Things I dislike |
12:13pm 14/03/2004 |
Thongs on girls that definately shouldn't be wearing them
Strongly opinionated girls
Straight edge elitists
Hair Spray
Religious girls("Western" religions)
"Short" shorts
"Scrunchies"(I don't remember if that's what they're really called)
People that do things because it's the "polite" thing to do
Fake girls
High heels
Bright red lipstick
Introverts(as in boring and not fun, some introverts may be boring and not fun, but not all boring and not fun people are introverts...wait...doesn't sound quite right)
"Large" boobies
Ghetto booty
Girls who tear down other girls to make themselves look better
One piece swimsuits
Baggy clothes
Matching clothes
Sports bras
Fake nails |
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Things I like |
12:00pm 14/03/2004 |
Thongs on girls who have great bodies
Great bodies
Short hair
Hair gel
Piercings/anywhere =P
Girls who like to try new things
Tattoos (lite)
Long legs
Good shoes
Punk/Goth/Skater/Nerds...In that order
Tight jeans
"Medium" boobies
Quirky Insanity
Appreciates opera or classical
Nice eyes
Babydoll t-shirts
Two piece swimsuits
Insecure girls :)
Track pants
Catholic School girls(yes, they differ from religious girls)
Short skirts |
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Kinda |
11:35am 09/03/2004 |
Sorta wanna go to the warped tour. July 3, SF |
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. |
02:00pm 07/03/2004 |
Current Weight/BF: 160 - 9% Lean Mass: 145.6 Fat Mass : 14.4
Weight/BF: 181.5 - 12% Lean Mass: 159.8 Fat Mass : 21.8
Goal Weight/BF: 170 - 6% Lean Mass: 159.8 Fat Mass : 10.2
Blech, that's 22 lbs. About a 3 month goal. Ugh. |
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Wow |
01:13pm 04/03/2004 |
Bush is using footage from sept 11th in his political ads. How fucking stupid and insensitive can you be? Using a tragedy to further your own political ends. Yes, America needs a reminder of all the difficult times that we've been through. Not like we fucking forgot asshat. |
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Hmmm |
07:02pm 03/03/2004 |
My bodyfat is like 8-9 percent now..I'm not too happy with it, I think I'm gonna shoot for 6 |
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. |
09:59am 03/03/2004 |
I'm a very angry angry person |
I don't like |
11:42pm 02/03/2004 |
Black Diamond veery much. I think they're like some band that has dumb songs. They are toolish to the extreme. Not like, cool like tool, but toolish as in not cool. |
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Insomnia |
12:14pm 02/03/2004 |
I was up lying in bed till 5 am this morning. Blech |
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Weener |
02:43pm 01/03/2004 |
Pen15 |
Post |
I've been thinking about it |
06:43pm 28/02/2004 |
and I can't name a single song that wouldn't sound better with a cow bell. Seriously, they can do anything. |
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Lent |
05:45pm 27/02/2004 |
for this lenten season, I'm going to give up food. Not fast like those other pansies, but give up food, entirely. |
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Free money |
01:31pm 27/02/2004 |
I got my check from that record company clas action lawsuit deal. 13.98!
I expect a 50% cut from all those people that I told to sign up. |
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Don't you hate it |
12:14am 25/02/2004 |
When you're pretend to be away, and there's someone you want to talk to, and you're debating whether or not to stop being awayness, and then they log off? |
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Life sucks |
07:59pm 23/02/2004 |
I think I need breast implants to raise my self esteem |
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10:30pm 22/02/2004 |
Todays special fuck you goes out those stupid people at costco who must sample everything, while completely fucking everyone else around them over.
| oooooo| |ooooooo| |ooooooo| |[C]F[S]|__ oooooooo
| = shelves [S] = Sample Table [c] = Stupid persons cart F = Said Fucker o = Assorted pissed off people
In this example said lamer has parked their cart right behind their stupid ass while they get samples from the sample table. Nothing only are they oblivious to the gajiliion people on either side of them trying to get through, but they're also intent on waiting there the whole 20 minutes it takes for their half a spinach quiche to cook!
Two words
Screw you
On a side note, I didn't actually go to costco today, but I've been meaning to write something about this for awhile. |
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If you noticed |
11:14pm 19/02/2004 |
I'm instituting custom away messages about people I know, tonights msg is:
My only regret in this life is having sex with the butt..more the second time then the first.
That's all |
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Oh |
11:14pm 19/02/2004 |
That last screw you, that was for Travis's benefit..only |
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Rant |
10:40pm 19/02/2004 |
Mom: (Random hippy anti american pacifist slogan) Me: What's that mean? Mom: It means I don't like Bush very much Me: Why not? Mom: I just don't like his foreign policy Me: What specifically about his policy don't you like? Mom: ... Me: Anything in particular? Mom: He made us go to war with Iraq Me: I'm pretty sure going to war isn't his foreign policy Mom: (Above hippy anti american pacifist slogan)
The above conversation represent what I hate more then anything. People who just repeat what other people tell them without even knowing what they're talking about.
In this case, I'm sure my mom got this slogan from her church group, and because she's a good catholic, she has to embrace it was fact, and repeats it to everyone she sees. People like this get one idea into their head, and refuse to budge on it, even when they're shown to be wrong by cold hard facts. In this case, it wasn't even that. I just asked what she actually knew about president bush's foreign policy, and she just repeats the same thing over and over.
I'm all up for debate. There's nothing I respect more then strong beliefs, but if they can't back up what they're saying, they just end up dumbing down everyone else, polluting the world with their stupid superficial tardness.
Anyways, there is a pertinent point to this. This same conversation has been going on for the past few weeks, just change the topic to Gay marriage, the Death penalty, Abortion, etc etc, and its getting pretty tiresome.
Point is, don't talk about shit that you know nothing about.
Wow, these last few posts have been really inintelligible. Screw you |
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The most interesting thing |
10:14pm 19/02/2004 |
I had the most interesting conversation the other night with my mom. It was almost one of those in depth dealios, you know the kind right? Anyways, with my parents, those are always great awkward fun, over dinner no less.
So anyways, we were having dinner and the news of course is covering the whole gay marriage shindig in the background, and my mom suddenly says "Do you know and gay" (Exact wording even!!) 'How do you feel about gay marriage?' "Do you know any lesbians?"
Anyways, that was pretty ridiculous. I don't know if managed to get that across, but yeah.
Anyways, she subtley hinted that she thought the whole thing, being gay, gay marriage, etc etc was bad bad bad, and because she thought that way, I should think that way too.
There's a point to this, just not in this post. To be continued. |
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