Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "memetics".
29 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in memetics. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
468 matches:
- 1351 - 1351
- 21yo_curmudgeon - da' monkey what nAps
- 363 - [patient|#|363] [Arkham.Asylum] [floor.12|unit.42]
- _cheradenine_ - James Knevitt
- _veronica_ - Veronica
- acerbicreaction - eat my parentheses
- agent_of_karma - Ed
- agentlemadness -
- agents_smith - Cody
- akiwis - Ki
- alex23 - Alex Dante
- alicetiara - hot-blooded hotel heiress
- alostrael - Laylah
- amanita_virosa - Destroying Angel
- amon_zero - amon zero
- amp23 - ghestahdt de'arboreal
- ancal - Ancalagon
- andrewaskew - Andrew
- andrewwyld - One of God's own prototypes
- andrewwyldgonzo - andrewwyldgonzo
- androgynousmind - Devil on your shoulder
- andrometa - andrometa
- andythetical - Looshifuge Rofocale
- angel_thane - Namyewt St.Dan
- angelxero - Xero
- angstriddnqueer - Shawn
- ankh_f_n_khonsu - preacher
- aphyllophorales - underwear
- apophasis - Apophasis
- arcanaproject - arcanaproject
- archetypography - archetypes make the world go 'round
- arclyte - King Basil Lamus
- ardhanisvara - Bodhijesse
- artistic_chaos - Chaos
- ashliana - dancing kallisti contradiction girl
- asterisque - girl friday
- atomistictheist - Bradley Wendell Compton
- autochthon - eking out a living what?
- autodidacticphd - dynamic meme
- awe1235 - eZ.D
- awl - A Frightfully Important Person
- badlandbat - Badland Bat
- bakathetiger - He Who Must Be Obeyed
- balseraphempyre - MetaMystikal PsyberGnoSysTemplArchAeon
- bazzalisk - Pip
- being_angyl - casual synchronicity, champion of causality
- belladwyn - Dona Williams
- beltanera - Jaz
- benhimself - Ben
- benwaymd - Osama Windsor
- betameme - Betameme
- bibble - zombie-proxy bibble
- bradhicks - J. Brad Hicks
- bringaisce - Brin Gaisce
- bruise_lee - bruise_lee
- burritoman - tito
- butiambabylon - Samantha
- cannibal - Chad
- capn002 - capn002
- cappadocius - Cappadocius
- cavorite - Cavorite / Puzz / Thomas
- cegan523 - DJ Craig-E-Craig
- centerofgravity - Sean
- ceramufary - Cera Lawrence
- cerebrate - Silicon Cerebrate
- chaogirl - Chaogirl
- charris - Ms. Vaguely Dissatisfied
- childofbabalon - Lamar
- chinastar - ChinaStar
- chopinsnocturne - Your Own Personal Jesus Built My Hotrod
- circumvision - circumvision
- ckn - xenophile
- clearturbulence - Clear Air Turbulence
- colouredvinyl - Jeff
- corybantiasm - Corybantiasm
- coyote23 - Coyote
- crazicreek - the littlest shamaness
- crazyrants - Drew
- crealm - C-Realm.comix
- cremedelacool - cremedelacool
- critilo - Fígaro
- crocodilewings - Rikk Hill
- cyantist - Cyantist
- dabchick - dabchick
- daedalusleto - .DarkZen.
- dagonweb - dagonweb
- daicerio_blue - Brian
- darkstrife - DarkStrife
- darwinoid - darwinoid
- davehall - Dave Hall
- davekrieger - Dave Krieger
- dbananza - the missus
- deepestred - deepest red, darkest blue
- deifire - Deifire
- detested - My double plastic bubble wrap will save you
- deviantsaint - DeviantSaint
- dherblay - d'Herblay
- diatton - diatton
- dichroicynosure - Sassafras Sassypant's Sarsaparilla
- dioguinness - Mister Red
- dirtynumbangel - dirtynumbangelboy
- disblfsuspender - Jared Dunn
- discord5 - I Beat The Principia Discordia
- disinterest - miwa
- distortedorchid - dryspell
- dizfactor - type until it stops you
- dj_dandroid - DJ_dAndroid
- djdigit - DJ Digit
- docorgone - Rob
- doctor_hellfire - DONASDOGAMATASTOS!!
