Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:27 p.m. EST
and Now
"Top Focus Before 9/11 Wasn't on Terrorism." We might have just run
this headline, from today's Washington Post, under "You Don't Say"
and been done with it, but we thought the story was worth a brief comment.
The Post is engaging in a bit of "gotcha" journalism, having discovered
that Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security adviser, had planned
to give a speech on Sept. 11, 2001, "to outline a Bush administration policy
that would address 'the threats and problems of today and the day after, not
the world of yesterday'--but the focus was largely on missile defense, not terrorism
from Islamic radicals." The speech, which was canceled on account of terrorist
attack, "contained no mention of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or Islamic extremist
groups, according to former U.S. officials who have seen the text."
We just want to point out that with a few prescient exceptions, hardly anyone
made terrorism his top focus before 9/11. We're as guilty as anyone; the Sept.
10, 2001, Best of the Web Today led with an item about the Florida election
controversy of 2000. Does anyone even remember what that was all about?
John Kerry, too, has been known to play down the threat of terrorism. Once,
asked by NBC's Tom Brokaw to size up the threat, he replied, "I think that
there has been an exaggeration." So hardly anyone isn't guilty of having
underestimated the terror threat.
The difference is that Rice's speech was written in the few days before the
attacks, whereas Kerry made his comment on Jan.
29, 2004--870 days after Sept. 11.
or Less
Here's another headline from today's Washington Post: "Most Say They Are
Less Safe Since 9/11." The paper is reporting on a poll conducted by the
for Excellence in Government (link in PDF).
The Post's headline is false. The council's poll, conducted by the Hart-Teeter
firm, asked, "Do you think that as a country we are more safe, about as
safe, or less safe than we were before Sept. 11, 2001?" Results: 47% said
"more safe," 34% said "about as safe," and only 18%--32%
short of "most"--said "less safe."
Come to think of it, maybe the Post, in the tradition of college newspapers
everywhere, decided to publish an April Fool's edition.
of College Newspapers . . .
We don't think this is an April Fool's joke, but the Yale Daily News
reports that some students staged a "die-in" on campus yesterday to
protest a speech by Douglas Daft, Coca-Cola's CEO:
As Daft began his speech, protesters proceeded to the front of the room and
removed their coats to reveal shirts stained with fake blood. The protesters
lay on the floor as if they were dead and remained so throughout the talk.
Joke or not, this was in extremely poor taste, coming on the day that terrorists
brutally murdered four American civilians and desecrated their bodies in Fallujah,
Iraq. "Die-in," indeed.
Another great Ivy League moment: Yesterday's Cornell
Daily Sun published an op-ed by one Alex Bomstein, that begins as follows:
I was just musing about shooting President Bush the other day. I wouldn't
actually do it, of course (hello, FBI!) but it got me thinking about the case
for and against assassination as a tool of political change. . . .
Few would seriously propose assassination as a tool of whim. The gravity
of the target's crimes must merit it. Let's take the president as an example.
His actions, such as the war on Iraq, the creation of hundreds of billions
of dollars in deficits, and the deprivation of funds for women's health clinics
abroad, have and will result in tens of thousands of deaths, and the impoverishment
of millions. The enormity of these crimes reaches toward the incomprehensible.
So a valid motive exists.
In fairness, Bomstein does ultimately decide that President Bush shouldn't
be assassinated, and maybe this is just a lame attempt at being Swiftian, but
it does make you wonder about the seriousness of an Ivy League education.
A more encouraging sign comes from the Columbia
Spectator, which today endorses President Bush's re-election:
We believe that it is necessary for our nation to stay the successful course,
and thus we are proud to endorse President Bush for re-election this November.
We understand that this endorsement may come as somewhat of a surprise; this
is an extremely liberal campus--the majority of this editorial board even
identifies itself as aligned with the Democratic party. However, the world
is a more dangerous place today than it was four years ago.
On the Spectator's Web site, some of the students responding to the editorial
think it's an April Fool's joke. But in fact it makes a cogent argument, so
perhaps it's just that proximity to ground zero breeds a seriousness about politics,
while New Haven and Ithaca remain relatively insular worlds.
Kerry Lost
The election is still seven months away, and already Democrats are coming up
with rationalizations for John Kerry's defeat, reports the New York Times:
At the very moment that President Bush has begun his general election campaign,
Senator John Kerry has largely slipped from sight. And Mr. Bush has made the
most of Mr. Kerry's absence.
Mr. Kerry's low profile occurs at what would seem to be a particularly opportune
time for the senator. Mr. Bush has been struggling with questions about his
record on terrorism, and Mr. Kerry had been riding on a wave of excitement
after his capture of the Democratic nomination. . . .
Some Democrats said that should Mr. Kerry lose in November, he might well
remember this month as the time when he seriously undermined his hopes of
defeating Mr. Bush. A few invoked one of Mr. Kerry's least-liked comparisons,
noting how another Massachusetts Democrat who ran for president, Michael S.
