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User:hounds_of_hell (1018232) hounds_of_hell
Hounds Of Hell
Don't Let The Name Fool You....
Name:A Community Gone to the PitBulls
Website:pit bull registry, our fav web site!

This is a community for those who love PitBulls, who own them, or want to own one. Here we are ANTI-FIGHTING and ANTI-STEREOTYPING, and are here to share pictures and/or stories about the Pits we call our best friends (or kids).

This Community is run by Toxic and Corona, and a new addition Ruby (maintained by ToxicBlackHeart).

Toxic is a 3 year old American Pit Bull Terrier, and Corona & Ruby are 3 year old Red Nose American Pit Bulls. (yeah our mom made a community for us)

so feel free to join and post pics, or stories, or information about, regarding to, or of PitBulls and Pit mixes.
Interests:18: am pits, am staffs, american pit bull terriers, american staffordshire terriers, anti-fighting, anti-stereotypes, bull terriers, corona, dog food, pit bull, pit bulls, pitbull, pitbulls, staffordshire bull terriers, staffordshire terriers, toxic, toys, walks. [Modify yours]
Members:155: 2_broken_wings, _fetus_, _omelette, adroit, ahkahna, alegna_326, alwaysaa, anais2, archatos, askingmetobleed, atomic___, aurastifa, autumn_shining, badkitttie, bair, bananas4monkees, bladezbratt, bluuthunder, broken_veins, cat_like_steps, chemmie, cmariewt, cottonmanifesto, cutiebearkatie, daisyfair, desperateopiate, devilshalo13, dragondream, drdouglasp, echofly, eileenmb, elevenphoenix, elfinprincess, emujockey, evilcyberdoll, fallenstar6299, fenox, fleurette, gdaysunshine, gekko, gingerdc9, go_team_me, gonamakeubeagrl, grlsroc, gullsgirl, hellsangel1020, hertoxicheart, hesu, iiikittie, ilovedogs17, irwin88, jaxygyrlie, jekisa111, jenifoto, jenilynn, jeweleyes, joia, justchicken, jypsie, kidboricua, kkbb, kmfroggi, ladybyrd, lalalauren013, lavenderluna, lemonjelly, leona_com, likawardscello, lindaslaments, lindseylatch, luckyme2, lunaticfringes, luroz, mafucka, magicpoison, mamiyaman_16, mamopicha, manav, manhandlerb, marymoon, mazzytermite, medraught, megalion, metalkat, metallicabyss, miss_twilight, missa_gorightry, muridae, musiklovr3, n0t_the_thing, nettie73, nobedofroses, norelevance, nsrottie, nycsunshine, nytemare, ocean_woofer, opheliasphoenix, pac, pancreas_sarah, peepee_mouf, pelon, perdts, phillynurse, pitbull_, pitbull_kisses, poprockgrrl, pretend_prep, punkie143rk, ravaenwolf, raye_kitty, roguerider, saffkat, sandiegogal, sashamae, sead8ted, seaheroine, secretsparkles, sheepl, siabrae, smilingcruelty, soluslupa, southofsanity, stephenlank, stephrennea, storrs, suberena, suicidedog, superfallenhero, sweet___misery, tardbot, tattood72, tcbabe, televiser, thedeanna, tigegirl, toxicblackheart, trainingrachel, tviokh, twink138, tybris, urbpan, urnotmyfriend, usethesource, valley_grrl, varushka, wearyaswater, weaselwoman13, whorish, wolfka, word_virus_ss, xalldolledupx, xwhiskeyx, xxlostangeixx, xxxtwistedxxx
Watched by:113: _fetus_, alegna_326, alwaysaa, anais2, archatos, atomic___, badkitttie, bair, bananas4monkees, bladezbratt, bluuthunder, chemmie, cmariewt, cottonmanifesto, cutiebearkatie, daisyfair, desperateopiate, devilshalo13, dragondream, drdouglasp, echofly, elevenphoenix, evilcyberdoll, fallenstar6299, fenox, fleurette, gdaysunshine, gingerdc9, go_team_me, gonamakeubeagrl, gullsgirl, hertoxicheart, hesu, iiikittie, ilovedogs17, irwin88, jaxygyrlie, jenilynn, jeweleyes, kkbb, kmfroggi, ladybyrd, lalalauren013, latrodectra, lavenderluna, leahtard, lemonjelly, leona_com, lindaslaments, lindseylatch, luckyme2, lunaticfringes, luroz, magicpoison, mamopicha, manav, manhandlerb, marymoon, mazzytermite, medraught, megalion, metallicabyss, miss_twilight, missa_gorightry, muridae, musiklovr3, muttnik, n0t_the_thing, nettie73, norelevance, nsrottie, nycsunshine, nytemare, ocean_woofer, pac, pancreas_sarah, peepee_mouf, pelon, phillynurse, pitbull_, poprockgrrl, pozorichse, pretend_prep, roguerider, sandiegogal, sashamae, sead8ted, seaheroine, sheepl, siabrae, soluslupa, southofsanity, stephenlank, stephrennea, storrs, suberena, sweet___misery, tardbot, tattood72, televiser, thedeanna, tigegirl, toxicblackheart, trainingrachel, twink138, tybris, urbpan, usethesource, varushka, weaselwoman13, whorish, word_virus_ss, xwhiskeyx
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