
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over"

- Hunter S. Thompson
Invisible College
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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Atlantis Rising Magazine

Due on Newsstands
in Mid April

Free In PDF Format

Dan Brown¹s Rosslyn Chapel is NOT Where He Says it Is!

Download the PDF

Could a New-Found Energy Be Fueling the Birth of a Movement?

and the Secrets of Folded Time Space

From Charles Berlitz to Nostradamus, What the Visionaries Saw?

A Conversation with Jacob Needleman

Mars Connections and Arizona's Glass Habitat



Is There a Case for Atlantis in Sweden?

Orthodoxy Versus Alternative Science

posted by DW  # 3/20/2004 10:27:41 PM

Equinox + 1

Twice a year, at the Spring and Fall equinox, the Sun rises due east. In an emphatic demonstration of this celestial alignment, photographer Joe Orman recorded this inspiring image of the Sun rising exactly along the east-west oriented Western Canal, in Tempe,Arizona, USA. But he waited until March 21st, one day after the northern Spring equinox in 2001, to photograph the striking view. Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equinox? At Tempe's latitude the Sun rises at an angle, arcing southward as it climbs above the horizon. Because the distant mountains hide the true horizon, the Sun shifts slightly southward by the time it clears the mountain tops. Waiting 24 hours allowed the Sun to rise just north of east and arc back to an exactly eastern alignment for the photo. Today's equinox finds the Sun on the celestial equator at 0649 Universal Time.

posted by DW  # 3/20/2004 07:44:32 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2004

New Issue of -The NeoFiles-

Vol. 1 No. 5

- Inner Space, Outer Space and Cyberspace
Edited By R.U. Sirius

In the recent film Paycheck, based on a P.K. Dick short story, the protagonist has selective memories erased by a tech corporation as the ultimate non-disclosure agreement. It’s a typical Dickian world (although poorly realized by director John Woo and badly acted by Ben Affleck) in which unfriendly external forces toy with people’s minds and their sense of reality.

This sort of scenario is no longer limited to the realm of science fiction. Brain technologies (and drugs) that can manipulate minds in ever-more precise ways — including procedures for erasing specific memories — are likely to become a reality before this decade has ended. Our friends at the Center for Cognitive Liberties & Ethics (CCLE) have been following these types of developments for several years, and have organized with two goals in mind: they want to protect individuals from having these technologies used on them in a coercive manner; and they want to protect the individual’s right to use these technologies for themselves as they see fit.

Civilian space travel, meanwhile, has sadly remained in the realm of science fiction far longer than anyone expected. Interorbital Systems, an independent venture, has been making great strides towards ending the limitations placed on the right to to go where few have ever gone before. They feel certain that they will be providing space vacations within a few years, with even more interesting exploits in the high frontier beyond that.

Meanwhile, the science fiction writer in this edition of NeoFiles extrapolates futures based on most of the leading memes of current popular computer culture: peer networks, open source obsessions, ad infinitum.

Present and future. Inner space, outer space, and cyberspace. Welcome to NeoFiles #5.

- Is it Your Brain ?

Cognitive liberty ... the individual’s right to control her own brain. It’s the sort of thing that has been the subject of beaucoup novels and movies. It’s been a topic of conversation — directly or indirectly — at one point or another, for almost every thinking person living in advanced technological civilization. It’s been floating in the psychic ether at least since Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World ... hell, maybe since the first mesmerist tricked the other tribe members into giving him most of the coconuts. But I don’t believe there has ever been an organization dedicated to the defense of freedom of thought.

- Rocket Rides

This is the space age. At least that’s what many people said throughout the latter half of the 20th Century. And while I don’t wish to underestimate the impact of the many communication signals bouncing off of satellites or the extraordinary cosmological insights coming from the Hubble telescope, human interaction with the “final frontier” has been sadly limited. When will ordinary civilians get into space? When will the potential resources of the cosmic neighborhood begin to be reaped? When will people live out there?

-Digital Utopia and its Flaws

Cory Doctorow is a rapid fire font of digital culture wisdom. As a representative of EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), he fights the good fight as that organization tries to ward off the ever-increasing attacks against the civil liberties of net users.
science fiction writer, Doctorow extrapolates brilliantly on many of the most au courant memes that cohere into the edge view of today's net culture. Peer-to-peer file sharing; reputation systems (PDF); attention economics; adhocracy; social networks. These concepts and realities, much discussed by net pundits—both professional and amateur—define his future worlds. The results are both instructive and hilarious ... and hopeful and absurd.

-Obsoleting Obsolescence

There you are in the electronics superstore eyeing 27 different audio players. “It’s MP3 compliant!” announces one big yellow sticker. “It’s WMA ready!” declares another.

WMA or MP3 are both digital music file types. The former is a Microsoft technology and the later a more widely used format.

So what happens when the music player makers decide in, say, three or five years that MP3 and WMA are obsolete and that they will be replaced by something
newer? Well, walk out to the curb — like you did with your 8-track player and Betamax 15 years ago — and dump the device on the sidewalk. Then head for the electronics superstore where you will eye 27 different audio players and read their big yellow labels — again. This time you look at them with fresh eyes. One says: “Ha, ha, you’re back. We gotcha!” Another says “Hooray for obsolescence!”.

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 07:30:30 PM

Doorway to The Universe


The Doorway of Aramu Muru, located within the Hayu Marca mountain region of southern Peru and about 35 Km from Puno, has long been revered by local Indians as the "Place of the Gods". This area has not been fully explored due to the rugged mountain terrain. Many of the rock formations found here resemble artificial structures. Jerry: "My experience here has been fantastic! I believe I have actually been through the doorway, traveling into another dimension past the universe." On November 11th, 1998 at about 10 pm Kathy Wills and others in attendance witnessed Jerry Wills vanish for a short time. Upon his return, Jerry described his experience as a voyage beyond time and space and past the known universe to a place where the universe is kept in balance by a supreme presence. Although it is impossible to validate what happened when Jerry vanished, it is certain that he was gone for a short time.

