Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Vegans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "vegan".
357 matches:
- 21plus_ana - Adult ED
- 28dayplan - The 28 Day Plan
- 28dayshealthier - 28 Day Healthier!
- 801 - Utah Music Scene
- 912 - xX912Xx
- _______ - ________
- __anorexicpixie - Anorexic Doll &____
- _afireinside_ - THE OFFICIAL AFI POSSE
- _hotxcore - Beauty is earned
- _lost_ - I WANT TO BE SKINNY!
- _silverchair_ - Fans of Silverchair
- _trendywhores - Trendy Whores
- affleck_daily - Afflecks Daily
- afterschool - |||*afterschool special*|||
- allforanimals - All For Animals
- alt_diet - Dieting For Freaky People
- altorlando - Orlando Subculture
- ana_moms - ana_moms
- anagurls - Ana
- analaidscorp - Anal Aids COrp is here for you ! JOIN NOW!
- anarecipes - anarecipes
- angels_of_ana - Captivate, Obsessed, Passionate about Ana
- animal_rights - Animal Rights
- animal_write - Speak Out! Demand Justice! Animal Rights!
- animalrights_v2 - Animal Rights for Veg(etari)ans
- anorexic_might - ASP
- anti_cruelty - Animal Activists
- anti_fur - anti_fur
- anti_meat - anti_meat
- antimilk - ANTI MILK
- antipeta - United We Stand -- Against PeTA
- art_icons - art_icons
- aussie_ana - aussie_ana
- avocadofans - avocadofans
- bakesters - Bakester Crew
- bco - top serious messageboard
- billysunshine - Sunshine
- bitch_inc - .bit.ter .c.ynical and .h.eart-broken
- blackbloc - the sounds of glass breaking..
- bloomilicious - Bloomilicious
- britishcolumbia - British Columbia
- calgaryveggies - calgaryveggies
- caterladies - All About Catering
- cheapvegan - cheap vegan eats
- chicagoveggie - Chicago Veggie
- chubclub - Get those pounds off!
- college_ed - College Students with Eating Disorders
- cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
- createadiet - CreateADiet
- creepycuisine - Creepy Cuisine
- crimsonreality - The Modern Society
- crucialxninja - Crucial Ninja Crew
- curties_unite - love it. loathe it. live it.
- curvyandfit - Curvy and Fit!
- dailymenu - dailymenu
- danieljohns - Supporters of Daniel Johns
- davey_havok - davey havok (and all things afi) community.
- daveyaholics - davey addicts
- death_rock - DeathPUNK
- decadentveg - decadent veg and vegan cooking
- dennis_kucinich - Dennis Kucinich 2004
- dfw_vegetarian - Dallas/Fort Worth Vegetarian Support
- diesel_cafe - Diesel Cafe
- diettester - Diet Tester
- dimcouture - DIM Couture
- dining_room - Food Lovers Unite!
- diurnal - diurnal
- divetribe - divetribe:a network to find local dumpster divers.
- diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
- downassbitches - DOWNASSBITCHES
- downriverfilm - Downriver Film Community
- drewmebaby - Drew Barrymore fans
- dtk_sothesex - ...lets deflower the kid?
- dumpsterdive206 - seattle dumpster diving
- dumpsterdiving - dumpster diving
- dykesville_ia - dykesville_ia
- eathealthy - get healthy, gain/loose weight, increased energy
- ecofeminism - ecofeminism
- ed_solidarity - ed_solidarity
- edgeuk - UK Straight Edge Kids
- ediets_uk - ☆ eDiets_uk ☆
- endometriosis - The Endo Girls
- environment - Save our Planet, Save the future
- ethicaleaters - drama free veggie/vegan/pesco/organic/curious eate
- excellent - Goals for better living
- extreme_diets - Extreme Dieting
- exveg - Ex-Vegetarians
- fasting - Fasting
- fat_vegan - Vegan Vice
- feroe_naturoe - Feroe Naturoe
- fisters - Liberating America One Charred Building at a Time
- fitnessfoods - Health and Fitness
- florida_indie - florida_indie
- fnb - Food Not Bombs
- fooddiary_geeks - Food Diary Geeks
- foodeaters - Food Diaries
- foodlist - tell us what you ate today
- foodnotbombsmd - MD food not bombs.