- doktormod - Dr. MelloOrangeDayglo
- doppelganger_ds - Doppelgänger
- dragelegard - Doug
- dragonguyver - Joshua
- dragonmonkey - What we write after reading Saint Augustine
- draikherm - Matt
- drinkyclown - drinkyclown
- drogg - Jon
- dtsm - Dan
- dymaxion - Paul
- eaterofhands - confudled
- ecid - Parasang
- eidolonarchie - Archie
- electrofreq - M@
- elfwreck - The Elf ½
- emanuel_morgan - Emanuel Morgan
- enderfem - zinfandel
- endovelicon - endovelicon
- envoy - Envoy
- escapade52 - Eric
- espvivisection - Diana
- ethora - Ethora
- euchrid3 - Just Some Joseph Looking For A Manger
- exomnipotent - A Gremlin Lost in Junk
- fare - François-René Rideau
- featherynscale - A Honey-Dipped Gnome for Eris
- feralgeek - FeralGeek
- ferret4 - ferret
- ferventdervish - Joseluis
- finnagain - Slowmotion Phoenyx
- firecracker8474 - firecracker
- fireflesh - fireflesh
- flanklint - Lanky the Tango Smurf
- fleaplus - Neil is Neil
- flonayze - flo to da nayze, biznatch
- fluxbox - M@
- fnordsofnorway - atropa
- for_awesome - ... For Awesome
- forestdweller - Raevyn of the Forests
- forevertangled - Ambrosine (Abby)
- fotthewuk - Chris Kennish
- frater333 - Zuhuhpxy daSuna
- frazer - Frazer Kirkman
- generichuman - kraftwerk999
- gilbertc - Gilbert Cattoire
- gillshallows - Gill-Shallows
- gilmore427 - Gilmore
- glasswar - desioaren ehundurak
- green_aubry - miss ee
- gremliness - Alice Tatterdemalion
- grimweaver - l'âme perdue
- gruntinator - Andrew Q. Gruntinator
- guilty - Guilty
- guyminuslife - Keith, a guy who needs a life
- harlekein - an error has occurred
- haroeris_astrum - haroeris_astrum
- havva - havva
- hawksrain - HawX
- hawver - Professor Blue Smush DinoBaby
- headcube - Nev
- hermesbrain - Not all paths return a value
- heterodoxy - St. Bug, the Social Rockstar
- hobgadling - possibility
- hokahey - Aspasia Anarchista
- homelanddrifter - Mikita Global Services
- hsuan - hsuan
- iamher - I am Her.
- ikpr - everything is sentient
- imploding - My name is Distance.
- ioerror - error
- ivolucien - Ivo Lucien
- ixtimesiii - IX
- j0ni - 003C 3F6B 8E44 AFFA 982F 8DA3 50CB 76CF E899 35D3
- jaesyn - JAESYN
- jammin682 - Jeff Moore
- jonathanshade - Jack
- jonhowardisdead - jonhowardisdead
- joranj - Josh
- jorune - Chris
- juubou - juubou
- k45 - Kas
- kaesa - Kaesa Aurelia
- kajmal - Airman LaRaia
- kenmora - Ken Mora
- kevandotorg - Kevan Davis
- kilinrax - Alex
- kineticfactory - Andrew
- kion - Kevin Kress
- kira_april - Kira
- kittenpants - Kittenpants
- kiwitayro - kiwi
- klvlvs - rj
- kmo - KMO
- knigel - Knigel Giraffe
- ko - Halcyon
- kobbe - The Golux
- korgmeister - Cognitive Dissonance on a stick
- krimhum - krim hum
- kukiri - heatherness
- kyriani - Kyriani
- ladystorm - Lady Storm
- lesmouches - +pAL.imP.sESt+
- lethebasii - Galatea
- littlepinkpig - littlepinkpig
- logam - Andy Logam-Tan
- logickal23 - Jeremy
- lovebump - hiel 3
- lpard - Patricia
- lucent - Lucent
- lumiere - Lumiere
- mad_shepherd - Big Chicken Little
- madness237 - Kenneth
- maelorin - maelorin
- magagany3 - L' Moy Girazid
- many - Conrad
- marius_y2k - Marius
- mateolee - Onyx Star
- meanderingcreek - meanderingcreek
- mecurtin - Doctor Science
- mediocremind - Kwin the Alpha Male
- memegarden - memegardener
- mememachine - Meme Machine
- memeticwarfare - memeticwarfare
- memgineer - Mem, version 1.3
- mental_erosion - Silent
- mental_floss - Frank Venditti
- merovingian - Ted
- metachor - Name Field
- metaphorge - metaphorge (that Fox person)
- metaphoto - fox's photo journal
- metapsychosis - Parallax
- methicide - ...and take everything under the sky.