As stated, it is believed the doorway is a place leading to where the gods reside. Those seen returning are believed to be inspecting their Earthly domain. But, it doesn't stop there. I have been told by several different people these visitors occasionally travel on to Cusco - the center of the Incan empire, and I have been mistakenly thought to be one of them. Like me, they are tall with long light hair and fair skin. While visiting small, remote communities throughout the Andes the result of my arrival is always treated the same - the inhabitants of these communities are shocked and surprised by my arrival, thinking I am the return of Pachacutec or one of the other legendary gods. Their belief is that before the beginning of the ‘next’ world these gods will arrive to inform them of the impending destruction and world wide change. Once the people of the kingdom are informed and prepared, these gods will (at the appointed time) take them to safety. According to the ancient time table, that time is imminent - every village I have visited is waiting for the return. UFO reports and sightings where personal contact has been established are numerous and frequent. There is a connection between these sightings and the witnessed gods. Both entities look the same in the way they are dressed and their actions while visiting, with one exception. Those coming from the UFOs are seen more frequently and their message is more deliberate.

via The Cyber-Hermit

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 06:58:13 PM

NASA hears words not yet spoken;=1540&ncid;=1540&e;=1&u;=/afp/20040317/sc_afp/us_space_health_science_040317232804

WASHINGTON (AFP) - NASA (news - web sites) has developed a computer program that comes close to reading thoughts not yet spoken, by analyzing nerve commands to the throat.

It says the breakthrough holds promise for astronauts and the handicapped.

"A person using the subvocal system thinks of phrases and talks to himself so quietly it cannot be heard, but the tongue and vocal cords do receive speech signals from the brain," said developer Chuck Jorgensen, of NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.

Jorgensen's team found that sensors under the chin and one each side of the Adam's apple pick up the brain's commands to the speech organs, allowing the subauditory, or "silent speech" to be captured.

The team concluded that the method could be useful on space missions or other difficult working conditions, such as air traffic control towers and even to make current voice-recognition software more active.

"What is analyzed is silent, or subauditory, speech, such as when a person silently reads or talks to himself," Jorgensen said.

"Biological signals arise when reading or speaking to oneself with or without actual lip or facial movement."

On early trials, the program could recognize with 92 percent accuracy six words and 10 numbers that the team repeated sub-vocally.

The first words were "stop," "go," "left," "right," "alpha," and "omega." (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 06:26:18 PM

Legal Drugs Pose Greatest Health Threat, WHO Says;=594&ncid;=594&e;=6&u;=/nm/20040318/hl_nm/health_drugs_dc

BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - The health threat from legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco is much greater than that from illegal narcotics, the World Health Organization (news - web sites) said on Thursday.

The first report of its kind by the global body found that dependence on alcohol and cigarettes has a much greater cost for societies than illegal drugs like cocaine and crack. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 06:15:33 PM

UFO streaks through Martian sky

The US Spirit rover on Mars has seen a UFO streak across the Red Planet sky.
Astronomers say it could be the first meteor seen from the surface of another world, or a redundant orbiting spacecraft sent to Mars 30 years ago.

"We may never know, but we are still looking for clues," said Dr Mark Lemmon, from Texas A&M; University.

Whatever it was, Spirit was lucky to catch sight of the UFO as the rover's main mission is to look downwards to study rocks and soil on the planet.

Unidentified Object

Only occasionally does it raise its sights towards the sky to study the atmosphere of Mars.

But it was on just such an occasion when Spirit was observing the sky with the green filter of its panoramic camera that the roving geologist came across the surprise - a streak across the peach-coloured Martian heavens.

Mission controllers say the streak was probably the brightest object in the sky at the time.

If the UFO was not a shooting a star then it could have been one of seven out-of-commission spacecraft that still orbit Mars.

From the object's motion, scientists do not think it was the Russian probes Mars 2, Mars 3, Mars 5, or Phobos 2; or the American probes Mariner 9 or Viking 1.

That leaves Viking 2, which has a polar orbit that would fit with the north-south orientation of the streak.

In addition, only Viking 1 and 2 are in orbits that could produce the type of motion as fast as that seen by Spirit.

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 03:38:36 PM

Recently Discovered Near-Earth Asteroid Makes Record-breaking Approach to Earth

A small near-Earth asteroid (NEA), discovered Monday night by the NASA-funded LINEAR asteroid survey, will make the closest approach to Earth ever recorded. There is no danger of a collision with the Earth during this encounter.

The object, designated 2004 FH, is roughly 30 meters (100 feet) in diameter and will pass just 43,000 km (26,500 miles, or about 3.4 Earth diameters) above the Earth's surface on March 18th at 5:08 PM EST (2:08 PM PST, 22:08 UTC).

On average, objects about the size of 2004 FH pass within this distance roughly once every two years, but most of these small objects pass by undetected. This particular close approach is unusual only in the sense that scientists know about it. The fact that an object as small as asteroid 2004 FH has been discovered now is mostly a matter of perseverance by the LINEAR team, who are funded by NASA to search for larger kilometer-sized NEAs, but also routinely detect much smaller objects. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 12:12:26 PM

Sir Francis Bacon Meets The New Advancement of Learning

Statement of Purpose: To explore the many facets of Francis Bacon's life and work via the new digital millennium while entertaining and enlightening you. Within this site you can participate in the tremendous contributions that this Renaissance genius advanced from the quality of the English language and scientific thought to being responsible for some of the world's greatest literature. . . .