- frugalhearth - The Frugal Hearth
- fruitarian - Fruitarian Community
- full_bellies - full_bellies
- furryfitness - furryfitness
- gainesville_fnb - gainesville food not bombs
- gardenburger - The Gardenburger Forum
- garn - Global Animal Rights Network
- gay_fitness - gay_fitness
- gentleparents - Parenting with Respect
- girlswithedge - G.W.E
- glam_emo_dolls - glam_emo_dolls
- glasseater_fans - glasseater's better than you
- gmcforum - Green Mountain College Forum
- goldfingermusic - goldfingermusic
- greedy_bastards - Fuck the Greedy Bastards
- guerillanews - Guerrilla News Group
- hc_ - russian hc come!unity
- healthy - Eat Your Veggies
- healthy_fasting - Healthy Fasting
- heartlandcafe - Heartland Cafe Chicago
- heathersfanclub - Fan Club
- hiptothescene - ://hiptothescene
- hit_the_streets - Hit The Streets : Everyday Activism
- holistic_parent - Holistic Parenting and Childcare
- holisticparents - holistic and natural parenting
- hot_hummus - Such is Life:hot, random, fashion, edge, music
- hotshithair - XjoshX
- houstonkidsrock - H-town Kids Rock
- humane_friends - Humane Friends Rescuing Animals, Inc.
- hxc_ohio - hxc_ohio
- hxcsxe - X HxC SxE Community X
- inspirational_ - inspirational Beautie
- isitveg - Is It Vegan?
- jewishvegan - jewishvegan
- jiaan_haikurah - Jiaan Reiaya
- joaquinphoenix - Joaquin fans
- john_fest - john_fest
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- kopitiam - kopitiam
- leafyfriends - Veggie Friendly
- life_helper - + For people that help out the world and others. +
- life_with_mia - life with mia
- lifefood - Nutritional Healing
- logicalinsanity - common physical space
- lookclose - Look Close and see what you want to see
- losangelesvegan - Los Angeles Vegans
- lou_evil_vegans - lou_evil_vegans
- louisville_eats - Louisville Restaurant Reviews
- love4food - we love food
- macktivism - Macktivism
- macro_biotic - Macrobiotic Journal
- magicgarden - The Magic Garden
- marcus_haiku - marcus_saujon_haiku
- market4healers - Marketing for Healers
- mcdougalling - McDougalling
- medicalvegan - Vegan
- militance - Militance Community
- moby_fans - fans of moby
- moc - makeoutclub users
- momandpops - momandpops
- monster_babes - call us cunts.
- more_than_moc -
- move_me - Move Me
- muncheegurlzzz - muncheegurlzzz
- natural_alaskan - All things pertaining to natural living in Alaska
- natural_beauty - Natural Beauty Recipies
- natural_foods - natural_foods
- naturalmed - Natural Medicine
- ncveg - GO VEGAN! North Carolina
- needscenepoints - I need scene points
- no_pill - no_pill
- nomoreramen - Cooking in College
- noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
- oh_no_you_didnt - black hair and vinyl
- omnivores - Omnivores - A little bit of everything
- organicveggie - Organic Veggies
- oshxcrew - OSHxCREW
- pdxvegans - pdxvegans
- pdxveggies - Portland Vegeterians
- permaculture - The Permanent Culture
- petty_n_pink - petty_n_pink
- philly_veg_out - Philadelphia Vegetarians
- plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
- poetry_orgy - Poetry Orgy
- positive_edge - xxx poison free xxx
- pretty_or_petty - pretty_or_petty
- pro_ana - Pro Anorexia
- pro_ana_too - Pro Anorexia
- pro_anorexia - ~*~A society for those who are PRO ED~*~
- pro_anorexia2 - pro eating disorders~ the second group
- prolife_vegans - Pro-life Veg*ns
- protestthis - A community to promote the idiocy of protesting
- pytharwinism - Numerical Evolution
- queervegans - queer vegans
- random_exchange - Random Exchange
- rawfoods - LJ's Raw Foods Community
- real_altparents - The Real AltParent Community
- rebelgirlys - Rebelgrrls
- recipesharing - Share Your Recipes
- rihardcore - Rhode Island Hardcore
- rikkirockett - Rockett Fans
- riotgrrrl_pa - riot grrrl pa
- ru_vegetarian - ru_vegetarian
- s_e_s_l - Salad Eating Smiths Lovers
- sacred_earth - Sacred Earth
- sadkidssuck - sadkidssuck
- sandwich_shopp - Sandwich Eaters
- saucysecrets - Saucy Secrets
- saveourscene - Save Our Scene TODAY!!! a musical and politcal org
- scene_shxtalkin - scene gossip and shxt talking
- sdmbcooks - Phinneas Q. Butterfat's Splendastoriuma of Food
- seattleactivism - Seattle Activism
- sg_veggies - sg_veggies
- shannyn_fans - Shannyn Sossamon [Fans]
- shapeover - Shape Your Life
- shapeshifters - Shape Shifters Comunity
- shared_recipes - Shared Recipes
- shavedwomen - Shaved Women Collaborators
- shelter_ee - Приют для животных
- shelter_stories - shelter_stories
- shemadethis - She Made This
- shopping_lists - Not as Vapid as You'd Think...
