4joebob - Random shit for the soul
- blueribbon - Blue Ribbon Campaign
- bonfiremadigan - b.Mad.
- britishcolumbia - British Columbia
- brokenspleens - brokenspleens
- buffyphilosophy - intelligent buffy discussion
- busst - Bodies Under Scrutiny Standing Together
- cafeodeon - A Movement of Letters
- caligirlmoms - CaliGirlMoms
- caringconsumer - consumerism is not patriotism
- causes - Express Your Intentions
- changeyourworld - Change Your World
- chicago_punk - Chicagoland Punks
- chicagoforpeace - Chicago For Peace
- chicagotransmen - Chicago Transguy Alliance
- chocolate_cake - Feminist Reviews
- chubbychicks - Goddess women
- cluh - CLUHbees, Inc.
- co_housing - Experiments in Urban Village-Building
- combat_cunts - You'll Never Guess What We're Gunna Do Next
- conn_glbt - Connecticut's GLBT Community
- conservation - Conservation
- consumer_speech - Consumer Speech
- cooplearning - Coop Learning
- copyright - Copyright
- corincore - corin tucker fans united
- crackheads_anon - crackheads_anon
- crazybikes - all things non-standard (mostly bikes)
- crimesagainstus - Persecution does not equal freedom
- cult_of_josh - Fanclub For Josh
- culturalanthro - Cultural Anthropology
- culturejam - Culture Jamming
- cuntology - The Inga Muscio Challenge
- cuntxxcore - cuntxcore
- damnportlanders - Portlandiaphile
- datavein - dataVein - dissemination of information
- dc_activism - Dc Activism
- dc_vegans - d.c. is for vegans
- ddc - Darker Day Collective
- de_ex - de_exotification
- debunkingwhite - Beyond White Guilt
- del_cielo - we [heart] del cielo
- democracyrising - Democracy Rising "People have the Power"
- denniskucinich - Dennis Kucinich for President in '04!
- devotchkas - Le Sik
- dieretailgiants - Killing Rabid Consumerism
- discord_society - The Society for Constructive Discordianism
- diyrevolution - DIY REVOLUTION
- diytilwedie - Lady Pirates and Scavenging Scoundrels
- doornumber3 - DoorNumber3
- downriverfilm - Downriver Film Community
- drugwar - the Drug War Discussion community
- dyke_androgyny - androgynous lesbians
- earthcharter - Earth Charter Community
- easternpaqueers - Eastern PA Queers
- eco_australia - eco_Australia
- eco_europe - European Environmentalists
- ecodefense - A fieldguide to monkeywrenching
- ecovillage - Ecology + Localization
- ejunkboycott - Junk E-mail Boycott
- emocool - elitist emo kids
- emorawk - .the.spark.from.the.flame.
- energyconscious - Energy Conscious
- environment - Save our Planet, Save the future
- envision - minds & the alternatives of Rx
- evrydayovrdose - Everyday Overdose
- ewwwmiami - no pink flamingos on these sidewalks
- fact_project - website project pointing out lies on prolife sites
- fagfriends - Mockery Of Ignorance
- fakefrench - fake french
- fallingalice - Life in Limbo
- fallopianation - Femme Fatale
- familiesfirst -
- fashion_punks - fashion punk
- fatgirls - Fat girls, no censorship
- femalemisogyny - FemaleMisogyny
- feminist - The Feminist Forum
- feminist_fatale - No Kumbayas, No Safe Space Feminist Discussion
- feminist_fury - Le Femme
- femme_fatales - the Femme Fatales - feminists in reality
- femminista - Femminista
- femvoices - female voices
- fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
- fluidsandmarc - fluidity
- flushlimbaugh - Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot!
- freak_activists - Subcultural Activists
- free_palestine - Palestinian Solidarity Community
- fridakahlo - the kahloists
- ftm - FTM Forum
- ftmstudents - College Students in the FTM Community
- fufeminism - The *Fuck-You* Feminism LJ Community
- funq - funQ
- garn - Global Animal Rights Network
- gay_boys - LJ's Gay Boys
- gay_minneapolis - Gay Minneapolis / St. Paul
- gay_new_england - Gay New England
- gay_rights - Gay Rights
- gayindy - Gay Indiana
- gaypunkbois - Gay punk bois Community
- gayseattle - Gay Seattle
- gayspokane - Gay Spokane
- geekclique - i'm not a loser, i just don't like you.