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 11:56:01 AM


Thu 03.18 >>

David Booth (whatdoesitmean) will be joined by author Wayne Green (website). David is returning from a meeting with Lucia, the last surviving child seer that was witness to the Miracles of Fatima. This will be David’s last public appearance.

Fri 03.19 >>
Linda M. Howe
-UFO Conf. Report-
Open Lines

Sat 03.20 >>
David Bannon
-Interpol Missions-

Sun 03.21 >>
All 4 Hours:
John Lear

Mon 03.22 >>
Glenn Kimball
-Egypt Discovery-

Tue 03.23 >>
Lynne Kitei M.D.
-Phoenix Lights-

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 11:16:10 AM

Crowley on Film-Life of magickal maestro to be made into a movie;_cat=Media+Phenomena&action;=page&type;_id=&cat;_id=52&obj;_id=792

The movie is sure to make much of the company that Crowley kept - Bram Stoker, William Butler Yeats and actress Florence Farr, to name just a few from a huge number. But the focus will definitely be on the controversial lifestyle he led - from sexual debauchery to the higher echelons of ritual magick and occult societies.

The occult master is listed as one of the "Top 100 Brits" of all time (sandwiched between Robert Bruce and Henry V) as well as having once been labelled as 'the wickedest man in the world.'

"Interest in the paranormal remains high," states Patricia Baker of the Big Picture Agency. "This story offers rich, transformational roles for actors, and will captivate movie-goers around the world." (cont.);=books

23 Skidoo

What is man at ease in his Inn?
Get out.
Wide is the world and cold.
Get out.
Thou hast become an In-itiate.
Get out.
But thou canst not get out by the way thou camest in.
The Way out ist THE WAY.
Get Out.
For OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.
Get OUT.
If thou hast T already, first get UT.
Then get O.
And so at last get OUT.

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 09:43:53 AM

Pan's Tarot - Kick-Ass, Uncensored Tarot Readings

Pan is a kick-ass god who speaks in no uncertain terms. Got it? If you're a squeamish, lilly-livered newager looking for the sanitized version of tarot that doesn't involve the expression of bodily fluids, then keep on looking - or, better yet, stick around... Pan hopes to amaze and delighten even you. (Unless you're just a kid... then get the heck outa here.)

Pan's Tarot, Hawk Ridge Productions, and Philip H. Farber assume no responsibility for stained clothing or brain damage resulting from the use of this web page. Local legalities force us to remind you that this is all just for entertainment. Fun. You know, what you came here for.

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 09:25:51 AM

The hole truth
Can America build a better doughnut? Does it need to?

At 3 a.m. last Wednesday morning in the corner of a silent commercial bakery in Santa Rosa, Mark Carter's beloved five-grain doughnuts bobbed like little inner tubes in a vat of 375-degree organic palm oil. In just a few hours, Krispy Kreme executives would report that fourth quarter profits nearly tripled. Two days later, they'd announce plans to introduce a low-sugar doughnut to appeal to low-carb dieters and diabetics.

That's just the kind of news that makes Carter nuts.

"They're more chemistry than cuisine -- it's nasty business," he says, decrying the dough conditioners, mixes and bad oil from which most American doughnuts are born. "I'm trying to do serious doughnuts here. There is nothing silly or trivial about doughnuts." (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/18/2004 09:19:42 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

posted by DW  # 3/17/2004 04:32:51 PM

Announcing - By Popular Request-


Ong's Hat Study Group- What's The Future ?;=books

Sign-Up in the Box over to your upper- left today or at one of our Ashram affiliates for Rabid Transdimensional Discussion and/or late breaking news.

~ Disclaimer ~

All News and Science may be relative to the individual's own Frequency and is not
purported to operate, make sense or be safe in other Time-Lines or Dimensions , for instance, with varying Schumann Resonance(s)- please see below-

Schumann Resonances,Geomagnetic Reversals, and Human Brain States:

Planetary Harmonics in Light, Sound, & Brain Wave Frequencies

posted by DW  # 3/17/2004 03:20:46 PM

Journey to the 10th Dimension,12543,591747,00.html

Type of possible space #1:

A 10-dimensional universe made up of the normal three dimensions of space, plus one of time, plus six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds located at every point in normal three-dimensional space

Type of possible space #2:

The universe as we know it is merely a three-dimensional brane suspended in a four-dimensional bulk.

posted by DW  # 3/17/2004 09:33:29 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove


This image from Page 131 shows the ancient Caananite occult ritual, the "Cremation of Care, being carried out by world leaders in 1990. This is an image from their own internal document

Eyes Forced Shut -Who killed Stanley Kubrick ?

"If I told you their names, I don't think you'd sleep so well." -- Sydney Pollack, "Eyes Wide Shut"


Eyes Wide Shut, a sexual thriller about the decadent underbelly of the rich and powerful, has a creepiness that chills almost as much as his 1980 work The Shining. The film's highlight (besides showing Nicole Kidman naked) is a masked-ball orgy into which Cruise's character sneaks, barely evading punishment when his uninvited entry is discovered. What follows is an Antonioni-esque Blow-Up mystery: Are the death and the disappearance that follow cabalistic revenge killings? Or are they merely two unrelated events that randomly follow his attempted deception? Is it coincidence or conspiracy? The film presents no definite proof, but implies the events are indeed linked.

In light of Kubrick's death, watching a film in which two likely murders are explained away without investigation is disturbing. Kubrick warns that anyone who reveals upper-crust secrets can be snuffed without punishment. Was he predicting (and warning of) his own farewell?

