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70 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in puns. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 0o0airik0o0 - ** Airik **
- 10000pirates - Oh No
- 14_59 - Kylie
- 1freespirit - 1freespirit
- 2ndtolast - veasse
- 36 - 00100100
- _generica - Brett
- adamzero - Adam Ritchie
- adlibris - Lib
- agermain - dre
- agnigounoticed - *give me a pushpop ill give you a smile*
- aislin - aislin
- aiyume - AiYume
- ajil6 - We ain't shit.
- algebraicring - AlgebraicRing
- aliasgenius - The Journey To Almost
- aliciar - Garden Variety Evil
- alihja - Cranky Poet
- alladinsane - Hubie Brown
- allyn - Allyn
- alter_id - alter_idem
- alukaiser - going further
- amazinggrace - last week's next big thing
- amirofthedesert - Hans
- amurana - Sarah
- anemone720 - anemone
- angelloffyre - Jessica Dru
- annalra - Anna
- anne008 - anne
- annieadams - some kind of vulnerable
- annotated_alex - Alexandra
- ansley - Formwalt
- argyleavenger - you really wanna know my name?
- arson_angel - Jesse
- atomslife - Quigly
- atropis - ann droid
- autographedcat - Rob
- axenic - dolesome
- b2theecky - 'miriam'
- b_corgan - Billy Corgan
- b_train - Rollo Tomasi
- bagoly - kiszbagoly
- bblankk - Xine Blank
- beanpie - beanpie
- bearblue - Bearblue
- being_angyl - casual synchronicity, champion of causality
- betamantis - B.J. Vankoughnett
- bigmeanie - Big Meanie
- blackfeather - blackfeather
- blackthorne6 - blackthorne
- blithwulf - John
- bluepickle - Uschi
- bluesummers - 5
- boxtopmiko - Miko
- boymaenad - thlayli-moth
- bpjohnson - BrYan
- brandielicious - Stone Girl
- bratbitch - Abbey du jour
- brigand - Brigand
- brotherofophir - Six-way?
- browse - browse
- brucha - Brucha
- calembour - Billiam
- caomhanach - Kavanaugh
- carlfox - Carl Fox
- carpaski - Nick Jones
- catlitter - catherine ann
- cavok - up in the air
- cboo - Cheryl
- ceph - Regina
- chalant - I could... if I wanted to
- cheeseandtomato - Eve
- cheezmont - the guy behind the guy behind the guy
- cherryxpoison - Sher
- chevygirl0425 - Emily
- chiaspod - Ch-ch-ch-chia!
- childe - Childe
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chocomoose542 - Mooserella the Magnificent
- chown_me - grep_me chmod_me chown_me
- chromaticblue - r.p.w.
- chronicfreetime - truth without proof
- cimorene111 - princess cimorene
- cislyn - Cislyn
- clarinettist - Sophie K.
- cocoajava - Ms. CocoaJava
- coginthenose - Karina n'ha Shaiha, et al
- colinmo - Colin
- colubrinus - WaH
- connfoozled - Connfoozled
- coweatman - emu violence
- crazyxbeautiful - Jen
- creentmerveille - Vermicious K'nid
- crocodile - Croc O'Dile
- culludgal - goddesses read novels at red lights
- curiouskitty - Meowmie
- curmudgeon - the sentimental curmudgeon
- cybertiger - cybertiger
- d_e_l_i_r_i_u_m - the keeper of the timezones
- dalibor - Erwin
- damara - Dara
- damocles_tongue - Damocles
- dan501 - dan
- dapohead - Persnickety Peggy
- darkwolf69 - Dark Wolf
- davidgro - David Grossberg
- dealupa - Kat
- degeneratemite - Depending on the Bending
- delayra - Delayra
- derumi - derumi-chan
- dhenderson - Dan
- dianavegan - Diana