Dukakis, stuck close to home in August 1988, in what turned out to be a foolish
strategic move in his campaign against Mr. Bush's father.
Hey, remember when Kerry was riding that "wave of excitement"? It
was almost as exciting as the wave of excitement about Michael Dukakis that
swept us up in July 1988. Oh, to be young again!
It seems that whenever the Democrats lose an election, they have an excuse.
Hubert Humphrey fell victim to Richard Nixon's racist "Southern strategy."
George McGovern would have won if not for the Watergate coverup. Jimmy Carter
and Walter Mondale? Victims of Ronald Reagan's winning personality. Al Gore
had the election stolen from him by the Supreme Court. And John Kerry, like
Michael Dukakis before him, made a tactical error months before the election,
and, oh yes, George Bush "questioned his patriotism."
What will it take for a Democratic to acknowledge losing an election because
of bad ideas?
on MT
In an interview with MTV's Gideon Yago, John Kerry offers yet another tortured
explanation of his flip-flop on the liberation of Iraq:
Yago: As a senator, you had to go on record with your opinions about
the war. Do you feel you got duped?
Kerry: No, I think that I said very clearly, if you read my speech,
and I invite [everyone] to go to, pull down my speech and read
what I said on the floor of the Senate. In the debate I said very clearly
I disagree with the preemptive doctrine. I disagree with the notion that you
go to war just because Saddam Hussein is a bad guy. I said that the weapons
of mass destruction are the only legitimate issue, and that basically war
is the last resort, ultimate enforcement [tool for inspections]. Now that's
what I said. George Bush assured us that was his approach.
And you know, you are not duped when somebody misleads you and in effect
lies to you or doesn't tell you the truth. The president, I think, misled
the whole country in effect. And the evidence that we saw--we were given photographs,
direct evidence--was not real. I mean, it just turned out not to be, not to
pan out, so I think the vote was a correct one based on the evidence that
everybody was given. The president's actions thereafter were not correct,
because he clearly evidenced just a rush to try to want to go to war, and
that is not the arrangement that he made with the country, in my judgment.
Well, we're glad he cleared that up. Kerry concludes
the interview with a burst of fog over terrorism:
Yago: Since September 11 there has been this specter of another terror
attack looming over all of our daily lives. Is there going to be a time when
it's OK for all of us not to be afraid?
Kerry: That is a great question. That's our goal, that is what would
restore life as we knew it in America, is to find a time when we won't be
fearful. And I will do everything in my power to get us to that place. I have
a different vision of how you get there from George Bush, and I think it is
going to take quite a while to get there, because there are people in other
countries who have been raised to hate. And they don't have a future, they
don't have jobs, they don't have any kind of enfranchisement, voting rights,
or the capacity to change things, so the [Wahhabi] fundamentalists, the madras
schools, and the other institutions set up to sort of harness that energy
and channel it into a very evil place is real. And it is going to be around
until we have a foreign policy and other countries have a foreign policy that
begins to really deal with the problems on this planet. One of those problems
is abject poverty and lack of education and repression in countries. And I
think our policy needs to help open the doors, if you will, over a period
of time, so that people can channel that energy into their own lives, into
their own country, and into achieving things within a framework that is civilized.
It's a long struggle, and terror has been around for a long time. It is going
to be a great challenge for us. I have a very different view of how we do
it from George Bush. George Bush just thinks you flex your military muscle;
I don't. I think you have to build relationships. I think you have to invest,
I think you have to work with other countries, I think you need a lot of public
diplomacy. And we need as much energy committed to the war of ideas as we
do to the war on the battlefield, and that is a real difference between us
in this effort. But our goal is clearly to be free from that fear. Franklin
Roosevelt talked about it. It's almost a natural right, if you will, of being
American, and it's something we need to achieve again.
He's going to "build relationships"! He'll "invest"! He'll
engage in "public diplomacy"! Osama bin Laden will be so terrified
(or maybe bored), he'll never dare stage another terrorist attack!
But at least Kerry is clear
on one thing: Some rap lyrics are just beyond the pale. "I think when
you start talking about killing cops or something like that, it bothers me."
Wow, that's tough! Though actually, he immediately flip-flops again: "I
understand, I'm still listening because I know that it's a reflection of the
street and it's a reflection of life, and I understand all that." And then:
"I'm not for the government censoring or stepping in. But I don't think
it's inappropriate occasionally to talk about what you think is a standard or
what you think is a value that is worth trying to live up to."
He doesn't think it's inappropriate occasionally. Got that?
a Prayer
From a story on the presidential race in yesterday's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
"The Bush people have defined [Kerry] as liberal, as a flip-flopper and inconsistent,"
Madonna said. "He's been rocked by the Bush television ads."
Madonna is complaining about this? We thought she was in favor of rocking the
Oh wait, it turns out it isn't that Madonna. It's G. Terry Madonna,
the pollster whose survey of Pennsylvanians showed Bush leading Kerry by 46%
to 40%. Never mind.
Friends the Saudis
Yesterday we
speculated that the Saudis, by seeking to cut oil production and thereby
raise prices, may be trying to help John Kerry's bid for the White House. Those
wishing elaboration of this idea should check out a March 10 essay by Ed Lasky,
a frequent contributor to this column. Lasky argues that "Saudi Arabia
has launched an undeclared war on George W. Bush," which it is waging not
just by manipulating the oil market but also by encouraging instability in Iraq
and funding think tanks that employ the likes of Joe Wilson, husband of a kerfuffle-inspiring
CIA employee.
In his MTV interview, Kerry at least paid lip service to the need to combat
Wahhabi fundamentalism. But if Lasky is right, the Saudis have judged that Bush
is the far greater threat to the status quo. It's hard to argue that they're
About Appeasement!
"Madrid Names Suspected Terrorist Leader"--headline, Associated Press,
April 1
Month for a Murder
"A former Bosnian Serb police commander was sentenced by the U.N. war crimes
tribunal Wednesday to 17 years in prison for the 1992 murders of more than 200
Muslim men during the Bosnian war," the Associated Press reports.
Seventeen years for 200 murders? That works out to slightly over one month
per murder. Boy, those U.N. guys are really tough on crime!
Meanwhile, Reuters
reports that "the United States will temporarily suspend at least $26 million
in aid to Serbia and Montenegro because of its inadequate cooperation with a
U.N. war crimes tribunal":
[State Department spokesman Adam] Ereli told reporters that about $43 million
of the $100 million U.S. aid allocated to Belgrade this year had already been
spent, leaving about $57 billion that could be subject to the suspension.
One hundred million minus $43 million equals $57 billion? We guess Reuters
doesn't have a bureau in Mathedonia.
Would We Do Without Experts?--I
"It is not necessary to complete a punishing workout at a gym to stay healthy,
experts have said."--BBC Web site, March 31
Would We Do Without Experts?--II
"Up-and-Down Stock Market to Continue, Experts Say"--headline, Fort
Worth Star-Telegram, March 31
Millions of Almonds Are Still Uninsured
"FDA to Allow Claim of Health Benefits for Walnuts"--headline, Washington
Post, April 1
There Were No Charge, It Wouldn't Be a Brothel
"Brothel Customers May Face Charges"--headline, Hartford Courant,
March 31
Name Your Company 'Clue'
"IBM to Acquire Candle"--headline, InformationWeek, April 1
Plaintiff Has Already Been Deposed
Jean-Bertrand Aristide is trying to sue his way back into power. The BBC reports
Haiti's erstwhile president-turned-dictator "has filed a lawsuit against
unnamed French and US officials, accusing them of kidnapping him":
The suit for "threats, death threats, abduction and illegal detention" was
lodged in Paris on Tuesday, Mr Aristide's lawyer, Gilbert Collard said.
It designated the defendant as X--a French legal term for persons unknown.
Mr Collard said Mr Aristide's US lawyers would file an identical suit.
Meanwhile, the Bonita
(Fla.) Daily News reports that "a West Virginia man is suing an airline
company, alleging it didn't notify him that drinking alcohol at night might
adversely affect passengers before he fell down an escalator at Southwest Florida
International Airport":
Floyd W. Shuler, 61, filed the lawsuit against Virginia-based US Airways
Inc. in circuit court in Fort Myers. Shuler, who has lived part-time on Marco
Island, said in the suit that US Airways was negligent by failing to warn
him the effects of alcohol are greater at night on airline passengers, and
that the company did not properly maintain the escalator at the airport when
he fell down while using it on Aug. 28, 1999.
Hat tip:
If the negligence argument doesn't fly, maybe Shuler can claim he was kidnapped.
(Elizabeth Crowley helps compile Best of the Web Today. Thanks to Barak Moore,
David Sherzer, Michael Segal, Samuel Wald, Tom von Gremp, Mark Mogle, Nancy
Zimmerman, Aaron Gross, Jeffrey Shapiro, Carl Sherer, Chris Stetsko, Ethel Fenig,
Joe Fenter, Thomas Downing, Rob Bass, John Forsberg, Jennifer Ray, Mary Daly,
Taylor Hills, John Williamson and Richard Haisley. If you have a tip, write
us at, and
please include the URL.)
Today on OpinionJournal:
- Heather
Mac Donald: "Total Information Awareness" falls to total Luddite hysteria.
- Peggy
Noonan: Those behind yesterday's atrocity in Fallujah must pay--or we
all will.
- Richard
Miniter: Richard Clarke should apologize for his book.