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User:catdeville (2151635) catdeville
Cat Deville's Live Journal
Project In Development: Always Under Construction
Location:San Diego, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status catdeville (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status catdeville2000 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:My BIO is currently being constructed. As with me, this is a "work in progress".
Some “Cat” FAQs

Why do you sign off “Never Thirst” or “TAG”?
These two phrases are blessings, having to do with my personal faith. I belong to the Church of All Worlds, a NeoPagan Church based partly (or largely, depending upon who you ask) on the works of Robert A. Heinlein, specifically Stranger In A Strange Land.

“Never Thirst” (or NT if abbreviated) basically means ‘May You Never Want for Anything Essential’. Between Water Brothers (a concept from the book) it is an expression of that connection as well, a reminder of the sacrament which they have shared.

“TAG” stands for “Thou Art God” or “Thou Art God/dess” or “Thou Art Goddess”, depending on how the person receiving the blessing perceives Divinity. It is an acknowledgement of the “Divinity Within” and means very much the same thing as Namasté. If you read my posts in other communities you will see that I will use an equivalent phrase when appropriate. I.E. “Light” in the Quaker Community or “Namasté” in a New Age community or “Bright Blessings” in a Wiccan Community.

Why do you always sign your name in lower case?
People who know me physically will affirm the fact that I have a somewhat overwhelming physical presence, as well as a very expansive “aura” or “psychic” presence. This is not helped by the fact that I’m also an air sign, an extrovert and love to talk (*with* you, not *at you, although others might tell you differently.) I’ve been accused of everything from “eating up the air in the room” to “dominating the conversation” to “bullying” when all I was trying to do was exchange ideas. My first experience with the online community was through the old, individual run BBSs, where all CAPS meant that you were shouting and all lower case meant you were whispering. Because of the fact that I am often perceived as loud, dominating and overwhelming, I developed the style of writing in all lower caps as a way to “soften” my communications. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Think of it as my way of acknowledging that everything which comes out of my mouth is just IMO or just my perception. With the exception of cold hard data, of course, which I would generally footnote ;-)
An Expanded List of Interests