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- gender_petition - Petitioning for More than Two Gender Options on LJ
- genderqueer - The Genderqueer Community
- get_up_dread_up - A Community for Dreadlock Enthusiasts
- gimpgirl - GimpGirl Community
- girlkiss - Girl Kiss
- girly_action - Girly Action
- glbtrights - GLBT Rights
- globalfeminisms - Global Feminisms
- goddessinspired - Goddess Inspired
- gothamgossip - Gotham Gossip
- green_future - Community For a Sustainable Future
- grrlsroom - Grrls Room!
- grrrlrockstar - Kathleen Hanna is my Rebel GrrrL
- guerillanews - Guerrilla News Group
- guerillatics - guerilla politics v01
- guncontrolnow - LiveJournal's Gun Control Community
- gurapeproject - GU Rape Project
- hanin_elias - :: in flames ::
- hate_free_slam - No Tolerance for Art that Spreads Hatred
- hatefree_debate - Hate-Free Debate
- healthyfuture - Lazy EnvironMENTAList
- herbaldness - Bald Ladies
- herbquete - herbquete
- hippies4u - Free spirits
- hippiethreads - hippie threads.
- hobygoers - HOBY-Goers!
- hottiemcnaughty - Hottie McNaughties Unite!
- how_to_organize - Tips on doing political/activist orgaizing
- humane_friends - Humane Friends Rescuing Animals, Inc.
- i_am_pansexual - Pansexual and Proud of it
- iareterrorist - iareterrorist
- ikissgirls - I Kiss Girls
- ikissgirls_au - I kiss girls (Australia)
- imaliberal - love me, i'm a liberal
- islamicfeminist - The Islamic Feminista
- itwasonlywater - itwasonlywater
- jesusisprolife - Christian Pro-lifers
- jesusliberation - A Safe Space for Progressive & Liberal Christians
- joanbaez - Joan Baez Fans
- killbaby_party - The Killbaby Party
- killumbus - killumbus
- klump - klump institute of theo-politic-fashion-meandering
- kunal - Kunal Deb
- kwanumzen - dropping buddha on the ashes
- ladieswithcysts - Feminists are not afraid of ovaries!
- land_of_free - anarchia
- lesbian - The Official LJ Lesbian Community
- lesbian_chaos - A Community For Everyone...
- lesbian_hotties - The Lesbian Community
- lesbian_space - Some Wierd Dyke
- lesbians_only - Absolute lesbians
- lesbians_unite - Lesbians_Unite
- lesbiansonly - Lesbians Only
- lgbtx - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christians
- liberal - Liberal
- liberal_fascism - Hiding Behind the First Amendment
- lifeoutside - living outside the box
- limp_wristed - the limp-wristed liberal weltanschauung
- lj_biz - LiveJournal Business Discussion
- ljforchoice - LiveJournal For Choice
- ljgirlmoms - live journal girlmoms
- ljmaine - LiveJournalists From Maine
- lone_stars - *lone_stars*
- lotus_eaters - lotus eaters
- lp_youth - Libertarian Youth
- magsa - Massachusetts GSA Members
- makefacesnotwar - Make Faces Not War
- malefeminists - Feminism as equal rights for all sexes
- maletomale - The Male To Male Community
- many_tribes - progressive islam
- marxism - Marxist community
- marxistseminar - Marxist Reading Group
- mass_lib - Massachusetts Libertarians
- mcs - multiple chemical sensitivity slaps back
- mediahysteria - MassMediaHysteria EZINE AND PRINTED!!!