- mindshadow - Mindshadow
- mindwalker - Mindwalker
- mister6 - fictionsuit on
- mistermoofoo - mistermoofoo
- monde - psychosahedron
- monheim - verse versus verses
- monkey_bandit - Jed
- monkiegrrrl - Just the facts ma'am...
- morbid_curious - Morbid Curiosity
- mrducky - Ducky
- msdiwrect - Ms. Diana Walpurg Rect
- mskoi - Sacred Clown of the Lambent Flame
- musegong - dan
- mussawyr - Mussawyr (N.A.K.)
- mutualist - mutualist
- naimark - Mika Naimark
- nbarnes - NBarnes
- neurochrome - neurochrome
- neurohazard - Frater Nilaihah 523
- neven - Neven Eight
- nezzyidy - Nezzy IDy
- nfin8ndefn8 - "Hurry, Children..."
- nihilanth - nihilanth
- nikkomega - Nikkomega
- ninjer - WE ARE HAT FAMILY
- nixv - NIxV
- non_serviam - The Evolutionary Revolutionary
- nostradomnatrix - Nostradominatrix
- nullifeye - nullifeye
- nunnehi - Stefan
- nuos - Nuos
- omnifarious - Lover of Ideas
- onesoul - Forced Surrender of An Ingenue
- onestrugglemore - Jeff
- orage - Aaron
- othercriteria - Me
- oxfordslacker - Drifting in and out of consciousness
- pallid_mask - a Phantom of Truth
- panchromium - Jesse
- panguar - panguar
- paynith - anja! anja!
- pbmath - pbmath
- pcitizen - Private Citizen
- perciplex - rerum concordia discors
- perplexigon - }star-crossed cosmonaut{
- perspectivism - Andrew
- pguymontag - Guy Montag
- pheryx - Jeff 3000
- phexie - amanda
- phi_one_zero - Perfect Incomplete
- philosopherking - baroque currency of eunuch unicorns
- pho0ka - a figment of your imagination
- pjammer - ezekiel's chariot - 張敦楷
- playfight - d
- plinko - Pope Zypgx
- pluribusfinn - Pluribus Finn
- poisontofu - design
- polykleitus - Phaedrus
- prettydark - Nuala Dark
- produkt - produkt
- psyntist - Life is change
- punzel - Yes, my name is
- puret0ne - Art' Deco
- puristlove - Eric
- purplemanatee - Joey the Apostate
- purpleprimate - Purple Primate
- purplerabbits - Purple Rabbits
- purplespark - purplespark
- purplezart - Zart
- quaoar - Wade Yorke
- queeble - queeble
- rainbrot - Brain Rot
- rakafkaven - Jesse
- rance - rance
- ratkrycek - True Neutral Elf Ranger Cleric
- ravenia - Ravenia Scarabae
- razorkisses - i[heart]razors
- redcynic - Digital Phantasm
- respiratoire - respiratoire
- retif - Alexey Oleshko
- revevastars - caution, contents may be hot!
- rex_monday - Baron Ftaghn Fluoride XXIII
- rgreen - Richard Green
- rho - ρ
- rideronthestorm - The Fleece
- rjhatl - We've got lions and tigers...
- rob_roy - Hollow Rob
- robinlionheart - Robin Lionheart
- robmtl - RobMTL
- robol - Pan T.
