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User:microbiology (917491) microbiology
About:This is a space for people to share information and discussions on various microbiology-related issues, with a particular interest in disease-causing organisms. Feel free to post relevant discussions, debates, questions, links to news items, journal articles, art, and so forth.

The community maintainer is [info]asrana, and can be reached at asrana at f2s dot com.

Interests:90: aids, anatomy, antibiotic resistance, antibiotics, antimicrobials, bacteria, bacteriophages, biochemical weapons, bioinformatics, biological warfare, biology, biotechnology, bioterrorism, biowarfare, botulinum toxin, botulism, bse, chagas disease, cholera, cjd, corona virus, dengue fever, diseases, e-coli, ebola, epidemics, epidemiology, flu, flukes, hanta, hepatitis, hiv, immunity, immunology, infection, infectious diseases, influenza, lassa, life, life sciences, malaria, measles, medical microbiology, medicine, meningitis, meningococcal disease, microbial pathogenesis, microbiology, mmr, molecular virology, mumps, mycobacteria, mycoviruses, pandemics, parasites, parasitology, pathogens, physiology, plague, plagues, prions, public health, resistance, retrovirus, rotavirus, rubella, salmonella, salmonellosis, sars, schistosomiasis, science, septicaemia, sexually transmitted diseases, sleeping sickness, smallpox, staphylococcus, stds, streptococcus, syphilis, tapeworms, tb, tuberculosis, vcjd, vector control, virology, viruses, waterborne diseases, yellow fever, yersinia, zoonosis. [Modify yours]
Members:309: 0084, 0111, 1899, _atomica_, _chilled, _scientists_, a2pak7, abecedae, acetylcholine7, adamas, aegidian, ahh_choo, airyfaerie, akrid, alinna, amerrydeath, amnioticshame, an0nym0use, andariel, ang_grrr, ankah, anniewisc, anthonym83, aphrodit3, arduinna, arian, ash_night, ashfault76, asianjewgirl, asrana, aubrey_osiris, austinjester, auth_r, awyenofrivendel, ayla_soleil, bagelmuffin_luv, balmofgilead, bastet_of_earth, being_angyl, bellecatene, bellka, biogenetics, biophysicist, bitebackhard, blindness, bloodofchrist, bluedaffodil, booktard, bougie81, boxsofrain, brandielicious, bug_girl75, burntpez, c79helium, cabd, caityross, carodej, cato, celes6, celestial_drops, ceruleanmoon, cethlynn, chainsaw_puppet, charcoalsky, chasing_bullet, chemicaljen, codecattx, coffeekitty, cosmictofu, cowbert, cyanic_blue, d2zl, danithesquirrel, darkwithinme, dearkate, deekay, dejla, demise1, desolateophelia, devin8, divide_by_zero, djh, dleumas, dr_bob, dr_peanut, droid, dryad_song, dyana_shani, eastside_shorty, ebola_la_la, edithgeraldine, elohssa, elusivepaolo, elynor, emetic, empress544, empyrealflamez, enkovich, enweth, enzyn, esperance07, eugenia, euglena, eurisko97, eurotrashfuck, evil4unmi, ewrailnly, fcz1, fetid, fiametta, fictionist, firestar182, flibertigibet, fly_onthewall, fongmanwu, foreordained, free_thought181, frozencharlotte, gabriel266, gemfyre, genesiskenshin, ghostentient, globedoc, gofwyyn, good_like_jesus, gracelizard, grapeofdeath, guendolen, guipago, guitarriffchica, heavenlykitten, heliamphora, hellocaptain, hnpcc, human_dnase, hydram83, hyperzz, i_get_stabby, icolenay, immanuelity, infraredelf, internethipster, into_the_woods, james333, jckorn, jimmyg1226, johnnyperv, jspeakerboxx, jstingrey, kalioppe, kata04, kate_tur, kiaroskuro, kimbis, knowyronion, kstantfw, kx, kytica, la_lune_verte, lars_larsen, lazysun, leon_weirdo, leopardgal, lesion, liandriel, lickis, likufanele, livthemdns, lotsota, lunalil, madasaurus, maereth, magnitique, malaria4life, mamba_barnacle, manystrings, mariehchan, max_on, mecha_grrl, mediocratez, medlabtech, meggo87, melquiades76, melsith, mere_a_gogo, merescience, mightyzoso, milovoo, miss_rynn, mizuki232, mojobasket, mormonchic, mr_westland, ms_angiepants, murrayewv, myclevername, nadyamorales, naebliser, ncc1701d, nicki_louise, nikkkitheunholy, nilsinelabore, nonoxynol_9, nuclearfusion, nuwishas_tail, ohsokatola, oolie, oompalumpa, oribi, pale_halo, palindromic, pandoranoir, paradoxicalchez, peptidoglycan, peregrinus4evr, phylogeny, pimptress_annie, pixie_ysral, platitudes, plato_head, pnkyrules, polargrapes, preposterous, psycho_lily, psycoalabaster, pyro_pixie_86, queentarah, rabbitorf, rabid_rolemodel, recockulous, reconstructing, redefinition, relema, rhinokey, richard_j_price, rivv, rosefox, roses_3187, rozalin, runerspad, ruvhausen, rwmc9, saccarineayako, sagan_fox, sakura_no_kage, salmon2381, sandman5252, sariah729, scatter_us_away, screamingchild, sea_sensu_si, semanticspace, serval, shadow432, shadowskissme, shakedown_st, shanna349, shee, shrikalikadevi, silverflail, sixfeetabove, snerks, snotra, somebodyelse1, sparkx, sparrky, speaker2animals, ssilverfish, st1gmata, suladog, sunburninmycave, suzeq, tangledweave, tapka, taxishoes, techneaux, terrible_rhi, testinosnewton, the_ocean, tim10101, titiana5, tom_is_a_bum, tomandjerry, travelsky, tropmed, twedgeychic, uclasteph, ugly_boy, vanityoverdose, vapormole, verrucaria, vindicated85, vomica, voxmaille, vvalkyri, wardqe, watchamacallit, waterfell, wheelerk33, willowonyx, wondergecko, xchemicalx, xietzeming128, xpaerimtlslaekv, xriddlemethisx, yellowblacktrip, zeromancer_, zibbelcoot, zivko
Watched by:264: 0111, 1899, 5_years, _atomica_, _chilled, a2pak7, abecedae, acetylcholine7, adamas, aegidian, agiel, ahh_choo, airyfaerie, alinna, amerrydeath, amnioticshame, an0nym0use, andariel, ang_grrr, ankah, anniewisc, anthonym83, aphrodit3, arduinna, ash_night, ashes0322, ashfault76, asianjewgirl, asrana, aubrey_osiris, austinjester, auth_r, awyenofrivendel, ayla_soleil, b_myst, bagelmuffin_luv, balmofgilead, bastet_of_earth, being_angyl, bellka, bitebackhard, blindness, bloodofchrist, bluedaffodil, c79helium, cabd, caityross, carodej, cato, celes6, celestial_drops, ceruleanmoon, cethlynn, charcoalsky, chasing_bullet, chemicaljen, chloramphenicol, codecattx, coffeekitty, conchis, cosmictofu, cowbert, crank_the_yank, cyanic_blue, d2zl, danithesquirrel, darkwithinme, dearkate, deekay, demise1, devin8, divide_by_zero, djh, dleumas, dr_bob, dr_peanut, droid, dryad_song, eastside_shorty, ebola_la_la, edithgeraldine, eireangus, elusivepaolo, elynor, empress544, empyrealflamez, enweth, enzyn, esperance07, euglena, eurisko97, eurotrashfuck, evil4unmi, ewrailnly, fairy, fcz1, fiametta, firestar182, fongmanwu, foreordained, foxfirefey, free_thought181, frozencharlotte, gabriel266, gemfyre, ghostentient, globedoc, gocartgrl21, gofwyyn, gracelizard, granola_dyke, guendolen, guipago, guitarriffchica, heliamphora, hnpcc, hotpinkbubbles, human_dnase, hydram83, hyperzz, i_get_stabby, icolenay, immanuelity, inaglasshouse, infraredelf, jckorn, jimmyg1226, johnnyperv, jstingrey, kalioppe, kejn, kimbis, knowyronion, kstantfw, kx, kytica, lars_larsen, lazysun, leon_weirdo, leopardgal, liandriel, lifter7620, livthemdns, lotsota, lovedolly, lumiere, maereth, magnitique, malaria4life, mamba_barnacle, ...
Account type:Free Account

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