- mentalrevnow - Mental Revolution Now! - A Sharing Community
- merylstreep - Meryl Streep Fans
- midwifery - Midwifery
- militance - Militance Community
- miniegg - The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi
- minnesota_queer - Minnesota GLBT
- mkeactivist - Milwaukee Activist Network
- mklj - M and K
- moneychangers - Money Changers
- montclair - MONTCLAIR
- muffinmixmusic - MuffinMixMusic
- nefarious_girl - Nefarious Girl Dark Decorating
- nhvt_yruu - NH/VT Young Religious Unitarian Universalists
- no_pity - No Pity: A Community for People with Disabilities
- no_wavers - No Wave Feminism
- nodivashere - no divas here
- nomoreprisons - No More Prisons: pro-revolution in America
- nonconformism - The rebels
- nonduality - Awaken to Nonduality
- nonhaters - Nonhaters
- ntx_actv - north texas active
- nubeings - Nubeings
- nude4peace - fight naked aggression with naked flesh!
- oberlin - Obies
- oneworld - All colors, with love and respect
- openlybifemales - Open-minded Bisexual Females
- orderoftheprtzl - The Order of the Pretzel
- orderoftherose - The Order of the Rose
- oregon - Oregon
- orlandoactivist - The People of Orlando
- ottawa_activism - ottawa activists unite!
- ozboisandallies - Oz Bois and Allies
- paabc - Protestants Against Abortive Birth Control
- parisites - Paris Koffeehauze
- partners_of_tg - Partners of Transgender People
- pauper - Living Poor
- pdx_anti_war - The Portland Activist
- peace_churches - Peace Churches
- peacetrain - Peace Begins with Me
- pearl_jam - pearl jam
- petsforpeace - Animals with a voice
- philosophepunks - PhilosopherPunk
- phtgrficxgrrrls - photographicXgrrrls
- pink_slip - pink slip inc(k)
- plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
- pocnexus - People of Color Nexus
- politic_alley - Politic_Alley
- politicalarts - Political Arts
- polygender_ppl - Poly-Gendered People
- porn_debate - pornography debate community
- pridaho - Idaho has gays, too!
- pro_prevention - Abortion is preventable
- pro_war_liberal - Pro-War Liberals
- prochoice - Pro-Choice Community
- progressives - Progressives
- prolife - LJers for the Right to Life
- prolife_vegans - Pro-life Veg*ns
- protest - Protest
- protest_survive - protest and survive
- proud_females - Proud Females
- punkforbrains - Punks For Brains!
- pussy_palace - the pussy palace
- queer_couples - happy together
- queer_indy - Queer Indiana
- queer_nyc - The Rainbow Pride of NYC
- queer_pa - Queer In Pennsylvania
- queeramerica - Queer America
- queerchoice - The Queer by Choice Community
- queerminded - unconventional like-minded thought
- queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
- queernyc - queer in nyc
- queerpoc - Queer People of Color
- queerpunksunite - queer punks unite
- queersandiego - queersandiego
- queerspots - Queer Hot Spots
- quo_vadis - Quo Vadis Gathering
- rad_femmes - Femme Like That
- radaware - Radical Awareness
- radicalcheers - Radical Cheerleaders
- radicallyqueer - the militant gay liberation community
- radicalmommas - Radical Mommas
- radicalpinoys - Radical Pinoys
- radicals - non-traditional christianity
- radicalsouth - Radicals Will Rise
- rainbowsupport - Support Forum for GLBT
- rantrave - Constructive Discussion
- real_gay_boys - The Real Gay Boys
- realbushes - women against dubya; we only trust our own bushes
- realnews - RealNews
- reclaiming - The Reclaiming Community
- reclaiminglive - Reclaiming Tradition Witches
- redlipsticked - Red Lipstick and Rebellion
- resistance_news - Voice of the Resistance
- riceforpeace - Rice For Peace
- riot_grrls - Riot Here! Riot Now!
- riotgrrluk - Riot Grrl UK
- riotgrrrl_pa - riot grrrl pa
- riotgrrrlvtnh - Riot Grrrl Vermont and New Hampshire
- riotsnotdiets - girls en large
- riottime - RiotTime
- rose_eros - Linguistic Community
- rustyspork - Rusty Spork
- sa_activists - South Australian Activists
- sacred_earth - Sacred Earth
- sacto_queers - Sacramento Queers
- sataniclesbians - The Satanic Lesbians of America (and the rest of t
- saveourscene - Save Our Scene TODAY!!! a musical and politcal org
- sc_lesbian - Lesbian & Bisexual Women of the Carolinas
- scroogle - My Scroogle Crap Log
- seattle_punk - seattle punk community
- seattlenonprfts - Seattle Area Non-Profits
- sept11truth - Cutting through the propaganda...