thanks to [info]taisidhe for this idea -so blame *her*, not me ;-)
40+, 5-minute-refresh, '60s, 80's music, abortion rights, academics, aclu, acting, activism, actors, adam baldwin, age of empires II, age of empires:the conquerors, alan tudyk, all night conversations, all things english, alternative lifestyles, alternative medicine, amazons, amethyst, amphipolis, amplectere potestem "et", anais nin, ancestry, ancient civilizations, ancient greece, ancient ways, angel, anthropology, anya, aoe II, aphrodisiacs, aphrodite, arabian nights, aragorn, aragorn/legolas, archaeology, archery, archetypes, ares, armour, arrows, art symbolism, artifacts, arwen, asatru, asimov, astrology, athena, atkins, atkins diet, atkins dieting, auditory erotica, bag end, bagpipes, baking, balance, baldur's gate, baldur's gate II, bands, bard, bardic circles, bdsm, beastmaster, being the devil's advocate, belly dancing, bisexual, bisexual community, bisexuality, bisexuals, blindfolds, bliss, books, boromir, bows, boys, bread, bread making, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, buffy: tvs, california, camping, candlemaking, candles, capt malcolm reynolds, captain tightpants, carbohydrate control, carnivale, cats, caw, celeborn, celebrating life, celtic, celtic music, celts, chainmail, chakram, chanting, charmed, chaucer, chieftains, chocolate, church of all worlds, civ II, civ III, civil disobedience, civil liberties, civil rights, civility, civilization II, civilization III, classes, classic rock, classical music, classical studies, classics, clean air, clean water, code name:eternity, cohousing, college, comedy, communication, community activism, compassion, comperative religion, compersion, composing, computer games, computers, conscientious objection, consensus, consensus process, conspiracy theories, control, conventions, cookbooks, cooking, cordelia, corsets, cosmology, costumes, costuming, covens, cross-stitch, crusade, cuddling, cult of isis, cultural studies, culture, cultures, cunning linguistics, cunning linguists, cunt, curls, curly hair, da vinci code, dancing, dark angel, darkover, dead zone, debates, deep ecology, demeter, depression, dharma & greg, diabetes prevention, diabetic, dieting, dionysus, discipline, discussion, diseases, diversity, do me cliques, dominance and submission, dominants, domination, douglas adams, doyle, dr simon tam, drabbles, drum circles, dune, dykes, earthsave, eating out, ecology, economics, ecstatic dance, eddie izzard, edoras, education, eleusinian mysteries, eleusis, elijah wood, elves, elvish, empathy, enlightened despotism, entertainment, environment, environmentalism, eomer, eomer eadig, eowyn, erotic art, erotica, eroticism, esoterica, et in arcadia ego, european history, evenstar, evolution, exercise, exhibitionism, expansion of the mind, exploration, eyes, faeries, faires, fairy tales, fairytales, faith, families, family, fan conventions, fan fiction, fandom, fanfiction, fans, fantasies, fantasy, faramir, farscape, fatigue, feasting, felines, fellowship, fellowship of the ring, feminism, feri, festivals, fetish, fiction, fiction writing, fieldwork, fierceness, filk, filk sings, filking, film costumes, films, firefly, fireplace, fishing, fitness, fleetwood mac, flight simulation, flirting, floggers, flying, folk music, folk tales, folklore, folktales, food, forests, forever knight, fotr, foursomes, fred, "freedom", freedom, fresh air, freyja, friends, friendship, frodo, gabrielle, gaia, gaia hypothesis, galadriel, gaming, gandalf, gay rights, geeks, geisha, gender, gender studies, gene roddenberry, genealogy, genetics, giles, gina torres, girls, girls in leather, glbt, glbt issues, glitter, global warming, goddess, goddesses, gods, gondor, good ice cream, greece, greek mythology, greeks, green eyes, grok, grokking, group marriage, grr arrgh, gunn, gwen raiden, gypsies, hades, hair, haldir, halloween, handfasting, happiness, happy dance, happy endings, healing, health, heaven, hebert, hecate, hedonism, heinlein, hellenic paganism, herbal medicine, herbal remedies, herbalism, herbs, hercules, hercules: tlj, heresy, heretics, hermes, heterosexual, highlander, history, holy blood holy grail, holy grail, homer, honesty, horror, horses, hot springs, hot tubs, html, hugging, hugs, humor, ian mckellen, ice cream, icewind dale, icewind dale II, inara, inara serra, individual rights, individualism, information technology, inner child, innocence, insomnia, intellect, intellectual stimulation, intelligence, intelligent people, intentional communities, intentional community, interfaith, internet, irony, j.r.r tolkien, jake 2.0, jenny calendar, jeremiah, jersey, jethro tull, jewel staite, jon rhys davies, joseph campbell, joss whedon, journaling, joxer the mighty, joy, jrr tolkien, judaism, jules verne, justice, kama sutra, karaoke, karl urban, kaylee, kaylee frye, kaywinnit lee frye, keen eddie, ketosis, kevin sorbo, kieffer sutherland, kilts, kink, kinky