Kubrick wouldn't be alone: As Uri Dowbenko's film review on Steamshovel Press noted, Mozart died soon after he revealed Masonic mysteries in "The Magic Flute," Stephen Knight, who wrote about Freemasonry and the Jack the Ripper slayings in two books, died mysteriously while working on a third, and 19th-century author William Morgan appears to have been murdered after he exposed Masonic activities.

Offline Illumination

Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Entertainment

Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton

Levels of MONARCH Programming [12]
ALPHA. Regarded as “general” or regular programming within the base control personality; characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulation.
BETA. Referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “cat” alters may come out at this level.

DELTA. This is known as “killer” programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

THETA considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems.

OMEGA. A “self-destruct” form of programming, also known as “Code Green.” The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies and/or self-mutilation. This program is generally activated when the victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory is being recovered.

GAMMA. Another form of system protection is through “deception” programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated.

~ Disclaimer ~

I am totally sure that all of the above is a bunch of paranoia and doesn't dovetail at all , that is to point at any individuals either living , dead or inbetween.

posted by DW  # 3/16/2004 09:26:20 PM

Current Issue - February 25th, 2004 -

41st NUFOC Anounced!!!...UFO Historical Revue to Fold?...UFO Magazine to continue?...More Good News About Betty Hill...The Taos Hum...Todd Zechel Permanently Peeved...A VERY Curious Seminar at the World Economic Forum...Implants Up the Wazoo...The Remarkable Story of James E. McDonald...Uri Geller and Michael Jackson...

January 10th, 2004 -

Blood-curdling Screams in Kentucky...Germans Show They Have a Sense of Humor, Ja...Reserve Your Spot on the Journey to Inner Earth...Charles Berlitz Passes On...Betty Hill Hangs in There...Phil Klass Back, and Fighting...Ghostly Goings-on at British Palace...Larry Bryant's Latest Lawsuit...The Gray Barker Reader II...The Hidden Link Between Mad Cows, Mutilations, and Alzheimer's Disease...If Aliens Invade, Will Anyone Notice?...

Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist
James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock

"...For Moseley it all began as a lark in 1953 when he drove across country and interviewed almost 100 UFO experts and eyewitnesses, including former president Harry S Truman. After all these years, his account of this journey is here published for the first time, a gold mine for anyone interested in modern social and "ufological" history. He also talks candidly about his encounters with and assessments of leading UFO personalities, including Budd Hopkins, George Adamski, J. Allen Hynek, and many others. In addition, he reveals the whole truth behind the infamous Straith letter hoax, the real origins of the Men in Black, and the true story of George Adamski's alleged 1952 encounter with "a man from Venus." Along the way he recounts his incredible adventures as a grave robber of pre-Columbian artifacts in Peru (Move over Indiana Jones!), to which there is also a bizarre UFO connection. Complementing the exuberant narrative are many original photos of famous persons and events from Moseley's private collection, plus fascimile reproductions of the Straith letter and the complete October 1957 special Adamski expose issue of Smear's predecessor, Saucer News. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/16/2004 05:26:06 PM

New World Disorder: Week of Mar. 14-20

-Austin Osman Spare.
-Slavoj Zizek reviews The Passion
-Reason mag interviews a Hizbollah MP
-Alex Jones' Bohemian Grove videos
-Being programmed to worship our Reptilian Overlords?
and more at


What is Awoken?
Awoken is a new project by valis of Libertythink.

The goal of Awoken is to offer a series of updated link 'Collections' to help put into context the top news stories of the day.

In the short term, postings will include items such as recent stories in the news as well as key articles from the archives of Libertythink and elsewhere.

Eventually this website will evolve into a network of link 'Collections' organized by key topic for in-depth analysis of specific events.

Check back later on this page for site development news.

Plenty of new stuff to come. Stay tuned.

Cheers - valis


El Centro & OMEGA

There was a place called the Conspiracy Cafe. Shelves filled with books, film reels, sound tapes, official government reports in blue binders. She wanted to have a coffee and browse but he waved the place off- a series of sterile exercises. He believed the wellsprings were deeper and less detectable, deeper and shallower both, look at billboards and matchbooks, trademarks on products, birthmarks on bodies, look at the behavior of your pets.

Something's staring you straight in the face.

posted by DW  # 3/16/2004 01:58:40 PM

Monday, March 15, 2004

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 10:04:11 PM

"There is also all manner of pictorial evidence showing that Creepy has been here on Earth since the dawn of time. As on other planets, he has been idolized by groups ranging from the very primitive to the culturally elite. Many of the ancient totems and other sacred relics that were constructed in his honor survive to this day. It has been shown that he has been present and played a usually unheralded role in many of the key events of this world's history. For instance, he was waiting for the Pilgrims when they landed on Plymouth Rock, and he was already encamped on the moon to welcome and act as guide for the first astronauts who put down there. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 09:03:29 PM

Stan Romanek's Mystery Equations

#6 I drew this down after a vivid dream I had in October 10, 2003. No idea what it means. When I did this, I did it freehand and I have no idea how I drew it so straight. I tried to duplicate it again freehand and in no way can I get it this good...Strange.