- sexworkers - Sex Workers' Community
- sexworkpartners - Partners of Sex Workers
- sexworkprojects - Sex Work Projects
- sfgothparents - sfgothparents
- shades_of_earth - Shades of Earth
- shavedwomen - Shaved Women Collaborators
- shemadethis - She Made This
- shout_out - Shout Out!
- shutupaminute - at sixes and sevens
- sister_spit - Sister Spit
- sistersafetypin - Sister Safety Pin
- skatepunks - skinny skatepunks with zits
- slamnation - Poetry on Fire
- socal_gsa - socal_gsa
- socal_trans - Southern California Transpeople
- socialists - workers unite!
- socialwork - if not you, then who?
- sockmonkeys - sockmonkies'
- sofla_veg - .hot and uncarnivorous.
- sos_usa - the erosion of American Civil Liberties
- soundecology - acoustic ecology
- southbaybi - South Bay Bisexual Organizers and Activists
- speak_out - Cry out for Justice
- spiralpauper - Poor and Mentally Ill
- sprintpcsdotorg -
- squad416 - squad 416 radical cheerleaders
- sr_act - Simon's Rock Activist Forum
- ssdi - Adventures in Disability Benefits, Gov't & Private
- startingarvists - A Collective Individuality
- stayawakewithme - Stay Awake With Me
- stolenlives - surviving it all
- sublimechick - SublimeLiving
- survivorcircle - Survivor Circle : Healing Through Art
- sxepunkerz - sXe punkerz
- sxynhotleznboiz - ~*~ Sexy~N~Hot~Lez~N~Boiz~
- tacomaveggies - Tacoma Veggies
- tbay_grrls - Grrls
- tearitalldown - Tear It All Down Community
- texxxas - Texxxas
- tgcrossroads - Transgender Crossroads - Midwest News & Views
- the_anti_azn - We true Asians
- theantipetition - The Gender Petition Discussion Group
- thefactory - the factory {art as religion. revolution.}
- thelastcafe - Anon
- theleftunited - The Left United
- thequestionclub - The Question Club
- threadsofchange - Threads Of Change
- tightpants - boys in tight pants
- tklj - t and k
- toc - The Objectivist Center
- top_debater - Debate
- tori_ism - Tori-ism
- torontoqueers - toronto queers!
- trans_survivor - Trans Survivor
- transgender - Transgender Community
- transguysgroup - Transguys: freedom to differ
- transmichigan - Trans Michigan
- transnews - Trans News
- transpauper - Poor and Transgender or Genderqueer
- transteachers - Trans Teachers
- transtexas - Genderqueer
- transyouth - Transgender youth
- trendyradicals - Anti-"Radicals" and "activists"
- tsb - The Student Body
- u_make_ad_suck - U mAkE AD sUcK!!!
- ultramilitance - Militant Animal and Eco Activism
- unconstraint - crossing the thin lines
- unitarians - Unitarian Universalists
- universalunity - UniversalUnity
- v0tewithabullet - Vote With A Bullet
- vancityactivism - Vancouver Activism Community
- vancouvervegs - Vancouver Vegs
- vegan_people - Vegan_People
- vegancanada - Vegans In Canada
- veganhaven - A Restricted Community of ONLY Vegans
- veganism - For the Animals, For the People, For the world
- veganlover - Vegan Lover
- veganologo - veganologo
- veganpeople - .....................VEGANISM.....................
- veganwomen - Vegan Women
- vegetarianteens - Vegetarian Teens
- veggiesunite - Veggies Unite
- virtucomm - discussion of virtual/online communities
- virtue_alliance - The Virtue Alliance
- voluptuousrants - Ranting Mavens
- vote_kucinich - Dennis Kucinich for President 2004!
- war_is_over - all i want is some truth
- warprotest - The People
- washegonians - Washingtonians and Oregonians ages 15-25 unite
- wearesopunk - Punk rock is __________.