sex, kinship, kisses, kissing, knights, knights templar, knives, knowledge, krispy kreme, the l word, language, languages, lapis lazuli, laughing, laughter, law, laws, laying-on-of-hands, leather, left-wing politics, legends, legolas, legolas greenleaf, legolas/aragorn, leonardo da vinci, lesbianism, level 9, liberty, lifestyle, limited government, line marriage, linguistics, literacy, literary fiction, literature, lois mcmaster bujold, long flowy skirts, long hair, long journeys, long rambly walks, long-distance relationships, lord of the rings, lost world, lotr, lotr movies, love, loving more, low carbohydrates, low-carb, lucy lawless, lust, m/f/m, mad mad house, magick, mal, mal reynolds, marion zimmer bradley, marriage, mary magdalene, massage, massage therapy, masturbate for peace, matriarchy, may royalty, mccaffrey, medicine, medieval, meditation, men, men in armour, men in armour, men in kilts, merovingian kings, merovingians, mfm threesomes, mi-5, middle earth, middle english, ministry, mirkwood, monty python, mordor, more sex, morena baccarin, morning glory zell, motss, movie costume, movies, musicals, mutant enemy, mutant x, mystery religions, mystery traditions, mythical creatures, mythology, myths, nakedness, namaste‚nathan fillion, nature, naturism, naturopathy, ncis, neopagan, neopaganism, neo-paganism, nesting, nests, CAW nests, never thirst, new zealand, nonfiction, non-monogamy, now and again, nudism, nudity, nutrition, oberon zell, occult, occult myths, oddities, old buildings, olivia cruises, ooh! Oxygen!, open minds, open relationships, openmindedness, open-mindedness, openness, optimism, oral sex, oral traditions, pacifism, pagan, pagan chants, paganism, pagans, pantheacon, pantheism, paranormal, passion, passionate kisses, peace, pegacorns, pegasae, philosophy, pleasure, politics, poltergeist, poly, polyamorous, polyamory, polyandry, polygamy, polytheism, porn, poseidon, pottery, power exchange, prehistory, pretender, prieure de sion, princes, princesses, priory of sion, privacy, pro-choice, programming, progressive politics, prometheus, pro-sex feminism, protection, psionics, psyche, psychic phenomenon, psychology, quaker, quantum leap, queer as folk (us), radical honesty, ray bradbury, reading, recipes, reclaiming, red heads, redheads, relationships, religion, religions, religious studies, renaissance faires, renaissance man, renaissance pictures, renfaire, ren faires‚renee o'connor, respect for the earth, return of the king, riders of rohan, riley, ripper, ritual, rivendell, river tam, roar, robert a. heinlein, robert heinlein, rohan, rohirrim, role-playing, romance, roswell, rotk, royalty, rpgs, sacred dance, sacred sexuality, sam raimi, samwise, san diego, sangreal, sapiosexuality, sca, sci fi, science fiction, science fiction conventions, sci-fi, sci-fi tv series, sci-fi/fantasy, seafood, sean astin, sean bean, secret societies, self-esteem, sensuality, serendipity, serenity, service orientied submission, 7 days, sex, sex positive, sex toys, sex-positive, sexual innuendos, sexuality, sf, sg1, shakespeare, shaman, shamanism, sharing, siamese cats, silk, simon tam, simplicity, singing, slash, sliders, smallville, snuggling, society, society for creative anachronism, society of friends, sociology, software testing, space, space exploration, space monkeys, space travel, spaceships, spanking, sparkles, spas, speculative fiction, spike, spirituality, spoilers, spooning, spring, star trek, star trek ds9, star trek tng, stargate, stargate sg-1, stargazing, starhawk, starhunter, stars, steeleye span, stephen king, stories, story telling, storyteller, storytelling, strangeworld, strawberries, studies, studying, submission, submissives, summer, summer glau, summers, sunday, sunny days, sunsets, sunshine, supernatural, support groups, surprises, survivalism, swimming, swords, symbolism in art, symbology, synchronicity, talk, talking, tantra, tao, tara, tarot, tarzan, tea, teaching, telempathy, television, the ocean, the tribe, the two towers, the west wing, theater, theatre, themis, theoden, thou art god, threat matrix, threesomes, tim minear, time travel, timecop, tolkien, toni morrison, touch my mind, touching, toys, traditional irish music, traditions, tranquility, transcendentalism, transportation, travel, tribe, tribes, trolls, tru calling, tru calling, ttt, 24, twilight, unicorns, unitarian universalism, uniterian universalist, uupa, valentine michael smith, vampires, velvet, venus, viggo mortensen, voluntary simplicity, warrior princess, warriors, wash, wash warren, watcher, waterfalls, watersharing, weaving, web design, weight loss, wenches, wesley, west wing, whedon, whips, white wolf, whorishness, wicca, willow, winifred, witchblade, witchcraft, wizards, wolfram & hart, wolves, womanhood, women, women's studies, words, worldcon, writing, writing down the bones, xander, xena, xena: warrior princess, yoga, zell-ravenheart family, zen, zeus, zoe, zoe warren.

