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Below is user information for Lady Equine. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:lady_equine (1069371) Paid User lady_equine
Name:Lady Equine
Location:Seattle area, Washington, United States
Interests:96: amsterdam, anne mccaffrey, b5, bdsm, bearded iris, bisexual, bondage, brewing mead, cats, cloved fruit, cockatiels, communication, compersion, computers, conventions, creative people, dance dance revolution, dancing, dark colors, ddr, dressage, drumming, electronics, fire dancing, fizzball, flirting, folklore, forests, friends, gaming, gardening, geeking, goth, hammered dulcimers, hedgehogs, hedonism, henna, honesty, horses, hot tubs, intelligent conversation, japanese candy, languages, legos, long hair, loving more, mercedes lackey, mountains, music, mysticism, mythology, nature, neil gaiman, neverwhere, norwescon, ok cupid, pianos, playing instruments, polyamory, reading, recorders, rivers, robert heinlein, roleplaying, sailing, sca, sci-fi cons, science fiction, seattle, sensation play, sensuality, shakespeare, silk, silliness, singing, skiing, snow, snuggling, star gazing, swimming, techno, the last unicorn, the sea, tolkien, trakehners, trees, twin peaks, understatement, unix, vaulting, waterbeds, wildlife, wombats, world cultures, world entertainment war, zendo. [Modify yours]
People126:_pollox, a_dream_tiger, airshipjones, alacrity, algol, animegothgrrl, aralon, artvixn, assassinpandora, beanolc, bertaberta, brighids_own, bruuuuuu, burgunder, carolee, catling, chinchillagirl, cynan_poly, damiana_swan, darkmane, dove, duneydan, eggsafety, emeraldragon, fairieboy, galeogirl, gelfling_flys, gement, gipsieee, goes_sat, goldfish42, green_dude, grrlfriend, happilymyself, hermesinbattle, hyperpurple, i_feel_sick, itslyd2, ivolucien, izzbot, jadine, jessicac, jonathanshade, jonwa, jypsiedesign, k1llm1ssamer1ca, k_crow, kafuela, keithr, khallis, killer_queen___, kristina54, krow, kyttin, la_roja, lady_equine, laurithrie, leannan_sidhe, leofwine, luchog, lumiere, m_cobweb, madame_heather, mamishka, memegarden, metalmensch, mholmesiv, mhutfles, mikz, mizemm, mockly, moon7storm, moonpiper, moonsilence, ms_friday, nbarnes, nightinggale, nuin, ocean_twilight, ocicat, opportunitygrrl, pathfindress, pauldf, poodah, puppygrrl, purplerabbit, reddig, resqdog51, rev_dr_ace, rhiawolf, samvimes, sauciwench, scott_t_s, see_tree_me, sheer_panic, silenceleigh, sinboy, sirenscry, solcita, spiritrover, srianta_sidhe, ssatva, star_dusting, starlisa, staxxy, sultry_peacock, synergistica, tearsofscarlet, technocracygirl, templar46_2, tendyl, thanos_of_titan, tmonsta, trilliumgrl, tshar, tugger, uncledark, valasia, variax, violindaine, vulture23, wanderingfey, yuri_no_sha, zaratyst, zellita, zenspider
Communities10:compersion, gayseattle, norwescon, okcupid, pagan_empires, poly_talk, polyamorous, polyamory, seattlepoly, slow_poke_poly
Feeds12:apod, bbcnewsworld, calnhobbes, catandgirl, dilbert_feed, doonesbury, foxtrot_feed, garfield_comic, officialgaiman, redmeat_rss, slumberland_org, slumblngfsh_rss
Account type:Paid Account

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