- wesleyan - Wesleyan University
- winnipegprogact - ☆Winnipeg Politikos☆
- wishyouwerehere - Big Ideas [don't get any]
- without_apology - Unapologetically Pro-Choice
- woc - Women of Color
- womanifesta - A Live Womanifesta
- womens_studies - Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Etc.
- x_grrrls - for straightedge girls
- xfuck_you - FUCK YUO!!11@@
- xxwenchcorexx - The Wenches
- ya_yas - Petites Ya-Yas
- your_karass - a questioning of ethics
- zinereviews - underground publication reviews
- zinester - Zinester
Interested users
The following users are interested in activism. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 01flux - An Idiotic Idiom, the Amused Muse
- 1dandelion4you - .my dandelion.
- 2sheds - Олег "2sheds" Курапов
- ____fake - first breath after a coma.
- _oneiric_ennui_ - _oneiric_ennui_
- acidbitch - misanthrope aspiring to be a social wanker
- activistcinema - activist at the flicks
- afterthought - Tom Olmsted
- alhooter - Al
- aly - Perpetually Horny
- amaterasu - goddess-to-be (or not to be)
- amiretta - hey look, it's that girl...
- anactoria - anactoria
- andyk - Reciprocity Failure
- angelfalling - Candi
- angelicate - Lizzie Boredom
- ani59 - Audi
- annabuggs - Ann
- anomaly - anomaly
- anticheeze - Megan the Vegan
- antifluff - Amber
- applejuice - a beautiful disaster
- aprilsunshine - April Sunshine
- aradia913 - Ann
- aramchek - Deek Mangoothe
- ardenttie - Andrew Thornton
- asterjolly - becky the flower
- atheenah - Playboy Mommy
- aurorabeauty - God
- babyanna - Anna
- babyphoenix - Natalie
- bad_magick - My Immortal
- battleangel - metal heart.
- beautiful26316 - Leah
- bekahrekah - SuperBex
- bifemmefatale - Shameless
- black_pearl - Black Pearl
- blairoptional - Blair Lockedbox
- bleedngpolaroid - Amanda
- bluegnu - BlueGnu
- bobsapunk - DETH TWO AWL HOO APPOSE U.S.
- bookgrrrl - Nerdy Girl
- borschta - Eddie
- boystown101 - noah
- brash - Mecha Brash
- bravestsaturn - Erijay
- brentbent - craig joyner
- brettly - Brett
- briabee - i am a dj and the world is my vinyl.
- brianinspace - Brian in Space
- bunglehead - jen the II
- burgundy - burgundy
- burnedbones - marianne
- butterflywing - Bullet
- cactusflower - Cactusflower
- caitlin143 - Caitlin
- carpathia821 - Mourning Sunset
- casualtygirlie - Meri
- cbug - i might just get up and dance.
- celestearth - Celeste
- cenye - tine
- chimchm71 - Sara
- christiann - Christiann
- cici - Princess Paradise
- cinderellaman - Sister in my soul
- cleanlikegod - the test pattern of my consciousness
- clicheobjection - christopher
- contrite_deity - i am carrie brownsnup
- coweatman - emu violence
- crazyhappyme - beautiful sin
- crena - listening for reason
- cringe - beej
- crowemya - Carlos Crowe
- cubemicroplex - cubemicroplex
- culturevulture - alisa
- cynnerth - Cyn
- da_guru - The 11th Letter
- danielle_ - hudson
- darkladyofnight - Live Jennie
- darla - [:-:d.a.r.l.a:-:]
- davidgrenier - David Lo Pan
- defuseme - oxymoroniC
- degeneratemite - Depending on the Bending
- dematair - dematair
- demona22 - Super Queer
- dewie - dewdrop
- djfox - WHORENUN
- djpope - DJ Pope
- dmndallxpktnthg - (Insert stupid name here)
- doja - doja
- dom - Dominic
- dorkiness - Trace & Co.