Observe Drawing #6, which shows the hypercube. The hypercube shows what appears to be the "band of Orion". You identified the circled star called Alnitak:

Time Fold

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 08:35:07 PM


Quick Facts

About the Object Object Name: 2003 VB16 ("Sedna")
Object Type: Previously undetected Solar System body
Position (J2000): RA: 3h15m10s Dec: +5d38m15s
Current Distance: 8 billion miles
Constellation (15 March 2004): Cetus
About the Data Image Credit: NASA/Caltech/M. Brown
Exposure Date: November 14, 2003
Image Scale: 3.4 x 3.4 arcmin
Orientation: North is up
Release Date: March 15, 2004

Observers: Mike Brown (Caltech)
Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory, Hawaii)
David Rabinowitz (Yale University)

Discovery Image

Credit: NASA/Caltech/M. Brown

These three panels show the first detection of the faint distant object dubbed "Sedna." Imaged on November 14th, 2003 from 6:32 to 9:38 Universal Time, Sedna was identified by the slight shift in position noted in these three pictures taken at different times. Subsequent observations at longer time intervals provided the information necessary to deduce the nature of Sedna's 10,500 year orbit around the Sun. The field of view of each frame is 3.4 arcminutes square, and each pixel is 1.0 arcsecond.

Artist's Concept

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech)

In this artist's visualization, the newly discovered planet-like object, dubbed "Sedna," is shown where it resides at the outer edges of the known solar system. The object is so far away that the Sun appears as an extremely bright star instead of the large, warm disc observed from Earth. All that is known about Sedna's appearance is that it has a reddish hue, almost as red and reflective as the planet Mars. In the distance is a hypothetical small moon, which scientists believe may be orbiting this distant body.

Size Comparisons

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech)

The artist's rendition shows the newly discovered planet-like object, dubbed "Sedna," in relation to other bodies in the Solar System, including Earth and its Moon; Pluto; and Quaoar, a planetoid beyond Pluto that was until now the largest known object beyond Pluto. The diameter of Sedna is slightly smaller than Pluto's but likely somewhat larger than Quaoar.

Orbit Comparisons

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech)

These four panels show the location of the newly discovered planet-like object, dubbed "Sedna," which lies in the farthest reaches of our Solar System. Each panel, moving counterclockwise from the upper left, successively zooms out to place Sedna in context. The first panel shows the orbits of the inner planets, including Earth, and the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. In the second panel, Sedna is shown well outside the orbits of the outer planets and the more distant Kuiper Belt objects. Sedna's full orbit is illustrated in the third panel along with the object's current location. Sedna is nearing its closest approach to the Sun; its 10,000-year orbit typically takes it to far greater distances. The final panel zooms out much farther, showing that even this large elliptical orbit falls inside what was previously thought to be the inner edge of the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is a spherical distribution of cold, icy bodies lying at the limits of the Sun's gravitational pull. Sedna's presence suggests that this Oort cloud is much closer than scientists believed.

Sedna (2003 VB12)

On 15 March 2004, astronomers from Caltech, Gemini Observatory, and Yale University announced the discovery of the coldest, most distant object known to orbit the sun. The object was found at a distance 90 times greater than that from the sun to the earth -- about 3 times further than Pluto, the most distant known planet.

How far away is Sedna?

Sedna is the most distant solar system object ever discovered. It is twice as far from the sun as any other solar system object and three times farther than Pluto or Neptune. Standing on the surface of Sedna, you could block the entire sun with the head of a pin held at arm's lenght.

Even more interestingly, the orbit of Sedna is extreme elliptical, in contrast to all of the much closer planets, and it takes 10,500 years to circle the sun.

What is the Oort cloud and what is its relationship to Sedna ?

The Oort cloud is a hypothetical shell of icy proto-comets in very loose orbits around the sun that extends to a distance of almost halfway to the nearest star. Occasionaly, passing stars cause a slight change in the orbit of one of these proto-comets which causes them to come steaking in to the inner solar system where we see them as comets. A nice explanation can be found here. Though the Oort cloud has never been seen directly, the comets that we do see are very strong evidence of its existence. As can be seen in the graphic above, though, the Oort cloud is expected to be much much further out than the orbit of Sedna. So why do we think Sedna is a member of the Oort cloud? We believe that the existence of Sedna is evidence that the Oort cloud actually extends much further in towards the sun than previously thought. This "inner Oort cloud" was formed in the same manner as the previously known "outer Oort cloud." Early in the history of the solar system many many small icy bodies were orbiting the sun and getting sling-shot out by close encounters with planets. As they were travelling further and further from the sun, the orbits of these bodies were affected by distant stars, causing them to slow down and stay attached to the sun. Sedna probably suffered a similar fate, except the stars which affected it must have been much much closer than previously expected. We believe that this is evidence that the sun formed in a tight-knit group along with many other stars

Planetary Society: Oort Cloud

The Oort Cloud, surrounding our Solar System.
Illustration by Donald K. Yeomans

While the Oort cloud has probably been around for several billion years, our knowledge of it is fairly recent. In 1950 the Dutch astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort noted that the orbits of most observed comets are shaped like extremely elongated ellipses. They approach the sun at the very edge of their orbits, and then take off again to distances as much as a hundred thousand times greater than the distance of the Earth from the Sun. As a result these comets spend most of their time far beyond the orbit of the outermost planets, and, if they preserve their orbits, will only return to the inner Solar System once every several million years. Since there are very many of such long period comets (a new one is discovered every month or so), Oort concluded that the Solar System must be surrounded by a cloud made of billion comets. Spurred by a passing star, galactic tides, or molecule clouds, some of these comets occasionally venture in among the planets.

The Oort cloud is essentially different from the other debris fields of our Solar system. Whereas the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the Kuiper belt beyond the orbit of Neptune, are shaped like flat rings, lying on the orbital plane of the planets, the Oort cloud is spherical, enveloping the Solar System from all sides. We know this because the long period comets (unlike the short period ones) come to us from all parts of the sky, and not just along the plane of the ecliptic.

