
Books For Soldiers is a soldier support site that ships books, DVDs and supplies to deployed soliders and soldiers in VA hospitals, via our large volunteer network.

If you have old, but usuable paperback books sitting around, collecting dust, why not send them to a solider for a big morale boost?

Many of our volunteers have received email and letters from the soldiers they have adopted.

Help us out, help the troops out, mail them your books.

Special Note to Bloggers!

I just wanted to drop a note of thanks to you blogging folks for helping to spread the word about BFS. If I could impose on you once more to add one of our buttons to your blog, we would be very grateful.

Storm Williams

To get an address of a service person or to post an address of a loved one, family member, friend from church, or coworker who is serving overseas, click the button below or you can click HERE.

Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, & Marines!
Request a book here!*
Your Email
Book Title



Military Address

*Please note that although we strive to fulfill all requests, we are limited by our donations.

copyright 1991-2003 by Books For Soldiers. All rights reserved.