My “Friends” Philosophy
(i.e., why I “friend” people, how I “friend” people, friending me back, etc.)

First, A Little History:
I was told about LiveJournal a couple of times by friends that I know from other e-mail lists, a couple of whom I have met personally. One directed me here as a way to keep with her life. The other for much the same reason, but also, I think, simply because it was another community she felt I would enjoy.

When I got here, and found the “search interests” function, I found that there were an awful lot of people that I know from my Church (CAW) and my past; Hel, even my probably-soon-to-be-ex-husband and his mistress were on LiveJournal.

In some of these cases I found folks that I had known for a long time, posting every thing from every day stuff to their deepest desires and frustrations. Either way, it gave me a peak into their daily lives and sometimes even into their heads and permitted me to “Grow Closer” in a way that I had not had the opportunity to do before. In addition, I sometimes found people who were mentioned in their journals (the ubiquitous “friend-of-a-friend”) who were either important to their life or who they found interesting.

Exploring these people’s journals also gave me insight into the “original” friend, or sometimes just lead me to interesting people that I might also enjoy being friends with. By extension, this offered me the opportunity to find new friends and also introduced me to the interesting dimension of those who blog seriously as writers.

The Process: How I Find My “Friends” And Why I “Friend” People.
Sometimes I find people or communities because I’m looking for folks with common interests. Sometimes this leads me to old friends, other times it may lead me to someone who just sounds interesting that I’d like to connect with. Sometimes I find people through another friend, by reading their journal and following the LJ User cuts.

When I find someone who looks like a potential new “friend”, I generally go to that person's journal and explore a little bit, to see if they had interesting things to say. If they do, then I also read their user info, to see if we have any things in common, *and* to see if they have a request that people not “friend” them, or request that I comment if I’m friending” them, etc, so that I can comply with their wishes. For example, [info]nity has a Big, Very Obvious Request that you leave her a comment before you friend her. I did so.

I've also run into people whose journal was all 'friends only' who sounded like they didn't want random, strange people to friend them. I consider that a privacy request, so I don’t friend them, although if I saw one I really wanted to belong to, I would just post an introduction by way of comment to that person and ask if it was o.k. to friend them first.)

I also will friend people who do not have common interests with me and even people that seem a bit abrasive if they write well, just to hear what they have to say. I will sometimes even friend people whose viewpoint is diametrically opposed to my own if they write saliently and their viewpoint sounds well thought out, so as to hear the other side of the story, so to speak. In general I can friend just about anyone who does not seem to be opposed to being "friended" and who I feel I will enjoy reading, with whom I would like to make a connection or from whom I feel that I can learn something.

And then, of course, there are those folks that I find on livejournal who I actually know or have known for years from other online media. I friend them because they're actual "friends". Since I'm new to Live Journal I don't have "RL Friends" from "Old Online Friends" from "Blossoming New LJ Friends" from "Just Thought They Had Something To Say" sorted out yet, but I expect I'll start grouping people soon.

If, after I’ve “friended” you, you feel that I have in any way violated your privacy or you would like me to “unfriend” you, please let me know. You will have my apologies and will be “unfriended” immediately, with no hard feelings of any type :-)

“Friending” Me Back
Please feel welcomed to “friend” me back, if you so wish, with or without introduction or comment. But please do not feel obligated to “friend” me simply because I “friended” you. Time is very precious, and you really should only “friend” me if you find that I have something to say which is worth your time to read. I am only the center of My Own Little Universe ™, I don’t really expect to be the center of anyone else’s.

I do tend to rant and vent here (it is My Journal, after all) when I need to, and I do intend to post mundane crap on a daily basis pretty soon. I do ramble, although I will always try to put lengthy rambles behind an LJ-Cut, and I’m sure that there are many aspects of my life which will bore you. I do Not take offense at being friended, not being friended or being unfriended.

Finally, IF I UNFRIENDED YOU / SHOULD UNFRIEND YOU / Do Not Friend You In Return
Please do not take it personally. It does not mean that I do not like you. It most likely means that I’m pinched on time and my friends list had to be narrowed to those that I have the time to read. That means people who I know personally or intimately, those who consistently offer me support or edification of some type and those who I feel need my support. If you have a question about my unfriending you, please just drop me a line. In fact, feel free to e-mail me if you like. Please note, when I do get overwhelmed with volume, people in that last group of "Just Thought They Had Something To Say" are the ones that I’m most likely to "unfriend" (and perhaps re-friend at a later date, if I have time again. Occassionally folks in that group get “unfriended” simply because I’ve heard what they had to say on the topic I “friended” them about or their posts have taken a different direction not specifically of interest to me at the time. Again, this is not to hurt anyone’s feelings – but you don’t write your journal for me, and why should you?

In general, my LJ and my Friends Page is one of the few things in life I feel entirely guilt free about being completely selfish about. And I feel that’s appropriate. That’s pretty much the entire purpose of having a “journal”, whether it’s “live” or not.

Never Thirst,

Obligitory Adult Material Disclaimer

I may choose to post adult material to this journal. Underage viewers should not proceed.