- dichotomyj - Jonathan and Jak
- dirtydarthdrama - dirtydarthdrama
- djartemis - Lauren
- dlscanlon - The Mad Hatter
- doingtimein419 - Just Steve
- dreamsofburning - [rapture]
- dreeenik - does like pants
- dylanmonster - dylanmonster
- east_coast_todd - adam waldron-blain
- eimran - Marg
- eirehound - Gaseous Wombat
- electricia - Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
- electrojazz - dancin' fiddlin' drag king r0ckstar
- elf - elessara
- elfric - Lee
- eliish - Emily
- eltopogrande - Talpa Europea
- enderw25 - My thing speaks for itself
- endgame - Endgame
- erinbish - erin, expatriated zulu and little sewing wonder
- espndiana2 - Diana
- euterpe_81 - a masochistic lamb to the slaughter
- evacentauri - Tholtanagh
- exhuman - e_x_h_u_m_a_n
- eye_of_beholder - sgt. nikki's lonely hearts club band
- eyeboogies - Cyrus
- eyow - Emy
- femakita - femakita
- ferrioclef - Ace
- feste - Dennis Feste
- findyourwayhome - Quaestor
- fionasea - fiona
- fireflypkb - just another cold tuesday breakfast
- firestrike - Fnord
- firewillow - willow
- fishysua - MSTEric
- flwyd - Trevor Stone
- freecloud - A swinger of birches
- frugatti - Frugatti
- fuckme - Raw
- funos - Future Nostalgia
- futhman - Yr Pal, Arafat Kazi
- gadfly - Gadfly
- gael - gAel
- gargantuan - The Pinnacle of Physical Fitness
- ggoddess - Ravelyn
- girlgoth - Girlgoth
- gloriajn - Gloria J-N
- glottalstop - Roman (like the Empire)
- gmjambear - Gary J.
- gofaster - Sammy the Befuddled
- grannysmith - Apple
- gravity - Dr. Julius Strangepork
- green_flash - Jen
- greenpants - greenpants
- greggo4randy - Greggo
- grynz - Keiphyn (KAY-fin)
- gypsy1969 - Gypsy Rosa Lee
- gypsyjr - Hippie Geek Girl
- hadaverde - Sharon GreenFaery
- haiku_de_grace - King Syphilis
- harkstone - harkstone
- harlequinfetus - Natasha
- hartsease - Hart
- hellloooonurse - HelllooooNurse
- hentainotenshi - Archangel of Ecchi Raphael
- hogard - Tony Hogard
- icancount210 - skjønnhet
- icanreadyourmnd - Sibyl
- iceypinkbubbles - Miss Muffin Queen
- id_42 - Id_42
- idripmelting - idripmelting
- iisthsqrootneg1 - Phil
- illuviel - Illuviel
- iluvyuri - Eddy
- imckinnon - Ian McKinnon
- indigoskynet - Saint Indigo, the Patron Saint of Tragicomedy
- inhumandecency - Michael
- invisiblebear - The bear with something extra.
- it123 - I like to talk
- itch - Itching Skin
- ivydell - Ivydell
- jacobine - Mariel Jacobs
- jadasc - Jason
- jadedpixie - Elise
- jasedabass - Jason Clark
- javamental - JavaElemental
- jayasankarvs - Jay
- jedipride - Chris J.
- jo71 - Jo
- johnflagg - Dr. Sarcasmo
- jr0124 - John
- jrpseudonym - J. Random Pseudonym
- julsgeneric - straight, no chaser
- jurassica - jessica rocks your socks
- jyuu_chan - dreamer of dreams
- kablammy - everyone else is really boring
- kakapo - Tamar
- kalikanzeros - shaun
- kalopsia - Liz
- katarina42 - Kayleen "Katarina" Connell
- kazoobug27 - The Ocean Doesn't Want Me Today
- keelay - Tiryst
- kendaer - Draconic Kittie Kult Meanion
- kennethraun - raun
- kent_s - Kent
- khakipants - Indiana Joanna
- kimychan - Kimberly
- kmartinryan - Kevin
- koko_kitty - Chelley
- koob - T.J.
- krecik - Dessine-moi un mouton.