- drea - drea
- dreamworld - Dreamworld
- drewsybluesy - Drew
- driftwood - hardcore bean
- drownophelia - one femme revoloution
- dykestar - All of Your Tomorrows Start Here
- eap - Liz
- ebone696 - Ebon
- eccezarathustra - Ozymandias
- ecochica - rebecca
- eeanieameanie - Molly
- eieye - elissa
- eionva - eionva
- ekbat - vincent
- epiglottis - Joni
- ereshkigal - ereshkigal
- erikad420 - Erika
- erosandananke - Sigmund
- erotikino - Lizzy Gnosis
- espeon - Arianna Dionys
- evilgrrrl - tuesday i'll forgive you
- exhale3000 - in/eX(hale)
- exitseraphim - when i finally kissed him the world began to ring
- faerydust - FaeryDust
- fakeyellowlight - danyell!
- fallenrose - geekitty
- fallenxskies - places i rather be
- fireflesh - fireflesh
- fish - Teach Me To Be Fabulous
- fluffy1342 - Katie
- frootloup1976 - Bethany
- frozenfire149 - Mistress Frozen F. Moon
- fruitcake - FrøtCåke
- ftmichael - Be Me For A Day
- funkyfreak35 - Kevin
- galahad - Loop
- galataya - Jeanette
- gemdeny - depleted
- girlhasknife - Vanessa America
- girlziplocked - Holly Wood
- glitterdyke - the best minds of my generation can't make bail
- godchild00 - I<N>I
- goddess1 - missy
- gokunion - gokunion
- goodsis - Turiya
- gramail - Robert
- grebflootlebing - steven
- greekdaph - Daphna
- greendaze - Another White Trash Mannequin
- greendreamer - Sam - aka monsieur choette pantalon
- greenlantern - Green Lantern
- grizzly - James Tierney
- grrlpoet - GRRLESQUE
- grrlquake - beautiful disaster
- grrrltalk - Crystal
- grubbygirl - grubbygirl
- gryn - James
- gvlakerboi - Shawn
- gwenavierlette - Gently Melting Rose
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- hamstar - Alex
- hanajibu - Master Fee
- hannahscribe - The Scribe
- hebe - the invisible one
- hedge_hog - A Garbage Pail Kid
- heiwalove - heather
- helloyesterday - micro
- hippi420 - hippi420
- homicidalpoet - What If Our World Is Their Heaven
- i_like_broccoli - sunny landen
- ifthenwhatnow - Tiff to the any
- ilikepopsicles - Maddox
- imuuru2 - radicalUUnathan
- insaneboatgrrl - the girl who ignored all the advice
- internautte - too young to fall asleep
- isagurl - Isa
- ivydevice - suxan
- iwannariot - Melodramatic Manda
- izzybelly - bagel
- jaezebel - Jaezebel
- jazzyblue - jazzyblue
- jeff8163 - Jeff Hall
- jenesis - Jenesis
- jessifer - Jess
- jillyanjiggs - Jill
- jjtownsend - JJ
- joebonham - joe bonham
- joellyurine - Joelly Havoc
- jozz - Jozlyn
- juliechristie - desi*
- juneleigh - June
- kabbit - Trenton
- kamuela - The Original Expatriated Zulu
- kandyman - Kandyman (unrequited life)
- katjaxkatja - katjaxkatja
- kaytay253 - katie
- keithm - kmeighan
- kellmeister - Kelly
- kerkyra - kerkyra
- kevo - Kevo
- khudirambose - For my next miracle, I will turn water into...funk
- kick_shara - shara shoshana tipton monster dollface
- kimberly8 - girl gone train hoppin
- kimberwolf - Kimber Wolf
- kip - the little anglophile that could.
- kissingjude - elizabeth
- kittygomeow - meow
- kplus - Katherine
- kpscapes - Runaway American Dream
- kristian - Kristian Stupidness
- krisvain - one: devotchka
- kyrik - Kyra
- kytty - Kytty
- lalenalefay - Jaime
- lambie - c
- langdon334 - Dani
- laralikesska - pixy-gnome
- larnaye - lauren
- leeyah_lodgik - Distilla Truant
- leighcheri - Becca
- libertango - Hal
- lilygish - Bobbi Jo
- lisidy - felicity
- litobscura - debbie
- littleemoboy - GIRbot
- littleone - Heather Rose
- lizzas - luzzies
- ljliz - Liz
- logicisunreal - Jaclyn
- lokust - .the tale ov a wounded mouse.