The different orbits of these comets have given scientists clues as to their initial distance from the Sun. The difference between the closest and the furthest long-period comets provides a good estimate of the "thickness," or depth, of the cloud. Astronomers now believe that it occupies the space between 5000 and 100,000 Astronomical Units from the Sun, where each Astronomical Unit is equal to 93 million miles, the average distance of the Earth from the Sun. That makes for a very thick cloud, whose outer edges are almost half way to the nearest stars. (cont.)

Kuiper Belt Objects

In 1950, Dutch astronomer Jan Oort hypothesized that comets came from a vast shell of icy bodies about 50,000 times farther from the Sun than Earth is. A year later astronomer Gerard Kuiper suggested that some comet-like debris from the formation of the solar system should also be just beyond Neptune. In fact, he argued, it would be unusual not to find such a continuum of particles since this would imply the primordial solar system has a discrete "edge."

This notion was reinforced by the realization that there is a separate population of comets, called the Jupiter family, that behave strikingly different than those coming from the far reaches of the Oort cloud. Besides orbiting the Sun in less than 20 years (as opposed to 200 million years for an Oort member), the comets are unique because their orbits lie near the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. In addition, all these comets go around the Sun in the same direction as the planets. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 12:14:43 PM


posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 09:55:10 AM

Alchemy and the Alchemists

“The Mysteries” . . . we generally think of these in relation to the ancient initiatory rites of Greece and Rome; the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Orphic, the Phrygian, the Mithraic, plus the Egyptian, Tibetan, and others. Yet the term could as well be applied to the writings and diagrams of alchemy. Such have been referred to as “obscure idioms”. The Rosarium philosophorum (or, to give it its full name, Rosarium philosophorum. Secunda pars alchimiæ de lapide philosophico vero modo præparando, continens exactam eius scientiæ progressionem. Cum figures rei perfectionem ostendentibus), published in Frankfort in 1550, stated, “Whenever we have spoken openly we have [actually] said nothing. But where we have written something in code and in pictures we have concealed the truth.” (Weinheim edition, 1990)

It sounds like double-talk but it reflects exactly what the alchemists did. They presented nothing openly; nothing that could be simply and easily stated and understood. Anything that had that appearance should immediately be suspect. Alchemists kept their secrets locked away in a mish-mash of code names accompanied by illustrations that piled symbols on top of symbols. In Alchemy & Mysticism (Taschen, Köln 1997), Alexander Roob says “By imbuing them with a special hieroglyphic aura, the creators of these pictures sought to suggest the very great age of their art and to acknowledge the source of their wisdom: the patriarch of natural mysticism and alchemy, Hermes Trismegistus.” (cont.)

The Alchemy Web Site

Over 90 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 1300 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy.

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 09:22:36 AM

War of the Words: Scientist Attacks Alien Claims

Plait and other scientists question Hoagland's credentials and say he is prone to inflating his accomplishments.

Hoagland did not graduate from college. "I didn't actually get a degree," he said last week. He says he was "possibly the youngest museum curator in the country" in the mid-1960s at age 19. He is a science writer with a keen interest in space.

Hoagland lists among his awards having received the Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science. But there's a catch.

Uppsala University in Sweden, with approval from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, gives out the Angstrom Prize, which includes a medal and a cash award, given in the honor of 18th Century Swedish scientist Anders-Jonas Angstrom. Hoagland's medal, however, came from the separate Angstrom Foundation Aktiebolag (AFAB). This is a privately-owned company with no connection to Uppsala University or the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

"There were no scientists involved in that decision," says Ralph Greenberg, a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington. Others who have researched Hoagland's medal say it carries little if any merit and was not awarded by scientists or a scientific organization.

posted by DW  # 3/15/2004 09:10:58 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Interview with Mel Gibson’s dad teaches strange ‘lessons’ on life;=5

NEW YORK, March 14 (JTA) — I learned a lifelong lesson during my recent interview with Mel Gibson’s father, Hutton Gibson. The interview took place on the eve of the release of Mel Gibson’s new movie, “The Passion of the Christ.”
I learned that there actually were no concentration camps during the Holocaust, only work camps.

I learned that the Holocaust was a fiction, a fabricated business tool used strategically to siphon hard-earned money from the coffers of innocent governments worldwide.

I learned that there are too many survivors left in the world for there ever to have been a Holocaust.

I learned that the Jews just walked off the plazas of Europe right onto the streets of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Sydney and Los Angeles. In fact, I learned that the Germans were such an efficient people that if they had wanted to murder 6 million people, well then by golly they would have done it!

But this was only the beginning of my education.

I learned from Hutton Gibson that every generation of Jews aspires toward global dominion through one world religion and one world government. I learned that the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Morgans all were international Jewish bankers whose lifelong plot was to control the U.S. economy.

I learned that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, as ringleader of this economic band of brothers, should be hanged.

I learned that America must be violently overthrown and that all states must secede from the union.

I learned that “Japs” who died in ferocious battles during World War II simply were fools and human waste to be cleared off the front line like disposable trash each morning.

I learned that the Vatican has been under Jewish and Masonic control since 1965. And I at last learned the answer to a question that has troubled me since birth: The pope, in fact, is not Catholic; he is Jewish.

I learned that when “The Passion of the Christ” was screened at the Vatican, the pope was considered nothing more than a “hostile witness” and a “dumb ass,” for he obviously could do only one thing upon viewing the film: endorse it.

I learned that no one merits salvation in this world but members of the Gibsons’ fringe Catholic sect.

I learned that the Judeo-Christian principle of love for all mankind is nothing more than politically correct rhetoric articulated best when standing before a nationally televised audience. I learned that there is no room in the neighborhood for minorities and diversity.

