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User:dreamingclaw (747488) dreamingclaw
Runnerwolf's Spiritual Side
Discussions of Faith, Healing, and more esoteric things
Location:Redmond, Washington, United States
Bio:Comment from [info]yulicorn: "She's doing what artists did before there were arts. She plays directly with the raw materials."

As a note: If you add me and then decide that you aren't interested and want to take me off it is no big deal... this journal is for me, and unlike runnerwolf not really how I figure I will be keeping up with everyone :)
Interests:5: learning, peru, religions, shamanism, taoism. [Modify yours]
Friends:4: k_crow, runnerwolf, sar_anon, skydancer
Friend of:55: aladriana, anach, byrdie, caeled, chavala, corivax, dailyoffice, dark_blade, datavore, deyaniera, dianthus, dragonflycat, dream_wolf, elfric, elphie, fainne, falconcat, gryndyl, iroshi, jenk, jhulten, k_crow, kendaer, lazyserf, lerryn, lewiis, lisakit, lisakits_path, livingfire, loree, lumiere, mhutfles, midnightserval, mister_wolf, mystiphi, paka, phaedra_lari, plantae, poetry_lady, postvixen, riverheart, runnerwolf, sar_anon, sarastro_us, secanth, seeker9, skydancer, talamh_sidhe, taxqueen, techempage, tensan, wicketbird, wolfieboy, wolfshaman, yulicorn
Member of:1: earth_hands
Account type:Free Account

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