March 22, 2004

I am a procrastinator!

Ask me a million times why do I do this to myself?, and I will have no rational answer to give. I am a procrastinator! I tend to procrastinate, conveniently whenever I am assigned a project whether it school work and at times at professional task, my concept of time management fastly becomes numbed.

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Posted by pynyc at 05:59 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 05, 2004

Bloggers Shanding in NYC

Last Sunday a groups of us bloggers met in nyc for a getting together. The turn out was great and the folks there were as lively and interesting as I thought they would be. Since I had to troop out to Brooklyn, I was over and hour late.

I was fun metting the face and personality behind some of the most thought provocative, educational and interesting blogs around. Although I know of and I hav e met in some capacities most of fellow bloggers, I was quite excited to meet those that I were to meet for the first time.

I want to let you guys know how much I appreciate you all. I am looking forward to the next meeting.

Also for those of you who had to leave, you missed the circle that created on the sidewalk where we had a lively discourse about current events from gay marriages to childhood memories and of course them white folks who passed us by not knowing what to think of us in our won world void of their immediate existence. I loved it.



Posted by pynyc at 10:20 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

February 20, 2004

In Search of Public Wi-Fi Access in NYC

Donald and I have been fixated on finding free Wi-Fi internet access around NYC. Last night we made our first field research if you may to find a spot I read about on the while surfing the net. I found this list on the net that list many hotspots around Manhattan. Another was a directory of sort that list hotspots by state and city. Some of those hotspots are free or public but most are either private or paid.

With Xango and Tarwa in toe, Donald and I set out to find that hotspot in Union Square Park. We found out both Starbucks and Mc Donalds are leading the way in providing access for their clienteles for a fee or for a limited use time with a pruchase. While seating at McD. for a meal we detected quite a few signals but none of which was the public one we expected. Since both of our laptops are equipped with extreme airport card, we had no problem detecting many signals. The Mc D. where we ate has access however is not free. Of course we detected the signal coming from Starbucks next door as well as Verizon and two other signals none of which we could use.

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Posted by pynyc at 04:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

February 08, 2004

Haiti At A Cross Road Yet Again!

My heart could not be any heavier these days due to the continuing unrest in Haiti. In a year when Haiti and its people should be celebrating the 200th anniversary, the country again find itself in a serious political mess, rising poverty, bloodsheds and countless of other social ills. The recent accounts resonate a new aspects in this current turn of events where cities are now control by rebels or supporters of the oppositions. These are the saddest days yet for Haiti. I am afraid that there is a high potential for the political unrest in Haiti to escalate from civil unrest to civil war the like of that we witnessed in Liberia. It seems that Haiti is fastly becoming the stage where similar scene could easily takes a life of its own. And if we let that happen may the punishment for our apathy be swift and severe on us all.

Here are some interesting readings from various sources that I want to share for all those that want to understand the dynamics of these protests against the goevernment of Jean Bertrand Aristide. I want to cue your attention to Randall Robinson's essay in the Christian Science Monitor.

I want to also praise Ray Garraud of Haiti Pundit for the dedication and commitment in keeping the cyber space and the blog universe well inform about Haiti. Here is a list of some interesting read:

Black Commentator

Dissident Voice

Haiti Progres

I am currently working on my own opinion piece about the situation in Haiti. I am highly critical of the usual suspects and how these characters highjacked a student movement for their own political and economic ambitions. These parasites are none other than your typical incompetent, impotent cretins from many sectors of the ruling class of haitian society - businessmen, wanna-be-bourgeois, politicians and phoney intellectuals and artist manques whose imagination to create had been stiffled by petty insecurities and their illusionary notion of being a priviledge class in a society that they refusr to make a contribution for the better. I must signal that many of the reportings are quite bias and blatantly favorable to the so called oppositions and the foreign interests that sustain, support and empower them.

I was not surprize by fact that the same story appeared in most major news outlets. Whether is the BBC or Agence France Press, The New York Times or the Associate Press the tone of the stories written about Haiti never stem far from each other. More evident of such practice is how a particular reporter's bilines appear in various newspapers around the United States a direct result of deregulations that allow major corporations own as many media outlets as possible.

Until Next Time!


Posted by pynyc at 11:54 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

January 26, 2004

Introducing Xangó (Shango - Chango)

Pictures of my baby to come hopefuly in the near future. Until then, here is picture of G4 iBook as it appears on the apple store's site


This is what an alter for Shango the diety looks like.

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Posted by pynyc at 09:05 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)