There are a million blogs in the naked city.
Here’s where to find 3306 of them.

Please join us in a project to bring together New York City's blogs:

The New York City Blogger Map.

The idea is simple:
A map of the city that shows where the bloggers are, organized by subway stop. Find out who's blogging in your neighborhood!

There are no rings to join, no code to put on your page. Just fill out this form to add your blog to the map.

You can click on the map to start exploring. The overview map will show you how many blogs are in each borough, and the borough maps will show you how many blogs are at each station. Click on the station to get the list of blogs. You can also browse by subway line, using the buttons on the right. And you can search for a specific blog by name using the search feature.

Site Happenings
Hello 2004!
It's a new year and we're working on getting back on the ball and finally making some of those changes we've been talking about. Last year we foolishly decided that we had lives and now have an insane backlog of blogs to approve. Foolish, indeed.

This year we're working on having a balance between our lives and this site. We've started going through our backlog and are approving and modifying as fast as we can. Because we have quite a bit to catch up on, please allow at least two weeks for your blog changes / approval to take place. If after that time, you've still not gotten a notice from us, feel free to (politely) harrass Liz. She'll look into your problem and get back to you as soon as her day-to-day life allows.

Featured Blogs
Found a blog on this site you think everyone should know about? Interested in reviewing blogs for this site? We're looking for a few good writers to help us bring back our Featured Blogs reviews. Contact us at

Have a newsworthy blogging event? Send us a note letting us know at:

— Liz, 1/16/04

Five Most Recently Added Blogs

Eighth Avenue Local chatterbox: bumping gums daily from the rotten apple
3/23/2004 7:17:51 PM

Central Park West Local / 6 Avenue Express the nonist | zeitgeist: the nonist zeitgeist weblog, links and discussions about the state of culture and the obsessions of humanity. join in.
3/23/2004 7:14:35 PM

Broadway - 7 Avenue Local Poisoned PunchBowl: Thoughts from a Eclectic Greenwich Village lesbian, poet, spoken word artist and Broadway showtune queen.
3/23/2004 7:10:03 PM

14 Street - Canarsie Local Skitty's Journal: My journal is all-inclusive.
3/23/2004 7:00:39 PM

14 Street - Canarsie Local I've got a plan to get us out of here.
3/23/2004 5:54:35 PM

The New York City Blogger Map is brought to you by mike, liz, and matt.

Help keep New York blogging! Donate to the NYC Blogger Map or link back to help spread the word. For a text only index of the blogs listed, click here. For more information on blogs and blogging, click here.

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