- kvk - Kiran Vijayakumar
- ladytabitha - Ticking Time-Bomb of Cheer
- laverick - Silvermoon
- leiabelle - d000000m
- level_head - Level Head
- lexanlet - Lexypants
- life_unexamined - Ian Ireland
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- lithium_barbie - Kylie
- lithium_polish - Kylie
- littleredhead - pomegranate
- lkeele - Lisa
- lorddrakthee - Joe
- lost_eloquence - Charlotte
- luckyleslie - Leslie
- lyspeth - getting by with a little help from my friends
- m0rgasmic - Nerdy McNerdstrom
- maarten - Maarten
- macabre_grrl - milk crate bandit
- madbard - Popular series of fiction, fancy, and fact.
- magusq - Russ
- malver - Eric
- mandiefavor - Normandie
- manicpopthrill - innocent textures
- maninblack - Dread Pirate Roberts
- mannikin - mannikin
- markaci - Mark
- martylog - Oh, Martin...
- mbuonauro - Michael
- meditation - jack
- mega_g - Meg
- meglimir - Ruby Meg
- melmirwen - Cara
- melody_chan - Christine: The Amazing College Student!!
- metastrophic - metastrophic
- mhutfles - No one will believe my memoirs
- millefiori - M
- mimeinashoebox - Antoinette
- mintpillow - Onca
- miraclaire - Mira
- misfitsparade - Misfits on Parade
- missslugg - Lori
- misterclean - Mister Clean
- mistletoe - Wendy Mistletoe
- mle18 - vfemme13
- mlik - Stupid Stupidhead
- monica - Monica
- moogle_of_lulu - Moogle of Lulu
- morbid_o - Urine: Me
- morcopius - nihil est sine ratione
- morningkill - Morningkill
- mouseclubreject - Elizabeth
- mouseferatu - Mouseferatu
- moving_on_up - Miranda
- mragle - Mr. Agle
- muincat - Muincat
- musiccomp83 - the classical romantic
- mwh - mwh
- my_magic_pickle - king pretend
- mybrain - My Brain
- myriadfacets - dancing on hot tiles
- myriah - myriah
- n5iln - A Walking Testament to Sleep Deprivation
- nakedfeet - the artist formerly known as petunia puss
- nakedsockpuppet - "The Next Best Thing to Naked"
- nakedteddybears - Stephen Soymonoff
- nashata - Amanda
- navarchus - Jack
- neeta - Neeta
- neko4 - duochan
- newedition - Carrie
- nightrainbow - Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
- nightswander - Seeking
- nikki42 - Nikki
- nugget - Nugget
- nutcollector - Sabishi Hito
- nyperold - Nyperold
- oboe_sama - master g
- occultatio - Matt
- ohsogauche - oh so gauche
- onyxsolare - Claudia
- orangeraincloud - Ana Phylaxis
- oreofuchi - Mike
- originalauthor - Stephen
- overheards - The Funny Overheards
- ozmala - Abby Lawrence
- p3rlm0nk - Michael Orion Jackson
- pastorofmuppets - The Lingoistic Junkhead
- pbdykemeat - Trouble
- penguinicity - snap roll with jelly
- persona - Pearson
- pestilence42 - A Girl Named Pete
- petersheil - Peter Sheil
- pharmboy - Mark
- phireynyx - Nyx
- pinkspudbrit - Brittany C.
- pixel - Pixel
- plaid_hatter - Plaid Hatter
- plnsng - Jill
- pocket_entropy - Vinci
- polonius - polonius
- pooka - Pooka and the Purple Crayon
- precia - precia
- pretty_angry - Pretty Angry
- purplefolk - jane
- quest - Quest
- r_o_c_k_s_t_a_r - <insert something creative here>
- racer_x - Racer X
- raeth - We've got heads on sticks
- randomdreams - something wicker this way comes
- reclusivewaffle - C
- redhawke - Redhawke, The Bard of Snarkmonkeytown
- regyt - regyt
- rialian - Rialian
- rivet - Jodi
- robinbloke - Dr. Penguin
- robotprincess - odd harmonics
- robotwarlock - Buzzy
- rockyb512 - Adam Brietzke
- romanticmele - *~* Sweet Melissa *~ *
- roz_mcclure - Devonshire Jones
- rubixpube - The Church of What's Happenin' Now
- sammyd - Samuel Diamond, P.I.