- lonestar - philipe
- loqia - ?:void - s t a r[x]
- loria - loria
- loseagain - Mary
- lostdoll9 - s t a c e y
- lotusdreamer - Elisa
- lourdes1996 - Alexis
- lovelife4 - Ariana
- lovesuglychild - bite me
- lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
- lyndz - Music Box Superhero
- lysistrata - Electric Weather
- lzbnangel - ~*Ultimate Glitter Star Fairy (of all lesbians)*~
- maaaak - grace
- mandz17 - It's So Beautiful Up Here
- marchofgaia - marchofgaia
- masterflash - the girl
- matreia - smitten kitten
- mayhemme - Laura the Grammar Dragon
- mcmullen - John McMullen
- mdonkin - Martin Donkin
- meade - meade
- mesoloca - she's lost control again
- mex3 - meagan
- mfcrunchy - Mark
- michellemybell - not your angel
- michirukaiohv - a hopeless romantic
- mightyaphrodite - Mighty Aphrodite
- millarca - Daddie Millarca
- mischa - j'irai danser la seguedille
- missionlessdays - missionlessdays
- misslynx - La Fée Chartreuse
- mittengrrrl - jes
- mizalaina - Subtract one qubit to honor the Goddess of Quanta
- mizanda - Cock CoManda
- mizzvampyr - eat lolly
- mnemesis - MikeD
- molly2dope - I'll Do You Cuz You'll Do Anything
- monkey25 - Monkey
- moondanzing - jenna
- moongoddessneb - Erica
- morada - Morada
- moths - damion
- mouthypoo - Rebel with a name
- multiblthe - blythe
- museumfreak - Prisstina
- ncnolan - femme fatale
- neibwe - NeiBwe
- nellie12 - danielle
- nerdtech - nerdtech
- neversaynever - skye
- nineinchlovely - The Rockadopply Billyganger
- ninthline - mad mad vortex
- niwolf - N.I.Wolf
- noog - got body if you want it
- notaprettygirl - notaprettygirl
- now - K
- nutmeg235 - Meghan
- october_jackie - The one and only, lovely, lonely october jackie
- odddecay - hug a revolutionary
- oioioi - This ones ours, lets take another...
- okayplayah - 4th Time Around
- olygrrl - brandy
- oonagh - oonagh
- ophelia_speaks - too much that time cannot erase
- orgasticfuture - Lois Lane
- owentc - OwenTC
- padders - Patrick Allan
- patchworkgirl -
- peacenik - Katya
- peaches86 - kate
- pedram - but like antiobiotics to bacteria, we bite back.
- peekaboo - boo
- pepperhead - Peppy
- pimpmomoney - Another innocent girl...
- pinkish_hue - Aliisa
- pinkvinylstar - alice.
- pinn - the girl with the sun in her head
- piscean_ic - Yuri
- plan_rc - robyn
- poechic - Love Deceptions
- pradaboi1 - Justin
- princesskill - Help Me Kill My Time
- princessmoira - Moira
- prufrock - anyone but Bush in 2004 (including invertebrates)
- pslotus - PSLotus
- psupachic - Fred Jones Part 2
- psy - Psy
- psychicbooty - Logan
- psychokitten - she
- punkrockgirl18 - Malia
- purple_person - Charm School dropout
- quakerboy87 - Craig
- quiggles - Bradley
- quirky_me - Flying Grasshopper
- quiver - Rebecca Elizabeth
- quog - Damian Quog Meyer
- rachell - ineverevencaughthername
- raeofhope27 - »----»ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW
- raggedyann928 - SpoonGirl Trinity
- rainbox - the rain marches on
- raineing_eyes - elizabeth
- randomite - never a rock star, always a shooting star
- randomness - Butch
- rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
- ravenskylar - Very Populous City of Australia
- rayne - furiously geeky
- razorlicious - girl ruin
- razzle - Razzle
- realife101 - same/difference
- rebel_yell - beckacore
- reckless - sing something sweet
- redhd6098 - -alliCrisis-
- relievedgrace - Grace
- revel - me
- revolt - One dollar, one vote.
