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Below is user information for Marty Smyth. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:datavore (514465) Paid User datavore
Ramblings of a Martian
I'm pretty. Kiss me.
Name:Marty Smyth
Send datavore a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status TheMartian (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 1470371 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status themartian (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username: webdev, poly, sysadmin, programmer, net junky, moo wizard.. I dunno. Read my website. It's not complete either, but.

HEY: Don't email me at the hotmail address. Use the listed email address It's a real address, honest. I just set up aliases for everything so I can redirect messages from certain sources to different maildrops
Memories:46 entries
Interests:114: "friendly", 80's rock, alternative energy,, antimatter, ari fleischer jokes, artificial intelligence, babylon 5, ben bova, boeing surplus, books, bosons, bovines, buffy the vampire slayer, c++, caffeine, chocolate chip cookies, coding, collapse of civilization, computers, cons, cookies, cows, cryptography, cthulhu, cuddling, cyberpunk, cynicism, david brin, death to spammers, deimos, discordianism, douglas adams, empathy, farscape, filk, fire, flirting, friends, geek girls, geekdom, geekery, geeks, gravitics, greg bear, harry potter, heather alexander, hitchhiker's guide, hugs, information, intelligence, internet, invader zim, leptons, linux, liquor, logic, love, macintosh, mars, matt groening, midgard, mongolian grills, mooing, moono, moos, movies, mp3s, music, neal stephenson, networking, o'reilly, open relationships, open source, perl, phobos, polyamory, programming, psychology, purple, pyromania, quantum physics, rain, reading, relationships, robert heinlein, salt, sarcasm, science, science fiction, seattle, semantics, server farming, setec astronomy, sissy froofroo drinks, sluggy freelance, smart people, snow crash, space, spider robinson, steampunk, tank girl, technology, thunderstorms, tom smith, trebuchets, unix, unreal tournament, wearable computing, web comics, webcomics, wireless, xml, . [Modify yours]
Friends:159: aladriana, allanc, aquatwo, art_geek, b3agle2, bientot, binde, bostonsteamer, callmem, carapace_green, carminerose, cassini_saturn, celesteq, colindb, comettour, confusedweb, corivax, cow, craigp, crazedcamel, cyn, damiana_swan, dandelionreport, datavore, dianala, dianthus, doctorpepper, dr4b, dreamingclaw, duskpaw, dustin_00, dymaxion, earhart, eeyorerin, entelein, eo1_sat, eogan, evildave, evilmicrowizard, evilworkowizard, firesign3000, floridapanther, forma_mentis, fucklist, fuse_sat, gement, gfish, gir_the_bunny, goes_sat, grymor, happilymyself, helix90, hollyking, hollyqueen, hotpoint, hpapillon, hubbletelescope, humancomputing, ilmarinen, incoh3rent, irgth, ivolucien, jadine, jeliza, jenk, jfew, joxn, joystormer, jw1776, jwz, jyuu_chan, k_crow, kamiilyaan, kathrynt, katieimp, kerri_tgrl, kissingcrust, ladyallyn, ladybubbles, ladylarken, lilsquishy, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, loree, lumiere, luxumbradei, maikens, manintheboat, maribou, mars3, mars_beagle, mars_mgs, mhutfles, midint, morisyen, mouichido, mr_broccoli, mre_meat, nadine, neo_inbound, nerdvana, news, opportunitygrrl, otakusquad, paidmembers, pallidbat, pantsketch, pathfindress, pauldf, permanent_guest, pervygeekfancy, pioneer10, pioneer_10, plantae, planxi_mihi, prettyshygrrl, pwththth, qwickening, randomdreams, ravensbreath, retcon, rigel_p, rovintar, rubylou, runnerwolf, safetybitch, sar_anon, savagelove, scott_t_s, sea_gaagii, seatown, seattle, seattlejobs, seattlepoly, shadowblue, shandryl, siouxiequeue, sistawendy, smeehrrr, soho_sat, spiritrover, sprgtime, star_dusting, stardustboy, stillraven, tander, tmfkan64, tommusic, tshar, tylik, venera14, vixyish, voyager_at_90au, voyagerprobe, walbourn, wolfieboy, xiadyn, xmurf, xopherg
Friend of:104: aladriana, allanc, angilong, aquatwo, art_geek, bientot, bostonsteamer, callmem, carapace_green, carminerose, cassini_saturn, colindb, corivax, cow, craigp, crazedcamel, damiana_swan, dandelionreport, datavore, dianala, dianthus, doctorpepper, dr4b, dustin_00, dymaxion, eeyorerin, entelein, eogan, evildave, evilworkowizard, firesign3000, floridapanther, fuse_sat, gement, gfish, gir_the_bunny, goes_sat, grymor, helix90, hollyking, hollyqueen, hotpoint, ilmarinen, incoh3rent, irgth, ivolucien, jadine, jeliza, jenk, jfew, joxn, jw1776, jyuu_chan, k_crow, kamiilyaan, kerri_tgrl, kissingcrust, ladyallyn, ladybubbles, ladylarken, lazyserf, lilsquishy, loree, lumiere, luxumbradei, manintheboat, maribou, morisyen, mre_meat, nadine, otakusquad, pallidbat, pathfindress, pauldf, permanent_guest, plantae, planxi_mihi, prettyshygrrl, qwickening, randomdreams, rigel_p, rubylou, runnerwolf, scott_t_s, sea_gaagii, shadowblue, shandryl, sistawendy, smeehrrr, soho_sat, spiritrover, star_dusting, stillraven, tmfkan64, tommusic, tshar, tylik, vixyish, walbourn, wolfieboy, xiadyn, xmurf, xopherg, zanfur
Member of:5: confusedweb, nerdvana, paidmembers, seattle, seattlejobs
Account type:Paid Account

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