- sarudy - S A Rudy
- savor - Disjointing
- sceolan - sceolan
- scoi007 - Scott Dai
- seizsar - Julie
- selaura - Sandra
- semperfiona - Fiona
- shadow - shadow
- sharat - Sharat Gajulapalli
- shihadchick - Id Girl
- shishi - sand is overrated★
- silentskye - Annael Jonas
- silverblue - Silverblue
- silveroak - SilverOak
- sisterperpetua - Meg
- sizzlinred - Sizzlin' Red
- skarazy - Emily
- skywalker404 - Greg
- snakebitetom - Tom Lewis
- soreth - Soreth
- soupytwist - a.k.a. Katie
- spaceship - Matt
- spinrightround - Jennifer
- spooble - spooble
- squaremeal - French President Shirak
- stellrr - stellrr
- stevehillents - Andy Moore
- storyteller2001 - storyteller
- struiling - Rui-Ling
- stuck - Stokes' Theorem
- stuntcock - Sean
- sumperson - the simplest girl
- sungsdottir - cochese! C.H.O.
- supergrrrl - Supergrrrl
- supremegoddess - Old McFatty Had A Domme...ei ei, Oh!
- sweet_innocent - Rebecca
- sweetorphan - Scottish Sex
- sylvar - Sylvar
- sysreq - space coyote
- taeli - The Lemoniest of Tarts
- taline - Taline
- talyrath - Close your mouth and open up your heart.
- tamchowder - Tamara
- tanglesof - jailbird
- tanseyo - tanseyo
- tashiro - Tashiro
- tatian - Noa Imi Loa
- tayalah - tayalah
- teaa - Teaa
- teddywolf - Wolf
- tesla - William Pemberton
- that1girl - Porcelain Doll
- the1pony - Pony
- the_leewit - Nine-banded Peccadillo
- theadana - laura
- thedriveshaft - Isaac
- thelichen - Jenny
- themindseye - I'm watching you
- themusichead - TheMusichead
- theninjakitten - Ninjakitten
- thenovacrisis - Hung up on love, or just strung up?
- theshrektheory - why is the rum gone?
- thoughtjots - I. Diaz
- tigerkitty - Captain Wildchild
- tigerphoenix - Darkness
- tigerseye - Catherine
- tiltomilto - Milton!
- timorousme - Mat
- timwi - Timwi
- tinksflutter - elyssa
- tintedrosey - Rosey
- tragic85 - Sexy Cow
- transitorystate - disaster disguised as girl
- traszgo - Dennis Feste
- traveller_blues - Traveller Blues
- tremaine - Tremaine
- tritoneangel - S-Rod
- trumpety - igloo hot dog igloo
- truthseekerroxy - Lisa
- turkeyrazmatazz - Some Girl
- twelveeyes - I. B. Crazy
- twilightskye - Twilight Skye
- twrex10 - mike
- typinducky - Rhonda
- uclafalcon - Josh
- uclangel - PK Tech Girl
- uncannydanny - Daniel
- unicorna - Jem
- urania - (Re)Becca
- vatoengland - vatoengland
- vaxjedi - Blade Hamilton (aka VAXJedi)
- veloshane - veloshane
- venusrising - Hear Comes the Turtle
- vivalavie - Dwee Dop
- vwip - Steven
- waffle - bonnie
- wakeupinflames - Allison
- waning_estrogen - yomama
- waningcrescent - WaningCrescent
- weaselgirl_7 - Brookelet
- webartin - Loreli
- weirdbard - Weirdbard
- westie - Some Swanky Bartender
- whatagoodgirl - vaguely nautical
- whymercy - Mercy
- wilson_lizard - King of Prussia
- wolfwitch - Ocee
- wolfwood - Max
- woundedtiger - Keeper of the Golden Bell
- wrapper - Sir Wrapper, Prince of Frogs
- writeon - Preston
- wunking - Wun King
- xaminmo - Josh-D
- xdisillusionx - wordbank of the future
- y2fizzy - Emily
- yaleelee - Yale E. Lee
- youlikeguys - jacalyn
- zandaralee - Zandara
- zhev - Zhevin Akeer
- zyada - The waiting is the hardest part