This warning is made in cooperation with LiveJournal's request for such statements.
Memories:57 entries
Interests:150: activism, alternative lifestyles, amazons, angel, anne rice, bdsm, bisexual community, bisexuality, bisexuals, bliss, buffy the vampire slayer, caw, celtic, celtic music, celts, charmed, church of all worlds, civil liberties, classical studies, community activism, compassion, comperative religion, compersion, consensus, consensus process, covens, cuddling, cultural studies, darkover, discussion, dominants, domination, drum circles, eating out, ecology, erotic art, erotica, esoterica, fairy tales, fantasies, fantasy, farscape, fiction, fierceness, firefly, flirting, folk music, foursomes, gaia hypothesis, geeks, gender, gene roddenberry, gina torres, glbt issues, greeks, grokking, group marriage, handfasting, heinlein, horror, hugging, humanism, humor, intellect, intelligence, intentional community, jethro tull, joss whedon, joy, kissing, language, line marriage, lord of the rings, lotr movies, loving more, lucy lawless, magick, marion zimmer bradley, meditation, movies, music, mythology, naturism, neo-paganism, neopagan, neopaganism, nesting, nests, nonfiction, nudism, oberon zell, open relationships, openness, pagan, paganism, pagans, pantheism, passion, passionate kisses, peace, philosophy, politics, poly, polyamorous, polyamory, pro-sex feminism, radical honesty, recipes, reclaiming, red heads, religion, robert a. heinlein, romance, san diego, sapiosexuality, sca, sci fi, sci-fi, science fiction, sensuality, sex-positive, singing, slash, stargate sg-1, starhawk, steeleye span, submission, submissives, talk, tea, television, the environment, the ocean, theater, thou art god, threesomes, travel, tru calling, unitarian universalism, uniterian universalist, uupa, vampires, viggo mortensen, voluntary simplicity, watersharing, wicca, witchcraft, writing, xena, yoga. [Modify yours]
People42:caeled, catbirdgirl, chaosdancer, closer2myself, cynan_poly, davidkevin, ericsilverbear, faeryraindancer, fairyoftheglen, fezabel, gardenpriestess, genericjoe, grainnems, greywolf, happypete, iamraffiki, joedecker, kira_april, liorcoiloin, lovewithoutfear, magentamn, miriams_well, muscaria, mysticallady, nilajean, oakdragon, ottercat, phaedra_lari, prettypammie, psy, riverheart, sacredsurrender, smoken_mirrors, sogwife, someotherguy, starweaver, stratagos, taisidhe, tamiris, the_ranting_dom, tinnekke, urthlvr
Communities8:atkins_recipes, bdsm_poly, cawfeehouse, fact_checking, learnphilosophy, poly_news, sandiegopoly, techwriting
Mutual Friends:28: catbirdgirl, chaosdancer, closer2myself, davidkevin, fairyoftheglen, fezabel, gardenpriestess, genericjoe, grainnems, happypete, iamraffiki, joedecker, liorcoiloin, lovewithoutfear, muscaria, mysticallady, nilajean, oakdragon, ottercat, phaedra_lari, riverheart, sacredsurrender, smoken_mirrors, sogwife, taisidhe, the_ranting_dom, tinnekke, urthlvr
Also Friend of:14: cariadwyn, chelona, curiousdreams, devinellenwood, greywolf_, jassad, kajel, nardiaone, oakwind, rmjwell, rosefox, serenejournal, tothwolf, yarilloblkrbe
Member of:56: _the_firefly_, a_ranting_dom, adulternatives, analplay, anthropologist, anthropology, atkins_recipes, bdsm_poly, blogathon2004, bluesuncorp, books_review, cawfeehouse, chant_whores, domestic_ds, eroticfantasies, fact_checking, ff_fanfic, ff_friday, fireflyfans, folklore, girlslash, jossverse, josswhedon, kith_and_kin, lotr_voyeurs, male_dom, neopagan, paganswholovehp, paidmembers, poly_news, polyamorous, polyamory, polypagans, positivepoly, priory_of_sion, quakers, radaware, reclaiminglive, sandiegopoly, sapiosexual, sextips, shadesong_nexus, sleep_disorders, switchspace, technopaganism, techwriting, templeofvenus, the_elysium, the_pain_sutras, theagenesis, touchmymind, trendyradicals, waternest, whatismarriage, whedons_firefly, wikipedians
Account type:Free Account

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