- sinderel_l_a - sinderel_l_a
- smoothie_queen - Smoothie Queen
- so_insane - so_insane
- societystandard - Fuck Society Standards
- sofla_veg - .hot and uncarnivorous.
- spicy_scene - Spicy Scene
- starting_vegan - Starting Vegan
- straightedje - Straight Edje
- strikeanywhere - change is a sound
- sugarfreekids - sugarfreekids
- sustainable_dev - Environment, Economy, & Equality in Development
- sxe_and_proud - We've got the straight edge
- sxe_seksies - __The Seksie sXe__
- sxepunkerz - sXe punkerz
- sxeunite - SXE UNITE
- tacomaveggies - Tacoma Veggies
- tastyanimals - Meat is Good
- tearitalldown - Tear It All Down Community
- the_pantry - Online Cookbook and Recipe Swap
- the_pendulum - The Pendulum Fitness
- theagirls - The A Girls
- theboomboomroom - The Boom-Boom Room
- thebutterflies - Worst Community Ever
- thesexy_sxe - thesexy_sxe
- thinspiring - support for ana/mia
- toronto_eats - Toronto Eats
- trendyradicals - Anti-"Radicals" and "activists"
- ukvegans - ukvegans
- ultramilitance - Militant Animal and Eco Activism
- under_the_rose - Make A Scene
- underop - underop
- untitled - Untitled
- uuaduu - UUs Against Dumb UUs
- vacuumtuberazor - Chloe:Galvanic Addicts
- van_damme - Van Damme
- vancouvervegs - Vancouver Vegs
- veg_city - veg city
- veg_ed - vegetarians with eating disorders
- veg_goths - Vegan/Vegetarian Goths
- veg_in_al - veg_in_al
- vegan_foodblog - vegan_foodblog
- vegan_ny - vegans & vegetarians in the NY area
- vegan_orlando - vegan_orlando
- vegan_people - Vegan_People
- vegan_singles - Vegan Singles
- vegan_talk - Vegan Talk
- vegancanada - Vegans In Canada
- vegandebate - vegan debate
- veganfiberart - vegan fiber art
- veganhaven - A Restricted Community of ONLY Vegans
- veganhawaii - vegan hawaii
- veganism - For the Animals, For the People, For the world
- veganlife - VeganLife
- veganlover - Vegan Lover
- veganpeople - .....................VEGANISM.....................
- veganpets - Vegan Cats and Dogs
- veganphilly - Philadelphia Vegans
- veganrecipes - vegan recipes
- veganwomen - Vegan Women
- vegdancer - Veg(etari)an Dancers
- vegetarian - The Vegetarian Community
- vegetarian_chat - Vegetarian Chat Community
- vegetarian_uk - Vegetarian UK
- vegetariancooks - No food with faces!
- vegetariandiet - vegetariandiet
- vegetarians - vegetarians
- vegetarianteens - Vegetarian Teens
- vegetarisch - Vegetarian
- veggie_blog - eatin' veg.
- veggie_pagans - Veggie Pagans
- veggie_recipes - Veggie Recipes
- veggiediy - Vegetarian/Vegan Crafts
- veggiemenu - veggiemenu
- veggies_ - veggies_
- veggieslackers - The vegetarian slacker
- veggiesunite - Veggies Unite
- veggievictuals - Vegetarian Recipes
- vegkids - Veg Kids
- vegrecipephotos - Vegetarian Recipes and Photos
- vegrecipes - Veg Recipes
- vegreview - Veggie Review
- vegreviewmn - Minnesota Vegetarian/Vegan Review
- vidgames_notyou - [+_oo]~
- vrf - vrf
- vvitch_hunt - vvitch_hunt
- wearevegan - vegan
- wehearttrees - wehearttrees
- weightchanges - Weight Changes
- whats_cooking - bitchin kitchen
- wheatland - WMO
- whole_foods - whole_foods
- whtliberalmedia - What Liberal Media ?
- winnipegveg - winnipegveg
- without_cruelty - beauty without cruelty
- workoutcuties - Workout Girlies ;)
- x407hardcore - how we tho them bowels
- x_grrrls - for straightedge girls
- xcandyedgex - xcandyedgex
- xcompassionx - open minds
- xdcecx - the down county edge crew
- xninjaxcrewx - xforever familyx
- xstar_beautyx - xstar_beautyx
- xstraightxcorex - .Closing My Eyes Just To Pass The Time.
- xvanguardx - The Vanguard of the Edge
- xwewreckyoux - Xill fucking kill you crewX
- yummy_food - share your recipes!
Interested users
The following users are interested in vegan. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: