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March 17, 2004
the sea is a cruel mistress
There are few things I look forward to as much as working on Teen Titans. It's fun, it's relatively easy, and it's incredibly satisfying. I've had such a great time doing it, and I had such a great time when I voiced several characters for the Xbox port of Crimson Skies, I've been making a sacrifice to the voice over gods nighty, and wishing for more VO work. Today, I get my wish. (Which is a good thing, because all those frozen weasels were getting expensive.)Walt Disney Television Animation came to my voice over agent last week, and requested me for a new show they're doing called -- get this -- Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! It reads like a crazy anime-styled show for younger kids, and I get to play "Skurg" the evil leader of a Soturix 7, who wears armor of bone. Heh. It's going to be a lot of fun. In Dancing Barefoot news, I watched it climb Amazon's charts yesterday, peaking at 188 (!) around midnight when I went to bed. I hear that it went all the way up to 177 after I went to bed. Right now, it's at 210, with an average review of 4.5 stars!!! I am deeply grateful to everyone who has made this happen. This entry is from the blog department. Posted by wil at March 17, 2004 08:27 AM | TrackbackComments
You don't say? Well congratulations.We will all look forward to it.
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Man, that's awesome. With a name like that you can't go wrong. Hell, with a name like that I might have to watch it, 7-year-olds be damned! I gave it 5 Starts, so what Basta** only gave it 4?!!! Posted by: Griff on March 17, 2004 08:38 AMCool. I want to do VO's, too! And I want to buy your book, but haven't had the opportunity, yet. Sure, technically it's your "supporters" who made the book sales possible, but where would we be if you'd never written it? I guess it's a circular relationship. Your coolness inspires us to think you are cool. Posted by: seasnail on March 17, 2004 08:45 AMOkay, looks like I'll have to swallow my pride (or whatever the hell it is) and actually order the book from Amazon. I do prefer to patronize my local independent bookstores, but if they won't carry the damn book, that's their problem. (I would've loved to have read a selection for my audition yesterday...ah well...) And now I've got to definitely get moved out of the in-laws so the spouse and I can get my freakin' cable back! (Mental note to nag spouse at least once daily...) Posted by: Roberta on March 17, 2004 08:57 AMCongrats on the show and DB climing the charts...but the title of that TV show sounds like something from that Most Extreme Elimination Challenge show on Spike (see, girls *do* watch Spike for something other than TNG!). Posted by: Winona on March 17, 2004 09:04 AMCongrats, that's awesome! holy crap. you did stuff for crimson skies?! i LOVE that game! and Teen Titans IS an awesome show, i was disappointed when i missed the show. -_- i always tend to miss the really GOOD stuff...oh well. rock out, Wil! Posted by: Kitsune on March 17, 2004 09:06 AMMajor congrats! I look forward to seeing Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! in the near future. Kudos to you, aqualad! ps - you said nighty... teehee Posted by: Alice on March 17, 2004 09:07 AMWorking, working, working Uncle Willie! Kudos Wil, glad to hear you're getting more voice work. I always look forward to an Aqualad episode of Teen Titans, and now I guess I'll have a good reason to watch the Disney Channel, too. Ohy, I despise Disney. But if it's cool for Uncle Willie, it's cool for me... It's awesome that you get to do yet another bad guy character. Those are always fun, I'd guess. You get to be the polar opposite of yourself and totally ham it up with the evil badness mojo vibe thing (did that make sense?). Finally got my copy of Dancing Barefoot. I read it in one night while I was at work. Let me just say this about it: IT'S THE SHIZNIT! Great storytelling, Wil! Can't wait for JAG... Posted by: Eric on March 17, 2004 09:15 AMWhich voices did you do in Crimson Skies? I recently finished it, but if I know which voices to listen for (they're all excellent) it may be worth playing through again... If praying to your voice over gods nighty works, try praying to Anne's... Posted by: Russ on March 17, 2004 09:19 AMSUPER KARATE MONKEY DEATH CAR! Posted by: David Cartwright on March 17, 2004 09:21 AMIf praying to your voice over gods nightly works, hunh. Wil, you forgot an apostrophe: "a sacrifice to the voice over gods nighty" should be "a sacrifice to the voice over gods' nighty" That was supposed to be "nightLy," but nighty is much funnier, isn't it? Posted by: wil on March 17, 2004 09:35 AM1. My daughter is obsessed with the teen titans. :) 2. Congratulations on dancing barefoot. You are a funny and sharp writer. It's well deserved. Posted by: Foxiecrumz on March 17, 2004 09:37 AMMan, I am going to be walking around all day saying "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" all day now. Skurg is a great evil leader name. Congrats on everything, Wil! Posted by: Coyote on March 17, 2004 09:46 AMGood things just keep happening for you dude. Did you notice that readers who liked you as an author also liked reading William Gibson? Well I don't know who rated it 4, but it's got a 5* from me! Read the second half last night and gotta say "Congrats!" Wil, great book! Chris. Posted by: Chris Branscomb on March 17, 2004 10:12 AMI've been boycotting Amazon since forever - forgot why I even started now.... some patent on something stupid way back... Anyway - I'm ordering a copy tomorrow from Amazon... looks like hell finally froze over :) Posted by: Scott on March 17, 2004 10:16 AMso....are you going to have copies at penguicon, or do i have to go to amazon?????????????? Posted by: kitten on March 17, 2004 10:19 AMSuper monkey robot clone cool force? Just about my favorite words in the langauge. Go, monkey boy! Go Skurg! Posted by: Peter on March 17, 2004 10:28 AMCongratulations on the new show. The title is way too long for any 7 year old to remember but I'm sure you will be outstanding. I haven't seen Teen Titans but one of these days I may come across it while surfing the channels. The book was so fabulous, I have read the stories over and over. I plan to pass it on to my friends. Posted by: Lorraine on March 17, 2004 10:44 AMDisney, eh? Sounds pretty cool...hopefully, you could come do some work at the east coast "house of mouse" and maybe hit a few cons in the area *cough* =P Posted by: Jason on March 17, 2004 10:50 AMWil: "but nighty is much funnier, isn't it?" -ww yes, and I'm glad you're choosing to leave it that way. although, come to think of it, I think it's spelled nightie, not nighty, but that may be my Canadian bias showing. Now about that apostrophe... :) After reading the subtle prompting from "Grif" regarding Wil's audblog, which I had never listened to, ... I listened to a few selections and was Utterly Delighted! *starts making sacrifices to the audblog god's nightie. ;-) Posted by: seasnail73 on March 17, 2004 11:14 AMVO's are awesome. But did you ever get that job on that other television show? Posted by: Brian on March 17, 2004 11:16 AMCongrats to you Wil! You deserve this success, and YOU made it happen. The rest of us are just smart enough to recognize talent when we see it. I can't wait for Just A Geek! Posted by: Liz on March 17, 2004 11:27 AMWil, Hope you're wearin' the green today. And that note from William "F" Shatner, you ought to get it framed. Even though he treated you like dirt Your friend, Are you making that name up? "Super Robot Team Monkey Hyperforce Go" sounds ..."GO MONKEY BOY!!" Posted by: bluecat/redblanket on March 17, 2004 11:31 AMWil Wheaton in Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! You know, those words fit together a little too well. Posted by: Sean O'Hara on March 17, 2004 11:32 AMWell, I ordered my copy back on 03/11, and Amazon just told be that's unavailable and is backordered for a couple weeks. If that's not a sign of sucess, I do not know what is. Congrat's, Wil, and i look forward to reading it some day... Posted by: Rich on March 17, 2004 11:33 AMCongrats on the show, cant wait to see it. And big congrats on the book sales via amazon. Now im eagerly anticipating the time i can place my order for Just A Geek. I would like to place my advanced order now! please:-) Posted by: Terry on March 17, 2004 11:43 AMI love how your book is paired with Neil Gaimon's 'Neverwhere' in the "better together" category. How do you like them apples? Posted by: Brenda on March 17, 2004 12:12 PMI love how your book is paired with Neil Gaimon's 'Neverwhere' in the "better together" category. How do you like them apples? Posted by: Brenda on March 17, 2004 12:12 PMSomething else cool about Super Robot Monkey Team Ultra Force Go - the guy that does the voice for Beast Boy, Greg Cipes, is also doing VO for SRMTUFG. 1/8 cool point for me! :) Posted by: Brandi on March 17, 2004 12:17 PMI just looked at your book on Amazon. 5 stars. #292. When I get paid, I shall attempt to buy your book... unless you want to buy one for me. Posted by: Niki on March 17, 2004 12:23 PM"Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" i can just imagine you intoning it with whooshy thx type sounds backing you up. wil gets to be the bad guy....... Posted by: lizard on March 17, 2004 12:29 PMBooyeah! Here's looking forward to the day when the name Wil Weaton will lord over those not as talented, like Jim Cummings or Frank Welker. Of course, Joe Alaskey will still have to dealt with, but Wil has MANY friends. ;) Posted by: Michael Hirtes on March 17, 2004 12:30 PMI found your Dancing Barefoot book today in a little book shop in Sweden. How cool is that? :) Posted by: Christine on March 17, 2004 12:49 PMSUPER ROBOT MONKEYS???! d00d! Posted by: Andi on March 17, 2004 01:04 PMCongrats. on the show Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce GO. Posted by: Sherrie on March 17, 2004 01:14 PMDB is right now ranked # 199 at Amazon. A brief dip occurred while Wil's Possee caught some shut-eye overnight (or put in time at their jobs), I imagine. Here's another chance to break through the 177 level. Fuel The Frenzy - BUY TODAY! I can't decide what is funnier: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go, or Frozen Weasels. Frozen Weasels sounds like a band name. As an acronym though SRMTHFG has them both beat. As an aside, anyone who has some kind of objection to Amazon could buy Dancing Barefoot at Powells.com. They were an early supporter of Wil's work. Posted by: phriedom on March 17, 2004 02:05 PMIf you want to track Dancing Barefoot as it moves vist http://1.junglescan.com/scan/details.php?asin=0596006748 Congrats on the VO nighty sacrifices. Or should that be VS? I saw your ranking at #175 about 3am PST. I know we all wanna be a part of getting Dancing Barefoot to it's eventual #1, but if any of ya really hate Amazon, or you can't stand backorders... Barnes and Noble [www.bn.com] has it. I just received mine... can't wait to crack it open tonight. Posted by: edwood on March 17, 2004 02:41 PMWil's hit the top 50 on the bestseller's list at amazon.ca. Posted by: Leigh on March 17, 2004 03:05 PMWoo! Congrats!!! I've always wondered...to do VO work do you have to have a singing voice? I've always gotten compliments on my voice but I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Also, how much acting experience/talent do you need? I'd love to try something like that but I'm not sure if I'm even a good candidate for it. I gave your book 5 stars too, and hopefully my fave auntie will as well. Posted by: Lawless1 on March 17, 2004 03:07 PMI just got Dancing Barefoot from Amazon today...I started reading it in my local coffee shop earlier this afternoon and am about halfway through. Thus far I find it endearing and unpretentious and honest...the bit about William Shatner brought me to tears. I think you are a good heart, and I'm sorry Shatner was an unbearable prick to you! Hugs and kisses and congrats. Posted by: Tina (fidlet) on March 17, 2004 03:15 PMWil, Wil, Wil, That is just too awesome, on both news fronts. I will definitely be watching SRMTHG, That's right people, I also enjoy Kim Possible, so there. :) Also, I'm nearly done Dancing Barefoot, I'm so glad that I bought it. It rawkes. Also, You will let us in on a future in front of the camera audition right? Pleassssseeeeeeee. Posted by: angry penguin on March 17, 2004 03:55 PMSuper Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go? Sounds like Scott McCloud's Monkey Town! Posted by: jazon on March 17, 2004 04:57 PMOn the Amazon.com page, it says that people who bought your book also bought stuff by Gibson, Heinlein and JMS. Not bad company, if you ask me. Posted by: Jared Seehafer on March 17, 2004 07:42 PMCool, Wil's becoming the Mark Hamill of Star Trek. Starts off as the inexperienced kid who gets lots of help from an older mentor, then stops making so many movies and does lots of voice work. Posted by: Bruce on March 17, 2004 08:17 PMBahaha! Great title for a show. Congrats on the new gig! ...Skurg. I love it. ^.^ Posted by: Cami H. on March 17, 2004 08:56 PMSuper-Monkeys are mentioned in RFC 3492. That is all. Posted by: Jamie McCarthy on March 18, 2004 05:31 AMI wonder if the title for this section was a play on the title for Heinlein's wonderful book "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," or whether that title is simply a play off of this phrasing. Hmm. Posted by: Jeremy on March 18, 2004 05:32 AMHey Wil, Your memory is amazing. I can't remember details of my life, just events and emotions, not conversations, epecially what others were saying around me. I'd love to see a screenplay from you. Cheers, Pablo Posted by: Pablo on March 18, 2004 01:17 PMGood news on the book front. I have been meaning to buy it for ages but for one reason or another I haven't so reading the footnote to this post I thought heck get on Amazon and do it. So I have and now I await its delivery with baited breath :) Posted by: Dave on March 19, 2004 03:18 AMSo...does this mean...That I can possibly watch a program on TV every day and/or week that has Wil Wheaton in it that's isn't a rerun of something he did when he was a teenager? (which I still like watching anyway, but that's besides the point) HUZZAH! that would make me one happy typing monkey, man! Posted by: Jenny M. Finster on March 19, 2004 04:09 PMPost a comment
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