I learned that conspiracy theories lie behind every door, that there are only others to blame for one’s shortcomings in life, only others to blame for one’s failed dreams. I learned that life is too short for you to be held accountable for helping to make it a better place.

I learned that all men are not created equal, and those age-old aspersions of deicide against the Jews are as alive today as they were 2,000 years ago.

I learned that “The Passion” was in fact made so that “everyone would intimately know the line” from Matthew 27:25: “His blood be upon us and our children,” the cornerstone of the historic blood libel against the Jews.

I learned that a child’s blind honor to a bigoted and racist parent is paramount, and that no wedge will ever be driven between them.

In short, what I learned from Hutton Gibson and his passion was pure, unadulterated, toxic hatred.

Perhaps most importantly, there really was a valuable message that I learned during Gibson’s two-hour tirade: This vicious cycle of generational hate will end only when sons are courageous enough to stand up to the malevolence of their fathers.

Steve Feuerstein is executive producer and host of “Speak Your Piece!,” an investigative social-political talk show that airs Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 p.m. to midnight on WSNR-620 am in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He aired the story of his recent interview on Hutton Gibson and “The Passion” on Feb. 25. A partial transcript is available on

posted by DW  # 3/14/2004 09:26:08 PM

NASA Schedules News Briefing About Unusual Solar Object

The discovery of a mysterious object in our solar system is the topic of a listen-and-log-on news briefing on Monday, March 15, at 1 p.m. EST.

Dr. Michael Brown, associate professor of planetary astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. will present his discovery of the most distant object ever detected orbiting the sun. He and colleagues made the discovery as part of a NASA-funded research project.

The virtual news briefing is only for reporters. Reporters in the United States can listen to the briefing and participate in the question-and-answer session by calling: 888/889-1963. Overseas media may call: 1/773/756-4808. Calls to these lines should start at 12:50 p.m. EST. The passcode is: "objects."

Graphics supporting this news briefing will be posted Monday on the Internet by 1 p.m. EST: @

Images and information about this discovery will be on the Internet at:


It's another world ... but is it our 10th planet ?,5942,8968352,00.html

SCIENTISTS have found a new world orbiting the solar system – more than 3 billion kilometres further away from the Sun than Pluto and 40 years away from Earth in a space shuttle.

NASA is expected to announce today the discovery of the space object, which some experts believe could be a new planet.
It is provisionally known as Sedna, after the Inuit goddess of the sea.

The discovery of Sedna – 10 billion kilometres from Earth – is a testament to the new generation of high-powered telescopes.

Measurements suggest Sedna's diameter is almost 2000km – the biggest find in the solar system since Pluto was discovered 74 years ago. It is believed to be made of ice and rock, and is slightly smaller than Pluto.

The find will reignite the debate over what constitutes a planet. Some scientists claim even Pluto is too small to count as one. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/14/2004 07:06:10 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2004

A Cerro Tololo Sky

A Cerro Tololo Sky
Credit: Roger Smith, AURA, NOAO, NSF

High atop a Chilean mountain lies one of the premier observatories of the southern sky: the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). Pictured above is the dome surrounding one of the site's best known instruments, the 4-meter Blanco Telescope. Far behind the dome are thousands of individual stars and diffuse light from three galaxies: the Small Magellanic Cloud (upper left), the Large Magellanic Cloud (lower left), and our Milky Way Galaxy (right). Also visible just to Blanco's right is the famous superposition of four bright stars known as the Southern Cross. A single 20 second exposure, this digital image was recorded with a sensitive detector intended for astronomical imaging. The observatory structures are lit solely by starlight.

posted by DW  # 3/13/2004 11:35:51 AM

New Theory: Universe Created by Intelligent Being

On any given starry night thousands, perhaps millions, of people crane their necks skyward and allow their minds to swirl around two fundamental questions: Are we alone, and why are we here?

According to a lawyer and science enthusiast in Portland, Oregon, not only is the universe full of life, but some of it may be intelligent beyond our wildest imagination. He also says that collectively as intelligent beings we are entwined in our ultimate destiny: to give birth to another universe.

"Intelligent life is, in essence, the reproductive organ of the cosmos," said James Gardner, the lawyer who moonlights as a scientist. He has pulled together his theory—called the selfish biocosm—from the disparate fields of physics, biology, biochemistry, astronomy, and cosmology. (cont.)

Biocosm: The New Scientific Theory of Evolution: Intelligent Life Is the Architect of the Universe;=books Reviews

For many years, traditional cosmologists and proponents of faith-based "intelligent design" have fought over the origin of the universe. One side maintains that pure chance can explain everything; the other that there must be a God. In Biocosm, James Gardner examines the evidence and finds a third hypothesis, one that has the approval of a number of noted skeptics and scientists. He calls it the "Selfish Biocosm," in a nod to Richard Dawkins, and outlines it in this homage to Charles Darwin. Gardner states his hypothesis:

The basic idea is that the anthropic, or life-friendly, qualities that our universe exhibits are logical and predictable consequences of a cosmic reproduction cycle in which a cosmologically extended biosphere, developed and evolved over billions of years to unimaginable levels of sophistication, serves as the device by which our cosmos duplicates itself and propagates one or more "baby universes."
Like many of the sentences in Biocosm, this one requires multiple readings before its meaning and ramifications sink in. This is not an easygoing, blow-your-mind look at the universe. Gardner is meticulous in outlining his ideas, explaining their falsifiability and scientific rigor, and offering deep chaos theory to support them. Did our universe create intelligent life in order to ensure its own reproduction? Gardner thinks so, though he knows his position will irk many cosmologists exhausted from battling pseudoscientists and creationists. His impressive list of scientific supporters includes Sir Martin Rees (Britain's Astronomer Royal), Michael Shermer (publisher of Skeptic magazine), and John Casti (Santa Fe Institute honcho). Biocosm synthesizes many disciplines and theories in its conclusions, offering much food for cosmological thought.
--Therese Littleton --

New Technologies Emerge in Search for Alien Life

The European Space Agency's Darwin Project plans to search for signs of extraterrestrial life using an array of orbiting telescopes.
Illustration courtesy European Space Agency

Does life exist on other planets? Seeking an answer, scientists are busy developing the next generation of tools that will examine atmospheric chemicals of Earth-like planets for signs of life.

