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Do EU anti-terrorist plans give the "Superstate" too much power?
by RaveWar

Scholarships for Theology Students
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We are sheep
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Alright, This Is All Fine And Dandy, But...30 March 2004. Entry 2.
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The Screen House
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Conceptual Coherence in a Ravaged Land (MLP)

By skyknight
Tue Mar 30th, 2004 at 09:36:59 AM EST


American soldiers shut down a popular Baghdad newspaper on Sunday and tightened chains across the doors after the occupation authorities accused it of printing lies that incited violence.

How can the US take such actions while simultaneously trying to serve as models to Iraqi citizens? Should we not be leading by example, meeting slanderous lies head on with rebutting print of our own, instead of hypocritically turning the army on those who publish odious contortions of fact?

Full Story (210 comments, 346 words in story)

The Fall of the Fourth Amendment (MLP)

By craigd
Mon Mar 29th, 2004 at 05:08:14 AM EST


The Fourth Amendment protects US citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. In Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi, however, the requirement that police obtain warrants before searching a building is under attack.

Full Story (120 comments, 222 words in story)

Japanese for Nerds (II) (Culture)

By rtmyers
Fri Mar 26th, 2004 at 09:47:27 AM EST


This is the second article in the series "Japanese for Nerds". We will introduce a stack-based Japanese computer language, the notion of keyword parameters in Japanese, and give a BNF description of Japanese. We will also present two of the key recursive grammar rules which make Japanese so easy for nerds.

Full Story (77 comments, 2410 words in story)

"Under God" Under Scrutiny (MLP)

By cestmoi
Thu Mar 25th, 2004 at 04:55:53 PM EST


Michael Newdow argued before the United States Supreme Court that his daughter should not be forced to recite the phrase "under God." Linda Greenhouse, a New York Times reporter and Amanda Butler, a student at the University of Chicago, posted their impressions of Newdow's presentation.

Full Story (516 comments, 379 words in story)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the mythical memory videotape (Culture)

By kirkjobsluder
Wed Mar 24th, 2004 at 07:05:36 AM EST


Most of the movies that focus on editing memory have depended on a badly aged "brain as computer" metaphor. The memory is rewound to the key point in time, edited, something new added, and nobody knows better. More recent research suggests that memory is mutable, the process of remembering an act of re-creation, and memories are intimately tied to emotion and physical sensation as much as story and image. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of the few films that has managed to take advantage of some of the storytelling possibilities of recent advances in memory research.

Full Story (80 comments, 1439 words in story)

The Outsourcing Bogeyman (MLP)

By R Mutt
Tue Mar 23rd, 2004 at 09:33:17 PM EST


Foreign Affairs' Daniel Drezner has a fascinating article on the myths of outsourcing jobs overseas. Contrary to popular belief, offshoring fell in 2003 and domestic IT job market is not shrinking. Drezner's view is that self-interested consultancies, opportunistic politicians and gullible journalists are combining to produce a phantom menace.

Also see a critique and Drezner's rebuttal on his blog.

Full Story (202 comments, 547 words in story)

Switching from PHP to Zope/Python (Technology)

By salimfadhley
Tue Mar 23rd, 2004 at 05:18:06 PM EST


Occasionally, when working with computers, you get to experience a completely new way of thinking about problems long thought solved. Rarer still does one find a new set of solutions that are so well thought out and integrated that older approaches seem clumsy by comparison.

Recently I discovered Zope, and having understood its principles I decided to abandon my years of PHP experience in pursuit of a better way.

Full Story (123 comments, 2427 words in story)

Activist Congressmen Try a Power Grab (Politics)

By IsaacW
Sun Mar 21st, 2004 at 04:20:20 PM EST


Take a look at HR 3920, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 9, 2004. The bill, titled the "Congressional Accountability for Judicial Activism Act of 2004," would grant Congress the right to overturn the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court "to the extent that [they concern] the constitutionality of an Act of Congress." A two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress would be required to overturn such a decision; this is the same condition applied to overturning a Presidential veto of legislation. The bill is currently in committee.

The ability to declare laws unconstitutional is an important check on the Legislature. Under the current scheme of judicial review, it is not in the best interest of the Legislature to pass laws that are likely to be immediately challenged and struck down by the Supreme Court. Any Supreme Court decision that found a law unconstitutional would be in conflict with the opinion of the Legislature. Therefore, it is likely that any such decision would be overturned under the authority granted by this bill, effectively removing the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional. This power grab would destroy one of the most important powers of the Judiciary in the United States.

Full Story (189 comments, 699 words in story)

Mortal Passage (Fiction)

By localroger
Fri Mar 19th, 2004 at 04:34:48 PM EST

You Know...

This is the third major story set in the universe of Passages in the Void and The Passage Home. This work stands on its own pretty well but will have more impact if you are familiar with the first two stories. I recently wrote a fourth story set in this universe, Rite of Passage, but since it doesn't (as many readers noted) maintain the epic scale of the others I consider it a side story to what is now a trilogy.

Full Story (150 comments, 13194 words in story)

Rumsfeld Caught Lying on "Face the Nation." (MLP)

By Kyle
Thu Mar 18th, 2004 at 10:30:25 AM EST


On CBS's "Face the Nation" on March 14, 2004, United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said that he hadn't used the phrase "immediate threat" to describe the situation in Iraq and that President Bush hadn't either.

Thomas Friedman of CBS then presented Rumsfeld with quotes from September 2002 where he did describe the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq as an "immediate threat." Rumsfeld's response was that we may still find that they really were an immediate threat after all.

MoveOn.org has a video available which cuts off before Rumsfeld finishes his response.You can also read the full transcript from CBS (PDF), or there is a partial transcript below.

Full Story (285 comments, 406 words in story)

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Front Page

Wednesday March 17th
o Why I Like PLT Scheme (236 comments)

Tuesday March 16th
o (11-M) A chronicle of the four most intense days in Spain (419 comments)

Monday March 15th
o Sedna Puts Light On: What is a Planet? (119 comments)

Saturday March 13th
o British Camp Delta Detainee Speaks Out (479 comments)

Wednesday March 10th
o GNU Screen: an introduction and beginner's tutorial (188 comments)

Tuesday March 9th
o A new way to save the World: The Copenhagen Consensus (203 comments)

Sunday March 7th
o Congrats Rusty (245 comments)

Saturday March 6th
o What Books have Influenced Your Life? (411 comments)

Sunday February 29th
o Let's amend the US Constitution! (514 comments)
o Dutch Gov't Wants to Shutdown Pirate Radio Before It Can be Legalized (38 comments)
o A Verilog Introduction for Hackers (80 comments)

Friday February 27th
o Japanese for Nerds (I) (272 comments)

Thursday February 26th
o A Prolog Introduction for Hackers (126 comments)
o Wikipedia publishes 500,000 articles in 50 languages (98 comments)

Wednesday February 25th
o The Hydrogen Economy - Green Nirvana or a Pipe Dream? (277 comments)

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