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User:dave_over (231677) Paid User dave_over
Name:Dave Overman
Location:Mountlake Terrace, Washington, United States

Father, philosopher, role-playing addict, fencer (renaissance re-creation type, not olympic), Software tester.

I suppose those things are more of what I do than who I am, but then labels can be unwieldy...

And now, the weather!
The WeatherPixie
Memories:1 entry
Interests:72: "friendly", 80's, anime, armchair philosophy, armchair psychology, babylon 5, big black boots, blade runner, car talk, chai, cheese, cocteau twins, computers, danny elfman, dead can dance, depeche mode, douglas adams, fantasy, farscape, fatherhood, filk, gaming, ghost in the shell, goth chicks, history, intense conversations, kissing, lain, listening, love, magic, max headroom, mochas, mountain dew, neil gaiman, new wave, nightmare before christmas, nine inch nails, philosophy, princess bride, psychology, rapier, reading, red dwarf, redheads, renaissance festivals, rhps, rocky horror, role playing, role-playing games, roleplaying, sapiosexuality, science fiction, seattle, sensuality, sex, silk, sluggy, software testing, soul kisses, squee, star wars, tank girl, taoism, testing, the 80's, the princess bride, they might be giants, virgo, wicca, willow, writing. [Modify yours]
Friends:110: _pollox, adm3rial_magg0t, aekajin2, airdrie, altparent, amber_dawson, angilong, apestyle, avalon_bliss, baxil, being_friendly, bluewingedcat, camille, christophine, cuddlycthulhu, dancinghrt, dandelionreport, delerium_boy, digiryan, digitalscreams, djxavier13, douga, dove, dracolemur, dragon_trinket, dreamflow, dreamingcrow, elfric, elryion, elynne, errhead, etherealgoddess, faeriequeen, food_porn, gabri, galith, giulianna, gothboy4play, green_dude, gryndyl, hp100nos, huddyn, id_girl, ivolucien, izlude_oranes, jadine, jesusforaday, jhulten, johnathan, juniper1, juniperm3ss1ah, kalidream, kanderson321, kyttin, lonita, lumiere, merovingian, mhutfles, midnight_sin, mistycal_one, mokie_sassafras, moon_kitten, moonpiper, moonwhispers, morbidart, motomotoyama, myles_otter, naruvonwilkins, nojon, not_hothead_yet, paidmembers, panzerwalt, paradise_sector, pearlzb4swine, phaend, pullthestars, retardotron, rioduran, riverheart, safarigoth, samemaha, sandralee, satia, seattle, seattlejo, sebboi, serenitywolf, shawn_anderson, silenceleigh, singleparents, sossity, squeetard, starrynytes4me, stress_rash, supersniffles, sylvan, taxqueen, teddyeddy, terratales, theangelique, tomorrowlands, triplesicks, vampgyrl, violetvixen, voices_inside, wendy_lady, wiccania, wolfieboy, xuagram7, zwingll
Friend of:101: _pollox, adm3rial_magg0t, aekajin2, airdrie, amber_dawson, angilong, apestyle, avalon_bliss, baxil, bluewingedcat, camille, christophine, cuddlycthulhu, dancinghrt, dandelionreport, dav_test, delerium_boy, digiryan, digitalscreams, djxavier13, douga, dove, dracolemur, dragon_trinket, dreamflow, dreamingcrow, elfric, elryion, elynne, errhead, etherealgoddess, faeriequeen, gabri, galith, giulianna, gothboy4play, green_dude, gryndyl, hp100nos, huddyn, id_girl, ivolucien, izlude_oranes, jadine, jesusforaday, jhulten, johnathan, juniper1, juniperm3ss1ah, kalidream, kanderson321, lonita, lumiere, merovingian, mhutfles, midnight_sin, mistycal_one, mokie_sassafras, moon_kitten, moonpiper, moonwhispers, morbidart, motomotoyama, myles_otter, naruvonwilkins, nojon, not_hothead_yet, panzerwalt, phaend, pullthestars, retardotron, rioduran, riverheart, safarigoth, samemaha, sandralee, satia, seattlejo, sebboi, serenitywolf, shawn_anderson, silenceleigh, sossity, squeetard, starrynytes4me, stress_rash, supersniffles, sylvan, taxqueen, teddyeddy, terratales, theangelique, triplesicks, vampgyrl, violetvixen, voices_inside, wendy_lady, wiccania, wolfieboy, xuagram7, zwingll
Member of:8: altparent, being_friendly, food_porn, paidmembers, paradise_sector, seattle, singleparents, tomorrowlands
Account type:Paid Account

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