- richmackin - richmackin
- rita - liebchen
- rkmlai - rkmlai
- road - Pressure Makes Whine
- robinbanks - Robin Banks
- rodge86 - Michael
- rook - rook
- rosemary1877 - tit
- rroseselavy - Julia
- rubylou - Historical Paroxysm
- saint_raphael - saint_raphael
- salyx - useless little sparkle
- sameyeamsez - ★♀☠Fairy Dyke Riot☠♀★
- sanguine_dawn - sanguine_dawn
- saraaudust - Sara
- sarberry2 - Sarahpi
- sariaaaa - sari brown
- sdm - Sascha M.
- seanluc - Sean
- shamrox0 - Dave the Irish
- shandanette - Dr. Hell No! Oh, Yes, I Did!
- sharoane - My life is an exercise in inertia
- shatteredrose - i'd love you forever, if you'd love me for a day..
- shennanigan - Shevaun B
- sherrasama - Ha'ou Shogun Sherra
- sickitten - .lady sings the blues.
- silent_dancer - Erin
- silvermoon999 - Correne
- simplelyric - Kim
- simplysara - I'm your little pee whore
- sl33pyhed - my vagina is pissed off
- slimem88 - The One...(Not Really)
- smaynurf - Sarah
- smileygirl - jen
- snollygaster - Snollygaster
- snowflake745 - ~* Nina *~
- snozzberry - Snozzberry
- somesortadog - Vagus
- sophy - Rosemary
- sorbitol - corrugated cardboard
- soundofsilence - natalie
- space4rnt - daydreaming disaster
- spacemunkee - Cole
- speedqueen108 - Queen o' Speed
- spidergirl69 - ragazza di venerdì
- spiralshannon - Shannon
- spygeek - spygeek
- starface79 - kaylyn
- staticnoise - staticnoise
- still_lost - dev sibwarra
- stilldancer - stilldancer
- stuck - Stokes' Theorem
- sugarandspite - ursa major
- supergoat - Coach
- superjadedheart - liz
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sweetpea2264 - Gwennie
- sweetpeckers - Becky Baby
- talula_bean - femme of the month club
- tamsanger - Tam
- tatooedkoi - Koi Kitten.I could step off the end of this pier..
- teanut - tina
- technodyke - Evil Lesbian Media Whore
- temima - Tara
- tetsuo_katana - 'Tis Josh, AKA Tet
- tgchaz - crossing over
- thebeegirl - Suzie
- thecrucified - thecrucified
- thegumfairy - SmallsThePirate
- therealme - Ren
- thespis_mellie - Mellie
- thewackness - Sir John Wackness
- thugpimpn2001 - Lace
- tigerlilyrocker - tigerlily
- tikva - intensity junkie
- timelord_2019 - Den
- tink - Tinkerbell
- toho - toho
- tomatosan - m
- touchofheart - Sara
- tribegirl - Tha Numba One Stunna
- twistedimages - edit the sad parts
- twjordan - Tony-Moe
- twoupthreeover - concentric.
- udoswald - Sean
- unconformed - supergirl
- valkyriechick - Martha F Crocker
- valleyblossom - unsteadythrills
- vampyrica - PunkBrokeMyHeart
- veajacob - Veronica
- veganbecca - i know who i am, who are you?
- veganguy - eNcyCLopEdia BRowN
- veganxamour - xkatelynx
- velvie - laura
- venusplastica - Little Red Corvette
- veritate - veritate
- violentfingers - Violentfingers
- viper626 - peter
- voronika - Vorstyles
- wait - Dilberta
- wastededucation - The Executive Chef of the Atomic Cafe
- watrfae - pasta whore
- weigs322 - Benjamin Weigel
- whirledpeas - Underscore Peas
- whiteshadow2004 - Tilla
- willingtofight - .the.queen.of.quiet.
- xantixflagx - Jeremy
- xaotica - :: regarder of the cries of the world ::
- xeuphoria - euphoria
- xgeekrockx - Boner Senseless
- xmodernistx - xModernistx
- xxhangnailxx - meghan
- yasminm - Yasmin M.
- yepers - nicklus
- yruugrrl - Sex Kitten Extraordinaire
- zapped_insomnia - Zap
- zbluestarz - SaL Dawg
- zendaisy - ZenDaisy
- zero3kid - Jen the Zen Zero