Below is user information for Agnes. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | bientot (530384) |
Name: | Agnes |
Location: | Seattle, Washington, United States |
Birthdate: | 09-14 |
Memories: | 1 entry |
Interests: | 100: "friendly", 24, alfred bester, ambrose bierce, american routes, annals of improbable research, annie ross, ari fleischer jokes, bill irwin, blake's 7, bobby mcferrin, boggle, boomtown, borges, brimstone, bruno ganz, buffy, chris palmer, csi, dan savage, daniel pinkwater, dark star, douglas adams, due south, electric bonsai band, ernie kovaks, errol morris, ez streets, fanfic, farscape, firefly, flying karamazov brothers, francis poulenc, gilbert & sullivan, h. beam piper, henry kuttner, hhgttg, highlander, holy modal rounders, ignobel prizes, incredible string band, ionesco, ira glass, james thurber, jane eaglen, jeremiah, john barth, john montroll, jon hendricks, jonathan banks, kaleidoscopes, kevin spacey, king's singers, la femme nikita, lambert hendricks and ross, les six, lewis carroll, lex, lexx, ludwig wittgenstein, luis bunuel, magritte, mathematics, media cannibals, mel cooleys, michael moore, modular origami, moo, npr, ogden nash, opera, optical illusions, origami, oxymorons, p. craig russell, patricia highsmith, paul krassner, polymorphous perversity, red dwarf, richard wagner, scrabble, slash, smallville, songvids, spider robinson, string figures, the bobs, the fugs, this american life, thomas arthur, tomoko fuse, uncle bonsai, werner herzog, west wing, wim wenders, wiseguy, wonderfalls, x-files, yma sumac, zelazny. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 173: | 3jane, _aerye_, _untraditional_, acampbell, alexfandra, allanc, amievp, aquatwo, bananasrock, bentonfraser, bientot, blakes_7, bob_dot_com, bookend, brenantrim, cai, cassieclaire, celesteq, chlaal, codyne, corivax, cow, craigp, dammitcarl, darthhellokitty, datavore, devon, dianala, dietdrpepper, doctorpepper, dsreporter, dymaxion, edgecity, eeyorerin, egginox, eliade, elke_tanzer, elynross, emrinalexander, entelein, eris_dot_com, estepheia, eunit, evilmicrowizard, executrix, feochadn, firesign3000, fizzabith, flambeau, flybynite, gaudynight, gement, geredan, gfish, god_dot_com, gwyn_r, helenraven, hhsb, hotpoint, ilmarinen, indecisiongirl, indyanney, ingrid_m, isagel, issaro, j_crew_guy, jacquez, jacynrebekah, jadine, jakeaidan, joe_bleaux, jorit, kablooey, katallison, kilianpooh, kingchiron, kittyfisher, koimistress, lanning, lapislaz, latxcvi, laurakaye, level_three, lilsquishy, linabean, littledrop, lizyjn, llyrica, logovo, loree, loreleif, lotuspond, lumiere, madness237, maidenwyoming, malkingrey, manintheboat, maraceles, maribou, mediacannibals, meri_oddities, merryish, mfaeglasgow, mhagler, mintwitch, miriam_heddy, misia, mistressace, mlleelizabeth, mockerbee, molly36, mollyringwraith, morgandawn, movies_michelle, msmanna, netjeff, opa, opportunitygrrl, oxoniensis, p7a77, panegyrium, pearl_o, penguinx, perigee, permanent_guest, phyx, pioneer10, plantae, pugfantus, quirkyinla, radu, randomdreams, rigel_p, rosawestphalen, rosenho, samidha, sanj, satan_dot_com, scribblinlenore, seancake, seperis, shadowblue, shandryl, sherrold, sistawendy, slithytove, slodicons, smeehrrr, spike21, spiritrover, strangerian, svilleficrecs, teslagirl, the_remix, thefirstevil, thefirstgood, timian, tmfkan64, toaster_dot_com, ubertodd, uselessplayback, velvetglove, velvetknife, vikara, viridian5, vixyish, weishaupt, wickedwords, woofiegrrl, xiadyn, xkatjafx, xmurf, yonmei | | 54: | 3rdshift, bascon, being_friendly, big_foam_finger, blakes7, boomtown, box_of_serial, butgeorge, community_promo, crack_van, crossingjordan, csi_slash, denialcorp, eat_crow, escapade_con, fireflyfans, gilbertsullivan, grammar_whores, last_men, liam_luthor, lj_maintenance, mappalujo, metablog, nerdvana, opalmoo, opera, origami_club, rarelitslash, red_dwarf, rhetorical_q, rovers, scopes, seattle, seattle_slash, selling_out, slash, smallville_au, snafmoo, spooky_doings, stalkingeric, sv_conspiracies, sv_readthru, the_dorm, the_phonebooth, the_ssa, the_treasury, thespecialhell, valhalla_sector, virgule, wednesday100, wip_amnesty, wordoftheday, wordspy, xfilesmuck | | 4: | elke_tanzer_rec, l3_new_stories, snopesrecentadd, ssa_new_stories |
Friend of: | 118: _untraditional_, acampbell, alexfandra, amievp, anonymoos, aquatwo, bientot, bob_dot_com, cai, chlaal, codyne, corivax, cow, craigp, datavore, dianala, doctorpepper, dymaxion, edgecity, eeyorerin, egginox, elke_tanzer, emrinalexander, entelein, eris_dot_com, eunit, feochadn, firesign3000, gement, geredan, gfish, god_dot_com, gwyn_r, helenraven, hhsb, hotpoint, ilmarinen, indecisiongirl, ingrid_m, isagel, issaro, j_crew_guy, jadine, jakeaidan, joe_bleaux, jorit, kablooey, kilianpooh, kingchiron, kittyfisher, koimistress, lanning, latxcvi, lilsquishy, linabean, littledrop, lizyjn, llwyden, llyrica, logovo, loree, lotuspond, lumiere, madness237, maidenwyoming, manintheboat, maribou, meri_oddities, mhagler, mintwitch, miriam_heddy, misia, mistressace, mlleelizabeth, molly36, morgandawn, movies_michelle, opportunitygrrl, oxoniensis, p7a77, perigee, permanent_guest, phyx, plantae, pugfantus, quirkyinla, radu, randomdreams, rigel_p, rosawestphalen, rosenho, samidha, satan_dot_com, scribblinlenore, seancake, seperis, shandryl, sherrold, sistawendy, slithytove, smeehrrr, spiritrover, teslagirl, the_remix, timian, tmfkan64, uselessplayback, velvetglove, velvetknife, vikara, vixyish, weishaupt, wickedwords, xiadyn, xkatjafx, xmurf, yonmei, zeeble |
Member of: | 30: 3rdshift, blakes7, boomtown, community_promo, crack_van, crossingjordan, csi_slash, denialcorp, escapade_con, gilbertsullivan, mappalujo, nerdvana, opera, origami_club, paidmembers, rarelitslash, red_dwarf, scopes, seattle, seattle_slash, slash, smallville_au, sv_readthru, the_dorm, the_treasury, thespecialhell, virgule, wednesday100, wordoftheday, wordspy |
Account type: | Paid Account |