Universe Reborn Endlessly in New Model of the Cosmos

It could be a time-honored philosophy of Eastern gurus—the view that time has neither a beginning nor an end, and that the universe is locked in a perpetual cycle of formation and dissipation. But it's the latest scientific model of the cosmos, and it comes from top theorists in Princeton, New Jersey, and Cambridge, England.

This new, cyclic model of the universe offers an appealing alternative to the prevailing theory, according to Paul J. Steinhardt, a theoretical physicist at Princeton University. "It predicts all the features of the standard model, using fewer ingredients," he said. (cont.)

posted by DW  # 3/13/2004 11:28:10 AM

Has Psychology Failed the Acid Test ?

The sensationalism surrounding the widespread use of LSD in the late sixties resulted in legislative overkill that virtually ended psychotherapeutic LSD research. Thirty years of studies were put on the shelf, with little attention paid to their findings. Of course LSD itself did not disappear. It is still widely available and still widely used, but serious investigation into its unique effect on the human psyche was all but abandoned. What did the research show? And was it just LSD that frightened the authorities, or was there something more? Could it be that LSD research was abandoned in part because it was forcing psychology into areas it feared to tread, opening up the paranormal to legitimate scientific investigation?

Stanislav Grof, M.D., began his research into the psycho-therapeutic uses of LSD in 1960 at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Over the years, he conducted more than 4,000 psychedelic sessions. What he found were some highly unusual experiences - including encounters with archetypal beings, visits to mythological realms of various cultures, past incarnation memories, extrasensory perception and episodes of out-of-body states - that could not be described by the narrow and superficial conceptual model used in academic psychology. Convinced that such experiences were not simply drug- induced, but rather represented natural and normal manifestations of the deeper dynamics of the human psyche, Grof saw the need for a much larger cartography of the psyche than had previously been allowed. This, he felt, would not only require revision of our ideas about the human mind, but revision of traditional beliefs about the nature of reality.

Dr. Grof is the founding president of the International Transpersonal Association, and has taught and lectured in academic and workshop settings worldwide. He is the author of numerous books, including LSD Psychotherapy (Hunter House, Alameda, CA), on which this interview is based. His latest book is The Holotropic Mind.

Via ollapodrida

And Now A Word From The Fearless Leaders

The Original Captain Trips

Before Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band...before Timothy Leary...before Ken Kesey's band of Merry Pranksters and their Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests...before the dawn of the Grateful Dead, there was Alfred M. Hubbard: the Original Captain Trips.

You will not read about him in the history books. He left no diary, nor chatty relatives to memorialize him in print. And if a cadre of associates had not recently agreed to open its files, Captain Alfred M. Hubbard might exist in death as he did in life--a man of mirrors and shadows, revealing himself to even his closest friends only on a need-to-know basis.

They called him "the Johnny Appleseed of LSD." He was to the psychedelic movement nothing less than the membrane through which all passed to enter into the Mysteries. Beverly Hills psychiatrist Oscar Janiger once said of Hubbard, "We waited for him like a little old lady for the Sears-Roebuck catalog." Waited for him to unlock his ever-present leather satchel loaded with pharmaceutically-pure psilocybin, mescaline or his personal favorite, Sandoz LSD-25. (cont.)

Acid Dreams Trip Guide

The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion

Welcome to the Trip Guide
Following is the annotated table of contents from Acid Dreams.
Use it to jump straight into sample excerpts from the book.
Purchase your own copy of Acid Dreams to read the rest!

"The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA"


...There is something about the story of Mary Meyer-as-JFK's LSD-
mistress that, if true, is naggingly bothersome. Like the
assassination itself. it demands clarification, insists on being
solved. Recall the plans of Al Hubbard and Humphry Osmond to
make the world a better, more peaceful place with the
application of psychedelic chemical therapy to certain hand-
picked politicians, and their claims of some success. All this
quite a few years before Mary Meyer's similar campaign: was it a
case of like thinking evolving from acid insight happening in
two different places and times, or was Mary Meyer possibly
acting as an agent for Hubbard and Osmond, or someone who was
their direct agent? Consider the Leary connection to Mary Meyer
in light of his connections to Hubbard, Osmond, and Aldous
Huxley. Consider Hubbard's career as an undercover agent for
various government agencies and defense related industries,
including his connection to the CIA. Consider his later career
spent fighting against the youth counter-culture that one would
otherwise think he would have been proud of as being the fruit
of his labors. Then consider Mary Meyer herself, estranged wife
of one of the CIA's seminal top operatives, and her affair with
a president who developed a mutual distrust for the CIA, a
president who swore he would shatter the CIA into a thousand
pieces and scatter the remnants to the wind. A president
believed by many to have been assassinated by that same CIA.
Consider the CIA sex and drugs safehouse experiments conducted
by George Hunter White. Consider the proposed use of LSD as a
means of discrediting foreign leaders. Consider the list of
substances developed by the CIA, or attempted to be developed by
the CIA listed above.

posted by DW  # 3/13/2004 12:57:25 AM


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