- robotics_girl - Tess LaCoil
- robotknives - signed, your doppelganger
- roem - roem
- roliasnoom - Andrew
- rostifur - skotbot
- rumspringa - Persephone
- saint_jackalope - Saint Jackalope
- samayam - Omar Kallisti Samayam
- sarastro_us - Eratosthenes Bombastus
- sassyjack - C.R. Ross
- scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
- scarybug - Joe Bug
- scionihilum - Knower of Nothing
- seattleshade - seattleshade
- sednonsatiata - Never Satisfied
- seekzero - Nequaquam Vacuum
- seennotheard - ♪ Deanna ♪
- sgl - Hermes Morrison
- shemayazi - Shemayazi
- shiffer - Nir Shiffer
- shkspr13 - Big Gay Wes
- sighris - Sighris
- silmarilli - Nicholas
- sin_usoidal - sod
- singedrac - Singe
- singularityv23 - Zen Master J
- sirius23 - sothis
- skinwalker - It's a Type of Lycanthrope My Friend
- snr0n - Sarah
- sobekptah - SobekPtah
- sorry_im_sad - sorry_im_sad
- spaceman23 - spaceman
- spiderbrigade - spiderbrigade
- spinequest - SpineQuest
- sporks88 - Chris Connell
- ssatva - Ssatva
- standarddvnt - Monica
- starling321 - Star Fitzgerald
- stollman - My father is a clone...
- sundaygray - Sunday Gray
- surrealchemist - telegraphs in negative/mouths trapped in static
- sydhart - David Hart
- synarchist - thunderboy
- synchronaut - christobal
- t3knomanser - Remy Porter
- t_gra - Alexey Tigarev
- tahari - Lucky
- tangerine42 - Danielle
- taokitty - yin masked yang
- technoccult - Klintron
- teleomorph - Kakulja Evan
- tepes - tepes
- the_puck - the_puck
- the_strangest - the_strangest
- thealighierian - XaosHeruka
- thebridger - thebridger
- thecreepout - .::the bear of little brain::.
- thee_kaos_child - Jessika Kaos
- thenash - TheNash
- theomaniac - theomaniac
- theometrica - Big
- theundersigned - [ digitaly scriped ]
- thewasteland - teach2think
- timemachinego - timemachinego
- tinto_catstar - Tinto Catstar, intergalatic indie darling
- tr1x0r - Blah
- transmothra - transmothra
- triple_entendre - Triple Entendre
- trundle - Trundle
- turb0 - GLAMOUR &power
- turingtest - Captcha McGuffin
- twitme - proletariancherub
- tyrsalvia - Autumn, Suburban Machiavelli
- ultramodd - St. Julian Zakharia Andromalius, The Eyes of Ibad
- uncertainwonder - searching for the whirlwind
- undauntra - undauntra
- uniquelythesame - Matthew
- vadriede - vadriede
- varwuff - Varlin Wuff
- veedub - veedub
- vhaeraun - prince of the underdark
- vi_z - Viktor Zhumatiy
- vicenorvirtue - Goat
- warriormouse - WarriorMouse
- watertank - LJ user formerly known as E.S. Watertank
- westleyd - Wes
- wildkarrdex - Rockets Fall On Rocket Falls
- wille_zur_macht - Der Wille zur Macht
- wittgensteinfan - wittgensteinfan
- wkdwych - wkdwych
- woggie - Jamz
- wordvirus - Game of broken hearts
- worldmage - Danny Z
- wretched_threat - Däv
- x4btorz - X4btorZ
- xanadumalion - Doom Pixie!!
- xenophil - xenophil
- xgray - xgray
- xile - I am xile the liberator! I fight crime!
- xk8tx - Katie Rohrer
- xntric - Lothar of the Hill People
- xxstars_fadexx - xxstars_fadexx
- yakboy - A few bolts short of a ring gear, & other stories
- yfel - Nathan
- zbsinthe - Zbsinthe
- zebbie - 43
- zeke_hubris - The Silver Key
- zeroequalsone - 0=1
- znanie - Maximov Nikita
- zoomardav - David is thinking about the meat faerie